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Final Fantasy 13 Walkthrough

Final Fantasy 13

Final Fantazy 13 is another Japanese point and click type adventure game by Nekonote. Use your point and click skills to search around to find the items and solve puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Let's Go!!

I'm thinking that I would understand the game better if I had actually played the Final Fantasy series...

I've fond 2 coins and a bomb, now stuck

I have a bomb (used), a shovel (used once) and 2 shining balls.

I also have a book of magic.

I'm actually out by myself :)

I have two shining balls. Need one more.

OUT... that was easy! Oo

Out. That was confusing but cute.

The tird one is behind the black door.
you used the snake ore something and put him in the hole left thene he catch onother coin

where is the snake or worm that will go into the hole to fetch 3rd coin, pls?

Click on each of the floating weeds to left and right. Some white stuff will appear in the centre that attracts the worm

i have a mouse? a bomb nad two gold balls...stuck

figured it out. short game!

this game is sh.....

1.click on the green blimp
2.take the shining ball that fell
3.click on the lump of soil
4.click on the shining ball that appears on the tip of the cliff
5.click on the black thing in between the two cliffs
6.get the bomb
7.use the bomb on the angry thing
8.get the shovel
9.use the shovel on the lump
10.get the magic book
11.click on the black thing again
12.use the magic book on the big black door
13 go back and click on the two green baloons until there is white stuff on the ground
14.click on the white stuff and wait a few seconds and get the worm
15.click on the black thing again and use the worm on the hole
16.get the shining ball
17.use the shining balls on the treasure chest
18.click on the gun
Hope that helped!!!

WHY, WHY, WHY???????
I was so jazzed to see a Nekonote game ...and then... this?
Why did they bother?
What a horrible disappointment!

403 Forbidden... seriously?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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