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Treasure House Escape Walkthrough

Treasure House Escape

Treasure House Escape is a new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Dot. Try to find the treasure hidden in the house and escape the house by gathering the items and solving the puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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new one!!??

There are 2 possible endings in this game depend on whether you collect all treasure or not.

move the flower to match the picture and a door opens somewhere...

Thanks Shuchun!! Canada loves you!!

Yes...Canada loves you. lol

Hi everyone,have fun!

Hint about the desk in the study:
13 blue books
17 red books
so you have to press blue and red button of the desk ......to open the middle drawer

How did you get that far already?? I can't seem to melt the ice on the stove for the next key...any pointers??

Crap...I'm stuck...anyone here to help??

OH.......it's ice! I was wondering what it was.

Any idea what to do with the door knob or the ladder?
....or the ice for that matter.

I turned on the gas by changing the valves, now stove lights.

Wow what a small game! I am stuck in a closet and can't get out!

Nope, got the same stuff but no idea for what...how did you change the knobs for the stove??

sorry...valves, not knobs!!

nevermind...got it!!

       Anonymous  4/14/09, 7:37 PM  

yeah, live=living, real

I went in the closet beside the kitchen (smashed my way in) then played with the gas valves until the gas was on for stove

im out? lol

got into a whole lot more rooms but not getting far...

oh guess other ending is treasure

you find anything in the bathroom Sunshine??

has anyone used the ladder?

oops...didn't want to get like that!! Off to try it again I guess!!

Anyone figure out the clock in the bedroom?

I already escaped through the scale room
How do you get the other ending?

       Anonymous  4/14/09, 7:46 PM  

out, that was fun...i do believe there are multiple endings

ladder used upstairs, clock see piano room

I could only open & close the toilet mumma.
Ladder is to bridge the gap when you are upstairs.
I had a room open on the left side upstairs, now it won't open. ..I think, or else I'm just confused. I'm definately STILL LOCKED IN. lol

stuck after getting 2 cogs, no more items in inventory...

I still have a lighter, the ladder, and the door knob...still lots of rooms left unopened...might take us a while!!

i have 4 of them the door knob is used on sliver door up stairs where used ladder

How did you guys get in the left most door upstairs open?? I must have missed something...

And out!

just starting, good evening evry1

You can get a door knob off the left door in the VERY FIRST room

I used the lighter in the fireplace...can't REMEMBER where the fire place was, but I definately used it there!

Gonna try to restart. I seemed to have run into a bug with a key. The one from the scale room, opened an upstairs door, now the door won't open again, but I go back and get the key again, but it doesn't show up in inventory. humpfffff

mumma - I am in the same spot. I must be missing a key somewhere?

i have the treasure now i forgot where the exit is lol

That would be the one I missed...thanks sunshine!! Tinagoof...did you get that key??

hmm... no more spaces in inventory. guess it's time to go out XD

yay i found the exit

Or not...that one doesn't open anything so far...huh...

Yes, thanks Sunshine. I finally found the fireplace. I thought it was just a nook in the wall

well......I restarted, and accidentally escaped out of the scale room. Never even crossed over upstairs. lol. Gonna try again.
(never accidentally escaped before!)

i'm in the bathroom, got hammer, key, put box on top of each other, not sure what else to do in there...

Where upstairs do you use the ladder?

Mumma it worked on a door that was back in the first hallway.

k...I changed the clock to 7 and the picture behind it changed...not sure why...

Mumma - Go back to piano room now.

i got the ice cube with the key inside ontop of pan on stove. turned on the "water heater but can't melt ice cube, any ideas???

k, so I've got most of the rooms open now, but I am only holding a knob left in my inventory...what do I do with that??


I used the knob on the door upstairs in the big clock room and it took me out to a deck? Still have not escape though. Now all I have is a red rock or something?

Did anyone figure anything out with the colored buttons on the desk in the office?

I AM missing the last gear though...does it have anything to do with the code thing upstairs that I can't seem to get??

Tinagoof...if you push the blue and red bottons, the drawer in the middle right will open in the desk...gives you a key

o and the red rock is a gem for a moose in another room...it's his eye

can anyone help me with the thing with the numbers on it in the room with the 2 statues??

got it!!

yay!!! Out with the treasure!!

       Anonymous  4/14/09, 8:17 PM  

mumma click the numbers available then the red button

ok so i have nothing in my inventory and have used all gears and still have one room unlocked well 2 including the one with the moose. and yes ive used the knob... now what?!?!

       Anonymous  4/14/09, 8:18 PM  

Mumma did you get all the doors unlocked?

I am close...same place where you are keely jean

where do you use the ladder???

Again, can anyone tell me where to use the ladder upstairs?

Ya, I'm pretty sure...I would feel really dumb right now if I didn't...huh...I REALLY don't want to start all over again to find out...I know I got the treasure though!!

