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Tick - Tock - Room Walkthrough

Tick - Tock - Room

Tick Tock Room is another new released point and click type room escape game created by Lingo Slider. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Tosca]

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How was your yellow clock set? Mines not moved an inch :>

The big yellow alarm clock under the time bandit poster. The latch between the bells is stuck and I used the hammer on it.

I did set it to 1:15 so maybe that makes the difference.

zoomed in view?

uhh cheating? lol i had no idea, this game is so buggy i didnt even think i could cheat >.> oops sorry guys

Yes it was! Thank you :p

zoomed in view

Now we have that number gone to.. ;>

Ketchup, it's pretty buggy.. now way you could have known.. or.. I don't know, maybe you were further then us all the time :P

by the way, that time bandit poster keeps glitching when i run my mous over it, i think those squares have to do with one of the codes

well marcus, this is the second time im playing, the first time i got out and escaped by clicking on the grim reaper dude... so yeah totally buggy :P

... this would really help if i understood how to read clock faces btw :P

Oh, lol.. :D Well, my time bandit poster is not glitchy at all ;<

I have 4 cogs and 1 pinion. Did you use your hammer on the yellow clock to get another one besides those?

I'm totally stuck on the brown box with a sun on it.. 2x 4digit code.. hard to bruteforce;D

ugh i have to be at work in the morning but i cant leave this nonsense....my time bandit poster ripped in the corner... didnt do anything though i think i have to rip it more

oh:o which corner?

alrighty, I have to head to bed. I've got to be up early. So, I hope you all succeed, post a walkthrough (with the picture links!) and get some rest.

Good Night!

the top right... but now that im looking at it... it doesnt look like a rip.. it looks like the game just spazzed and the colors messed up

Aiight, GN ST SD Ladyofsinging.
Okey@Ketchup.. :p I think we only have paper + 9, 16, 5, 19 + 2, 12, 4, 10 code left.

there is a new escape game... number clicking... im totally done with numbers, im a photographer and i have to photograph 7 toddlers tomorrow..... time to sleep and get redbulls in the am

good luck to you guys, my game is way too glitchy


Aww, GN ST SD Ketchup! [=

There is a pinion in the square below the "B" on the Time Bandits Poster.

I have a paper with sun symbol and the numbers
1981.10.20 and under that is 713705.37 with arrows showing clock wise and under that red button and under that also the up and down arrows...
I have put the numbers in the sunbox but nothing happened...

Nice observation Atapth.
@Bunga, I don't know what to do with that box yet.
And now when I think of it.. I'm missing a weight and one more item. :o

okay... what does GN ST SD mean.... everyone keeps saying it lol

@atapth nicely spotted
@Edgar yes there was another pinion on the yellow clock

Good Night, Sleep Tight, Sweet Dreams.

oh lmao.. i thought it was a secret escape code i didnt catch on to :P goodnight marcus teehee

Hehe[= Gnite:p

I'll bet the final key is in the sun box.

head hurts!! I tried solving every math problem..
totally stuck now!!

one weight was in the bottom drawer of the brown chest; second, I believe, was in the large brown cabinet.

My grandfather clock hands don't stop spinning. Is that the same for everyone else?

Havn't tried :P

I'm off. Don't know why I'm giving more time to this game than it deserves. It's impossible for me to place that black thing in place so good night.

And there's another thing I've noticed... that 71370537 in the paper? Well, if you read it upside down it goes LESOLEIL (the sun in French), so maybe you have to turn something upside down as well. Wish you the best of luck with this... see you later.

Hi all, stuck huh?? Seems like a nice game to try, but unfortunately I cant play for the next three hours...

Nooooo Ellie! I was so happy to see you, now when everyone left me:(

Im sorry @Marcus! I have to go see a movie, but I'll be back..LOL

I'm still here.

Okey Ellie! [=
Good Atapth, got something new out of the code?

got a another pinnion from the time bandits poster.. somewhere from the bottom left.. so stuck can't put the black box from the brown table thing..

how do you guys put the box above the brown table??

The final clue has to be the letter.

