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Japanese April Walkthrough

Japanese April

Japanese April is another new point and click type room escape game by No1game. Again you need to point and click on right places and do right things to find the "April confectionery" and perform the "April song". Good luck and have fun!

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Hello, do I detect an echo in here??

       Anonymous  5/25/09, 10:21 PM  


Hello all....anyone here?

hi all

a live one?

Wow, I never get in on live games!!

one card is on the clock

ok the little music guys said they would change something for me but i dont know what to give them...

loading loading loading

       Anonymous  5/25/09, 10:30 PM  

ok I have a E and AM signs(used)rice, leaf, and 2 bowls. stuck

Hi all, just startin!!

Hi megipoland, haven't had a chance to say hi when you've been on. I've been the very last one lately, now I'm outta school for a week!! lol

I have the two signs,(used), one leaf, two bowls, and the rice flour. Now I am stuck.

       Anonymous  5/25/09, 10:33 PM  

yea! i made it for a live one! :) i'll try and catch up.

wow...im super stuck. got both letter things and two bowls and now...nada.

hi greenmama, nice to see you! good luck!

Anyone have the code for the padlock yet? I cant seem to find anything that looks like being a code.

use those chords on the colorful people

I am in the same spot. Tried playing the notes after using the signs. nothing yet

hey hey hey new game!!!!!

i got the am sign thing to work (but didnt get anything from it) but i cant get the e sign.

       Anonymous  5/25/09, 10:37 PM  

changed rice into dough

am chord gives the dough (give them the rice)

green leaf on cherry flowers, rice in drawer

ok, how do you do the sharp/flat?

@ greenmama: good question!!!!!!!!

Okay, I read music and play instruments, and I can't figure this out! :(

argh! new game started as i played old one, hate that!

Hi maxi!! long time no see either!! I'm out from school for a week!!

anyone any further?

greenmama please explain how you did that not working for me

how do you get the low notes

am chord
second to last, first, third

       Anonymous  5/25/09, 10:45 PM  

oh! the sharp is on the recipe card. click on it so you can do the E chord.

ok am stuck with dough leaf and 2 bowls...anyone got more?

ty lady!! was just gonna check that again!

greenmama I did that. What is supposed to happen?

whoa, they were happy after the E chord, lol

they were happy! but what do we do now?

lori, click on "Can I see your magical power"
then do the chord, then give them rice, they give you dough
If you don't have the "Can I see magical power", click on "who are you"

       Anonymous  5/25/09, 10:50 PM  

oh on the recepe there is a #

so the antennas are the traditional hairdo in the 16th century, roman numeral?

nope, XVI doesn't work for the lock........hhhhmmmmmmmm

gather their 'sweet' in the small bowl

what is the patch thing on the leg on the middle right side of the cabinet?

@ hannah: huh?

they say they 'sweEt' not sweat so give them small bowl and it fills with sweet

ooohhhhh i got it noe hannah!! lol!

hey, found something on desk, on mid right, there's rectangles w/X's

when the men are crying, highlight little bowl and click on them

Sometimes these codes seem so vague...

which turns the bowl sweet, but we need 'salt' water....

       Anonymous  5/25/09, 10:59 PM  

i can't figure out the code, or what that rectangle/x thing is either. :/

why is it that every time I catch a live game, my hubby wants us to head to bed? not fair! *pout*

well, happy gaming and I hope you all figure it out. :)


Okay, i thought maybe the upper case letters in the sweat/sweet message might be the code, but that didn't pan out either

bye ladyofsinging

hmm.. i think the clue means it is the 1st, 3rd and 5th letter of something, but i still can't figure out the code

Also tried comparing x's on cabinet to treble and bass clefs and using note names where the yellow spots were...

has anyone fiqured out the code yet


kt, we're workin on it

im trying also

there is a new escape, but i really want to finish this one first..

Good Luck all! I give up until tomorrow! :)

does anyone have any ideas?

Please anyone! It keeps telling me that the cord doesn't inspire us. I hit red,green blue for A

...green blu and purple for AM where is the num sign?

       Anonymous  5/25/09, 11:33 PM  

Thats a C chord. For a hit the pink (next to last) two times, then red then green.

Oh thank u sarsmi I finally made the damn dough. Thank u. I'm awful with music!!

for #, look on recipe sheet

Now what do I have to do it again for the E? and if so where do I find the num sign? It's not appearing on my keyboard either.

recipe sheet is in top cupboard, # sign is on it
then go to the colorful people, click 3rd guy, then #, then 5th guy, then 7th guy, then go

I have no idea about anything else yet.....

Got it! Now I have the sweet!

we still need lock code, we're lost at this point

For Salty water, follow instruction on upper locked cabinet. Notes are e, f, g or green, orange, blue. Then click on them with the large bowl when they make a sour face (such a discord!)and get salty water.

After you get salty water, add the leaf...wait...then take leaf.

atapth, how did you figure that out?

Ugh, I've tried every 5 letter word in the recipe, April, score, music, sharp, not to mention the actual music notes themselves. I'm stumped for the lock code. did the goddess have a name?

we still need combo lock, any ideas on that atapth?

Can read notes (barely) and tried what I thought were notes on the upper cabinet. It worked.

Looking for clues now.

ha, didn't think of it, I wondered what they were!

haha, got your message greenmama, thanks!
i have been switching back and forth the whole time, but still need code...

@greenmama, the label on the right side of the cabinet must have something to do with the code, but what?

@atapth 5 letter word letters 1, 3, 5 I think.

What notes ataph? As I said earlier my music knowleddge sucks!!

