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Gotmail - Red House Walkthrough

Gotmail - Red House

Gotmail - Red House Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Gotmail. In this game, you are locked in a room and you have to search the room for items and some clues to find the way of escape. Good luck and have fun!

Update: English version is available now.

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       Anonymous  5/28/09, 9:54 PM  

hi michele-with-pug, ur having the same problem i'm having with the pen and the white machine on the counter

GNite Michele,
Thank you Feline, that was bugging me. Thought would give different reflection, think I may have misread post.

michelle look at the posts, you must view inside the vanity drawer to see the hole BEFORE you are allowed to bend the pen

yup, thanks guys for all the help

@tangoboy, this code is driving me nuts! Any progress?

Trying to translate 3 symbols from book on desk. Where's Shunchun, Xenon Help!!!

Yes, let's call Shuchun and Xenon! Folks, where are you?! Escape addicts needing help here! We refuse to escape to the embrace of a murderer (or the police, if we are the killers...). Lol!

I can't copy or paste, do you know a good website we can look at some symbols, they seem simple.

@tangoboy, I once saw a note on Nordinho about a site to look for symbols. Let me see if I can find it... Hold on!

Didn't need the computer to escape. Just find the red card, use it on the box next to the door (coat view) and you're out.

where are you stuck at?

       Anonymous  5/28/09, 10:07 PM  

thank you michele-with-pug

3rd symbol WI
2nd symbol WE
1st symbol N but I think combined, still looking....

Shuchun!!! Hi! We are stuck at the code part. Language trouble...

Maybe with E


hi michele! hi feline! hi tangoboy!
Hi everyone...

It took me a lifetime to recall the password to get into this game

you have to
-check the closet first after you turn off the light next to the closet and then use flashlight to see the symbol
-check the back of pc, you will see a green book
-the pc code is red

Hey Myrie,

Yeay Shunchun, you must be an angel, to have heard our prayers, or a total mind reader LOL.

Everyone is out using read card Feline and I think there's more than one way out. Is PC a red herring? I am getting better at translating hahah not so much

Shuchun, thanks!
But if the PC code is red, where do we use the symbols?
I can't read the note on PC, you know...

       Anonymous  5/28/09, 10:15 PM  

Awwww, here I was, stuck with red card trying to get out. Didn't realize you need to turn the button GREEN!
Finally out.

That's what I thought. woo hoo getting closer Feline.

Thank you Shuchun, have a feeling we will still need your help tho.

Myrie, hi!

Shuchun, I'm a bit lost. I can't read the note on PC, so I have no idea what to do with the symbols. And I have seen the book behind the PC! Still lost, though... Sniff, sniff...

OOOps spoke to soon, no red symbols in book, on card tho. Hey Sparky

@tangoboy, after you see note on PC, you can open cupboard below sink and get a glove. Trying to figure out what to do with that...

HUH? You got password, going to see about glove

the note on pc means
you have to erase the fingerprints in the house you touched before you go out

after put the code on pc , open the draw on sink and u get a white glove.

Boo Hoo I'm so stuck.

Shuchun, lol! So we have to use glove on everything? So we ARE the killers! Ouch!

I am not getting very far, I really wish I understood the language.. I have only collected items and that is it. why can't I cut the rope holding the torch in place with the tool I have, it looks sharp to me

four things

-the tape of window
-the piggy bank
-the rice cooker
-below the buttons near the coat

@tangoboy, the code for PC is red. After you see the note, open cupboard below sink and get white glove and use it on things around.

Shuchun, I used my glove till it disappeared, but still got the same ending. What am I doing wrong?

you have to use the knife on the piggy bank to sharp it

Myrie, need to put blade in holder, then use piggy bank, shoot where was that..I think in drawer on dresser, need key from cupboard


Shuchun, yes, I cleaned all that, but got the same ending... I must be doing something wrong...

i am not quite sure cause i didnt try the ending you got

Myrie, you need to find the plastic hilt for the blade, assemble them together, use it in piggy bank to break off the dull tip, then use it to cut the torch out.

maybe you have already finished the game since you erase the fingerprints and put the bottle in front of the mirror and got the MUR message.