October 20, 1981: the 293rd day of the year or 294th in leap year.

713705.37 with rotating arrows which could mean to turn the numbers upside down which spells lesoleil or "sun" in French.

Red box with a comma next to the outline of Louisiana?

Up and Down Arrows

Where do we go from here?

In zoomed in view, but it buggs for some people.. so you might have to restart. I had to /:

The black box goes on top of the brown box that is next to the bin

someone knows where to use the key?? I still have them..

@Atapth, I don't really know.. it's like a rebus.. spelling* :P
I'm writing a walkthrough atm tho, I'v done everything I could think of.. so :s

@lil anime, if you have tried to place the batteries in the black box, one will be stuck behind it and you will have to refresh. If you have not placed the batteries, then:

Go to the brown box and click on the box (it will open and, at the top of the screen, it will say like "something fits in here" or something like that.

Take the black box and place it inside the drawer then click down front of the black box, place the batteries, click the top and change the switch from red to green.

I can't put them.. :(

I tried putting the box in a zoomed view but still didn't work..

Is there a battery stuck behind the black box in the inventory?

I'm going to have to go now. So You Think You Can Dance starts tonight. I will have to try again tomorrow. Good luck everyone.

NOOOO!! I don't want to refresh this game!! After playing this like ages.. :( (sorry for wrong English)

my battery was stuck behind.. NOOOO!!!! *cry* :'(

Can't blame you @lil' anime.
Aiight, have a nice evening @Sparkle.

I had to start over, but it was easier the second time, because I used the information that was supplied here to find everything.

@Marcus, had a thought.

First clue is 1981 October 20.

The second clue 713705.37 reverse or Le Soleil (French for sun). Cajun French is the same.

Third clue: a red box (possibly for a city) comma and the outline of Louisiana.

Forth clue: up and down arrows.

I still can't put them.. I refreshed them (sadly) lol.. ;)

You have to be in the zoomed in view of the drawer to place the black box.

What could the red box represent?

my head really hurts.. I think its better to give up..

..I hate pixel hunt.. :(
.'gud luck to you guys.. hope you guys finished this..
I'm going to wait for a walkthrough^-^

I found out that on Oct 20, 1803 US Senate ratified the LA Purchase. Nothing else to do with the state.

I googled red box, Louisiana and got some hits.. doubt we should know this tho.. can't be that complicated.

googled "1981 october 20th the sun louisiana" no special about it.. we must be missing something

@Edgar: the 'ringing digits' next to the digital clock give the code for that clock. "9,16,5,19" means "9am,4pm,5am,7pm". If you look at the sun, it runs from right to left in 18 steps (corresponding to rising in the east and setting in the west); if you look at the hand it runs from bottom left (3 am) to bottom right (9 pm), also in 18 steps.
So for the first green light, click the sun 6 times and set the hand at 9 am, etc. See the image posted by Marcus before: http://i49.tinypic.com/os8qrr.jpg

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@Marcus: "Not sure how I did this, but I'm sure there's some deep explanation..." LOL, posted that deep explanation just above your walkthrough as a response to a post on the first page ;)

Yeah, I'm just not sure how I got it.. since I didn't look at the codes. :P lol

Could the red box mean Baton Rouge, the capital city of Louisiana?

Hey guys, don't know what happened to my first comment :( let me right it again...
it's the first time I am commenting here :) I love reading your comments!

Anyhow I was thinking maybe they want us to find out the sunrise and sunset times of a certain LA city on 1981.10.20... first I was thinking it might be Red Chute but that didn't work, I used this site:

What do you think? I feel so dumb haha

I don't know how those are connected Freddie, so please explain:P
@Lotem, welcome! :>
No comments are dumb, I think that was good thinkin. will try.

thanks Marcus :) great work in this game BTW..
I checked and Red in french is Rough... maybe that's what Freddie meant

I think you are totally right Lotem! I just don't know which city is connected with the Red Box

I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.

