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Toybox Walkthrough


Toy Box is another new point and click type escape the room game by Łukasz "Falkom88", author of Ely game. In this game you are locked in a dark house and you need to find some items and solve puzzles to escape the dark house. Good luck and have fun!
Warning: this game is for +16 gamers!

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Good morning all!!

Hi everyone let's go !

hi cecepons!!!! have a great weekend!!!let's play!

this has a 16+ rating - am thinking scary dolls! Anyone else playing? I have unlocked my shackles, that's it so far

Oh dear it's too dark for me to play,have fun i'll wait for the next one

Strange game got an arrow, a lighter, a knife and the thing that indicate north (don't know the english name:))

Have a compass, lighter & knife. Used the lighter- anyone got an idea on the puzzle on the piano?

I dont know how use my items!!

hi everybody

also a black dress with recorder in it and 2 more arrows... don't know how to use objects ?

       Anonymous  5/23/09, 4:00 AM  

unlocked the chain, got lighter, compass, spear head, arrows that look like clock arms, coat, player with some music
lit candles in the room with cat eyes and stuck...

waiting for it to load

piano puzzle says "one two freddys coming for you three four 81" ?!

If you move compass, it "says" different directions.

I lit the just the candles that match the pointer i picked up, tried to put the pointer on floor, didn't work. Piano doesn't play - I was thinking we had to play what the device does...

how to light candles plz ?

       Anonymous  5/23/09, 4:03 AM  

@cecepons click on an item it gets big then click on it once more it will appear on the x circle in the left corner of your inventory, click in the same corner to put the item down

the pie lock is 3.1416

Ok got it

       Anonymous  5/23/09, 4:05 AM  


when you click knife an arrow appears on it

click compas to close view and wait then use directions on candles

little man is a usb stick ?!

so far i have lighter compass an arrow arrows of clock coat mini recorder and knife

@judyg8or, you get another clock hand as well.

megi- does something happen with candles when you get right sequence? I can't seem to get any results

it looks like we have to play on piano like in recorder

judyg8or : the picture of the cat moves when you got the right sequence.
I'm stuck ! There is a close view of piano but not working...

You must lighting candels in order of compass.

up the ladder, the opposite wall of door is strange but don't know what to do

can't get the darn candles right-- does the "81" in puzzle correspond with piano keys?

play piano : 1234 from left to right (1 is the darker )
3-4-4-2-1. New door near piano

I also got an arrow from the blade of the knife, either i clicked on it or i used one of the arrows on it, but i suddenly had it. It's embedded in the blade.

in the new room got more arrows, and a battery ?
You can use knife on picture and got "joy" and blood arrows

yeah got the candles right- i was looking at it as 2 at a time instead of just the top pointer

I must play music radio but my piano dosent work.

put your arrows on bloody one, new room

read Drisdana's post # 32

piano doesn't work but you can play it :)

piano doesn't make any sounds but it's working

@judyg8or light for candels (following a clock)
i hope it helps

can put the arrows on the joy picture

got the room next piano opened i get the arrows and the battery now what

now got a paper with "need help call jesus" and bloody drawings ... a gun and a hint for the locker with code. In this locker... a cadaver !!! with a key

       Anonymous  5/23/09, 4:31 AM  

please somebody help with the piano!! how do you cownt keys do you take white only or black as well?

Mimie : Put your arrows on the bloody ones

what is the first touch on the piano?

What code fot cupboard?

where to put arrows

eh Drisana where?

chudaa withe only the first is the darkest white one

look at triangles and star on the poster with "call jesus"

@ chudaaa the white ones from left to right 34421

for the piano, for me it's only the white touch so the first is at left

chudaa the most first key that's almost in the shadow is the first one. You don't count the blacks ones

use knife on the picture over bed

for code count the shapes on jesus paper : triangle = 3 circle = 0 etc ...

thanks drisana but i still don't know which one you are talking about

Stuck with a strange draw up to the ladder on the wall

Drisana where did you find the paper and the other stuff? I'm in the room after the Joy arrows.

Drisana, where are paper and gun? I have only a bullet.

where is jesus poster??

thanks megipoland

I'm missing one arrow, the arrow for 1°clock. Where can I find it??

this draww is related with piano puzzle 18ruhofcoeernfs ??!

