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Turkish Toy Store Escape Walkthrough

Turkish Toy Store Escape

Toystore Escape is aka Oyuncakçıdan Kaçış is another Turkish point and click type room escape game created by Ayça Çoban for Şeker Portakalı. In this game, you try to search the garden in order to find useful items to be able to escape from the garden. Good luck and have fun!

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new game!

cool a new one

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I've got gum from the machine and 4 coloured cards and don'y know what now :/

I have 6 colored cards and a hammer(behind Mini Mouse)

       Anonymous  6/15/09, 7:08 AM  

So far I have two balls, three color cards and an pick

I broke the glass bin that holds the balls, used the hammer.

I also found 6 cards but can't see the hammer. There are also two silver coins behind the toys (can't recall behind which ones)

picked up a piece of the broken glass, and have a gumball

       Anonymous  6/15/09, 7:11 AM  

Used three coins on gum ball machine and received three different colored gum balls. Also have piece of glass after smashing the container that was holding the balls and popped a couple of balls.

for hammer, I had to knock Bell off the shelf and then move mini mouse over.

       Anonymous  6/15/09, 7:12 AM  

Each gum ball contains a number... I only have five color cards... Where did you find the sixth?

I have 6 card, hammer, and piece of shard

and 2 balls

I have got a hammer (used once), a piece of glass (not used yet), 3 coloured balls, 7 rectangles.
Now I'm stuck.

used my glass shard to pop a ball for another coin. Have 7 colored cards. I don't remember where I got them all, they were just hidden around the toys

I have 7 cards and 4 balls. Which one you mean by the sixth one?

       Anonymous  6/15/09, 7:15 AM  

These are the colors I have black, purple, orange, yellow and green.. Which one's do you have?

what are these cards for? I have all of them (9) the same colours as on the wall..bu what now?

Clicked on white cabinet, got new view with cash register and door.

Thank you julselhan. Well, that's the 4th coloured ball, I suppose we need 9...

got 8 rectangles

blue and pink are behind the cat on the lower shelf on the view with the register

I can push button on cash register, but nothing happens

where 4th colored ball

I've opened the cash register and got scissors

I still need orange and light pink cards

You are right, Hny ! I saw the light blue rectangle by myself but missed the pink one !

to open the register put a nuber code from the gum balls. Coloured sign "toys" is a clue

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where is orange ball?

thanks hny, I will now try to cut up everything

I'm so close to escape but so far. Got a pattern on which cards can be placed but can't get the right order

I'm out..:)

what pattern for cards? did you use the scissors

julselhan: first without scissors you have to take one box down on the floor and then open the one on the top with the scissors

       Anonymous  6/15/09, 7:27 AM  

I'm missing a green card a litter green but I cannot find it

r we still livee... if so i will try to catch up

the green one could be somewhere around the cars but I'm not sure..I can't remember

       Anonymous  6/15/09, 7:29 AM  

I'm out

used my scissors, but I still need light pink and orange cards :(

hi i'm missing the orange and green balls could u tell me where they are plz

orange card was in one of the popped balls

can't find light pink either...

Have all cards, can't figure out the order. Help?

out!! light pink was in a carebear, I think

light pink card is behind the pink bear which is between the two blue bears :)

I still only have 3 colored balls with numbers..I must be missing a coin. Was there 4 coins?

Nvm, got it.

it was nice game..thanks guys! See you next time

all of the balls are gumballs, you have to find the coins and get them one at a time from the gumball machine.

Found my last coin behine Eeyore.

thanks julselhan and hny, i found it!!

and out!

Anyone need help? Can stay around for little while, but must take dog for morning walk soon.

off to the new one!!!

for the scissors, make sure you push the enter key after you put in the code.

