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Speed - V1 Lift Escape Walkthrough

Speed - V1 Lift Escape

Speed V1 Lift Escape is another new point and click type room escape game from Gazzyboy. "Here you have been locked inside a moving lift by terrorists and they have planted a bomb in the lift. You will have to diffuse the bomb using the things which are accessible. Use the things wisely and find an exact way to escape from the lift." Good luck and have fun!

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Speed V1 Lift Escape Video Walkthrough

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lol ive already gotten far into this one since i already started when they guy posted it on the previous game :P

I'm here - I'll try to catch up

i cant find where to use the battery :/

and ill help anyone who is trying to catch up if they need it

My screwdriver doesnt work on any screws

so far only a paper and screwdriver shaft


screwdriver needs 4 parts, string, paper, handle, and shaft

then itll work

okay - have all but handle. keep looking

silly me - I forgot that every good screwdriver needs string

Where is handle ?

Hi everyone. @ Home sick trying to find a way to escape! I have found a thread, a rubber and a paper!! Anything else? A screwdriver perhaps?

oddly enough i cant seem to unscrew the right fan, i wonder if its supposed to be like that, ive tried many times now though..

the handle is at the central handrail, on the right side.

where are handle and shaft please?

At this place i found rubber, hmmm..

NO luck with right fan either, suicune. I have wire cutters, screwdriver and battery

Suicune this is where the rubber was. Is the rubber and the handle the same thing?

yes, the handle is the rubber, youll notice when trying to use the rubber on the shaft :)

I only have rubber, paper and string :(

oh lol, it's a battery, i thought it was a lighter

Where is fan?

So where is shaft ? lol

Zazie, I think in hatch in floor. Top left

OK, but where is the Shaft?

POP found it under lift door.

Bottom right of door!! Found it!

the rubber is actually the screwdriver handle.
Cut wire cutter - am I going to die if I cut the wrong wire?

i wonder if 6666 near the circuit wires means anything

i think im stuck, cant find where to use the battery, i think after i find that, and return the power supply, itl be over!


i havent found a way to die in this game yet lol

where is the battery?

Where is the battery?

i cut the wires at 2 places

glad randomly cutting wires didn't blow me up lol

i think the battery was in the left fan

Battery is in left fan, use screwdriver on fan.

the battery is in the left fan, need completed screwdriver to get it.

dont ask about the right fan, i havent found a way to get it off yet, mabye it doesnt come off :/

Fan in ceiling - hard to find hot spot. Open fan and battery inside.

I cut wires at 4 places and have them in inventory now.

I can no longer look up at the fan or above the elevator door ...

stuck with wires and battery

never mind ... just a glitch

removed all the wires now, looks like this game has a mind of his own sometimes...

Stuck with a bunch of wires and a battery! Ay progress anyone?

nope. Stuck with you Maria!

same place as you guys

now u guys are stuck with me lol, i got wires, battery, pliers, and driver and dunno what to do next.

the fire exit is unscrewed but cant seem to use it, and there doesnt seem to be a place to use the batteries or the wires...

There is a view above the lift doors, with a sign saying "Total floor - 134"

I am with you Suicune ;)

Did U say batterIES Suicun? Do you have more than one?

good grief, its taken me ages to figure out how to post on here! Hi all, I'm stuck where you are.

oh! I hope the game isn't broken. I hate when that happens.


im sorry, i didnt mean batteries, i only have 1. i guess its just a force of habit.


hmm, me too... was wondering if the fact that we cant unscrew the right fan is a bug or not. i hope not.

After cutting wires: "Sys Reg number: 6666"

This game was pretty easy, but now I am stuck (did most of the stuff myself until cutting wires)


I think I'll wait for Kitkatfox's lovely and detailed Walckthrough cause my head and throat are killing me. Going to bed with a cup of green tea jasmin!!! See all some other time. Nice playing with you!!

so we cut the wires from the control box, meaning THAT was the bomb???

Same thing fot me, stuck ....

lol i took a break and went to play ToE 41, cleared it before this one, and this one came out 1st xD

hello, all of you.
I`m very stuck with you all
can`t think of any way to progress.

@Maria Hope you feel better. If we get out of here, I'm sure either Suicune or myself will do a walkthrough.

Are you out ???????


nope, i havent managed to find anything new to do on this game yet, still stuck at same spot.

i am stuck with the rest of you guys. I have even tried things that my momma told not to do...such as sticking things into a moving fan! and light sockets....no change in my stuckness

has anyone tried the walkthrough link in the game? the video's not working on my computer...

no help on Nordinho

Same here no video


i think the walkthough doesnt exist yet because its too new, thats probably why its not playing.

drk, I tried it but only got a white screen

It says we have to find an exact way to escape - I'm wondering if maybe we cut too many wires to finish the game...


ohhhh that is a good point

Buggy - arrow up now shows to view fan, didn't before

Restarting to check if we have to cut all the wires.

maybe you are right, evie, or there is an order to the steps. urg


good theory, but then we wouldnt have the wires in our inventory... im thinking that theyre in our inventory for a reason, and the "exact" way to escape might be that hatch in the ceiling.

so the game starts with the controller deactivated and not withouth power. So maybe we did cut the power!

the flors total....134 maybe we must cut wire 1,3,4 running clockwise...from which wire to start ? i do not know.....grab a corner and start cutting?