Sorry meant Rouge

funny...time bandits is a movie from 1981

Yeah, may be.. there's also a city called Red Chute, tried sunset of both towns.. but no luck! We are missing something, but this is really on the right track anyway.
Thanks, you too. :)

Up and down on the 4th line are not a clue for line 2 I think (that's the circle with arrows next to it), but it nicely fits with sunrise as the first 4 numbers on the box and sunset as the last 4 (using 24 hr number notation)

@Lotem: I have the same thoughts. :) "Rouge" in french means red, and "Baton" means "stick". I thought the red "box" or stick refers to "Baton Rouge".

Yeah, I know.. I take back that Helanren.. after the sunrise site was posted. :p

So what do we have so far?

I don't know.. I tried with sunrise sunset, civil twilight, astronomical twilight.. etc.. nothing worked;s

October 20 1981
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Sunrise: 7:09
Sunset: 18:28

I tried :( doesn't work

Have we used the book for anything yet?

this is what Ketchup Monster said in the beginning:
i put the year and the binary code on the brown box with the sun and opened it

we must'v missed something:<

can there be any reason why the lines that are under each clue are two line? one small one big?

@Yvon so you opened it?

no, i'm not good at binary codes...

Oh you mean Ketchup Monster did... this is driving me crazy lol

Looking at the paper, it says

October 20, 1981
The Sun
(Red box), Louisiana
Arrows - may be to show zoom in and out of page.

Tried Baton Rouge, LA sunrise to sunrise. No luck.

Found a calculator for New Orleans

but 07061824 doesn't work.....

(btw: what tags do you use to make a link clickable?)

Well, I tried that.. and it never worked for me.
And ketchups game was very buggy sometimes, don't know why tho.

< a href="LINK" >LINK< /a >

I have opened the "clock" near the tall cupboard and the Digi-sun (this one became easy when I understood that I should turn on the sound on my computer...).
I have 2 chains, a gear, a pinion, a weight, an unindentified object, a key (used on the tall cupboard), two batteries, a hammer (used) and a book.
I thought that the 10 1100 100 1010 would refer to a binary clock, and that would be : 13h15. But I don't know where to use this time. I'm really stuck, now !

OK, I saw Marcus's walkthrough and openend the chest of drawers.

We'll never WHICH sunrise sunset site he used.. impossible to test all of them. :s

Oh ! the 2 batteries are stuck behind the machine from the drawer !

@Pascale --- and that would be : 13h15. But I don't know where to use this time. I'm really stuck, now !

That's for the big yellow clock, set it to 13:15 and use the hammer to take out another pinion that is stuck between the two bells

So stuck. ;<

My batteries are stuck behind the black box in inventory and I can't seem to get them out. Any ideas?

I was trying to put the batteries in the box, but now they are just hidden. This sux!

We all had that problem eleni, most of us had to restart.

Marcus now that we know that the binary code is actually 13:15 that means we shouldn't use binary code for the sunbox... also now it leave the clue on the wall (in sunbox room view) with no use!

another clue perhaps?

Batteries stuck behind the black box is a bug. you need to restart, then do not put the batteries into the box until you place the box into the small brown cabinet.

OOh nooo, marcus. I refuse to start all over! I will never get through it again! Do you know for sure that the batteries need to be put in the box? Did you have to use something like a screwdriver to open the box first?

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm wow....... I really don't like this if that's the case.

@Eleni, you need to put the black box inside the brown box that's on the floor beside trash bin. Test that, if you can't put it inside, zoomed in view, you have to restart.

Maybe it was a double clue, Lotem? Tho, that doesn't make sense.. since the note actually was ON the yellow clock. So, back to:
o :115

You are still stuck??? It doesn't seem to be so nice, though with eveybody leaving and restart necessary.
I'll catch up slowly untill there is another game out, but I doubt that I will contribute to a solution.

And, then we can also go back to assuming the 11 is really II, so what does II5 say us?

OK, the crypted text is a classic ROT-13, the most classic variant of the very classic Caesar's code - lol.
Now, my problem is that I can't put the black box on the brown box...

Hey Ellie! [=
It's not that hard to catch up, but I need to rewrite my catch-up-through a little. Now when Lotem gave me new code for yellow clock.

