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Escape Carmine Room Walkthrough

Escape Carmine Room

Escape Carmine Room is another new point and click type room escape game created by Paul aka Paskapet for 2keysGames. Rupert has a new job at a museum. Help him restore a vandalized masterpiece so that he can go home! Good luck and have fun!

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Truus: what u mean by box?

take the sign off the rope and you can just see it

thanks Truus i'll try to find it

okokokok,, looby,, stop the torture

wow! thats great! tell us where it is!

lol PBM thought forgot to turn page!

wow! thats great! please tell us where it is!

still having trouble turning on info screen...

naaa,, still cant see the camera,, though

loobyloo i don't get, it what robe?

I don't see the camera, and my info box is off :(

what sign? the red rope? i cant see anything

How do I turn on Info Screen?

This might double post....

I only have 21 pieces, even with 4 fingers. Hmmm...

My info box is on - the sign that says it's under construction - when you lift it off the camera is uner the info sign - looks like a blue card

william at the lower left of the power box is a place that gives you a zoomed in view

looks like we need the statues behind, but i never got a chance to see it!! i can't turn it anymore.

Huh, can't see my last post, even after refreshing page.

where is this box please

Still can't make the head

i cant see it. how do you turn the info box on?

where you switched on the lights youcef, that's the box
you want.

thanks hubcap, now I have the boy reading the info sign and taking pictures of it.

zoom into the power box bottom left - a switch with an i above it - put it up Celeste

Duh, didn't switch to next page. William, I don't know if anyone has gotten information box turned on.

looby do i have to move the levers or something because theres no camera behind the sign.

got the camera, just turn around the room until the kid taking pictures leaves, he'll drop the camera

got it.

there is a guy reading the information and holding the camara

And then I find it based on hubcap's comment :-)

I have all the green switches up the red levers down

WAAAAAA!!!! i dont have a camera!~

thnx, & the camera is from the kid after he read informations

I've got all 22 pieces but can't make the picture - anyone seen any glue?

yes.i can see the camera being hold by the boy but i cant get it. how do i get it looby?

found a stick of gum, highlight the camera turn it on then go through the pictures to pic 8

O.K. well done youcef!


You have to wait for him to leave - it's on the floor

help? how do i get it from him?

bang on the door in pic 14 and 15 don't know why, and a pease of puzzle in pic 16

all i can get to come back is the damn janitor

I think we will build the head on the stand by the naked lady. we need to find a way to put the gum on those knoby things.

okkk!! thanks loobyloo

more puzzle in pic 22 and 23, and the last pic looks like what we have to make out of the puzzle

did anyone get pieces from the naked statues behind?

@ truus. one piece

In camera, last pic is what we have to build.

can anybody tell me how to get the kid to come take pictures?

Give gum to janitor, he drops key, go away and come back - pick up key from floor!

I gave the gum to the security guard, got his keys, and went into a door in one of the photos in the camera. Now i'm stuck in the camera. ><

is anyone building their head yet?

4 from naked statues

.. and i get the gum how?

where is the gum?

its very difficult to build the statue.

he won't take my gum!!!

He must not like my flavor :(

PBM - gum is in camera. You have to keep coming back to the starting room for different people to appear. I didn't think it was a kid, cause he's smoking, but once you see him there looking at the info sign (that you've turned on with switch in box), go away and come back and he left camera on floor.

thanks celeste,, ill giver er a try

gum in picture 8

thanks julselhan, i missed that one. i guess i won't be able to make the statue then, since i can't turn the naked statue anymore.

put gum on hand with the key, can't use on key hole by naked statue

Ok I have the keys, am I suppose to get the chewed gum back, not that I want it now.

You can escape camera room by clicking to the left

anyone found more than 3 puzzle pieces in camera?

duuuh,, see post 217,, by hubcap,, switch zoom in,, in contol box.

out... once you move the horse push both levers up and press button on map... jam helmet in trapdoor and then go through it

@Celeste: omgosh really? coz it just kept opening up the camera again when i did that, so i just restarted. i must've done something wrong. argh..

Yeah, the camera pops up, but if you X out of that you are back in the museum (at least that's what happened for me).

What did anyone use the guards keys for????? @ hubcap I think I only found 3 in the camera.

I closed the game by error... wont restart it...
so good luck all & good night

i can not get out of the camera picture!

julselhan - in the camera there is a picture of a lady & baby outside of a building. The key opens the door to the building & leads you to a room where you can thump crash & boom, but not much else.

Oh, darn... Oh well, i'll be taking a break for now. G'luck guys.

Truus - click to the left of that room. Your camera pops up, X out of it, and you are back in museum.

thanks Celeste, I've tried it, but it not working for me.

I have the head about half built, I think I may be missing a piece. @Celeste, I'll try the key in the camera, thanks

Has anyone built the head yet?