See you in the next games.

oh thank you Shuchun.. so glad you are here

thanks feline

       Anonymous  5/28/09, 10:32 PM  

can't find blade holder help plz

Shuchun, lol! To get the simple ending, just use the red card to get out, without looking at note in PC.

It's the same ending, though, a red screen with "murder" on it and the shade of a woman.

Thanks Shunchun, you totally rock!!!!

Shuchun, thanks for helping! See you!

Michelle the blade holder is in the coat rack...you need to press the buttons and enter and then go down to collect it (see comment previous page)

Feline is the rubber thing for the blade that strange red thing on the ash tray??

@michelle, the blade holder is hidden in the coat rack. You need the code for the buttons on it. The code is in a book in the secret compartment of the drawer on mirror dressing.
To open that, you need the inner part of the pen, bended. To bend it, first try using it on the tiny hole in the drawer, then put the pan part on the rice cooker and close the lid.

solve coat rack puzzle and click in same screen.

it's just above the coat on the post. Took me awhile to find post sorry

Myrie, no, from the ashtray you get a key. Pour the bottle content on the ashtray, light it with lighter, then use bottle on it again till you see the key.
The hilt for the blade is in the coat rack.

Wow Feline, your in charge of walkthru

@tangoboy, lol! If only I could solve this code part... I'm convinced there must be a different ending!
Are you out? Did you try both ways of getting out? Using the glove and not using the glove? Because I have and still got the same ending. I think there's something we are missing here...

Guess we got away with it lol. Thy ended the game with Fin. Isn't that French. I'm out. Knew PC wasn't a red herring. Glove goes grey when everything is touched. Don't forget post where knife sleeve was found (by door)

Close to 2am here, hang for a few then bedtime

Lol! It's not "mirror dressing", but "mirror dresser", of course! I'm not going to eat something with a mirror dressing, thanks!

I think if we could translate better, it would the "busted" and "get away" clean endings lol

OX investigating company

@tangoboy, maybe that's all about what's written, right? Because the screen images are the same for both endings...

thanx feline.. I am now trying to get the pen into that white thing with three holes on the counter but it won't go in and get bent. I still cannot find the blade handle around that raincoat.

Hmmm Imagine that, maybe we were covering up for a friend so they woudn't get caught, or perhaps that's who we killed. Need more "investigation" ah ha

got the ink part of pen bent.. whew! finally..

I cannot open the bottom part of the sink

Myrie, to open the coat rack, you need to press the buttons in the correct order. For that you need the code, which is hidden in a book in the secret compartment in the drawer on mirror dresser. To open the secret compartment you need the bended pen part.

@tangoboy, lol!
Maybe this game is part of a "How to become a successful killer" course? Ouch!

Myrie, opening the bottom part of sink and finding the glove is the last thing you do. First get your torch!

tangoboy I cannot figure out that code in the book from the secret drawer.. the one I need for the buttons on the coat rack. how do I put it in?

okay feline.. but I cannot cut the torch out of the wall because I don't know how that book code works.. L 3 R... what does that mean?

Myrie, press Enter on coat rack, then press:
left button 3 times
right button 2 times
left button 1 time
right button 4 times

Sorry, internet kicked me out and wouldn't let me back in. Late with post but I hope it helps Myrie

code will only work, after you have looked at all the pages of the book in the drawer of the little vanity, before you can do the coat hook buttons. The code is L3, R2, L1, R4.

looked at the hole in the drawer and then went back to the cooker the pen found it's way right there!!!!!!!!!

lid of the rice cooker up, try clicking right beside the hinge on the right hand side. It's not easy to find the right spot. I tried a few times and finally the pen just showed up on the cooker

Myrie, then you should see OK on the blue square. Then click on the bottom part of screen (not too low or you will back up) and you can see the rack pole. Click it and it will open up, revealing the blade hilt.