Please shoot me... lol one thing I know for sure, it's def LA in the note

Marcus what can that x 0 0 x mean?

Oh ! I have to restart the game because of the batteries !!!

Kongregate site:

if ur battery gets stuck you can move the black box over the screwdriver and it'll stay so u can get ur battery back.

Not sure Lotem, I'm rewriting my walkthrough. :P

I am so close to giving up

I tried to brute force every combination between 07001820 and 07201839 without luck...that should cover all of LA, unless something else had to be done first ;).

Btw, what did I miss? Why is the binarycode all of a sudden a clue for 13.15? How do you get from 10, 1100, 100, 1010 to 1315?

Ok i have restarted and think I am where I was before. Now how to I put the box in the brown table without the batteries? I dont want to mess this up again!!

p.s. i have been reading what you all are saying about binary codes and it scares me...i have no idea what a binary code is...and last time i asked, someone sent me to this scary chart in wikipedia and it made me want to curl up in the fetal position.

Helanren, I think the binary was fail-made. You get 1, 3, 1 and 5.. if you do it backwards.. :P
(1, 2, 4, 8, 16.. instead of 16, 8, 4, 2, 1)

Yes, black box in brown one BEFORE you use batteries.

thank you atapth...it does work to move it over the screwdriver. i needed that because it turns out that my restarted game is missing a bunch of inventory items and i had no idea where to...


Go right.
Click books.
Take the book named Clock Mechanics.
Open book, notice yellow note to the right.
Turn page, get small gear. Close book & zoom out.
Click code panel on the dresser.
Remember the numbers from the yellow note? Enter them.
SPOILER1047209840SPOILER - Press E for enter. Zoom out.
Click first drawer & get black box. Zoom out & click second drawer.
Click second drawer & get screwdriver, pinion & large gear.
Zoom out, click third drawer & get weight. Click button to turn on machine.
The text displayed is a cryptogram. Thanks to Ladyofsingin we got this translation:

A sad and lonely bird calls for the morning sun;
chirping in agony at precisely seven fifteen.
Unheard he swathes his heart in echos; broken by
nature's cruelty.

Zoom out & click picture above dresser.
Get small gear from his eye.
Zoom out & zoom in on trash bin.
Remove trash, get battery.
Zoom out & zoom in on brown box right of bin.
Get clock hand to the left.
Zoom out & click between bin and brown box.
Get paper/note to the right.

Zoom out & turn right.
Click Grim Reaper poster.
Get left chain from his hourglass.
Zoom out & click Time Bandits poster.
Get pinion from square below the letter B.
Zoom out & click slightly below table.
Get pendulum & zoom out.
Zoom in on big yellow clock, click note.
Notice numbers 10,1100,100,1010. Backwards binary code for 13:15.
Set time to 1:15, hit between the bells with hammer, get pinion.
Zoom out & click brown flip clock.
Keep clicking it, notice plings on some numbers.
(Plings go from 1 to 4, so numbers in order are: 9, 16, 5, 19.)

Zoom out & turn right.
Click lower left corner of brown cabinete.
Get clock hand & zoom out.
Zoom in on the big clock in the right corner.
Click the ON-button, in the lower left corner.
To read this clock you need to know some math, and if you want to do it yourself go ahead and solve it.
Else, the sulotion is here: http://i48.tinypic.com/ifvogi.jpg
When done setting the clock to it's correct position, click the set-button.
Zoom out & watch the panel above the clock open.
Get hammer, gear is stuck to the wall so use screwdriver on it.

Turn left & zoom in on the hourglass on the table.
Use hammer on upper part of it & take the key that falls out.
Zoom out and turn right, use key on cabinete.
Get weight, chain & weight-holder?.
Turn around so you face the dresser with books again.
Click the brown box and put the black box ontop of it.
It needs 2 batteries and we only got one so far.
Zoom out and click the Cuckoo clock above the brown and black box.
The clue to this clock is in the poem we read earlier, seven fifteen.
Enter the time, and the little door opens, get the key & zoom out.

I still dont know how to put the box in the table. please help me someone?