Well I'm done for now. Can't go through trap door, maybe there's a window of opportunity to do that? Good luck everyone!

still stuck inside, i'll quit.
good luck all!!

anyone find anything in the house in the camera, i was wondering if we need to knock the picture off the wall

nada, hubcap

I couldn't find anything in the camera room. I'm missing the left side of the head, anyone happen to remember where it is??????

Back from dinner. Has anyone finished restoring the statue yet>

another piece in the very first actual picture and one in picture 9 I STILL can't get the stupid guy to take the gum either

I'm stuck in the camera now! Aaghhh

looby? you cant just click the left side of the screen,, then leave?

Tried smacking him with the hammer and chisel to make him wake up and take my gum....didn't work.

i think i put the gum in his hand

I've got 26 pieces I believe.

thanks tia now i have 4 from the camera, i believe i have 25 pieces now

I'm trying that PBM! I even zoomed in to click every inch of that dang hand and he still won't take it. hmmm...

you have 26 pieces,, and havent even been in the camera yet?

No PBM and I've found the other piece of tile too behind the picture!

DUH, sorry, the only way to get the gum is in the camera.

nvm, I got it, you have to turn the sign off first. At least I had to, maybe he was too busy reading it. I don't know, kinda funny how his hand was always in his pants.

tia: have you put the cane in the horses butt and all that? I needed to do so before the guard would take my gum.

Hi pbm. It's a tough game. I have been away for an hour for dinner and nobody has finished building the statue!!!

Does the camera have to have a certain picture on it to get out of the room?

It's okay PBM!

last live game i was in had over 1200 posts,, i hope this one isnt the same

has anybody figured out what to do in the camera room? I'm banging like crazy, but nothing happens...

Oh yeah, that dream house escape! Wow, that was a long one. By the way, what are we supposed to do in that camera house? All I can do is rattle things around.

When I click the left side it brings up the camera but when I click the cross I'm still in the room - what am I doing wrong?

you know as much as we do,, Tia

In the camera, did anyone knock the picture off the wall?

Not yet, but I've been trying like crazy to knock that thing off!

i dunno,, looby,, i just clicked the left side,, and i came back to the museum,, didnt have anything to do with the camera,, though

I'm only missing a piece of the mouth/chin on the left side. Then I should be able to finish my head.

You knock in the cupboard until the picture falls off

i dont have a cupboard,, just a closet

Someone please get me out of this room - I've got the last piece of puzzle!!!!

i still cant get him to take the gum, i put cane in the horse and turn off the information thing

Yes that's what I meant - the closet - I don't know if it made a difference but I used the mallet.

I opened the trap door and placed the helmet in it. Went back to get the guard and gave him the gum. He finally to the piece of gum.

@looby, the door of the closet or the broom in the closet?

my puzzle's a mess parts that should be behind others are in front of them

I'm clicking like mad on the closet and broom. Stupid picture won't fall! Dumb camera rooms always trying to trick me!

alright,, looby, the only thing in the closet i can get to knock is the broom,, i even seperated the hammer and chisel,, still nada

the broom in the closet - whatever makes a mark on the wall when you touch it

you have to do it a number of times

yeah, i get the mark on the wall,, but ive hit the broom like 70 times,, dammit

I've done it like...a number of...200 times! Ergggg, driving me crazy and my clicking finger hurts!

But I still cannot escape the room - when I click left the camera pops up

       Anonymous  6/13/09, 4:56 PM  

I've got my head almost completely finished, just need the nose piece.

thats good, looby,, we will not let you leave, until we get the picture to fall,,, MUAHAAHAHAAHAH

DaBritishNvasion - if you get me out of the room I'll give you the nose piece!

Okay, I am not clicking that stupid broom anymore.

i still cant get the man to take the gum

Try hitting the wall where the mark was!

im really starting to hate Rupert

What the hell kinda demonic possessed camera house is this??? One bitty picture won't even fall off of the wall! *grumble grumble* I need a wrecking ball.

then get me out of here!

hey,, you know what,, i still have the key in my inventory,, was i suppose to use that?

I'm stuck in the camera room too and I still can't knock the damn picture off the wall!!!!


I'm stuck inside the camera room and can't get out.

       Anonymous  6/13/09, 5:02 PM  

Scratch that looby, Ive got all the pieces, nose wont stick tho.

Whose gonna post a walkthrough? We are all still stuck! haha

oh no i hightlighted the camera and entered the house while i was in the house already, and now i am stuck in the house with loobyloo. i think i will have to restart, and the picture is still on the wall

try using the mallet on the wall where the mark is made when you hit the broom in the closet - I think that's what I did

       Anonymous  6/13/09, 5:04 PM  

Oh and to get out of the room, click either the very left, right or bottom as if you were turning.

loobyloo, did you change the picture ON the camera? because that's what i just did, and now i'm stuck too.