Red Room, Helllloooo, should have guessed that PC code right off the bat. A bit tired tonight. Too much karaoke last nite.

frustrating! how do I know when I have punched the buttons in the right order?? that coat rack is so irritating

@tangoboy, lol! Don't be so hard on yourself! I complicated it and tried all sorts of things, like "murder", "dermur" and such, but only saw the obvious after Shuchun dropped by and told us the code!

It'll say OK and change color

ohh thank you feline.... thanks tangoboy./
I understand now.

Myrie, first you must see all the pages of book that shows the rack code. Then, press Enter on rack, then you can input the code. If you get it right, an OK should appear on the blue square.

Yea Bless her heart. Amazing how she saves the day and knows when we call out her name, well past 2 now, off to bed.

Nite Nite and good luck Myrie, Thanks for your help Feline and Shuchun (and for posting game, it was a good one)

@tangoboy, nighty night! Blessings upon all! Shuchun is amazing!

Myrie, I'm still here to help, OK?

Is there another battery somewhere for the torch??
I finally got my blade together and used it

thanks again

SHORT WALKTHRU....this is the quick version without the codes...you can get out, but there is more....

If something doesnt work, you have missed a step...so check the notes.

Door view there is a flashlight behind the umbrella and you cannot take it.

Right side of door is star picture. To get the GLOBE for the flashlight - zoom on picture and click bottom to see plug. Put in plug and look at picture. Take out plug and you will see a little white blob which is the GLOBE which you will use later.

Go round to TV and get PEN under the cabinet and a RING between the boxes under the bed. Examine the pen and place the ring and disassemble the pen to the ink bit in the middle.

Open and close the curtains and you will see a LIGHTER by the pillow.

Kitchen - get BLADE off window, BOTTLE from shelf and ASHTRAY from sink. Examine ashtray, put contents from bottle, ignite with lighter, douse with bottle and get KEY.

Go to dressing table with mirror and poke pen piece in hole in bottom drawer VERY IMPORTANT and while you are there use key in top drawer to get BATTERY.

Go to kitchen, open rice steamer and put pen piece on right side edge (if it doesnt stay you didnt poke the hole), close the lid and open to get a bent pen piece.

Go to hole in dresser drawer and put in bent pen piece and see CODE for coat rack.(Comment 61 first page by
DOC) and go to coat rack by door and press enter, press the buttons the correct number of times, press enter and OK. Press enter and look just below to get a HOLDER for the blade. Assemble the cutter and see the end is jagged. Go to the desk and bottom drawer has a piggy bank. Click on cutter, and the slot. Examine the cutter and it should have a smooth edge. You can now get the flashlight.

Get the flashlight behind the umbrella using cutter, examine and add battery and globe (see above if you havent got these) Turn on flashlight.

Go and open the wardrobe by the computer (have you turned on the flashlight) and click top left to get KEY. Use key on central drawer under computer and get RED CARD. Use on card reader by door and exit.....


Myrie, only one battery, but maybe you need the light bulb...

Myrie you need a globe...

Hi feline....could you do the alternate ending???? Kisses, as I havent worked it out!!!

@redroobar, nice thing posting a walkthrough!

Myrie, have you found the light bulb? You need it. Oh, and you're welcome for the help, no need to mention it!

@redroobar, I tried two ways of getting out, but since I cannot read what's written, I don't know if the endings are different. The ending screen has the same images.
2 ways: reading note on PC and using glove and not using glove.

When comments get over 250, I think we need a little help.....

@redroobar, we had this little help already, since Shuchun dropped by and told us the code for PC and what the note on it says, but maybe we need a big help instead? Lol!

oh oh.. I do need that light bulb...

thank you feline

cool I see a walkthru which I do need, I want to finish up

thanx redroobar

Myrie, lol! With the walkthrough you should have little trouble, but I'm still here to help if you need it, OK? I'll wait till you say "I'm out!". :)

thank you all for your help.. I am finally out.. whew!!

thanks feline for waiting... I am so glad to have finished. I never used the code inside the cabinet, once I got that red card from the drawer, I swiped it and out.. don't want to know of a longer version.

