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The Secret Chronicle Walkthrough

The Secret Chronicle

The Secret Chronicle is another online riddle game created by IAGT. This is the flash riddlle game with 40 levels. Instructions are in the game. Good luck and have fun!

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hi all

heyy lets play

ohh didnt understand the game!

stuck on level 2:)

level 2: same as level 1 (letsgo)
stuck at 3

oh got it

Yvon: passage

level 5: this is what you want...

       Anonymous  5/1/09, 4:55 AM  

stuck on level 4 - the capital of burma...

yvon - which is level 3?

Hi all!
For level 3
Use the browser menus: View, HTML, scroll down

stuck on level 5

stuck on 5 too

level 6, but i don know the song

nvmd. i did know it

help with level 4 please. according tot google/wiki the answer should be Napyidaw (or Naypyidaw). both answer don't work.

use lowercase letters for ur answers

Yvon, maybe it's case sensitive. The second you wrote worked for me, without capital letters.

what do I want? hmmmmm I've tried level6 but that didn't work....

answer for level 5 please

level 5: "this" is what you want
anybody any idea for level 6?

it's a famous sonata by beethoven. now im stuck on 7

were do you click on no.2

@G, I know it is piano sonata no. 14, but whatever I type, I get access denied. What is the exact answer (or hint maybe?)

also known as moonlight sonata.

I even discovered on wikipedia that is called "moonlight sonata", but that doesn't work either

@Hil it's "moonlightsonata"

no space :-)

Oh and hi everyone! Live game....not necessarily my favourite type of game, but we can do it ^_^

thanks, i had the wright words, just had to remove the space :-)

cant get out of lvl 2 help please

eeek Sherry can't remember level2 hangon I'll go back

@Sherry are you at the screen where it's all black? apart from the typing area at the bottom?

level 2: same as level 1 (letsgo)

hi everyone! any ideas on level 7??? so stuck!

@Sherry every level you have to confirm that you got the right password by re-typing the same one in the all-black screen. Then it lets you go ahead and get the next one. Daft, isn't it?

i have any idea on level 7. this title of the page is called "nahtasayattidnabahctar", which i sounded out as "not to say i didn't have a guitar". but, having never played guitar, myself, im still lost. are we looking at chords?

in source for 7 it say's 'Academies' & 'History' - do you think thats a clue?

@G and nicmc, if you type it backwards into Google, it's the title of a Thai book. Summat like that, anyways. No help, but if you guys can figure it out I'm all ears :-D

WOAH I LIED. It's actually the name of the Royal Institute of Thailand ^_^

wow elizabeth, you're right!! still can't do anything with this information though... ;) you think it has something to do with their mission?

thanks elizabeth for that help. onto to level 8 now!!!

How do I pass level 6 black page with status opposite?

opposite of this is that

tosca. opposite of 'this'

@nicmc - NO FAIR! You're smarter than me *cries* I'm still stuck on 7, with the stupid website of the Institute on my stupid screen and I don't get it :-(

obviously I don't get it! :P
what's the answer to level 7?

lol me too elizabeth!
well, at least I know everything about the royal institute of thailand...

thx yvon
english is not my first language

GUYS!! I get it ^_^

basically the Wikipedia article tells you what the different academies do, and their sub-categories. Right? Well there are three sub thingies for history.....look at the number of letters in each title. It fits!! type the right letters from the titles of the sub-categories and you get the answer.....


go to wikipedia page for Royal Institute of Thailand. Look at Academies section & then History.

POP, guys :-P soon as I spacked out about not knowing it, I got it :-D

stuck on 9

ooooh, I get it know, thank elizabeth and nicmckenna!! ;)

hi pls help with lvl 5.. moonlightsonata doesn't work for me.. its the hint with 'this is what u want'

@nic - check the source. It says "D = O" which I reckon is the key to whatever cipher this level uses.

@ radhu - type "this" but without the quotation marks

i got level 8 password - now on 9 & stuck

oh lol.. ty so much elizabeth :)

nic, can you explain how you got the answer to 8? don't really get what exactly a pangram is....

or I should say, don't know how to use it on level 8! ;)

panagram is a phrase which uses every letter in the alphabet e.g. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!

oke, that i knew. but how to use it in level 8?

yes, I got that from google too, but how to adopt this on the letters in level 8?
I'm feeling so stupid!!

I don't understand level 7. Ratchabandittayasathan may be a thaï book, but how am I suppose to know that I must go to the Royal Institute of Thailand ???
And how do you access the site ? If I type Royal Institute of Thailand in Google, the first answer is a blank page (http://www.royin.go.th/en/home/index.php?System_Session_Language=Eng doesn't work).

fit that phrase into the boxes on level 8. find out which letters the stars replace, then rearrange them to get the password.

can someone please help me w/ # 3?