Cut the wires on the top left, and "no power".

cut the bottom left wires and it says no power. I'll try the others.

I tried grant but it doesn't change anything.

I did start over and didn't cut the wires. The only difference is the message on the buttons. With wires cut it says "no power". With wires uncut it says "system error control deactivated".


i think any wire you cut removes the power.

also, i think the battery we have is supposed to help us resupply the power somehow, because the intro said that the bomb is tired with the elevators power supply. so my theory is that when we removed all the wires and cut off the power supply we also deactivated the bomb. now we just need another power source (mabye the battery) and we should be out.

I think you get the no power sign as soon as you cut any wire.

Hi all, did anyone cut the wires in the plugin box??

i tried to escape out the roof access hole...but I got my head stuck and now i cannot move...

Why can't we just climb on the railing to get out of the ceiling exit...heck with the battery, lol.

Seems like there's actually a perfect spot for the battery on the panel but it just won't..go..in...

gabi - havne't been able to do anything with the wires in the plugin box

so the wire order doesn't matter. Darn.

@gabi -- I can't cut them

@grant (o\|/o) you have your head shoved up your access hole? lol

my game geeked a bit and replaced the access cover in my roof hole...i had to remove it again as before but no change to my status...STUCK

do we need to do something with the bottom right switch plate beofre we remove it?

What I don't get is how this game can have such a high star rating when no one can finish it.

Maybe we just need a flashlight to put battery in and then escape through the hatch ?


!!!! HAHAHA I hadnt event thought of that little rearrangement of words!!! LOVE IT

i cant cut the wires in the plugin box either.

i tried to cut them with many patience, but no success

Restarted now I can't open hatch. Tried to wrap wires around stupid fan!

there certainly does seem to be a place for a battery in the floor panel

well everyone. I think I declare this game broken. Hopefully, someone will prove me wrong, but I'm done for now. I'll check in later. Bye!!


where's the hatch that fell of anyway

the elevator is lying!!! If there truly is no power, then what the heck is powering the LCD display on the key pad?

We are all being observed to see how we will react. It is all part of a behavioral research program!! The gov't is pumping poisonous gas into the car and we will soon be dead.

hmm mabye its not broken because someone already cleared it if you scroll down the page... but theres no guarantee that person isnt the author.

grant calm down and breath in deeply lol

IM FREAKING OUT MAN!!!!! ARRRRG...The walls are getting closer!! is it hot in here?? it is hot in here!! who farted!! I cannot breathe.......oommmm ooommmm oommm. Okay, im better. sorry 'bout that....

LOL grant :)))

Maybe there's no power in the elevator but there's some in the control panel. So we may try to enter codes ...

Actually i was stuck in a REAL elevator already 3 times, no fun !!

Zazie. Do you now use the stairs?

Okay, what we need is for someone with enough computer skills to hack into this game and rewrite the program so the doors open, and we all can leave...

Tried 1346666, 6666134 no luck

Battery in Flashlight ;)


LOL Stryboh i tried the same numbers :)
@grant, no i still am using elevators, i like to escape :))

Prid are you kidding ?
Where is flashlight ?

huh WHAT?!?!?! flashlight?!?!?!

prid tell us how u escaped

You can type only 5-letter words in the control panel (move your pointer to the space under where it says "No Power"), but can't add numbers to it by using your computer's keyboard.

However, after typing a 5-letter word, you can add numbers to it by using the keypad on the screen.

Dunno if that might help though.

if there is a flashlight its gotta be EPICALLY well hidden since weve been looking for an hour and havent found any new hotspots lol

Wish I hadn't disabled that bomb. At least I wouldn't be stuck in the elevator anymore; I'd just be stuck all over the walls everywhere around it.

flashlight is under the circuit board, which you remove using sd

now i'm in a free fall!, but at least i'm out of the elevator
found CZZ and jvkr on circuit attached to pulley

What? I tried the sd all over the circuit board

Place SD on right side of circuit board.

how to remove circuit board ive tried like a milion places, and i dont see any visible screws on it either....

Oh my, i knew there must be a flashlight !
Now i am on elevator falling and need a code to enter in a panel.

No up arrows again arghh!

