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Tick - Tock - Room Walkthrough

Tick - Tock - Room

Tick Tock Room is another new released point and click type room escape game created by Lingo Slider. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Tosca]

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No1 has escaped and people are still trying, that's a live game. :p
As for the end of this game, why can't I see an escaped screen? only a black one:(

@Marcus, thank you very much for the catch-up through!! It still took me some time, because I wanted to to the maths by myself, and understand the binary code. I don't think I totally get binary time yet, though... I cant make 13:15 out of 10, 1100, 100, 1010..even backwards :D

I put my clock on 7 hours and that was before the sun gets up.

Click around for a bit in the black screen and you'll get the message: to be continued...

Marcus it's time for a complete walkthrough... thanks everyone for helping out

i clicked all over the black screen and never got that message.

Aaaah, then the xoox part *is* a binary clock: the x's are what count (though from the way those clocks look, you'd expect the filled circles to be the indicator): top=8, bottom=1 so hour=9, Roman II and 5 gives minutes=25

Not that I see any change or black door anywhere after setting the grandfather clock to 9:25. Anything else that's needed?

10 = 1
1100 = 3 (1+2)
100 = 1
1010 = 5 (1+4)
Ignore all the zeros at the end.. they are useless.
I didn't get it iether, but someone convinced me.

Helanren, did you swing the pendulum?

Thank you again @Marcus, now i get it! I didnt know I should ignore the zeros.

Do you have your sound on Helanren? and are all the doors closed? (front and back)
I put the clock on 9:25 and a bell was ringing... then the door opened, enter the room and just click around (with hammer but I don't think it has anything to do with it) and then a message appeared "to be continued" (I hope not!!!)

@Marcus, You might get it from this page: http://www.coolstuff.se/Binar_klocka
It's in swedish, but there is a picture of understanding the binary clock. In this game you don't need the seconds.

Rambler, Thanks :) I started again and now it's fine.

Ellie, FYI, I'm from Sweden too. [=
And yeah, I know.. tho, it's weird.
I'm still stuck in the black room btw:(

How do you start the pendulum? I tried that for a long time already...? And what exactly is the time supposed to be? I see some people mentioned 6.30, which I guess would be 6.25 (with the circles, 4+2), but Lotem gets out at 9.25?

Marcus thanks for the live game explanation

@Marcus, I know, I just wrote it for anybody else as well...lol

In the black room, i just got the "to be continued"-message for a short while. Then it dissappeared and I can't get it back, so I guess Im stuck there as well :D

I have no idea how i got the pendulum to work, but after moving the clock arms for a while and zooming in and out, they started move bu them selves as crazy and then it was suddenly possible to move the pendulum. Then i moved the armes some more and set my time to 6:35 before i heard a sound of a bell. Strange...

OK, turns out I didn't close the back door yet ;). Set the clock to 6:25 (looks more like 5.25 to me though.... needs a tune-up ) and the clock chimed 'Jerusalem' and the dark screen came up!

Helanren I restarted the game and this time it worked for me at 8:25 weird... maybe I am clicking the small hand too fast..

Yes you are lotem!:p

Ok going to sleep :) see ya

Hopefully tomorrow there will be better games to play

And I finally get the reference to binary clocks for the note LOL: those clocks show 2 and 4 digits for the hour, then 3 and 4 digits for the minutes. So finally 10=1, 1100=3, 100=1 and 1010=5 for 13hrs 15min makes sense to me!

Part 1

Go right.
Click books.
Take the book named Clock Mechanics.
Open book, notice yellow note to the right.
Turn page, get small gear. Close book & zoom out.
Click code panel on the dresser.
Remember the numbers from the yellow note? Enter them.
SPOILER1047209840SPOILER - Press E for enter. Zoom out.
Click first drawer & get black box. Zoom out & click second drawer.
Click second drawer & get screwdriver, pinion & large gear.
Zoom out, click third drawer & get weight. Click button to turn on machine.
The text displayed is a cryptogram. Thanks to Ladyofsingin we got this translation:

A sad and lonely bird calls for the morning sun;
chirping in agony at precisely seven fifteen.
Unheard he swathes his heart in echos; broken by
nature's cruelty.

