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Is This A Game? Walkthrough

Is This A Game?

Is this a Game? is another point and click game by Renegade. Use the mouse and keyboard for gameplay. There are a number of achievements to collect through the course of the game, which can be viewed on the achievements screen. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Tosca]

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hmm what do we have here i wonder

What? Well, we'll see what this is.

lol just for loading the game and clicking instructions i already got 5/100 achievements. seems that this is a game where we gotta find all 100 achievements, and nothing more or less. could be interesting

       Anonymous  2/1/10, 8:53 PM  

After you click everything, try typing.

thats weird...

pretty much just type random keys on your keyboard or click random things... lol such a random game

Hi Suicune. I have 35 achievements now. Aren't we good. Oops I think I just got 2 more as I type.

       Anonymous  2/1/10, 8:55 PM  

I,ve unlocked 47 so far, but it's totally random.

53 medals so far

i think i got 1 by clicking out and coming back, then some more by clicking on the flashing medals as they reloaded

also you get some for right clicking, and 1 for right clciking and seleccting "a game by renegade"

another i just got now for leaving game idle and coming back to it rofl thats 54/100

this is annoying... lol

click "instructions" about 50 times to get like 5 more medals... last one being "RSI"

try dragging

its too bad this game doesnt note down HOW you got all your achievements. i got 63 already and because i got them all by trying random stuff i cant exactly help anyone else either.

type a LOT of random keystrokes to get the "im spamming" medal.

hold down space key for a while to get "double jump"

       Anonymous  2/1/10, 9:01 PM  

I've clicked on things over and over again, getting achievements multiple times for the same spot.

pause the game and click randomly... youll get a LOT of new stuff while leaving it paused.

up to 81 now

If you click on some of the links surrounding the game, then go back into the game, you get credit for that.

do commands too

holy crap if you press someting and navigate back the awards go crazy catching up to where you left off

84 now. this game would be more fun if it showed the name of the achievements you had yet to unlock so you had a hint... this just seems like a watered down version of "achievement unlocked" (that one with the elephant where you had to unlock 100 things)

on THAT game you could see the name of all the achievements so you could guess at what you had to do. also, it showed what you did to unlock any achievements you already obtained, so it was easier to help others. this one didnt care to add either of those helpful features though

this is still a decent timewaster though, im gonna try to get all 100



i think you even get a new one for doing that called "welcome back" but not sure.

click on the award boxes as they come up

I just got the achievement "Kitkat was wrong". LOL

this is from the comments page on thier site:

I heard one of them was pressing the Num Lock key, which I do not have, because this is a laptop, which do not have number pads on the right.

well thankfully the author was nice and replied to him saying to use the on screen keyboard. i too use a laptop so i had the same barrier. now lets see how many more i can get with the onscreen keyboard

i got that one too lol


lol i saw that too, and i dont know why i got that. i doubt that achievement is referring to kitkatfox though (ill be really shocked if she knows the author of this game!)


does a mac even have onscreen keyboard?

both numlock and scroll lock give 1 each for pressing them a couple times. if you have a laptop like me then you gotta use the on screen keyboard tool to get them.

up to 86 now

rofl...nice sub Tosca, cheers Shuchun. Stuck @ 85 for awhile though :-/ Oh well, back to work.

This game is hilarious! I've got 68 so far.

not sure, but i would imagine so, just look under accessibility tools or something. i think its a standard for all computers to have those kinds of things, but ive never owned a mac so i cant say for sure

       Anonymous  2/1/10, 9:18 PM  

Escape key works, too.

i think i got 88 now, not sure why, probably some obtained while idling or something.

you only need to "find" 90 because every 10 you get gives you 1 for getting to a milestone, so those are the other 10

got 89th: "i read slow" not sure how, i was holding down the left mouse while continuously clicking the right mouse?

kay i dont have a newmeric keypad on my mac onscrean keyboard :( but i do have a num lock on my normal keyboard...but nothing

ooo figrued it out :D now i dont have a left clicker on my mac mouse :(

the author said in the comments 1 of them is called "i can fly" but most people seem unable to find it so it must be really hard, its 1 of the ones im missing too

right click and hit the "a gameby renegade"

need walkthrough... gonna check the internet, but i doubt it if this game is too new.