Romy- close view of your knife I think

Romy it's in the knife blade, zoom in on the knife and click on the blade in the middle.

Drisana HELP where are the paper and such?

       Anonymous  5/23/09, 4:40 AM  

thanxx Drisana, Linda, mimie now I have it)))

i can't find the gun i only have a bullet

paper : go to the room with ladder and look at the door there is a brick you can remove left of this door after you took it, a cabinet is opened in room behind the joy room

Yay! Still Live! Hi all...will try to catch up!

stuck on the computer. Entered the pass but now on frequency ?! Got it Megi ??

Drisana please share the info me and mimie are at the same point. I have a locked locker and a locked redrum, and a shotgun bullet. There's also some drawing on the cupboard but not much use for it yet.

or the draw is related to bricks where the ladder is

Thanks, judyg8or. But on the knife I couldn't find or see any arrow. Or is the knife the arrow? But the knife doesn't go on the picture with all the arrows.

on the jesus paper, i see only 2 triangles and 1 star????

Oh, thanks Linda for your tip with the knife.

can't type any frequency ?!

what is the code ?

i can't moove the brick next door even with the knife do i have to do something first

Remove the brick for the paper (comment 70) then you got the gun and the hint for the code

pleaaase help. linda did u moove the brick next door

mimie it's downstairs on ladder room

are you clicking brick near right door? (upstaitrs or downstairs)

Nope can't remove a brick either, not the door down the ladder, and not the one up the ladder and not from the wall next to the ladder.

i have it thanks drisana

stuck on "frequency" that i suppose to be the number on the red key, but can't type it on computer... hope it's not buugy :(

Hi guys! First timer here :) Anyone can help with the code? two triangles and a star with 8 pointers. tried every possible combo, no luck.

grrr, i don't understand the code 3 triangles 8 stars and 1 circle and in jesus poster only 2 triangles and 1 star... can you help me????

did anyone figure out the password..?

krisha : triangle = 3 sides for example.

triangle 3
star 16
triangle 3

3 sides for the triangle, x sides for the "star" on jesus paper and 3 sides for the other triangle :) let's count :p :)

i got megipoland
@linda the brick is in top left to the door downstairs

what the f..... with this f.... computer ?!

are you guys still going - just arrived!

drisana, trying 338, 833, 383 nothing. What am i doing wrong? Is it the sides of the star i need to count rather than tips? will give it a go.

thanx guys :)

ok, thanx!

frequency is 217, its on key

why are you so nervous?!

close window with armorgames
type password

have usb plugged into puter, stuck

Ok the computer password hmm...does it have to do with the piano? I followed the path to 18RUHOFCOEENRFS but it doesn't work, all caps and all small. Hmmmmmm

am out

i've done that Megi :)
But when it says frequency, i can't type anything.
I'm nervous cause i'm hungry it's 2pm here ;)

i'm in the room with the computer
did anyone use the battery

What's the computer password?

And the diagram that appears at laeder room? What means it?

the frequency is the number in the key of the girl

what's the computer password. oh god i feel like an idiot!!!! grrrrr

the password people!!! pleaaaaase

Am i the only one you can't type a frequency ?
I'm not going to eat until i finish this game !!! :)

Same boat as you mimie. I thought it was the path from the piano diagram coordinated with the bricks but not working.

i don't know what is phone number... grr stuck here

drisana, dubble click for the green line to become white. Then you can type frequency!

Oh people just tell us the computer password please. :(

password is 18ruhofcoeenrfs

mime the password of computer is the way with the paper on the piano it's 18RUHOFCOEENRFS and frequency is the number on the key 427 but what is the number phone????

18ruhofcoeenrfs, small cab
next code, 217


meme are u here
pleaaase HELP!!!!! anyone!! oh i'm dieing

you're welcome drisana! Bon appetit ;-)

thanks everybody

yes out!

Nancy, merci :) Is my english so bad that you guess i am french ? :)

drisana, you're french? me too lol!

Was that it? Why did I need the cell phone and gun? Or maybe i was not supposed to be stunned by that guy?