Zoom out & click picture above dresser.
Get small gear from his eye.
Zoom out & zoom in on trash bin.
Remove trash, get battery.
Zoom out & zoom in on brown box right of bin.
Get clock hand to the left.
Zoom out & click between bin and brown box.
Get paper/note to the right, zoom out.
Zoom in on the brown box next to the books.
The note gives us some clues about this box:
1. 20th of October, 1981.
2. 713705.37 can be turned upside down and is then spelled LESOLEIL,
which means The Sun in French.
3. The drawing to the right of the red box is a map of the state Louisiana.
As for the red box itself, the city Baton Rouge, capital of LA.
4. Up arrow and down arrow means sunrise and sunset.
So google sunrise/sunset etc.. find some good site and you get the times.
If you don't want to google: SPOILER07101828SPOILER
Open box, get key & pinion.
A huge thanks to Edgar, Freddie, Lotem & Atapth for helping us with this!

Zoom out & turn right.
Click Grim Reaper poster.
Get left chain from his hourglass.
Zoom out & click Time Bandits poster.
Get pinion from square below the letter B.
Zoom out & click slightly below table.
Get pendulum & zoom out.
Zoom in on big yellow clock, click note.
Notice numbers 10,1100,100,1010. Backwards binary code for 13:15.
Set time to 1:15, hit between the bells with hammer, get pinion.
Zoom out & click brown flip clock.
Keep clicking it, notice plings on some numbers. (5, 9, 16 & 19)

Part 2

Zoom out & turn right.
Click lower left corner of brown cabinete.
Get clock hand & zoom out.
Zoom in on the big clock in the right corner.
Click the ON-button, in the lower left corner.
To read this clock you need to know some math, and if you want to do it yourself go ahead and solve it.
Else, the sulotion is here: http://i48.tinypic.com/ifvogi.jpg
When done setting the clock to it's correct position, click the set-button.
Zoom out & watch the panel above the clock open.
Get hammer, gear is stuck to the wall so use screwdriver on it.

Turn left & zoom in on the hourglass on the table.
Use hammer on upper part of it & take the key that falls out.
Zoom out and turn right, use key on cabinete.
Get weight, chain & clock-hand-connector.
Turn around so you face the dresser with books again.
Click the brown box on the floor and put the black box ontop of it in zoomed in view.
It needs 2 batteries and we only got one so far.
Zoom out and click the Cuckoo clock above the brown and black box.
The clue to this clock is in the poem we read earlier, seven fifteen.
Enter the time, and the little door opens, get the key & zoom out.

Turn right once & click on the Digi-sun clock on the table.
The clue for this clock is the plings on the flip clock.

"9,16,5,19" means "9am,4pm,5am,7pm".
If you look at the sun, it runs from right to left in 18 steps
(corresponding to rising in the east and setting in the west);
if you look at the hand it runs from bottom left (3 am) to bottom right (9 pm),also in 18 steps.
So for the first green light, click the sun 6 times and set the hand at 9 am, etc

Thanks, Helanren

Anyway, here's the sulotion: http://i49.tinypic.com/os8qrr.jpg
After entering the code, take the battery & zoom out.
Turn left & zoom in on black box. Click the lower part in zoomed in view to see front.
Click the black square to remove the 'lid', put in batteries.
Zoom out once, click button in the lower left corner to turn it on, zoom out again.
Notice xoox(in vertical) and :II5

Turn left, zoom in on grandfather clock, zoom in again, use rounded key to open.
place pendulum inside, zoom out once, zoom in on clock above, place hands.
Click on the left of the clock to view that back of it. Use square key to unlock.
Place large gear, gear, two small gears, the item that connects the hands with the gear,
and 4 pinions inside. Close door and go back twice. Click pendulum part.
Insert both chains, one on each side of pendulum, put weights on chains.
Zoom out, zoom in on clock view again and place small hand on 6, and big hand on 5.
(The hands might be spinning around, just click in middle to stop them.)
(6:25). xoox = 6, binary code for clocks (2+4). II = 2, and 5 = 5.
Zoom out, zoom in on pendulum, swing pendulum, close door, zoom out twice.
Go into the door. OUT!

GN ST SD Lotem! [=
Thanks for the help everyone!
Awesome teamwork.
To the creator of this game, big ups!
Loved it, that's all for me!

I could not see the back of the clock.
After resetting the time to 12 o'clock, I could reach the backside.
Great work Marcus.

This game was terrible! I cant believe I stuck along so long to finish it..ugh. I shouldnt complain...its nice when the designers put so much effort into it...so thanks for that. FYI the black box fiasco was, in fact, a glitch. I restarted a third time, and had no problem placing the box inside the brown box. I thought it was something I was doing wrong but it wasn't afterall. Anyway, thank you for all the help everyone. Especially marcus and ellie for trying so hard to help me out. Granny I hope you restarted because that was the answer. Good night/morning everyone. Until next time...

Thank you for the Walkthrough @Marcus!
@eleni, im happy that it finally worked!