       Anonymous  4/14/09, 8:22 PM  

well... the clock thing has moved up after i put in all the gears and what i think is the treasure... i clicked it and disappeared.

Now i still have the door with the globe in front of it to the right of the moose... and the metal door with the grimy handprints all over the walls

sorry nanna-bug, if you get the left most door open in the first hallway, it leads to a room above the clock...there is a gap from one hall to the next where you lay the ladder down over the gap to get to the other side

does anyone want to help? i'm stuck with just ladder and still have big block of ice with key in it on the stove- any hints how to melt it?

       Anonymous  4/14/09, 8:23 PM  

nanna upstairs theres a big gap you place it on that to get across.

When you get to the upstairs balcony, and there is a hole in the floor, use the ladder to bridge the gap

Me too! Not sure what to do. I have gone back and reclicked everywhere.

That was the treasure Keely

       Anonymous  4/14/09, 8:24 PM  

michele smash down door in kitchen to left and flip all the knobs "on"

theres a picture to show which way above them

michele - in the first room there is a hammer on the floor...you can break through the wall/door in the kitchen and turn on the stove in the next room.

michele-with-pug...did the light on the furnace turn red??

Block of ice on stove....you smash your way into the room to the left of the stove, then fiddle with the gas valves until you get a red light on the gas tank, then you can go back and turn on the stove.

mumma - how do we get out now?

       Anonymous  4/14/09, 8:25 PM  

damn thats not fun!!!

i wanna see ALL the rooms.


but not really i like this game :-D

       Anonymous  4/14/09, 8:25 PM  

1 door locked no items in inventory...what next? n e ideas?

Tina - I just went out the scales door....that's the only exit I know of...

thx guys. yes the red light is on, but when i clik the stove nothing happens, how do i turn it on?

did you try just clicking on the ice cube??

keely or mumma, can you help. I am stuck to get out. Have treasure and used everything in inventory. I am in the scale room? Not sure if it has something to do with rock but I can't get it to stay anywhere?

nvm the stupid stove just turned on-

Nvmd - DUH - I must be tired. Put rock in box. I think there is rocks in my head!

@Tinagoof.....put the rock in the box on the right. (I think)

Anything else before I take off guys??

I exited out the scale room. Once with treasure, once without. Has anyone exited out the door with the globe, or any other door for that matter?

PS....if you are going to play again, I would recommend closes the game and reloading. If you use the retry button (at least I assume it says retry) the game seems a little buggy when you go back.

what do i need to do in the room with the toilet?

actually....I would recommend CLOSING the game, not closes. Ok....it's late, obviously I need to go to bed. Thanks everyone.

I never managed to do anything in the toilet room except open and close the toilet lid Michele. Did anyone else accomplish anything there, or maybe it was just a scheduled bathroom break!

@Sushine-lol!!!! so i just have ladder and haven't done anything with clock, how do i change the time??

nothing in the bathroom...I think they thought there should just be one in this huge house!!

I found a boomerang in the box

Off to chill guys and gals...see ya next game!!

I don't understand where to used ladder??Help pleas

chris when you get upstairs, you use the ladder to go across the hole in the floor so u can pass to the other side of the room.

btw i refreshed the game page instead of the comments page, so i had to start all over.

anyone know what the red dot i picked up is for?

Use hint comment 6 get the key open door in clock right side back enter scale room put stone on right small scale door opens your out with no treasure and did not use red stone

All treasure
- statue of the goddess in the 2-statues room
- jewel in the big clock in the hall
- jewel of orange in the scale room
- clock in the piano room

walkthrough..I think I need help lost and lock in...

what hole where the hole, I got upstair and try ladder everywhere but nothing....

i only have one cog left to find, i did open a door to outside, but didn't go out. used red gem in mooses eye,
now stuck.

chris use it upstairs horizontally across the floor directly infront of clock over the hole inn floor

If I remember correct you need a key in the piano room.

ok where's piano key, I got a key from scale room but does not work anywhere..lost still

code for picture inroom with statues please! i know it refers to the library books, but can't get it......help!

ok I wait until tomorrow hopefully there will be a walkthrough..

Did you enter the code in the 2-statue room?

chris play piano keys till you pull up the right order for red dot, star, cloud-like hint in green book on book shelf
then u will get key

@xenon, no, that's what i need! i have some number clues, but can't seem to work it out tonight-too tired i guess. waht are the numbers?

Only enter the valid number on the picture.
ie. except 0

@xenon, got it thx!!!! got treasure , but disappeared from my inventory1 and do i not get to fix clock before i exit???

Treasure does not appear in the inventory :(
Only a message appears.

I'm stuck with Chris, 1 key from the scale room and two doors yet to open...1 upstairs LH end and 1 in the first hallway.

xenon, did you ever get the door with the dirty knob open??

