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Lazypookzz Escape 2 Walkthrough

Lazypookzz Escape 2

LP2 - Lazypookzz Escape 2 is sequel of Lazypookzz Escape 1 downloadable point and click type room escape game created by Lazypookzz. "This is the second Lazypookzz Escape Game. In the first game I used photo's but in this game I used my own drawings. Again it is an escape game where you have to find items and solve puzzles. Can't wait to hear what you think of it!" Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Lazypookzz]

Download Lazypookzz Escape 2 Free (Windows, 28 MB)

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hi, screwdriv and a marble

there is no P letter in the keyboard

I escape alone!! Good game and nice graphics.

there is a battery under the book shelf

       Anonymous  11/3/09, 7:55 AM  

HELP..i am stuck in the computer screen and forget the teddybears name

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the name of the teddybear is pooky

       Anonymous  11/3/09, 8:20 AM  

thank you sooo much

Hi, anyone still playing ?
I stuck with 3 marbles, hammer, screwdriver, pencil and 3 codes: 12:43 from the clock and a color code from the book and blue=4 from the mirror, some help for me please

Code for door:


the code from the clock and code on the side of bookshelf is for the painting.

three marbles (missing one), pencil, cloth, hammer, took down painting, color clue on teddy's foot, number eight on left side of chair, battery (used), time clue (12:43), cannot clean mirror, cannot touch hole in ceiling, no key for next room. any hints?

thank you cecepons, but how? Where is the 4.marble and the p for the pc please???

Clean mirror: Add cloth and spray
Use stick for ceiling

found letter p (go left from zoomed in view of mirror, get with pencil).

hi rudi, to clean the mirror you will need cleanerspray. The key for the closed door is over the painting use chair and sharp stick

@cecepons: thanks, but no spray, no stick :-), water in green bowl doesn't work for cloth.

Spray into armchair. (I'm out of game and I dont remember well)

Spray is behind the closed door

The stick is on the right side of the printer

so far have clues for red (2), green (5) and orange (8), will try and find the stick. thx!

yellow bowl with 9 holes!
Where is the last marble please???????

when you open the door u will get the spray

got all the color clues, stuck with 3 marbles and a hammer, do i need to demolish the entire room? :-)

red is from the picture r e d with 2 stripes

you will find the last marble when you have the right number for the keypad

gabi, the last marble you get it when u out the numbers of teh door 29458 but cannt get it i need somthing

and please Rudi....don't destroy my room ;-)

answer to self: in a way, yes! enter the code in door panel first!

raudi, the stick is beside the printer

i am out nice game, thank you all for helping

you need your hammer!

and out! excellent game, very nice graphics, soothing music and logical gameplay! kudos to the author, thanks a bunch!

Thanks Rudi ;-)

Um i put the pencil in the mirror but nothing happened:(

Do you need help assuma?

you're welcome, C, wish there were more games of this quality around.

@assuma: zoom in on the mirror, move your mouse to the left and go to the next screen. the use your pencil!

Great game C, we need more!

I'm glad you liked it Rudy. Hope to make more games, but this is my second game, and it was a lot of work...
You can find my first game here http://www.moviemerchandize.nl/game.html

c, i'm already playing, just gave the pidgeon back to your neighbour. nice barbecue you have there :-)

yes i need:(
donno the pencil donnt do anything

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If you have the mirror in close-up you can go to the left. There you can see the P on top of the closet. There you can use your pencil

ooooooohhhhhhhh ok THANKS alllllllllllll

c, if you are still around: for the next game, would it be possible to have the option of a resizable window? i have a dual monitor setup here, and it's quite hard to play in full screen, the important things are often split in the middle.

I also have 2 monitors..but the game is just on one monitor? I did not want the game to be fullscreen...but If I understand you correct...you do play fullscreen? (how do you do that...?)

Help, I can't find the hammer. Stunning game by the way. Thank's C :)

my monitor settings are so that the desktop has a resolution of 3200 x 1200. when i open the game, the background goes all black and i have a smaller window (the actual game) right in the middle. alt-tabbing out of the application and right-clicking on it on the taskbar only jumps back to the game, resizing is not possible.

why don't you look in the wardrobe Rambler ;))
And thanks...

Ahh, thanks, didn't realise there was a top shelf.

And I'm off to the picnic. Nice game.

Ow...oké...I understand Rudi. Haven't seen that before lol. This game making is pretty new to me, so I don't know if it is possible to resize in the program I am using at the moment. But will keep it in mind.

c, one more question: is it intentional that you have to answer the computer question without the option of going back to check the stephen king book? that might lead to a dead end for people who find the pencil and the letter p before opening the book.