The binary clock code isn't backwards though.
In a binary clock you put the numbers vertically, starting from bottom and moving from left. This would make 10, 1100, 100, 1010 look like this:
Then you have to translate the 1s and 0s to time. In a binary clock the bottom row means 1, the next 2, then 4 and the top row is 8. That means:
So, the first vertical column has a 1 in the bottom row and is therefore = 1.
The next is 1+2 (it has the 1 in those positions)=3.
The third column is 1.
The fourth column is 1+4=5.
That is: 1315. And the first two columns are hour, the next two are minutes.

Help my hands keep running.The pendulum is swinging normally. Cannot set time.

@tosca, you just have to catch the running hands :) Click on them and they should stop moving.

That was way more complicated Ellie!:D Backwards worked! But yeah, thanks for a better explanation[=
Thanks for walkthrough feedback:>

Yeah thx Ellie

I agree that backwards is much easier, but I didn't find any clue to use it backwards, and since this game is about time it should be the binary time that gives the code.
Of course, doing it the easy way is good enough, its just that I want to understand it all, sorry for bringing up a complex explanation to an easier solution...LOL

@ Eleni: yes, I restarted too, glad I did and I completed the game a minute ago. Thanks everybody and special thanks to Marcus for his walkthrough!

Yeah, it was good for me to to get an answer to that question! So thanks:P complex is always better so [=
@Granny, thanks!

Good job, you all, congrats.

@Marcus, great job on the walkthrough and a good idea to put up a catch up walkthrough.
Just one tiny thing; In your WT you use the hammer before you took it. But people will look further and see hammer, so don't worry.

Yeah, I had to change some sections in my walkthrough, knew something would be wrong.. just didn't find it. we had 2 codes that were for way diffrent things, but yet one of the worked for the other.. and stuff like that. Weird game, but I liked it!:P

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Yvon, your method to access the back of the clock works perfectly ! lol

... but now, my problem is that I can't swing the pendulum !

wow... im glad i went to sleep when i did, i would have been kept up for hours judging by all these comments, and my "live game catching sleep pattern" would have been completely broken over 1 bad game! i knew i was right to quit while i was still ahead.

i like a challenge but this game was way absurd, and i didnt enjoy it one bit, because i could not solve a damn thing on my own before i left it. hate when a game is THAT hard, that i need to "cheat" for every step by peeking at answers.

not going to touch this again even though theres a walkthrough. well deserved congrats though @marcus, and anyone else who stuck it out to the end.

I'm going to consider that I reached the end, though the pendulum doesn't work (the clock is settled at 6h25).

I liked this game but there were several very annoying things : the code for the sunbox was imagined by an insane person (like Lotem sayed), then I had to restart because of the bug on the batteries and the black box. And would should have been allowed to copy-paste the ciphered text. And finally, the pendulum didn't work.

@Pascale: I had problems with the pendulum as well ;). Make sure that both the doors at the back and at the front of the clock are closed (and btw, to get the exit door: make sure also that the hands are in the correct place (looked more like 5:25 to me), like this)

Helanren, that is 6:25. :P if it was vice versa it would be 5:30

wow looks like i missed a good game


lol nope, this game has too many comments because it was absurdly hard (i mean ABSURDLY hard) and everyone was stuck forever. i didnt enjoy it all all and didnt even finish it.

could use a new door cracker level right about now though, its been a while. mabye the creator stopped making em

oh so not worth me playing then i will play the hotel one

I think this was a good one!
@Suicune, you made a _quote_ABSURDLY hard_quote_ game, but you don't wanna play one?!:P

@ Pascale... I couldnt either but you must close the door on the back of the clock, then it worked

great walkthrough - horror game... i understand nothing about this bibary time even with all trhe explanations and google etc..

mine wasnt nowhere NEAR this hard, it was only longer. hard and long arent the same, and ive played hard games before (that were nowhere near this bad) and still liked them.

the rating ought to be an indication, seems people were frustrated by this, but take another long/hard game like say loom dawn and its extremely high rating you know people loved it, even though it was tough. thats the way this game should have been, tough without being absurd. the codes in my game werent this terrible and i didnt use no university level math either, i only used things the majority of people knew, because i knew it would be smarter to do it that way, else people get annoyed.

but whether a game was liked or disliked is all down to opinion. in the end i guess the only thing that counts is what the majority feels, not what any 1 person feels. theres SO many better games than this one in MY opinion, id take a 123bee or gazzyboy game over this any day, and im not kidding.

and i might have liked this game had i been able to do anything in it, which i wasnt. i dont think you know how i feel since you were the hero here and i was nothing. so its only natural you liked this game- i can see myself liking this game too if i were put into that position, for it would have left behind a completely different memory

The math wans't that difficult, maybe a few, but the most you could solve and try/guess the other ones.
Binary codes are used in more games and are not difficult (anyway not with Google).
But the sunset sunrise part was over the top, I do agree. That's too difficult and no fun anymore. Could not tell it was Louisiana.
So for me the game was not bad and not good.

ok MOST of the math wasnt that hard, i agree there. but "factoral"? seriously how many people know about that?

i dont know which sunset/sunrise part you are referring to since i never played that far (hell, i didnt even get to see the binary part!), but ill most certainly take your word on it.