@martin did you get key from piano?
key from mouse head?

No,the door didn't open.
If you collect all treasure and exit,
you will get a big "END" after several clicks.

did you get key from picture with red moon on it?

Michele, I think those things are in one of the rooms I can't open...unless I'm doing something completely wrong, which is very possible. I knew I shouldn't of had that last glass of red last night.

i just got END not sure why. collected treasure in clock, treasure in picture, had red gem but put it in mouse head, didn't really see orange gem tho..

@martin, this game is so hard to keep track of in posts, tell me what have you done so far, then i can help-btw- i'm on my second glass of white wine!:)

Maybe you've already found the orange gem:)
It's very easy to find it in the scale room.

Out of the first room, key and hammer from closet, key into clock room, hammer on wall, ladder & key from ice block, key into stairwell, upstairs, key from drawer (thx Shuchun)& lighter, downstairs, key to scales room, got key & treasure and door out opens...stuck with key now.

Oh, and changed picture in bedroom using the clock.

Partial walk through
first room -
door knob
move flower from left vase to right vase

second room /hallway
grey door
pull switch on floor turn on light
move box of rocks on to lower left grey panel on floor
turn levers on wall to open curtain- get hammer, key on shelves

go right to last door and use key

room with clock and cogs
go into door on upper left of =screen with two round windows -kitchen
break ice wall on left with hammer
go into room and turn on gas. look at wall drawing for way to turn all levers, get red light on tank
back to kitchen
open refrig- get ice block with key
place on stove and clik- it should melt ice

get key from ice, also get ladder from room with gas tank

sorry my computer lost blogger site again!
clock room
get treasure from bottom of clock
use key for lower right door go into hallway continue right enter bedroom (only door you can open)
change time on clock to 7:00
exit go right to stairway, go upstairs
go thru doors, go left
enter library
count red, yellow and white books
click green book in center shelf and notice order
red dot, yellow star, white cloud
zoom in on desk
press blue and red button,
open second drawer on right and get key

go back downstairs to clock room use new key on upper right door enter scale room
pick up rock on lower right floor place on scale get key,
take rock off scale place in rock box on right on get orange jewel from wall- don't go out the opened door yet unless u want to end game

Thank Shuchun, loving this game, just wished I could zoom....

Been playing for a while, and have a red disc that I dont know what to do with?
Hi Martin...

forgot to tell u to pick up lighter in library room from table----

exit scale room go rigth thru hallway to end and enter bedroom again
use ligther on fireplace on left get key
go left thru clock room and left again use key from fireplace on door enter piano room
piano room
grab clock contraption from wall
click on piano play keys unteil you se symbols pop up
notice which keys pop up symbols, then play keys in order from green book
red dot, star, cloud
get key from wall

No worries found out where to put it! This is fun!

Oh..that's a fireplace!! doh! >< Thanks Michele, it must be getting late for you so I appreciate the help.

G'day Red how ru?

has anyone gotten rid of the globe yet? also, has anyone else gotten a boomerang?

i put the weighted box in the first closet you access in the game. it locked the left side curtain in that closet, what else does it do? anyone have a clue?

sorry to do wt like this, but keep losing blogger site!!!

back upstairs and go left all the way until you reach locked door -use key and enter
place ladder on gap in floor to craoos over to other side
enter door on lower left
use key on first steel door enter and go all the way till you see mouse head room- later u will put the red gem in mooses eye

How do i get out of the closet???

exit moose room go left all the way enter room pick up red gem from floor, go back to moose room and place in eye -get key

exit moose room go left all the way enter room pick up red gem from floor, go back to moose room and place in eye -get key

go back to ladder and clock hallway enter door on upper right with new key
statue room
pick up cog from box
turn statues to face each other
go to panel on right wall
press every number but the 0
press red button
get second cog
go down to clock room and place cogs on wall

keep going michele - i'm following you

Im where your are Michele, still 2 rooms, a clog to go cant find any thing else.

make that 2 clogs to go

well guys, my computer/internet is acting funky- so someone esle will have to finsh the walk thru from here- hope i was helpful

the door with the grimy/dirty knob, never opens and i believe you get something fromm the clock (maybe treasure) when you put the cogs in but i don't remember and the game just froze up on me- so sorry to leave youll hangin!

oh sorry
in statue room also click on painting it will open and you get a statue

the only room left to open is upstairs in hallway with ladder and clock in the upper left and that is the outside terrace, you will find the last cog there,

but without being able to unfreeze my game i can't tell you where the key is- can someone else finish ti?