I'm at 86 and running out of ideas ...

open two pages with the game, you unlock multitasking or something

i been stuck at 89 for like ever and almost no one on their comments page figured out how to "fly". i really wish there was a walkthrough theres no way in hell i can complete this game

LOL i have "gotta catch them all" and suicune i have "i can fly"... no idea how i got it though

       Anonymous  2/1/10, 9:39 PM  

hold control key and hit letters for like 3 more

       Anonymous  2/1/10, 9:41 PM  

I noticed people in their comments section said they played it over more than one day. I've had to refresh a couple of times and at least it saves the game for you. It goes through all the medals every time you restart.

yay 91 now and i thank this link:


i got the "cant choose" medal only because of "bunny"s post.

i can fly is very stupid. no wonder no one can get it!

thanks to "someone" (thats their name) at that link i posted. he told that the answer to finding that one is to type "noclip"

but what the hell does that have to do with flying? thats pretty stupid and obscure...

I Googled it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noclip_mode

LOLS :P its alright, but pixel hunts are only fun for 2 or 3 minutes... NEXT!

wow i probably typed that by accident -.- i was at the point where i was rolling my face on the keyboard :P

ctrl+c and ctrl+v give 2 more. got those due to reading someones incomplete achievement list and realizing that was probably what i had to do.

up to 94 now

       Anonymous  2/1/10, 9:48 PM  

HAHA hit the folloeing keys in order:

[up arrow][up arrow][down arrow][down arrow][left arrow][right arrow][left arrow][right arrow][b][a]

ty marnie, that helps me understand what noclip is.

cant say i like the creators thinking for that one though, because only people who played those old 90s games would even think about typing that in!

oh that... that was stolen from achievement unlocked rofl. i remember i needed to look up a walkthrough for that one on that game too :/

i dont like those really hard ones that only a narrow group of oldschool gamers would even think of doing :( who would think of pressing the buttons in that order unless they were told to? honsetly... not many.

whats the one under quality control?

but, ty lustez for posting, couldnt have got it without you!

Same with the Konami one -- who the heck would know that?


Thanks guys for passing along the wisdom of comments from elsewhere!


"i meant to do that"

but i cant remember how i got it :(


i think only a few oldschool gamers would know that, judging by their origins. but i myself am somewhat an old school gamer (at least with old nintendo games) and STILL never knew about those "cheat codes" so i think its very unfair that they were used as the answers.

1 of them is called "a fine selection" but i cant figure out how to get it. probably something to do with "selecting" something

mm i doubt this took someone days because the game was published by him today to the public. BRB gonna wait it out and get a snack :D

       Anonymous  2/1/10, 9:59 PM  

I'm up to 95 thanks to the link Suicune posted. I think Ctrl A also works.

oh i just got "i meant to do that" :P

another is called "remember the name" but cant figure out how to get it either

i just got "the world is flat"

       Anonymous  2/1/10, 10:01 PM  

The dates of the comments date all the way back to Jan. 18.

Thanks, Ctrl A gives you A fine selection!

to get rememebr the name you click on credits a lot of times

ty suzanne! i never use that command so i didnt know about it up to 96 now. only missing

"remember the name"
"sesame street"

wait a minute i just got a 97th for no reason? "renegade is so cool" i look back at my screen and got it i dont know why lol.

so yea only missing those 2 i posted above... and the final one which is a given.

clicked on credits like 100 timse but nothings coming up

i know how to get those. remember the name, you click on credits repreatedly, and for sesamestreet, (im an animation artist :P ) you count the numbers all the way up 1 - 9

I've got Sesame Street but sorry, no idea how.

whats under RSI?

ty ketchup i got sesame street but clicking credits a lot isnt working for me. unless 100+ times isnt enough?