@ loobyloo, tried that, I can't get that to work either. Very strange.

I scrolled up and just noticed there is a chandalere on the ceiling that moves when the picture moves. guess I'm getting bored.

Whenever I click the very left, right or botoom, the zoom-in view of my camera will pop up. When I've close the camera zoom-in view, the highlight will automatically jump from the hand to the camera. I still can't get out!!

@julselhan, have you got out of the camera room yet?

why do i get into games like this?

ruff the same for me i think we might need to restart

well can somebody post a walk through to at least up to the camera room

please...camera, trap door...where?

       Anonymous  6/13/09, 5:08 PM  

Finished head, got reward.. no credits tho.

pull some levers
pick up puzzle pieces
stick a cane in a horses ass

@hubcap, it's really annoying that we need to restart when we are so closed to the end of the game!

ROFLMAO PBM!! Well, I just read at Nordinho that someone found you get the picture by making the chandelier swing to the right like five times? Dunno, going to try it!

oh cool, tia,, ill try it too

agreed ruff, dabritishnvasion how did you finnish the head my head has pieces that should be in the back but keep showing up in front of other pieces. is there something that happens when a pice is in the right spot?

Yay! I got it finally! Click each of the plants on the right one time apeice, then click the weight on the floor, then the green chair, then the table, the picture should fall!!

I can't get out of this room either.

       Anonymous  6/13/09, 5:15 PM  

Hubcap, after you've seen the head in the picture, you can start placing the pieces onto the stool.. you dont assemble them on the green wall.

I'm not restarting this game. I'm going to the TOY game now. Good luck to those who has not been locked up by the camera room bug!

Bye pbm, bye hubcap, bye everyone!

didnt do it,, tia,, but thanks

hey that did it find the five things that make the chandelier swing right and the pic falls, got a tile from wall behind pic. but still stuck in camera room

       Anonymous  6/13/09, 5:16 PM  

hi all, someone at Nordinho has the solution to the picture on the wall (in the camera photo):
Click only the things that make the chandelier swing to the right. I think the phone, the lounge chair, the broom in the closet, and the big plant on the far right. I tried all of those, esp. broom, and it finally fell. Hope that helps!

thanks DaBritishNvasion i'll have to restart

PBM, did ya see my other post? #160

I think the guard stuck his gum behind my picture because it won't fall for anything

@julselhan, click each thing in the room. There are five objects that make the chandelier move to the right. Find them, then click each one in turn.

i got it,, phone, chair, weight, middle plant, and slam the door!

@ tia thanks I have the last tile now how do I get back to the other room to finish my head?

Finished the TOY game already. So easy! Come back to see if hubcup has managed to get out of the camera room.

click to the left or bottom of the room you are in. If you went into the room then clicked the camera, then went into the room AGAIN, you are stuck in a bug and have to restart.

Ruff,, see post 28 in toy room

@pbm, saw your post at TOY :)

are you kidding me, I don't want to restart

There is a bug in the camera room that I could not exit that stupid room. I don't have the patient to go over the entire game and pixel hunt for all those statue pieces again.

@julselhan, are you still inside that camera room?

for anyone that can't get the gaurd to take the gum you have to go around the room until he is there and NOT chewing anything

stuck in a bug, huh. i thought we were stuck in a horses ass.

yes I'm still here.

never got out of the camera room just restarted now almost up to building my head

Stuck in something. I'm trying to put my statue together. I may be missing something as some pieces won't go where they are supposed to and I cannot find the right piece for a place or two. I'm gonna scream soon I think...yup...pretty soon...

my puzzle looks like a piccasso

@hubcap, you've earned my respect for being so patient and so determined.

I've been on here a long time and my kids are wanting a turn before bedtime. So I regretfully leave an escape game, not out :(

@tia, there are a few pieces in the camera.

Anyone remember where the nose piece is?

the nose piece was in,, i think the camera,, somewheres

still haveing trouble puting my head together, i have 26 pieces and have seen the pic of it on the camera. whats the secret?

@Ruff, I thought I had gotten all of the ones from the camera. I think like 4 or 5 of them?

i think ill have to come back to this once some 12 year old has posted a walkthrough

@tia, sorry that I cannot help you any further 'cause I've closed my game window already.

I must go now. See you guys!

lol ƤβM, ruff thanks, still no progress on the puzzle if anyone has any hints i'd appreciate it

im out too,, bye tia,, bye ruff

everybodies objects is different in camera
room, you have to try each piece of furniture
to see which 5 move the chandlier towards right

Well, I know I am missing at least one piece of the head! The upper left side of the face, I just cannot find it though. I too have 26 pieces.

How many pieces are there to this thing? It looks like I am missing part of the mouth...

me and rupert arn't all alone are we?

i actually have 27 pieces counting the tile from the camera room, but no go on the puzzle

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