See comment 78, plus I tried ace, bdf, etc...nuttin!

I tried X X X, but didn't work. Could the code be notes? By that I mean, each letter would only go from A - G and not use the higher letters.

Nope, tried it.

@ Maria. Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Note and look at written notes. This is the best way to understand it. If you need more info, let me know.

just curious, does everyone's clock have their own time zone in it? thats kinda neat

Atapth please, what did you use on the upper cabinet?

The upper cabinet is locked, but you can see through the glass. The notes are on the right upper side next to the sour face. See #75

I'm not sure about this one, I'm not out of other one yet either lol

Nope. Not the faintest idea. No matter how much I look them up in Wiki I still don't get the combo. U said about the upper cabinet. Did you get the key from the notes' guys again?

THESE ARE notes:0 I thought it was some kind of spring. So which notes are they?

I thought it was a spring too, maria.

Look at post #75 for sour face

This comment has been removed by the author.

Sorry guys. I already have the pickled leaf. I thought u were talking about what to do next.


       Anonymous  5/26/09, 12:19 AM  

Any three people in a row should work. You just have to get a "discord"

it happens, maria
we have no idea, the next step is to figure out the combo lock

       Anonymous  5/26/09, 12:20 AM  

I mean any three singing people in a row will get you the salty water

no it doesn't lunicornenoir, I've tried other combos, and it doesn't work

It's only a three letter combo. How about we start using all letters in turn. If we split them it won't take too long.

       Anonymous  5/26/09, 12:24 AM  

Hmm, that's weird they all worked for me. Oh, well.

that could take awhile maria, hmmmmmm, idk

The label of the right side of the cabinet has to be the clue that we need for the lock. It reads:

X on the left side and

< > (yellow box)
< >
< >
< >

dont know if it matters, but the yellow, orange, and pink people make different tones when you click on them (with the three options showing at bottom) and its kinda grose that we're making food with bodily fluids...

code for drawer is:


I've tried Japan, chord, staff, every bloody five letter word that I can associate with this game. Even tried restarting to get the name of the Goddess, I am me.

@antonella how'd you do it???

yup, idk, I've wondered if it were notes from the colorful people, and start at yellow, but it's not working.

How did you come up with that antonella?

And out but I'd like to know how...

is luck!I wanted to try another word (KEY) and on "C" I heard a click...

thanks antonella, i got little magic guys in the mail!

that was a cute ending!!!!

quiz, 2, 1, 1

thanks all!!!!

OUT! Finally made the cake and got my .... mail!!! Still don't know about the combo though.

       Anonymous  5/26/09, 12:43 AM  

I am thinking the KEC comes from the word "check" over on the right. If you turn the gray area on the cabinet on its side, so the XXXXX is the word "ITEMS" then the yellow boxes would be the K, E, and C in CHECK, I think.

i know this song. my dad speaks japanese. how could i not know the notes?

Hi All!
Is there any alternative link, the server is full.....??!

I can't make the dough. I keep trying to give the rice to the little musical bastards, but it's not working. This game is giving me a headache.

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Need sugar too!!!

get the # from the pink paper then play the 3rd, #, 5th and 7th dolls. Click the small cup to the dolls they give you sugar.

how to start the game?
I only have a white window.....
Please help me.

So do I, Cadito : a white window surrounded by advertisements...

Same here... Please somebody help us... Hello btw!

Same here, white screen only

       Anonymous  5/26/09, 4:58 AM  

same here, white screen only.

also same white screen with adverts around it.. cant seem to find a way to start the game :(

am i the only stupid one here? i can't even figure out how to get into this game! i have refreshed a hundred times and still can't figure it out! plez help!

ditto the white screen.

i dont even get the white screen with adverts... all i get is a 404 webpage cannot be found

Same here Kingman

Having link problems...anyone else??

@Chris...link problems for me too. Get an "oops" message. Always love to see those....sigh!

Link not working. Is there an alt?

Someone please get a alt site, love to play please

       Anonymous  5/26/09, 2:38 PM  

Meg: can you provide an alternative site. The one provided just does not work for me (I even tried playing the game on another computer)

Link is broken! Please fix!!

Same here! 404 not found.

Also, is there an easy way to sign into Gotmail? So far it has taken me round in circles without letting me into the games. I have a load of them in a download folder waiting until someone figures this problem out.

can't get in ERROR ;(

its working now!
a bit slow loading but not too bad

It's working now.

erm... how do you get the sakura flower? i been clicking it for more than 100 times

@Innocent...click on the leaf and it will go to your inventory.


For the quiz at the end:
1. Cherry blossom on 100 yen coin
2. "The Cherry Orchard" by Chekov
3. Sakura is for the horse

Drawer Code: KEC
Items to Obtain:
# Symbol
A Small Bowl
A Big Bowl
A Leaf of "Sakura" Cherry Blossom
Red Bean Paste
Glutinous Rice Flour
Red Powder
E Card
AM Card
For Salty Water:
6 Twice, 7 Twice, 1 Once
Use Big Bowl to collect their tears (Salty Water)
For Dough:
6 Twice, 1 Once, 3 Once
Give them Glutinous Rice Flour and they will make Dough.
For Sweet Water (Sugar):
3 Once, # Symbol, 5 Once, 7 Once
Use Small Bowl to collect their Sweet (Sweat).
Follow Recipe for Sakuramochi
Give Sakuramochi to Lady
Question 1: 100 Yen Coin
Question 2: Chekov
Question 3: Horse

where is the # sign? please

the pink paper with the instructions to make the food has # at the top of the paper.. click that

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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