@ Pascale - I was wrong about it being a Thai book, it is their name for the Royal Institute. Go to the wikipedia article, that gives you the information you need.
Thanks nicmc :-)

... and even in the english Wikipédia, I can't find any relationship between the article and the riddle.

Thank you, Elizabeth, but I can't find anything in the article that looks like the riddle.

pascale - see comment #51.
There is a clue in the source for this level

any idea for lvl 9? the qwerty one?

Umm the article tells you there are different academies, right? Check the source code for the riddle page as well, it tells you which academy to look at.
it's the ethics and government one.
They have a section for history, don't they? What are the three sub-headings under history?

got no idea for 9. googled The New World & Qwerty...

@ sarah L3 exodus

thanks so much nic! ;) finally got it!

Thank you, nicmckenna26. Anyway, I think that such a difficult level shouldn't be in the first ones.

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gotta go and get lunch. I'll check back later, hopefully someone will have solved level 9!!!

lvl 5 pw is this ( thx to elizabeth ) :)

arg. i need help on level 9. is this a keyboard question?

Thank you Hedwig!!!

i've to go now too.. guess all of us are stuck at level 9 :(.. gl.. hopefully somebody will get the ans soon :)

hi all, stck on level 9 also :(

Level 9 makes Elizabeth cry v_v sad face.

see you later nic, thanks again for your help!
there are 40 levels, guys! this is going to be fun! ;)

GUYS check out "dvorak keyboard" I think it might yield some results regarding level 9

yes i have 9, check wikipedia and the alternative keyboard dvorak

Yup the Dvorak keyboard was it. Basically, this scientist guy called Dvorak (not the composer) decided that the QWERTY keyboard was useless and he changed the layout of the keyboard to make sense in terms of frequently-used characters and stuff. Basically, I found a pic of his keyboard ( http://www.slate.com/?id=2061547 ) and where the riddle had characters, I saw where they were on the Dvorak and wrote down what they would type on the QWERTY.
It translates as "where is a password". Ergo "where" is a password.
Enjoy!! ^_^

omg. thx elizabeth

oh haha elizabeth, didn't see your comment

Ohhhhhhh Hil!! That was my triumphant moment *sulk*

:-P love you really Hil. I'll forgive you.

Well... If I have an AZERTY keyboard... If I have to compare it to a QWERTY, then to a Dvorak keyboard, my head is going to explode... (-: I'm giving up.

hmmm, think clue reads, "There is a password" but that doesn't seem to be the answer :(

oh, lol, sorry was a bot late with that, and also wrong, sorry

almost cat, change t to w and you have it

Pascale, the password is "where"

puh, that was a hard one, thanks elizabeth! and wikipedia... ;)

and now stuck again on 8, elizabeth, do you have any idea, i get a headache from these colors

oops i ment level 10, not 8

google RGB, thats as far as i've got

re: level 10, look at the 3 sets, notice they disappear when you put the mouse over them, look at the key and cover those places, the colours that are different corespond to what colours make up that colour, ie they get used in a couple of them, using that, you get a 3 letter word

I still don't understand level 7.
I tried to understand the clues you guys give us but, my brains wont work with me.

level ten, think about coffee...

feminin21: see comment 67 and use phrase out comment 63

       Anonymous  5/1/09, 6:38 AM  

still not getting #10

me neither mrschip494, i'm going to do some work and look at it later

level 11, it's famous for the length of the name. Bad news is you have to write it twice, copy it first time!

thx Hill

Feminin21 - the word is backwards. Typed forwards it is the Thai name for the Royal Institute of Thailand. If you Google the Royal Institute of Thailand, click on the Wikipedia result.
The source code for the page (right click on black area, click view source) says "academies" and "history", so on the article about the Institute, look at the list of the academies and what they do, check out what it says under History (it's in the Ethics and Government academy).
There are three sub-titles, World History, Thai History and Archaelogy. These words fit the same pattern as the riddle with the "X"s. The highlighted "X"s show you the letters you need to type to make the password.
The password should be dog.

       Anonymous  5/1/09, 6:40 AM  

tkx italia! got it!

12's got me stumped..... theres a clue in the source but still not sure

I am stucky stuck on 10 :-(

I thank God for the copy paste option! ;) now on to level 12...

