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The Glean of Glob Walkthrough

The Glean of Glob

The Glean of Glob is a new point and click type adventure game. This is a collaboration between game developer Ricky Haggett (Kahoots, Balloon Headed Boy) and artist Daniel Baker, The Glean of Glob is a surreal adventure game originally created as an art exhibit. The Glean of Glob features haunting, dreamlike sound and visuals, and gameplay that invites the player to experiment with the strange logic of the Glob world. Good luck and have fun!

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Hi all!!

Bored game. Bye.

crazy game, not much fun

I had 4 little men cross the bridge with balloons and lift a cloth, I had 4 dresses sit on 4 tall guys and than lift a bomb, njow don't know what to do with the bomb?

rolled the flaming eyeball around and catch everything on fire, then get the arrows to land on the men after you get them in the working horse position, then get the arrows to pick up a fish and put it in the guys mouth and it blows his head off!! if i remember correctly lol!!

this is very easy, just guide at least 4 small guys with th red balloons across the bridge. They will tie the balloons on a white paper or something and then the ballons will lift it up until there will be a fireball just contorll the fireball to the small woods just under the white paper that lifted up and just follow the right arrows after the smallwoods all gone with fire.

Just take the 3 blue clothes and 1 green by clicking the tall brown shadow people all together they should be at their back and they will walk back to the small people woho carries the balloon. and the blue and green clothes will fly and they will take the black bomb.. just guide them following the arrows to the right. and if you see a big white head with mouth open. Drop the bomb to its mouth and BOOM! then just watch...

PS. sorry for my english :D


oops it was a bomb ~~i thought it was a fish!!

working link:


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