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2010 Escape Walkthrough

2010 Escape

2010 is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Candy Pot. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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am I first...I'll need help

im here but theres 3 new games out at once lol

need one more square thing and a key...no idea what order they go in

glad your hear Suicune

gonna try the other games..this one bores me

Have found ten tiles and a place for ten. Not sure of order. If you flip them you get numbers and math symbols.

One cabinet door that won't open, but not sure it will since I have seen behind the door. ;)

akemashite omedetou!!!

I tried several combinations that would make a mathematically correct equation, but nothing seems to happen. I think that not only will the numbers have to add up, but the Japanese character will have to make sense. So, I'm stuck.

just in case, once you have all the tiles the code should look like this あけましておめでとう
hope this help...but not sure if is right, i couldn't open the drawer

oh the reason: the tiles in that order spell: 20 x 100 + 10 =...then u get the textbox to write the answer...

ok i am here for real now, i was trying to solve the other 2 games, its too hard to play 3 at once!

solved them now though so i can focus on this one

thanks Nhiladred, out now!
couldn't have done it without your help!!

Thanks for the math Nhiladred!
Think I'm out with "candy pot"???

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i am missing a tile and cannot find it anywhere :(

what is the tab cheat?

the tab key, it works in some flash games that dont have a safeguard against it, and reveals all hotspots as you keep pressing it.

its just too bad it doesnt work on gazzyboy games!!!

Can somebody post a printscreen of the way to input the blocks? I cant read the answer given by Nhiladred


Did you manage to look behind the right cabinet door that won't open? Look at the left one twice.


Thanks for your help with the tiles...never would have gotten it without. :)

can you imagine how easy these games would be if we knew the language?????
Thanks for help, all!
Happy New Year!

       Anonymous  12/31/09, 12:38 PM  

i have all ten tiles and understand the order of placement but it wont allow me to place any of the chips into the slots...is there something im missing or is my game glitched

it's still not finding it and i can't do the tab thing either :(

Nobody posted the locations of the tiles? Dang, I only have 8.


ahh dont it, just need to get them into the correct odrer now, thanks :O)

POP - found one, now I'm only missing that last little guy...

If anyone remembers where the "X" tile is... I'd love to know! :)

that might have been the one behind the unopenable right door of the cabinet, but i cant remember for sure.

(to view behind that door, open the left door then click somewhere in the open area to zoom in behind the right door, tab key might help find the hotspot)

have you tried clicking twice on the brown cabinet door? or the white square doors (left one)

shelly-bean - Yes, I guess it's a glitch.

The one I couldn't find (the X) was in the screen. On the left hand side there is a place to zoom in.

Thank you all, found it in the screen door - why do the authors insist on pixel hunts? Grrr...


Screenprint how to place tiles :

Hey I know I'm too late. But does anyone know what to type in for the password?


happy new years!

       Anonymous  12/31/09, 7:05 PM  

please, the X ??????

help !!!!

the x is in the door with all the white panels....in the bottom left...once you zoom in it is in the middle row 2nd column

       Anonymous  12/31/09, 7:22 PM  

found the X on the first door from left, zooming.

       Anonymous  12/31/09, 7:24 PM  


       Anonymous  12/31/09, 7:25 PM  

robert ! thanks

Happy 2010 !!!

Any walkthrough?

Here you are @XJiepXJiepXJiepX,


- Zoom in on the middle right of the black vase. Take tile 1 (right behind the vase). Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the bottom right of the white part of the picture behind the vase. Take tile 2 (bottom right behind the green). Zoom out.
- Zoom in on the top of the cupboard in the corner and take tile 3 and zoom out.
- Zoom in on the bottom of the cupboard in the corner and take tile 4 and zoom out.

- Zoom in on the left leg of the shelfs thing and take tile 5 from behind it. Zoom out.

- Zoom in on the bottom row of the left screen. Click the second square (from the left), from the second row to open it and take tile 6 and zoom out.

- Click the top left door of the cabinet and take tile 7 and the door is still open (if not, click it again). Now click (on the open part) the right side (very close to the closed and locked door on the right) and you can look behind the closed door and take tile 8 . Zoom out.
- Click the drawers to zoom in. Click the left drawer and click again on the open part and take tile 9 and don't zoom out. Click the right drawer and take tile 10 and zoom out.

- Zoom in on the box on the top right shelf and see the place to put the tiles. But don't put in the tiles yet!
- @Nhiladred solved the order and gave us this;

- あ--け--ま--し--て--お--め--で--と--う

- And if you can't read this there is a picture made by @tosca on http://i50.tinypic.com/5xlmci.jpg

- And if you followed this walkthrough the tiles go in the order; 7, 1, 6, 9, 3, 2, 8, 4, 5, 10.

- But before you put in the tiles look (about item) on the back of them and see that the tiles in that order give you 20x100+10=.
- Put the tiles in and a new code box pops up. Put in the answer "2010". (20x100+10=2010). Click the green button and it probably says open or something. Zoom out.

- Click the middle screens and you're out.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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