Put the screwdriver where you cut the below right wires.

i've tried cutting the wires on the pulley, but the cutter seemed a bit pixely on the circuit board, so i may be missing a hot spot.
tried "gazzy", "czz", "jvkr" and all combinations of 134 and 6666 or 9999. still falling!

Still can't open the circuit board ....

where zazie

I am stuck with a code panel....and there is another view with many switches, argg.

ty for the hints everyone, now im in the freefall sequence too... not sure what to put in the bomb code though.


Use scrwedriver just a bit over the hole on the right border of circuit board, after having removed wires of course.

Found blue tape

Right to the circuit board (first click), there's a blue insulation tape. (next to the box on the right hand side)

I see the bomb but dont know how to disarm it

found tape!

Note that we have the circuit board in invotory, maybe we have to use it somewhere

There's a blue roll of insulation tape behind the code panel before you zoom in.

!!! you can zoom in on the circuit board on the bomb! We probually need to use those wires here

Whereed you get the tape?

still cant get the effin circut board off

never mind got it

Put back Circuit Board, place Wires, use Tape on all 4 Sides.. Currently stuck, but I know the Bomb code: 1010


Naterade Place tip of SD next to cut wires on right side of CB.

Prid i need help, cant put the board back on

can not find tape???

prid, how did you get the circuit board and tape back on? been trying that and trying that, but no go

btw, Maradona, SneakSnake, et al., great find on the blue tape!

Enter 1010 at bomb, PW accepted then put circuit board back on, etc. Stuck

you have to enter bomb code 1010 1st...how Prid got that code....i dont know

Same here zoz, doesn´t work.

1010 how prid? how did you find that?

can someone please tell me where tape is?

Just put the code and you will be able to put the board again in its hole.

you need to put password in to but board back in (on bomb punch in 1010)

Tape: zoom in once on bomb and then bottom right of device.

Tape is a blue spot right side of bomb in the non zoomed view.

j_flamm : first one is on handrail.

Got the elevator to stop. Now stuck.

j_flamm, look to the right of the box by the bomb on top of the elevator; don't zoom in first

Tape is next to bomb in one view, look for small blue object sticking out.

Now it says ENTER CODE on elevator. guess we need a pass to escape

Grrr what a game !!

found tape, thanks guys!!

Acer, what code did you use to stop the elevator???

Can enter five letters then can add numbers via keypad

this game is really hard wow... looked so easy at 1st.

still wondering where the hint for 1010 was though.

and im guessing the 6666 is a red herring? cuz it doesnt seem to work on either pad...

I think I put in 6532 and pressed stop.

Mine stopped too btw, i just typed in 1010

And finished, OUT!


prid, how on earth did you know what to put in the bomb code and the elevator pad? i cant find any hints for these codes? was it all trial and error? theres gotta be some hints somewhere...

Prid: Please tell us how you got 1010. Thanks.

elevator stopped, but open door button not working

Total floors - 134, maybe the code, but don't no how much floors we have ....6666-134 doesn't work

I think that Prid is lying. Anyone of us would have proudly given a How-To on how we got out ...if we truly did get out...**jab in ribs for solution**

Still stuck in the elevator, how to open the door ?

you can highlight the chipset now

nice try grant, lol

well grant, he wasnt lying about the 1010 thing...

still wondering how he knew what number to put in though... but he doesnt seem to be answering...

Zazie stuck in elevator 4th time!

You could always zoom in on the cipset actually. Just wondering what to do with it.


The Bomb Code was pure guess, but the Pad code is: ----- If you turn 6666 around, getting 9999, then you: 9999 - 134 = 9865 is the code to open Elevator ----


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Zaz....i was hoping to call him (or her) out and see if i could get him to spill the beans on how he did it...attack the ego....draw him out

9865 out!

Out! thanks prid

Thank you Prid. I was hoping that you would check back in and share your success story with us...which you did.

Has anyone still figured out why it is 1010?


grant, good strategy!!! @Prid, thanks for sharing - very clever to work out that formula!

Thanks Prid. I don't believe I spent 2 hrs on this!

well im out, nice job finding the bomb code, pretty tricky code.

as for 1010... you mean you just got purely lucky with a guess? wow...

i still say theres GOTTA be some kind of hint in the game, otherwise its pretty dumb- no good escape game forces you to use trial and error to solve a code.

Thank you Prid !!!
Great find, you saved my evening lol.

You are good Prid!!!!!!!

I am about to write a huge detailed walkthrough, but I need to know why it is 1010 ...


TY Prid, you are the greatest!!

prid - our hero thanks

O_O - So many thanks, I am flattered :*)

Doesn't anyone still know why it is 1010, or is it okay if I write a walkthrough without telling why the Bomb Code is 1010?


i'd like to know

you can still do a walkthrough just note that we dont know yet why it is 1010

I just went through the game again and couldn't find any hints as to the 1010. that's pretty diabolical, imho.
Prid, write a walkthrough by all means!

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