I got coin near eeyore and I think the other two were in two popped balls..can't find 4th

does anyone remember where they got the dark blue and light pink pieces?

i am so lost... cant find any scissors

found it!

whats the code

take some time to read our earlier post so you will find all the solutions

I'm sorry, can't remember that one, so much random clicking, must have been in the toys somewhere because I found the popped balls ones after the first one. :(

Out! Ty for help

got all the colours on the card.what do you do with it to get out of room plz

i no we need to use the color in toys for the code but cant figure out how the register is numbered... where is the 0...

i think one of the coins was from knocking off cinderella.

Knock left blue dressed doll off shelf, it's behind the pink dressed one.

0 is bottom middle.

nvm... worked on it till i had the right position of 0

The cash register is:

hmm, i feel really dumb since everyone has found the colored pieces on their own and i'm still looking for two.

They are hard to find, which colors are you missing?

still can't get out of room what we supposed to do with the card with the colours on them please

ah, dark blue was behind the fish!

just the light pink one.

out thanks e1

I'm still here because my computer won't play StoneAge Games, nothing but blank white spaces, can only play at work ;)

it was behind the pink carebear!

My computer won't play them either dogwood!

Hmm, wonder why, could it be Vista? I have XP at work.

knock off one doll in yellow dress and move over both minnie mouses to get hammer.

1. knock off blue dress doll to get. coin is behind pink dress.
2. under donkey's right leg.
3. behind blue bear's butt.
4. in a ball. pop it with shard of glass after you break the container with the hammer.

Colored Blocks:
dark blue: behind fish's fin.
purple: on cat's bow
light pink: on pink bear
light green: on top of green truck.
dark green: under green truck's wheel.
orange: in a ball. pop it with shard of glass.
yellow: behind yellow ball in the bin.
light blue: on cat's bow. be careful not to click over onto the next screen.
dark pink: behind cat's book. same cat that has the light blue block on her bow.

123bee dogwood!

comentarios en ingles no entendere casi nada

One you put the colors on the card, if they are in the right order you get a key when you press the "enter" on the card.

weeeeeeeeeeee and out!

How do you know the right order for the coloured cards?
I tried the window pattern but it doesnt work...

Stupid green cards...they looked the same, i put them in wrong order...out!

for register I get 5094 is that correct??

nvm got register correct now I read the toy hint..now can't seen to used scissors anywhere. Help>>>>

think backwards...dud....

what is the color order please???

light blue, dark blue, dark pink
light pink, dark green, light green
purple, yellow, orange

       Anonymous  6/15/09, 2:53 PM  

there is 4 green trucks, 3 on the top shelve and 1 on the bottom shelve which truck do i click on in order to get the dark green card? i've click all over the trucks and i still didn't get the dark green card

@michelle-animallover or in case someone else is looking for this one -- truck on bottom shelf in view of the gumball machine

       Anonymous  6/15/09, 3:08 PM  

i'm having trouble getting the dark green card from the truck wheel help plz

i cant get the dark blue one where is it?

At least you can right click with mouse and zoom....this made it much easier to find the cards etc...

Please can I have the code for the cash register. Can't work it out. Have red, blue green red making 5094 but it won't accept it.

       Anonymous  6/15/09, 5:08 PM  

kitkatfox thank you i found the dark green card, i wasn't looking in the right place after play it again

       Anonymous  6/15/09, 5:13 PM  

lil-lia the dark blue card is behind the fish's fin, read comment#86

       Anonymous  6/15/09, 5:29 PM  

what is the code for register tried 5094 it doesn't work tried all different combonation still nothing

what do i do with the cards??? the register's buttons are all yellow, im stuck :(

i cant get diffrent view of cash register

i cant get the diffrent view of the cash register help please

the code is 0459 for the register!!!

so i got all the rectangles escept lite pink and orange one and then i deposited my three grey coins in the gum machine and got three gum balls with numbers on each of them

got last two rectangles. got four numbers from gum balls, but don't remember how the cash registers numbers are arranged and i know it has to be reversed because of all the reversed letterings of the window and door signs

nvm got it and the scissors

did evr1 leave???

I need help! I can't cut up anything!!! What's wrong?

Nvm, Im out.


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