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Mouse in Danger Walkthrough

Mouse in Danger

Mouse in Danger is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game. Try to rescue the mouse by finding items and solving puzzles. Language barrier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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Got map, key, ladder, some food and other codes

got the red x moving on the bottom of the screen with a hammer

I'm starting but probably won't be of much help

I think I need something to get that food open so that cat can eat

hi,anyone here???

I need the last ball to the number code....

daisysos is way ahead. I'm still looking for key

ooh yes i see i am not alone!!!fonud 3 pieces of paper so far.

I found the key on the screen with the grass blades...click near the top of the screen and it will bring you down

the top right of screen

oops sorry should have said found.lol.


you don't need an extra ball for the number code, use hammer on black thing beneath, it tells you which order the numbers go in.

@ Yvon...I did that but nothing happens after I put the numbers in

i think the code is 658, then click on the black "ball"

thanks daisysos.would never have found that key.

I really want to feed this darn cat.....: )

Thank you Yvon!

use hammer on X-box. Now have a red an blue paintbrush.

think I just got a bad end

found milk. downstairs in view with the sort of yellow lightbulb, click top left. You get a new view.

how did you get out?

sorry, I guess it's a mouse..not a cat...lol

annaby, the same here. That's why i hate when there is a language barrier....

thanks guys...did the same...don't think I want to re-start this all over for good end.

clicking around the sun takes you to another room with 3 shelves (?). Got a bottle of milk from one,something else too, I think. But don't go forward - that's the end.

No, I started over and tried a different door but also the end. Not going for a third.

daisysos,yvon are you still here??i am stuck.help needed please.

The piece of paper tells you which slot to take, it takes you to a new room where you can give the cat its milk.

have milk, food (?), red paintbrush and purple paintbrush (combinded red and blue), not used it so far. Cat won't take milk or food. Now what..

Oh and you have to add the sleeping pills (yellow topped can thing) too

ahh.i got it am out too thanks.

where did you use the paintbrush, i don't know how to get a good end.

I'm stuck with that too. Even though the cat's sleeping i still get a bad end...confused.

In the blue room where you feed the cat, click near the bottom of the brown door and find an envelope?...paint it purple

Then click the sleeping cat and i think that's the good end

...click cat with envelope highlighted

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I make it the good end. Don't want to start over again....

I'm with you on that, it's enough for me.


go through the opening on the left. the cat will fuss at you. click the slot on the lower left and it sounds like a coin dropping. This opens a door downstairs.

go back to the hallway and go forward, then down the pole.
go left twice and take the ladder. after a minute the conveyor belt will stop and you can take the red X package.

go right once and click the upper right area. there is an opening there that you can put the ladder to. take the hammer out of the opening.

go right twice and there should be a white opening ahead of you. If it is green, go back up to the cat room and click the switch on the cabinet. go through the white opening downstairs to the garden.

go up and take the bottle of cat sleeping pills. go back down and go left or right - now it gets really pixel peevish. Click between the two grass blades on the right, about halfway or 2/3 of the way up. Take the red key and go back down. click until you come to a room with a yellow ball (sun? lightbulb?) and go back through the opening.

go right three times and go back up the pole. go through the opening on the right. move all the stars and take the map (not that it will do you any good. I could not make any sense of it).

click on the red spot on the box on the shelves and take the piece of paper. open the bottom drawer of the cabinet and take another piece of paper. use the red key on the top drawer to get... another piece of paper.

the paper with the grey bars and red circle will be used later. for now, combine the white and green pieces of paper. Now you will see 865.

use the hammer on the black zigzag line below the colored circles. 231 appears. this is the order of the numbers for the code. the second digit of 865 is 6, the third is 5, etc so the code is 658. enter this in the colored circles and click on the black circle. take the blue paintbrush.

take the hammer and smash the red X box. take the red paintbrush. combine the two paintbrushes to get a purple paintbrush. now head back to the hallway and down the pole, then out to the garden.

go left or right twice to the room with the yellow ball and click the upper left portion of the screen. If you click the left striped bar, you can take a bottle of milk. once you have the milk, CLICK THE DOWN ARROW. If you click the up arrow you will get a bad end.

now you're back in the garden. go back to the room with the yellow ball and click the upper left area again. this time you will click the bottom striped bar, as indicated on the piece of paper with the red circle.

go up to the blue-green room. go left to the room with the bookcase and cat. put the milk in the saucer on the floor and then add the sleeping pills. click on kitty. lights out!

now go to the room with the yellow ball, which is apparently a door knob as seen from a mouse's level. click below the brownish red door. take the envelope and use the purple paintbrush on it.

highlight the painted envelope and click on the sleeping cat. you now have the good end.

I didn't figure any of this out on my own, but read the above comments and just put them together as a walkthrough. Nothing in this game was logical! then again, that seems to be the world we escape addicts inhabit.

oh, challenging game:)
The worm says the cat likes purple.
Give a purple toy house to the sleeping cat.

And the author is a boy in 5th or 6th grade:)

i just get a white box... no game

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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