       Anonymous  2/1/10, 10:09 PM  

What's under "Renegade is so cool"? I only need that one and the final one.

"the game is a lie"

umm.. cant remember how i got it though.

thats all i did is click the credits... try clicking his name? not sure :/ and i just got RENEGADE IS SO COOL by clicking the word "email" in the middle of a sentence in credits -.- not sure if it was that word or just timing

i just got "whats the time" and "the game is a lie"

i need a sandwhich or some coffee ugh brb

ugh still cant get it, reloading and trying again

       Anonymous  2/1/10, 10:14 PM  

Woohoo! I did it! My last one was "Can't choose."


for some reason refreshing the game and coming back, THEN clicking credits a ton of times worked!

may have been a bug.

so what i think about this game:

a great timewaster... with a few bad/impossible answers, but other than that good game.

Hello. Anyone still there? I need the one under Who needs elephants..... Help

Could use use some help on the one under No pause here as well.......

need #22 column 1, #10 column 3, #25 column 4 please.

Is this the same guy who used to make those find 100 keys game with all the weird characters, like spongebob? I used to love those games!

Click the Achievements tab multiple times to get "Forgot to Let Go".

Got "Where's the Game" above RSI in column 1 by refreshing and clicking the awards as they come up.

Help just need two ; the one under who needs elephants and the one under not getting the idea

May have already been mentioned but if you ricght click anywhere on the game, you will get "Trying to hack". If you then select "A game by Renegade" you get "I love Renegade".

93 now. Need:

Self potato
Not getting the idea
Nothing is draggable

And then what ever is after:

No pause here
I read slow
Award for awards

I need 10 more.

I got one called kit kat was wrong. Is that about the person on EG24 or the candy? How can a kit kat be wrong? I don't get it lol..

once i solve all, im writing a walkthrough lol...

Just got "Nothing is draggable". I clicked the "P" for pause and clicked "Pause" in the middle of the screen (may have dragged slightly) and got it.

6 to go

only need 4 more? What could be the ones I missed which you have got already?

I was in the links screen on pause and rapid fire clicked the achievements link - this gave me the not getting the idea one

#32, #60, #71, #77, #100 (opens after 99th award)

which are:
The ones under:

Who needs elephants?
Self Potato
The one under waiting game
KitKat was wrong


Anyone have any of those?


The one under Who needs elephants is "Did I win yet". I've got that one but can't remember how. I think it may have been when I refreshed but not sure. If you haven't refreshed, try that and click the awards as they come up on the bottom as it will award all of the ones you have all over again.

Under Self potato is Not getting the idea. I don't have either of those.

Under Waiting game is Uneventful. Got it but once again, don't remember how.

Besides Self potato and Not getting the idea (I think that is supposed to have to do with Instructions but can't get anything to work), I still need the ones under Uneventful, No pause here, I read slow and Award for awards

i think i got uneventful from opening two tabs of the game. not sure.

I should say on a laptop you can use numlock and scroll lock.

Hold down FN and press F11, F12.

At least on this brand those are the keys. Look for the icons on the F# keys. numlock looks like a keypad. Scroll lock looks like up down arrows.

Just need 11 more...

i cant remember, but i think for "did i win yet" you click the achievements tab repeatedly?

its been like 20 hours, i cant remember exsactly, and a lot of them i got randomly anyways. a walkthrough would be helpful for future players, gl!

PS i dont think itll even let me view my achievement list again since i completed the game. all i see is the ending screen and nothing else works anymore.

Still need the following: "The Game Is A Lie", "Hyperactive", "Did I Win Yet?", "Non-Subliminal Message", "Not Getting The Idea", "No Pause Here", "Renegade Is So Cool", "Can't Choose", and the final one (whatever it is...).

@Suicune: You are correct about how to get "Did I Win Yet?".

to get #77 Rest is overated (Beneath KitKat was wrong):

Click Achievments
Click pause
Click Links.

Suicune, to play again, clear your cookies!