I totally understand you Suicune. And I might have to agree on some parts, clues were also confusing. As sneak said, the sunrise/sunset part.. that was just sick. I didn't know it was LA iether, that I got with alot of help.. never would have figured the red box to be Baton Rouge on my own.
I know you used a diffrent kind of difficulty to.
I don't mean anything bad with what I said, hope you don't feel that way. If so, I am really sorry.

Like I said @Suicune; 9 or 10 math problems quite simple so just two or three left to place. Shouldn't be a problem for the FORCE.
But let's agree, your game was at least ten times better.

nah i dont feel that you said anything bad, i know you didnt mean it that way. as for what i said, i only wanted to state that i feel my game wasnt as hard as this one (i really dont think mine was hard compared to this one, but who knows, mabye thats because i made it and knew all the answers).

anyways, no offense taken marcus, if i do seem like im annoyed, its probably because this game left me in a bit of a bitter mood, its definitely not because of anything you have said, so dont worry. :P

i will try this one since there are no new games out the hotel game was bad to hard to navigate

Okey! Glad to hear[=
'til next game then:)

Hello. It's my first message.

I tried to set the black box onto the brown one, but i was impossible. No way.

Also, i couldn't open the front door of the grandfather clock. I got the two keys, but one of them dissapeared somewhere. So i can't set pendulum nor weights.

About Luisiana, binary code,... WTF???

Bad game. Didn't like.

im interested to see hbears opinion :P

this game sucks had to cheat cheat cheat can't get the digi sun clock to set i even looked at walkthrough to see if i got it rt it wont set
I quit it is way over my head i am going to play something easy like find the numbers lol

Thanks for all the tips everyone. I have tried countless times to set the sun clock but to no avail. I have seen the screen shots of the settings but can someone please explain the sequence to do it? I tried moving the sun 6 times and then the hand to 9 (top left) but noting lights up.

rdd1952, are you pressing the 'SET' button in the top left corner of the clock every time?

If you dont know the exact positions of the sun, just place the clock hand correct and the move the sun one step at a time and click set after every move. This should make it work.

Thanks I wasn't clicking the Set button. Have done everything now but don't have a door to exit.

I had to leave this game last night because I was affected by an apparent bug that made me unable to keep going forward. Didn't have the mood and the patience to start over, and mostly because of the certainty of staying sleepless and stuck for hours. Congratulations to all the people who made the research and eventually solved this game, SPECIALLY to @Marcus... you're an example of perseverance. Keep up the good job, my friend!

After taking a good nap :) I agree this was indeed a good game after all, made us think creatively...

I still have NO CLUE though how I managed to think of sunrise and sunset times from that note, and how someone came up with LA from that drawing...
I don't know what the coder was thinking to himself, I hope the next one will be challenging but not almost impossible...

omg. i got out. i never got my black box ontop of the brown box. never. i never got my battieres in i did get my batteries stuck and then unstuckbehind the black box while it was still in the inventory. but i guess i didnt need it to escape. all i needed was the hint of the numbers it showed. mine was set at 6:25

I figured out the digi-sun clock passcode

The digi-sun dial code:
That's the order of time you have to set.

9am- set the clock time to 9 on the am side (left) and then put the sun to where it would be if it was 9am (3 clicks past noon)

16 aka 4pm- set the clock to 4 on the pm side (right) and set the sun the same way

5am- repeat

19 aka 7pm- repeat

this gives you another battery

can t put the black box on the brow box, no way to do it, hour trying to finish this game but cant, hate bugs :( cant finish the game since i cant put the black box on her place :(

sorry for my english

@Nanu, it's the brown box in the right corner and you have to zoom in on it (look inside of it) to place the other box.

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I had the same eleni's problem, also never saw the binary code note on the big yellow clock

The number in the middle of the paper with the sun on it is 71370537. The symbol next to it (arrows in a circle) means turn it upside down. Upside down that number is letters: Le Soleil, which is French for the sun.

And I have NO idea what significance that has...

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