10 is cup elezabeth

Yay!! Thanks Tosca :-)

for 12 i searched magic square on wikipedia. i thought the password would be venus

for 12 the clue in the source is "first & last word" and theres also a symbol of venus/female... trying everything here....

oh nvmd. i got it.


Where is the arrow pointing at level 11?
I only can read bridge but, what's above bridge?

thanks G! how'd you find that?

Feminin21 # 11 is


Some help with level 11 please.

Sarah thnx but, how did you get that?

http://www.halexandria.org/dward090.htm see venus

level 13, count out every 13 squares and put the letters together. gives you a four letter word (going left to right from the top)

i just googled the name to where the arrow was pointing and it took me to the WHOLE name of it!

NVM sarah, i figured it out thnx for your help.

the clue on level 12 source code says 'first and last word' so you take the first and last words of the title, which gives Magic Square. search MAgic square on wikipedia and look at the picture for the Venus Magic Square. Match the highlighted squares in the puzzle to the numbers in the venus square. traslate numbers into letters (a=1, b=2, etc) and that gives u an anagram. unscramble to get the solution.

thank you Darren!!!

your welcome Fem!!

i need help on level 14 can anyone help

@g: thanks!
@Sarah: You're welcome

just need to figure out 14 now :-S

Thank you darren!!

@ Darren - if it were a piece of paper, fold in half from left to write says "password is..."

fold an look level 14?

i get this:
ow ap s r
a id s fe
i keep ng

and i still don't understand it.

got 14, merge the 2 boxes together and then fold in half top to bottom, reads out a sentence "password is **** *******"

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ooooh, I'm reeeeeally slow today! ;)
sorry for spoiler, going to delete it right away!

im not getting 14 either just gibberish

@felicia: too quick for me!! hehehe thx anyway

oh my god i figured it out on my self.


15, i clicked the key on the right, now ive got a blank screen and don't know what to type ...

lol me too darren.

thanks for level 14

got that too darren, but when I type in password from lev 14 I get back to the keys, so I guess I was wrong pressing right key...

nvm, it meant i was wrong, had to retype the last answer

i LOVE pac-man!!! lol

The hint on that one is just use your destiny.
i typed in level 16 still no luck!

clue in source

got it!!! "press the right key" as in the right arrow key, then it gives you the answer!!!

stuck on 16!

have tried shadow, speedy, bashful, pokey, blinky, pinky, inky, and clyde....nothing yet....

oooh, thanks again darren, I wonder how many times I'm going to say this today! ;)

Darren how did you go back on level 15?

Feminin, just type in password from level 14.

leithian i didn't get a password.
I clicked the right most upper key and i got to the next black screen where i have to put a answer.

@feminin21: just retype the answer to the previous question

Feminin, you have to click the right key on your keyboard and you will get password! ;)

stuck on 17 help me find a star

Oh now i feel stupid! :sy
Thnx for al the help guys.

G, help w/lvl 16 please?

G, a clue to level 16?

@g: ill help you find a star if u help me with 16 ;)

ohno, gotta go! good luck to you all, thanks so much for the help, couldn't have made it this far without you! see you soon! :P

search pacman on wikipedia. under American Pacman, character column. shadow, speedy... take the number on the ghost in the image and match that to the letter of the character(personalty). then unscramble

Need help with 16 too please?

Help with 16 plaese, tryed blinky,inky,pinky,clyde and pacman nothing worked

G i already search there but, i can't find American Pacman llike you said.

G, the letter on the ghost is C, but how to match that to the character?

nevermind, im lost.....lol

the numbers on the ghosts are 2,2,2,3 (number 3 on cyan). and u need the Character(personality) of the ghosts (shadow, speedy, bashful, pokey). not their names.

for level 17 just click

the answer to pacman level is shop.

got it! thanks g!!

ger, what do you do once it says thank you?

Thx for the hint G i didn't see the american pacman at first.

just enter it in p/w box

thank you Fem! 17 just says thank you, ???

does anyone know what to do on 18?

thanks ger!

enter what? Sorry am being really slow today

The hint on level 18 says logo.

18 has the MS colours

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for 18, look at the source, "computer" look at the colours of the roses. Logo ring a bell (clue: look at the start menu icon)

click on stars and you will get something to enter in p/w box

Cat enter:
thank you

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Level 18 windows.

ah didnt think of that, im on a mac..

ty guys, sorry about that. Swear i entered it and it didn't work, lol

thanks darren for 18 hint

is it just me or is it really annoying to have to type the p/w again for the next level?

still live?? cool

Me too, Cat!

@ calgal071: yeah it is a little, but its to stop you from skipping levels in the url. clever really but annoying at the same time.

19s got me.....

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