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Gazzyboy Lions Cage Escape Walkthrough

Gazzyboy Lions Cage Escape

Gazzyboy Lion Cage Escape is another new point and click type room escape game from Gazzyboy. In this game, you are supposed to escape from the lions cage. This is a room escape game filled with excitement and suspense. Good luck and have fun!

Warning: This game is not for young players, there are some blood scenes!

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1st? Anyone playing?

hmm...I died.

I'm all alone. Timed game and I keep getting eaten. Not so much fun.

So far I got a mouse with the cheese. Placed lions stool on the table and figured out that you have to whip the lions in the face to keep their life down. I think I hate this game. Next!

This game is unsolvable for me, no fun!! You have only 30 sec. than you have to beat the lions or you die. For beat rope, meat and cheese go left and hurry up!

im here!:)
lets get started!

No, i think i give up, makes me nervous this game, check back later, good luck for you

Figured out anything new? After I died for the 30th time I got a little over it.

       Anonymous  2/11/10, 5:22 AM  

Grim and unplayable :o(. A shame, I was actually looking forward to a Gazzyboy after today's run of really feeble games!

I can't even find a table to place the stool, and i can't take any meat or cheese or interact with the mouse, and i cant get the rope. So, what can i do? Take the stool and get eaten lol.

And now, i found the left arrow. I swear that one wasn't there before!

Is it truly worth the time?

oooooohhhkay. broke my boycott of gazzyboy to try this out. got the 4 cheeses, whip, meat, and lion stool. got the mouse. whipped lions in the face... kept dying. no fun. boycott is back on.

No, not finishing this one.

okay. finishing on my boycott then!!! ;p;

pick up mouse, put rope in it and get eaten

First live one :)

or maybe not anymore

pick up cheese and beat rope
move right and with beat rope take rope
move to the door and put cheese, pick up rat
put rat and rope together, ando put them in front of door.
give im the rest of the cheese and pick up banana.
move right put banana in floor
move to the center and oick up lions seat.
put lion seat in table, go up lion seat look up, give banana to monkey pick up key an leave

not a funny game

Thanks @largo! It's nice to know how it should be done. I'm not going into that cage again though.

Requirements: You'll need an Optical/USB Mouse to play this game, if you are slow. If you don't have an Optical/USB Mouse, don't play this game. If you really want to play this game with a Laptop Mouse, you'll need Quick Skills!

NOTE: In this game, you have limited time. Please read the whole Walkthrough before playing the game, and try to memorize it! Once memorized, start playing the game. Do everything really quickly just as told in the Walkthrough!

When I say these things in my walkthrough, I mean:

Move Left: simply click on the Middle-Right side
Move Right: simply click on the Middle-Left side
Move Back: click on arrow at Middle-Bottom
Move Up: click on arrow at Middle-Top
Zoom In: click on the Item as told in WT
Zoom Out: click on arrow at Middle-Bottom

This game takes 3-5 Minutes to complete


1. Take the EMPTY LION SEAT on Middle-Bottom of screen (If you can't pick it up, click everywhere on it)!

NEW ITEMS: Lion Seat

2. Move Left, and click on Table to zoom in. Click on the Cheeses on Left-side, to zoom in. Take all 4 CHEESES, and zoom out! Click on the Whip in the Middle, to zoom in. Take the WHIP, and zoom out only once! From this View, place the Lion Seat on the Midddle of the Table, and zoom out twice!

NEW ITEMS: 4 Cheeses, Whip

3. If you look on Top-Right of screen, you'll see the 3 Lions hunger. Green Bar gets smalle and smaller, and when it disappears, the Lion eats you!

Zoom in on the Lion with the littlest Green Bar, and use Whip once or twice. Keep an eye on the other Lions too. If another Lions Green Bar is low when you've whipped the 1st Lion once, zoom out and zoom in on the Lion that has a low Green Bar. Once each Lions Green Bar is near the Middle, zoom in on each one of them and use the Whip until the Green Bar is full. Once done, quickly zoom out and proceed!