I am wrong? lol

I am guessing it didn't have anything to do with me, but it is funny! I don't know the game author.

I made a screen shot of all the achievements you can get. here you go:


gonna try to make a walkthrough. Unless you want to kitkatfox lol. I really don't wanna but would make people happy.

I am in the middle of making a walkthrough :) Hope I do it okay.

@Justy, I'm sure that it will be very appreciated if you want to do one!

@Justywusty87 go for it! The game needs a walkthrough, and I never played it.

I started playing earlier today, but have 11 left to find. I will continue later, but I'm sure that I'll need to have a look at the walkthrough for some of them.

Just got Self Potato but clicking "P" for pause and then clicking "Instructions".

5 to go.

Just got "Not getting the idea" by pausing and clicking Links. Actually only 2 to go now as the last one is a reward for getting the other 99. Need Wut's this for and Fire all weapons.

if im not mistaken, fire all weapons was press both mouse buttons at once or something like that.

and wuts this for was scroll lock.

hope this helps! :)


That was it on both of them. Can't believe I didn't figure out the Fire all weapons one. Got them all. Thanks!!!

WALKTHROUGH by Justywusty87

WARNING: This game will waste many minutes of your life!
But you have to admit, it's kind of fun! ; ).

Order of achievments from are in columns going down starting from left column to second, to third, and to fourth.
I hope this helps you on your missing achievments because I wasted a lot of time playing through multiple times to
figure out how to get each achievement. All times stated are estimates, not exact, so give or take a few if it doesn't


It was hard to make this walkthrough as sometimes multiple achievments are unlocked all at the same time and you have

to decipher how each achievement was unlocked. So if I made any mistakes please excuse me and you may correct

them in another post. Thanks for the game Renegade, and have fun everyone else!


#1 A new beginning - Click Play Game.
#2 What do I press - Click Play Game it pops up with Achievment #1.
#3 Where's the game - Click 100 times (I THINK).
#4 RSI - Open Achievements 10 times (Possibly any of the four links at the top).
#5 The game is a lie - Click instructions 100 times (OR RAPIDLY LEFT CLICK MOUSE BUTTON).
#6 Awake - Move mouse around without clicking for 1 seconds.
#7 Can't sit still - Move mouse around for 5 seconds.
#8 Restless - Move mouse around without clicking for 20 seconds.
#9 Hyperactive - Move mouse around without clicking for 1-2 minutes.
#10 Resting - Don't move mouse for 5 seconds.
#11 Lazy - Don't move mouse for 10 seconds.
#12 Not dead, just asleep - Don't move mouse for 60 seconds.
#13 Is this an idle game? - Don't move mouse for 90 seconds.
#14 Just Checking - Click open Instructions 1 time.
#15 Learning is fun - Click open Instructions 5 times.
#16 Slow Learner - Click open Instructions 10 times.
#17 No gamer left behind - Click open Instructions 20 times.
#18 This is fun - Have the game running for 1 minute.
#19 This IS fun - Have the game running for 5 minutes.
#20 I'm still playing? - Have the game open for 7 minutes.
#21 What's the time? - Have the game open for 15 minutes.
#22 The world is flat - Hover over the 4 corners of the game.
#23 Is this the any key? - Press any key on your keyboard.
#24 It's not chatspeak! - Press any key 10 times on your keyboard (or randomly press 10 letters).
#25 Random typing - Randomly type a bunch of letters (You may need to refresh the page first).


