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Syosaku Escape Walkthrough

Syosaku Escape

Syosaku Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game. In this escape game you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Language barier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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woo... first
starting game

2nd, lets roll!

got screwdriver and fridge door

k, used up screwdriver to unscrew the outlet. didnt find anything else to do there though.

only other thing ive done is take the top fridge door.

and found a small hole in the blue wall.

removed the outlet with the screwdriver

to the right of brown cabinet a stick for the small hole.

wonder if language barrier will screw us over...

so far i havent even found a place to enter any codes at all though...

stuck with only the fridge door

ty yvon, i missed that stick.

also got stick, and used screwdriver

found a place to enter a code. Need help with that....

Can't find a place to use the crowbar?

extend the crowbar and use it at the left side of the cabinet to get a hammer

O, it's not a crowbar, sorry.

ok ive caught up to you now yvon, lets see if i can be of any help here... not sure though since theres a lot of japanese hints...

got another stick after putting the first stick into hole, then make that 2nd stick long, and used it to get a hammer

no telling how long the code is either

Use hammer on post box

haha... I was slow.... as I have typed something, I found that someone has already written that

ok... got cutter after using hammer

hiiii every one.....
i am new here....

Use cutter on orange paper to see codebox.

found code by myself.... code is 9490

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i have a blue thing and a freezer's cover....stuck

great, a japanese map...... That's a big help....

the fridge door isnt really a door after all lol!

also, found blueprint and turned on computer, now need another code, but this one looks easy

please help!!!!!!!!!!!

How did you guys open the fridge. I only have the cover and the thing from the codebox?

Shalini, start at the beginning of the posts. You need to find a stick.

i have only the fridge's cover!!!!!!
please help!!!
i used the blue thing on the plug....
don't know what to do.....

i cant remember where i got my wire cutter...

but ive cut the red wire and now stuck again.

i think the answer to the comp should be 2161,7 but its not working.

Sneak, we didn't open the fridge. Use thing from codebox on orange wand (i think). It opens it.

thanks yvon!!

password A hint: periodic table

Thanks @Yvon, just found it (POP-stylee).

did you see that if you click next to the box on the left the blue wall moves up and opens like a kitchen??

gives password b = 100 in the cupboard?

i cant get the stick!!!

so what's password C?
related to Cake?

@Suicune do you know the (password) C? because you said the comp. password should be 2161,7

Shalini - the stick is to the right of the blueish box with yellow lock on bookshelf. zoom in a little

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cant find the computer???


the computer is after you uncover the kitchen, id have to play through again to find exactly what i did to unlock it. i know i pressed a button but i forgot how i activated the button, sorry :(

is anyone able to translate what it says beside "password=A+B+C" on the comp?

oh, the fridge door goes into slot in the kitchen cupboard to open computer room..Tx Suicune

still haven't found the wirecutter. Suicune, not a clue to where you found it?

on the fridge door, it says password hint A is periodic table.... and password A on paper in 52,7... look up the periodic table for the 2 elements and you will get a number

thanks ianseke.....

when i observe the spot i cut the wire, it says some japanese text with "4~6" among it.

i can see the same numbers on the south side of the blueprint, but cant figure out what it means, its all in jap


ah ty!


gimme a moment

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52, 7 on the periodic table gives TE , N = ten

and thanks suicune for password C... I found it under table after I input the correct computer code and accidentally click the lower part of the table

and im out with "good end"

but this means theres another ending i didnt find!

Suicune - where did you get the 2009 for C?

i will replay now, and try to re-find the wire cutters


under the table

nvm got the C

I see the stick but I can't take it :(. Please help.

ok... got good end.... haha.... a good game I think

@Jo_ann: not that stick. its the one to the right of the blueish box on the bookshelf. Zoom in

gtg everyone.....
have to study and watch tv.....
i will play it later when suicune ,sneaksnake or anyone else has posted a walkthrough......
good luck....

ok i found them!

the wire cutter is under the table, at the left side! sorta blends in with the drawers, but youll see its a bit wider than it should be

Thanks iAneske :)

found the wirecutters, there below the computer (with password C). But why did we have to cut the wires? And where was the white button for (in view with password C en wirecutters)?

it's a hammer, stick is on the right of yellow box (you can see a liitle part of it in right corner)

ok, getting the wire cutter was difficult.. Tx fo the help - Over and Out

i ended up with good end again.

how to get the other ending?


i tried not cutting the wires to see if i could get another ending but it wont let you out if you dont cut the wires.


we never DID open that blue chest!!!!!!

anyone know how to open it?

but where is the white button for? That sounds like a bel?

Thanx. Out!:)

so i guess no ones found a key for the blue chest huh

there was no more room in our itemslist (?), so i think we don't need to find a key.

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im positive the box has a purpose though.. its too bad we cant have confirmation as to how many endings exist in this game. i wouldnt wanna be searching for a 3rd end for nothing.

Hey, people, are you still trying to find another end? Woohoo! I'll join! :D

Hi all, well I've played through this a couple times now and can only get 'nomal' end and good end. I think that's it.

used a translationsite. At the bottom of the game it says that there are 2 endings.



then i can rest easy and close the game now, i guess the keyhole on the blue box was just a red herring.

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       Anonymous  1/5/10, 5:48 AM  

Awesome work on the codes Suicune and fab... my brain just shuts up and goes for a cigarette when I see numbers ...

       Anonymous  1/5/10, 5:49 AM  

Suicine, they're greek letters.

delta = 0
iota = 7
zeta = 4
omega = 8
mu = 1

upsilon = mu + omega.
Phi = iota +2

Thanks for the walkthrough.

thanks for clearing that up!

Loved the game!!!Thanks for walkthrough, Suicune.
It reminds me of the early Tower of Eternity games... Just the right amount of logic mixed with absurdity!

thanks for the walkthrough. I needed help for the computer code!

working link:


       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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