You're doing a tough job Michele and it must be getting reeeeealy late now. I was out after I found it was a fireplace and the rest of it was fairly straight forward...thanks again Michele.

all right all this is the info all together

first room -
door knob
move flower from left vase to right vase

second room /hallway
grey door
pull switch on floor turn on light
move box of rocks on to lower left grey panel on floor
turn levers on wall to open curtain- get hammer, key on shelves

go right to last door and use key

room with clock and cogs
go into door on upper left of =screen with two round windows -kitchen
break ice wall on left with hammer
go into room and turn on gas. look at wall drawing for way to turn all levers, get red light on tank
back to kitchen
open refrig- get ice block with key
place on stove and clik- it should melt ice

clock room
get treasure from bottom of clock
use key for lower right door go into hallway continue right enter bedroom (only door you can open)
change time on clock to 7:00
exit go right to stairway, go upstairs
go thru doors, go left
enter library
pick up lighter in library room from table----
count red, yellow and white books
click green book in center shelf and notice order
red dot, yellow star, white cloud
zoom in on desk
press blue and red button,
open second drawer on right and get key

go back downstairs to clock room use new key on upper right door enter scale room
pick up rock on lower right floor place on scale get key,
take rock off scale place in rock box on right on get orange jewel from wall- don't go out the opened door yet unless u want to end game

exit scale room go rigth thru hallway to end and enter bedroom again
use ligther on fireplace on left get key
go left thru clock room and left again use key from fireplace on door enter piano room
piano room
grab clock contraption from wall
click on piano play keys unteil you se symbols pop up
notice which keys pop up symbols, then play keys in order from green book
red dot, star, cloud
get key from wall

back upstairs and go left all the way until you reach locked door -use key and enter
place ladder on gap in floor to craoos over to other side
enter door on lower left
use key on first steel door enter and go all the way till you see mouse head room- later u will put the red gem in mooses eye

exit moose room go left all the way enter room pick up red gem from floor, go back to moose room and place in eye -get key

go back to ladder and clock hallway enter door on upper right with new key
statue room
pick up cog from box
turn statues to face each other
go to panel on right wall
press every number but the 0
press red button
get second cog
in statue room also click on painting it will open and you get a statue
go down to clock room and place cogs on wall

the only room left to open is upstairs in hallway with ladder and clock in the upper left and that is the outside terrace, you will find the last cog there,

but without being able to unfreeze my game i can't tell you where the key is- can someone else finish ti?
the door with the grimy/dirty knob, never opens

you're very welcome martin!!! can you just add the last bits to finish the walkthru for future players?
I'm going to bed now - my game won't unfreeze and it's too late to start again!

Upstairs with clock, the far left hand door opens with the knob from the first room. Last two cogs from the terrace, go downstairs to the clockroom, fit them and get treasure. Out through the scales room.

cheers michele & Martin - filled in my brain gaps nicely!

Oh, wow!! This must be the cutest and most interesting new game in a very, very long time :D Can't wait 'til the evening to play this... :D

end of the game
-place all cogs and take box you will see
-put 7 on little clock a press red button, picture will change ... then go to the room with same picture and take another box you will see
-go to the room with scale (significance, stroke weight,weighbridge, weight) there is fruit on the floor so put it to the box on the right side and door will open

I hope you will understand my bad english. Have fun. Velkev

I forget to say that must go to the another room where are little clock with picture.

Hello Shuchun. I love all your work on posting the and finding the new games, I also like the new web design.

I am a long time player who follows the games, I just don't post much, this is my second time to post. I am still trying to figure out how to post.

I am trying to play this new one but I am having problems trying to get in.... seems like i have to log in? I don't know where to click to start?

I love everyones posts, feel like I know you all. thanks for all your help and love all the comments, by the way.... I love to 'wOOHOO.....a new game too!'

My pleasure and thx for your visiting.
you dont have to log in to play this game what you have to do is to click "play this game" to start this game[ i think the link is busy right now so you have to try many times to start this game]:)
See you in next live games.

Do you have an alternate link?

i post an alternative link so please try it again.

there must be a glitch in my game i cant find a treasure in the clock nor can i grab anything from the wall in the piano room other than the key

       Anonymous  4/15/09, 1:20 PM  

anyone know what that Cyndi Lauper ad on the right of the game says?

After getting gem, I can't go back in moose room. Buggy???

And I have no treasure in clock.

Treasure Treasure what TREASURE?

me too , no returna to da moose room

i vote buggy, somebody call the orkin man

please someone print a walkthrough that explains not confuse i still cant find the clock treasure or clock contraption off of wall in piano room thanks to anyone who has a heart for us goonygoogoos

This was fabulous game.

I tried it before.. but was too buggy and couldn't get in.

I just started it a little while ago.. and finished it.

I like that it wasn't too many rooms (so that you forget where you've already been)....the codes were simple enough for me to work out by myself.

And I like the tips you guys left for when my brain froze.

More like this pls Shuchun

how do i open the double door to the balcony i have a key but it wont open nothing

working link

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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