Myrie, lol! Congrats!

everyone out?
It's almost impossible if you don't understand Japanese.

Use Japanese Hiragana table to solve the dancing man cipher.

Then you get the question "What is the colour of blood?"

The answer is the PC password.

In the PC there are instructions to do.
-There is a tool(=glove) in the kitchen.
-Erase all your fingerprints in the room with it.
-then escape.

I'm still not getting the password for the computer..can't figure out the stick figure code.

Ooops too late...

still can't figure out the stick figure code for the computer?

anyone? anyone?

Xenon, lol! Every drop of help is much appreciated! But the ending screen looks the same, cleaning your fingerprints or not. Are the writings different?

Yes, only messages are different:(

what is password to start game, letmein, not working

still cant get started, password letmein, not working. help please

@mazza, you need to type the e-mail AND password.
e-mail: gotmail_game@operamail.com
password: letmein

With only 3 hiraganas it's not possible to solve for the whole table.

And the code for the PC is NOT "red". I tried "RED", "Red" and "red" but no luck. I also tried "akai" (red in Japanese), and it still wouldn't let me in.

Bernard, perhaps you need to check the other clues first. This game may not allow you to access the PC before seeing all the hints first. Have you put the bottle in front of the mirror and looked at the clue it gives?

Turn the light off and open the wardrobe. Another clue for the dancing man cipher appears.

In this game you have to play in order.

I have started the game alittle ago,but really needed your help,so I start over and go to use the walkthrough

The dancing men look like the famous code in Sherlock Holmes'adventure (the adventure of the dancing men).

loading takes again time....

This comment has been removed by the author.

@redroobar,feline,xenon thanks,thanks.I made it with your help!!

Gotmail games are not as good as they used to be in the past.
Not only because of the design of the games, but because people from Gotmail don't care about a translation in english, and also because puzzles are not that consistent, for instance, when a cutter blade is worn, you don't need a piggy bank to cut the end of the blade : you just use the ad hoc part of the blade holder.

I have clicked on every (?) item or location of the room with the glove in order to erase fingerprints, but I can't go out. I have used the red card on card reader, the light is green.

Hi to everyone! I'm starting the game now.

the bottle says MUR and the pc says RED.RED can be used as DER. so together it says MURDER.
i also wrote the wardrobe code and it came as BSCOF.i dont have a clue.i used the first letters of all the animal pics.

i cannot get out. used glove everywhere. the red light is green still cannot get out.HELP!!!

@cuity, just click the door...

I have the same problem as cuity and Pascale, I can't open the door. My red light is also green.

@Xenon, Glad you made it to help. I am curious as to the different sayings at the end. Can you translate them "basically"? Thanks in advance.

@Gotmail: We would love it if there was an English option or if we can "highlight" the symbols so we can use Google translater to help with some of the codes.We love your games but most of us cannot type Japanese symbols on our keyboards. Thanx

@ Romy, Glove goes grey when all items touched, don't forget where you got cutter in coat rack. Then just click on door

Ahaa, thanks tangoboy, I'll try it.:)

OK HERE IS MY TWO CENTS..... pass word for the computer is "RED" (capitals) can only type this is if you have
1. looked at the closet figures with the lights off
2. examined your red id card
3. looked through the green book behind the computer
4. looked at the bottle in the mirror to see the reflection read "MUR"

then and ONLY then can you type the password into the PC.

the japanese message (according to Shuchun & Xenon-thx) says to get glove and clean up your finger prints. the rest of the info is above in previous posts!!! whew!!!!!!

so i'm finally out! wish there was a better ending after all that work!

how do you register with gotmail? It won't take the one
feline gave

how do you register for gotmail? It won't take the one Feline gave help

hi, is this thing going on right now??