Turn right once & click on the Digi-sun clock on the table.
The clue for this clock is the plings on the flip clock.

"9,16,5,19" means "9am,4pm,5am,7pm".
If you look at the sun, it runs from right to left in 18 steps
(corresponding to rising in the east and setting in the west);
if you look at the hand it runs from bottom left (3 am) to bottom right (9 pm),also in 18 steps.
So for the first green light, click the sun 6 times and set the hand at 9 am, etc

Thanks, Helanren

Anyway, here's the sulotion: http://i49.tinypic.com/os8qrr.jpg
After entering the code, take the battery & zoom out.
Turn left & zoom in on black box. Click the lower part in zoomed in view to see front.
Click the black square to remove the 'lid', put in batteries.
Zoom out once, click button in the lower left corner to turn it on, zoom out again.
Notice xoox(in vertical) and :II5

This is where we are stuck, we have two clues.. xoox(in vertical) & :II5
and the note we found between trash bin and brown box.

Here's what we got for the note so far:
Row1. 20th of October, 1981.
Row2. 713705.37 can be turned upside down and is then spelled LESOLEIL,
which means The Sun in French, thanks Edgar.
Row3. The drawing to the right of the red box is a map of the state Louisiana.
As for the red box itself, the city Baton Rouge, capital of LA.
Thanks Freddie & Lotem, also a thanks to Atapth.
Row4. Up arrow and down arrow means sunrise and sunset.

That's about it, any help is welcome!

About binary clocks : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_clock

your welcome. I just keep looking at the other game sites. They are not as far along as we are.

FYI, binary is machine language

I can't "zoom" into the black box. It simply stays in inventory. Any ideas?

Pascale, I know.. but I'm not changing my "walkthrough" again :P
Seemed more fitting with the actuall note, I already had the numbers 2, 12, 4 and 10 from the note, but I couldn't use it.

Btw, if anyone find any fualts I may have accidentaly done in the new walkthrough.. please tell. :p

@Eleni, seems like you missed the Click the brown box and put the black box ontop of it. part.. :P

Hey, I managed to open the sunbox. As Lotem has pointed out, it is the sunrise and sunset timing for Baton Rouge, LA, on Oct 20th, 1981. Checkout < a href="http://bit.ly/clQZgh" >http://bit.ly/clQZgh< /a > for the sunrise/sunset timing. :)

Thanks for the catch-up walkthrough, Marcus!

How were we supposed to guess that this pale drawing was a precise state of a country...?

Marcus, Are you talking about the brown box with the opening in it? I clicked on that to zoom in but I dont know how to "place" the black box in it. It doesnt accept it. does that make sense? i must be doing something wrong.

@Eleni, If you have problems placing the black box... where do you put it? Its on the brown box in the right corner, NOT on the brown box next to the books.

Thanks freddie. we were wrong by 1 freakin minute.. lol.

Oops. Sorry. Can't seem to do the hyperlink.


For the sunbox:


Thank you Freddie!! :) lol 1 min took us more than 2 hours

@Marcus - You're very welcome.

I have the black box in inventory, assuming it's the same one you are all talking about. I am in the view of the room with the loud cuckoo clock. I zoom in on the brown box on the bottom right corner, and there is a hole in it. It says something like "Looks like it's made to hold something." I then click my black box in inventory and try to place it in the hole in the brown box, in the same view. But nothing happens. Do you know where my error is?

Now what? can't think anymore :(

@Lotem U too!

Whoever thought about this is insane! did he really want to make the game impossible? if we didn't have each other we would have never solved it....
I have no clue what to do next btw

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@Eleni, thats the right brown box. I just drag my black box there to make it stuck. The black box I got from opening the drawers under the books.
Did you remove the hand for the clock that is on the left side inside the brown box?

The question is what do we have to do now?

Edgar, the note is about binary time, it is not one simple binary number.