No...it wasn't intentional that you can't go back when you don't know the name of the teddy bear (pooky!!!). I just realized when wvdonnaj asked it in this forum. And yes...stupid me ;-(.
I think I can change that but a lot of people already downloaded... Hope that most people remember the name from the begin frame. Will also change it on the website. Thanks Rudi for your comments.

not to worry, the game is as cool as they come, a single glitch shouldn't spoil the fun for anyone. keep up the good work and thanks again. have a nice evening!

a nice evening for you too Rudy! And for everybody else playing of course ;-)


turn right, notice RED painting with TWO stripes
zoom in on green candle holder and notice button on the wall
zoom out, turn right
zoom in on lowest part of shelf, find battery under shelf (left side)
zoom out (2x)
zoom in on top shelf
zoom in on clock with dead display (right side)
open battery compartment, insert battery, close compartment
press power button 2 times, clock will gradually turn around
click on display, note time (12:43)
zoom out (2x)
zoom in on second shelf from top
click on YELLOW bowl, notice NINE holes
click again to put it back
click on Stephen King: Insomnia, open book
hotspot in upper right quarter of right page
click on Pooky the bear (remember the name, important)
notice color code RED, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE
click again on page and zoom out (2x)
zoom in on fourth shelf from top, click on lock of red box
zoom in, take screwdriver, zoom out (2x)
zoom in on fifth shelf from top
click on bowl, take marble (you cannot leave this screen without taking it)
zoom out (2x)
zoom in on right lower side of shelf, notice rectangle with numbers 1 to 4
2 3
4 1
zoom in on painting to the right
try clicking the corners in the order from shelf, doesn't work
remember the clue from the clock and exchange 3 and 4, so the new order is
2 4
3 1
painting comes tumbling down and reveals a hidden niche in the wall
take red marble
zoom out, turn right
zoom in on printer (left side of desktop)
to its right you will find a weird sharp stick, take it
zoom out, zoom in on desktop
zoom in on keyboard, notice the letter p is missing
zoom out, zoom in on pencil case, take pink pencil
zoom out (2x), turn right
zoom in on stool to the left, find yourself staring at a strange contraption with an oscillating force field up front
you will see four recesses, that's where our marbles go. you can put the first two in or save that for later
zoom out, open drawer of white dresser, take cloth
zoom out, close drawer (the author of this game seems to be a tidy person :-) )
open left side of dresser, zoom in on orange box
pry open the lid with your screwdriver take third red marble
close left door, open right door
zoom in on top shelf, take hammer
zoom out, turn right (you may of course close the door before)
zoom in on mirror, move your mouse to the left and find there is a hotspot to another view, go there
in the far right corner of the dressers top you'll notice a dark speck that you cannot reach
well, you can, use your pencil and there we have it, the elusive letter p!
go back right to the mirror view, zoom out
turn right and find a chair lying on its side
set it back up and click two times on its back
you'll see a part of the ceiling paper hanging down, again not in easy reach
give it a try with your sharp stick and you will hear something falling to the ground
zoom out (1x) and zoom in on the left side of the chair
notice the ORANGE sticker with the number EIGHT
back out and zoom in on the key on the floor, take it
zoom out, turn right, zoom in on the door


we need a key, we got a key
drag it to the keyhole and open the door
zoom in on the top shelf and take get the bottle with cleaner
back out, zoom in on the lower part of the shelf
inspect the brown box and find a matchbox
zoom out of the cubbyhole and in your inventory, combine cleaner and cloth
ready for some serious cleaning
turn left twice, zoom in on the mirror and apply some cleaning power
after a short while the mirror will get all foggy (maybe because we are getting all excited)
and reveal yet another clue: BLUE equals FOUR
break away from the mirror, turn left two times and back to the computer keyboard
put the letter p in and click on it
now you'd better remember the name of that cute teddybear or it's game over. no way back out.
pooky, it's that simple.
click enter and the final clue is there: GREEN FIVE.
Well, all nice and easy going so far, but where is the fourth marble?
Here comes the trick:
Zoom out, turn left three times and zoom in on the code panel next to the door
So we got the order of colors from spooky's feet, and we got the according numbers from our several clues in the room:


enter these numbers, click enter and find yourself magically drawn to yet another formerly hidden niche in the wall
you can't bend the bars with your bare hands
and what have i been dragging a hammer through the better part of the game? right. use it. several times. it's fun and those are strong bars.
alright, we have our last marble, back to the stool with our strange contraption (you will know the room by now)
place the marbles in the for recesses, the force shield will turn off and we can take a silver pyramid.
now what? well, we have some matches left and there was a candle in the room (under the red painting, in case you forgot), let's give it a try.
light the candle, now press the button on the wall again. to yor right opens a lid with a colorful sqaure underneath.
place the pyramid on the square, click it two times and enjoy.

wow...thnx for the great walkthrough...better then I could have done it!

What a nice game! Thanks for the hard work C - wish more escape games were this well done. :-)

Thanks for your nice words icemaiden. Such comments inspire to think about a next game ;-)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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