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Transform Walkthrough


Transform is another funny puzzle game from Eyezmaze,the creator of Grow series." There's a lion about to attack the gazelle and you must take action by figuring out the correct sequence of places to press and pull." Good luck and have fun!

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I've missed these games!!

       Anonymous  12/27/09, 7:22 PM  

hi greenmama

is that the end with lion sleeping under the tree?

I love these games.

i got a D..lol


Try to transform in under 1:25 to unlock all. :)

Nobody needs it, but this page needs it, so here it is;


First go a bit down, because the first picture isn't the game.

- Click the nose of the animal, a button appears on the bottom of it's neck..
- Click that button, it's head goes upside down.
- Click the button on it's head again, it's horns are going into the ground.
- Click it's nose again, it digs and reveals a code.
- Click the button on it's head again, the horns are going into the ground again and now you can match the code in the ground by clicking the buttons in it's neck. The left one in the ground is the bottom one (close to it's head) on it's neck (etc.). If done correctly it's head seperates from it's body.
- Click the button on top of it's neck part, A tap comes out.
- Click the tap, it fills the hole with water.
- Click the button on top of it's neck again and the whole neck part falls apart
- Click the tail (2x) and a pot comes out of his back.
- Click the part of the body where the neck used to be and a head comes out and drinks water and gives water to the pot and a plant grows.
- Click the tail again, the plant goes down.
- Click the tail again and the code buttons come up again. Click the same code (if you don't remember, hoover over the water with your mouse and you'll see it). The left one in the water, is the bottom one (etc.), If done correctly the body becomes two parts.
- Click the key on top (4 / 5 x) and the front part walks away.
- Click the tale and a black head pops up.
- Click that black head on the back part of it's body and the pot and plant are coming out. Click the plant and it flies up and comes down.
- Click the left part of the front part of the body. The head comes out and starts to eat stones.
- Click the plant and it goes up on a pole.
- Click the button on the pole and the back part jumps on the pole.
- Click the button again and it shoots the front part into pieces.
- Click the top green part of the middle piece and a lot of stuff happens.
- Click the head that popped up out of the back part of the body (4x) and now it's a tree and lions don't eat trees, so you're safe.
- See your rank, Click the tree and it opens. And although you can click the trunk on the bottom left, it seems that you're done. All you can do is try it below 1:25 to get a rank A (according to @Catalyste). My fastest time was 2:09 and it was still rank D. So maybe there is an other order of things to do to get it faster but I couldn't be bothered.

Addition to SneakSnake's walkthrough:

To get A rank (under 1:25), try to complete the tasks as fast as you can by:

a: Quickly click the buttons. Now click tail when antlers are in ground.

b: Memorize shape pattern as you input it in neck.

c: Click button and then faucet. Now click the door, and click the tail and then button to make neck collapse.

d: Quickly click tail when plant grows and input the memorized shape pattern again.

e: Click tail and then click the wind-up key until it moves. As it's moving click the head and then click the plant. Click plant again when it's in the ground and quickly click the bell on other half of body.

f: As it's eating, click cork in tree trunk. As thing is licking crumbs, click hole to make it pop.

g: Quickly click on new rock and ready your mouse over hole on the posterior half. As rock falls on it, click constantly until leaves get sucked into newly formed tree.

It'll take a couple of practices. But if done right, then you would have done this in less than 1:25 to get A rank and able to unlock the Congratulations ending.

WHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THERE'S A WALKTROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!!!!!!!oh well.....it only took me 2 tries and got D :( but anyway.....all of you're walktroughs can come in handy too.....

by the way my time is 3:26:39

and uhhh....sneaksnake.....you're right coz i keep clicking onn the picture but i looked down and it was just what you need to do and that is to put the deer into the tree

cute game even if my ranking was terrible. I've never played one of these before, but I like the style.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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