       Anonymous  5/29/09, 3:15 PM  

how do you register for got mail. It won't take the one Feline sent help

I just started this game

If anyone sees this:
I never registered to gotmail. The e-mail and password posted are used to get in their games when they are fresh (after a while, some days maybe, they remove the page that requires an e-mail and password to let you play the game - or so they used to).
Just click the link "Play this game" and you'll be sent to the page where you can type the e-mail (gotmail_game@operamail.com) and password (letmein). Then click "enter" and the game page will load.
I hope that helps. :)

The story summary of this game.
You are a detective. You drank too much last night and remembered nothing.
You find a phone-message left by one of your clients.
"Help! I'm going to get killed..."
You go to her apartment and get locked....
ending1: w/o unlock PC
When the police arrived I was walking in the crowd.
I couldn't remember at all.
I wonder I killed her?
I took a step into the dark as a guy who is pursued.

ending2: unlocked PC
(When PC is unlocked you notice she is fine and
someone is going to snare you as a murderer.)
Who on earth did trap me?
I have no idea no matter how much I think.
I'm sure only she knows what is going on.
I have to find her in order to solve this mystery.

Sorry for my bad English. I hope this makes sense.

OMG Xenon, you're the BEST. Thank you so much for the story. Your English is sooooo much better than my Japanese. haha. I will wonder now if there will be a part 2? Wish you were here.

PS, I love Gotmail games and hope they will post an English versions of future games.

Xenon, tangoboy said it all! Thank you sooo much! Knowing the story makes it more fun! :)

Please someone what book? what cheerleaders? I can not get a view behind computer. I have cupboard open and is only says, The colour of blood, The bottle give MUR in mirror.
How to get book??

I'm at the same point @evans...cannot find the green book,maybe I'm missing a view...I'm sure I did everything I had to do, but nothing...is someone still in?

At same point as Simona & evans. Cannot get a view behind the computer to get a book. Only book I have obtained was from the drawer. Guess I'll go read all 300+ posts more carefully ... unless someone wants to save me!

ok,I suppose the English version is different from the Japanese one: I never found the book with "cheerleaders", and I was able to type in the password ("red") thanks to the hint from the opened cupboard ("what color is blood?"). Now I'm out with 2nd ending, I suppose...

I never found the cheerleader book either, nor did I get the cheerleaders to light up in the cupboard. Erased all of my fingerprints (finally) and am out as well.

Gotmail seems like good games, but always leave me feeling a little confused.

Loaded Japanese version and lo and behold, there is a green book behind the computer.

Wow I missed a big one here! Only just going in...

Never found pictures of cheerleaders in cabinet. First time I went there I found key. Next time I went back, it said WHAT COLOR IS BLOOD? So I went to PC and typed in RED and it accepted. Letter there to read about covering your tracks. Glove under kitchen sink. Now used card on door, and it unlocked, but won't let me leave until I solve riddle from card. No idea what it's talking about. Put bottle in front of mirror. Still says "I feel like I'm forgetting something" when I try to leave.
Giving up.

Simple: since some all-Japanese puzzles are way too hard to get translated into English, they chose to make things a little bit more obvious in the English version.

Just take the walkthrough with a pinch of salt, and everything is going to go well =)

played the English version. Easy for a Gotmail game. Out with no help with the good end.

So, the cops were going to find that bottle, heat the label, place it in front of the mirror, see half the code. And they were also going to find the color hint, and combine the color with the rum bottle word to get murder?

Those are some persistent cops!

I would think the fingerprints and the business card were plenty of normal clues for them to find, but hey, what do I know?

@Princess in case you come back: You need to light the ashtray on fire and hold the bottle with the blank label over it. Letters will appear. After finding the card in the locked desk drawer, you can place the bottle in front of the mirror. Click to look at the edge of the bottle, and you will see it spells MUR. After erasing your finger prints, you can leave.

       Anonymous  1/13/18, 10:52 AM  

caught this one from the random section

I can't stand that clicking when the text inside of the game is being typed...!

anyway, thx for all your challenging creations, Gotmail ☺

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