4. Move Right! Look near the Top of the screen, and you'll see a Rope hanging horizontally. Use Whip on the rope, to take the ROPE. Move Back!


5. If the 3 Lions Green Bars are low (not as low that they're almost about to eat you), whip each one of them a few times and proceed!

6. Move Down (Arrow at Middle-Bottom)! Place Cheese on the Center of Floor, and take MOUSE once it appears. Drag the Mouse from in your Inventory, on the Screen to zoom it in. Drag and drop the Rope on the Mouse to attach it, and close the zoomed in pop-up window. Move Back!

NEW ITEMS: Mouse (attached with a Rope)

7. Whip the Lion with the lowest Green Bar, once or twice. Move on to the next Lion with the lowest Green Bar, and then the third Lion! Then, Whip each one of them until the Green Bar is full, and quickly, proceed!

8. Move Down (Arrow at Middle-Bottom)! Place Mouse with Rope on the Center of Floor, and then drag and drop a Cheese, near Middle-Left side of screen. If the Lions Green Bars are a bit low, go back and Whip them a few times. Return, and place Cheese near Mouse. Again, place the last Cheese near the Mouse. Look near the Middle of the Rope, and you'll see something yellowish. Click to take BANANAS! Drag and drop Bananas from in your Inventory, on the screen to zoom 'em in. Click Bananas to break them apart from each other, and close zoomed in window!

NEW ITEMS: 2 Bananas

9. Quickly, Move Back and Whip the Lions. Start with Whipping Lion with lowest Green Bar, once, and then move on to the next one with low Green Bar. After that, whip each one of them until Green Bar is full! Move Right, and place Banana on floor. Move Back, and then Move Left! Zoom in on the Lion Seat/Table once, and then click on Arrow on Middle-Top of screen. Give Monkey a Banana, and you'll get a KEY in exchange. Zoom out 3 Times!


10. Quickly, whipe the Lions as told many times in the other steps. Move Down (Arrow at Middle-Bottom)! Click on the Cage Doors Keyhole, to zoom in. Use the Key on the Keyhole, zoom out, click on Cage Door to open, and click outside to escape!

I hope this Walkthrough is helpful. I know this game sucks with the Timer! I tried my best to make this Walkthrough, to guide you through the game. Please tell me if this helped you or not, and please enjoy!

FUN FACT: The Walkthrough Writer used a Laptop Mouse to beat this game, even though he could use his Optical/USB Mouse :P

Type: Extremely High-Detailed Walkthrough | 10-Steps
Time Used: Almost 1 Hour
Written By: Prid

Nope..don't like timed games.

chronophobic as well

- Click the lion seat and add to the inventory.
- Come to the left side.
- Zoom in the table twice
- Click the cheese and add to the inventory. Zoom out.
- Zoom in the beat rope and add to the inventory. Zoom out.
- Zoom in the meat, click and add to the inventory. Zoom out.
- Come to the main view.
- Come to the right side.
- There is a rope. Click and add to the inventory.
- Come to the exit door view.
- Throw one piece of cheese. Rat comes into the cage.
- Click the rat and add to the inventory.
- Click the rat and tie the rope
- Leave it inside the cage
- Throw one piece of cheese, rat moves to eat.
- Throw another piece, the rat moves.
- Throw the third piece, the rat come back to the cage.
- Click the banana outside the cage and add to the inventory.
- Come to the opposite view of the lion
- Split two bananas into single piece.
- Throw one banana outside the cage.
- Monkey comes and take the banana and runs up
- Come back to the table view.
- Zoom in the table
- Place the lion seat on the table.
- Face towards the top view where the monkey is hanging.
- Throw the banana, in return it will give the key.
- Come to the exit door view
- Zoom in the exit door and open the door
You are out from the lions cage

Note: Don’t let the lions life bar to increase, or otherwise you will lose the chance.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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