LOL i clicked on the door and i guess i got a bad ending because it said think and try again..OMG i'm going to kill myself

no drisana but couldn't find the words to say it in english, so i guess my english is worse then yours :)

think good end is related to phone ...

anybody found out what the cellphone was for?

tried calling 911 but that didn't work...

i'm out but i guess i got electrify

Out!! Thanks all for your help.

strange ending, thanks for all the help!

Tried "help" "sos" but no ...

if you call ..... (from poster) you will find something else in one of rooms

so after all this we have a bad ending
god i'm going to kill myself with that gun
@drisana and reverbere votre anglais est trés bien!!!

ook maybe i'll try later to have the good ending
by the way linda where are u from? (if u don't mind of course)

megi you're the best :)
Jesus of course but.. nothing happens on the phone. Is it normal ? (i'm eating in front of my computer now :))

argh i clicked on the grey door :(

maybe we have to enter the same code for safe (3163)in the phone

nothing happens but you will find something in one of rooms ;)

ok i'm trying again now i can't wait

ok starting again too ;)

found the photocamera, made pictures of all the rooms and went through grey door, nothing else happened. So, i guess i still missed something...

Hi Nancy, where did you find the photocamera?

in the safe after you call jesus on the phone

you can't take photo of the girl in the locker. I'm affraid to click again on the grey door ;)

Thank you, Nancy. But I have a problem. I don't know how to call Jesus with the phone. Which number do I use?

Megi, as beta tester, do you know how to have good ending ? :)

romy type it like a sms :)

Okay, thanks Drisana, I'll try it.

still live?

Hil yep, looking for good ending !

took all pictures again, any clue on what's next drisana?

I'll wait a while, maybe someone will find another ending ;)

nop :( I wonder if there really is a good ending ...

well, put the 2 ammos in gun but can't close it... so i can't explode this house :)

is it me? i can't do anything, just put a code on the chain, but i have no idea what code? am i missins something?

Look at the symbol "pi" is 3.xxxx ?

unfortunately i have to go, i'll come back later to see if you pulled it of drisana, good luck!

there is a walkthroug by the author in the game and on Youtube, but thanks

thnx for walktrough but we are looking for the other end

thanks escapegames, i now know the code for the chain and can go on. But how could i know the code? was there a way to discover myself or is it just a wild guess and a lot of luck?

They found it on nordinho damn :)

there is a "pi" sign on the chain

Hil you have the "pi" symbol and "pi" is 3.1416

there is the symbol of pi on the lock

load the shotgun with both bullets and you get away

ok i typed the name of jesus like sms but i still can't find the camera
help pleaase

I think that was 31415

go to the room with laptop and search on the right side on the wall

thanks megi i got it

arf, i had loaded the gun and took pic but was offraid of clicking ogagin on the grey door !!
Definitively out ;)

A very very good game thx Megi ;)

what to do with the camera

drisana what picture

pictures of all rooms. For the police i presume. Then put both bullets and go out.

Hi, how can you get the camera?


oh god i shut the guy

type jesus in cellphone then go to the room with laptop then look at right wall

@hannes the camera is in the room with the computer u have to call jesus first to find it

i have dialled 3163, but still can't find the camera :(

call jesus (53787)

ok, got it... 53787...

Dzieki Megi ;) w koncu do tego doszlam, a glowilam sie od jakichs 20 minut :D pozdrawiam :)

Hi all! Anybody out yet?

nat dial 5337777887777

Is there a battery needed for the phone? I cannot seem to type anything on it.


true ending: Make like waltrough . Take the cell into the trash, go back to the room with the bed and take the battery. Attach to the cell and call to 53787 (jesus) Go back to the room with the computer and take the camera. Photho the containers, the torure room the room with blood words the room with the bed and go out, after "bad" ending, you see the good ending (he is under arrets) greetings from Spain ^^

you are welcome

nie ma za co, również pozdawiam

Yay, Good ending!

That's one sick dude...so I shot him.

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       Anonymous  5/23/09, 5:40 PM  

i dont know how to get past the candle part someone please help me

Are people still playing this?

there is something wrong with this game.IT MAKES MY CURSOR GO CRZY""""

Hi. I need some help. I'm at the end of the game, right before the gray door. I have the shotgun with both barrels filled, but I can't call Jesus because I haven't found the battery or the camera. Where do I get them?

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