@ellie, Yes that's the one. I did remove the hand for the clock already. But the box won't stick no matter what I do. In fact, I have two screens open since I had that battery problem, and it won't work in either one. Am I the only one with this problem? It sounds like I'm doing it wrong instead of a glitch. Anyway, if I can't fix this I will just give up. This is getting too hard anyway.
Thank you ellie and marcus for trying to help me. I owe you guys =)

OKey, now what? we have the clue xoox :II5 STUCK!

Marcus where have you gone? doing the walk through still?

I love and hate this game lol

ehh?! is this still a live game.. can't believe this.. after going out for about 1-3 hours..

..well, @ marcus congrats for making a "catch-up-through" you really have a lot patience in this game..lol ^-^

I put the pendulum in the clock, but I'll have to read again Marcus's walkthrough to understand how to put gears, chains, weights and pinions in it.

my clock is fixed, but on what time must it be set

I tried every possible time on the grandpa clock and nothing... I would think now we have been a good time to actually build the clock, but I can't put the pieces inside it

Lotem, I agree with you...

No Eleni, I have exactly the same problem as you have! The box won't stay in the brown box, no matter what. Please help us!

don't forget to swing the pendulum

Yvon how did you do it?

Yeah, you can't.. but I assume some people actually see the DOOR? Cuz I can't see it, it was invisible earlier, I used the key on it.. it's next to the clock.. I can put items inside.. and it's just bugging.

when facing the numbers, i clicked all over. Finally got another view from the back. Use last key and put the pieces in. After that the chains and the weights in front.

LOL I guess if you brute force too brutely, you might skip a number every once in a while....

But seriously, I don't mind looking up some things 'outside' a game (like that Caesar shift), or checking my binary (as long as it is done properly ;-) ), but this clue.... an almost invisible shape representing a fairly obscure (at least to the rest of the world) state, a 'stick' drawn like a box, and needing a specific Farmer's Almanac? That's overdoing it by a looong way!

thanks, what about the chains and the weights?

Click on left of the clock in zoomed in view to view that back of it!

Granny, I wonder if the problem we are having is that we are missing an item and need to have all the parts in order to move the box. The only space in inventory which looks bare is that I have 2 weights, and it looks like I need a third. Is that possible? How many does everyone else have?

can't place chains nor weights.. help?:P

2 weights, but you need 4 pinions.

chains in same view with pendulum. Somewhere at the top.

For time, put the small one on the 7. Moved the big one and heard some bells. Got the door.

Yes, that might be it, Eleni, I also have 2 weights!

now stuck with a black screen and it says its dark.

Yep I agree Helanren... way overdoing, I have NO CLUE how I thought of it...

Right now I am getting angry at one of the weights :( it won't hang!!

I can't swing the pendulum.. fail on me:(

Marcus, just move it to the left or the right and let it go.

@Marcus, you have to make sure that the door at the back is closed then click on the pendulum..

wait I think I am missing a chain... are there suppose to be 2?

I also can't get the black box on top of the brown box. Someone help me please!

omg, I fail so much :( thanks :P Yes, 2 chains.. check my walkthrough thingy.. :P

@Lotem, yes you need two, one from the cabinet and one from the grim reaper.

Yey I see a black door now :)

Set time for 06:30

i'm still stuck outside in the dark.

@Sarah, I couldn't do that either and refreshing did no good. You'll have to close the game window and start from fresh via the link on here. And then make sure that it's the first thing that you do. Good luck.

Marcus I think I got the clue on the wall :)
9:25 the time of the big clock... even though I have no clue why x00x is 9 lol

Sarah, I seem to be missing a pinion, I only have three. That's why my black box wont stay in the brown box. So where is the fourth pinion?

To be continued!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arggghhhhh

OUT finally!! after soooo long :(

I don't want it to be continued... I rather stay at the dark lol

what's up with end screen? It's dark in here?

Granny, I have all four and it still wont work.

it's not dark in my house anymore... it's morning time... stupid game!

@Sarah, see my comment at 13.07, you don't need any pinions.

So thats it?? To be continued... I hope not.

Marcus how do you know if a game is live? what does it actually mean to play live?

I don't get it, why am I stuck in a dark room. -.-

Yep Ellie as I said I rather stay in the dark

maybe it has something to do with the time you set the clock on.

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