#26 I'm spamming - Randomly type a bunch of letters.
#27 Who made this? - Click open Credits 1 time.
#28 Remember the name - Click open Credits 20 times.
#29 It doesn't move - Hold left click and drag the mouse.
#30 Double jump - Press the space bar 2 times on your keyboard.
#31 Who needs elephants? - Open Achievements 3 times.
#32 Did I win yet? - Rapidly click Achievements (Or any link at top?).
#33 Shut your mouth - Click the M at the top right of the game screen 1 time to mute the sound.
#34 Rock on - Click the M at the top right of the game screen a second time to unmute the sound.
#35 Timeout - Click the P at the top right of the game screen 1 time to pause.
#36 Back to Action - Click the P at the top right of the game screen a second time to unpause.
#37 Quality control - Click the Q at the top right of the game screen 1 time.
#38 I meant to do that - Have game open for 8 minutes?
#39 Yellow Squares - Press the TAB key on your keyboard.
#40 Well Hidden - Move mouse around without clicking (No links expanded).
#41 Is this Konami? - Presss UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B A on your keyboard (It's a Konami cheat code).
#42 Sesame Street? - Press the numbers 123456789 on your keyboard.
#43 I love Renegade - Right click and click "A Game by Renegade".
#44 Is this a Zelda game? - Click open Links 1 time.
#45 Is this an ad? - Click an ad in the Links section (opens in new tab).
#46 Non-subliminal message - Click 5 links in the Links section (opens in new tabs).
#47 Cruise control for cool - Press the CAPS LOCK key on your keyboard.
#48 You already won that - Refresh the game and click on a acheivements as it flies by (Game saves).
#49 Medal of honour - After refreshing the game click two acheivements as they fly by (Game saves).
#50 Background Info - Click the background 1time.


#51 Maze game hacker - Right click then move the mouse off the screen and click.
#52 No Escape - Press ESCAPE on your keyboard.
#53 I can fly! - Type noclip (It is a cheat in some games which lets you walk through walls or fly).
#54 Wait your turn - ??????????????
#55 Lag much? - Open a second window or tab with the same game (I THINK).
#56 Mr. Freeze - Click the P at the top right of the game screen and then click the word "Paused"
#57 Welcome back - Refresh the game window 1 time (Don't worry, it saves).
#58 A fine selection - Press CTRL + A on your keyboard (It's the shortcut keys for select all).
#59 Self potato - Click the P at the top right of the game screen to pause, then click 5 times.
#60 Not getting the idea - Click the P at the top right of the game screen to pause, then click 10 times.
#61 Nothing is draggable - Click the P at the top right of the game screen and attempt to drag the word "Paused"
#62 Not the quality button - Press the letter Q on your keyboard.
#63 Not the pause button - Press the letter P on your keyboard.
#64 Not the mute button - Press the letter M on your keyboard.
#65 Nope, no game here - Click the word Game in "Is This A Game?".
#66 Copy pasta - Press CTRL + C on your keyboard (It's the shortcut keys for copy).
#67 Pasta la vista - Press CTRL + V on your keyboard (It's the shortcut keys for paste).
#68 Nothing Happens - Click the P at the top right of the game screen and wait 1 second.
#69 Boring - Click the P at the top right of the game screen and wait 5 seconds.
#70 Waiting game - Click the P at the top right of the game screen and wait 10 seconds.
#71 Uneventful - Click the P at the top right of the game screen and wait 60 seconds.
#72 What's this for? - Press SCROLL LOCK on your keyboard (Laptops hold FN + F12).
#73 Nums are locked - Press NUM LOCK on your keyboard (Laptops hold FN + F11).
#74 No time to waste - Press P at the top right of the game screen and wait, then move mouse? (Not 100% sure).
#75 Gotta keep going - Press P at the top right of the game screen and wait, then move mouse? (Not 100% sure).


#76 Kitkat was wrong - Click the P and Q at the top right of the game screen to pause and lower quality, then click?
#77 Rest is overrated - ???? Possibly click P to pause, then rest a little then move mouse and click rapidly. ????
#78 Sloth - Left click the mouse button 3 times.
#79 Just Resting - ???? Guess you just don't move mouse for a few seconds, then move it after ????
#80 Auto fire - Rapidly left click (I THINK).
#81 Forgot to let go - Hold left click for a second.
#82 Trying to hack - Right click.
#83 No pause here - Click the P at the top right of the game screen and then right click anywhere on the game.
#84 Fire all weapons - Left click and Right click at the same time.
#85 Look what I can do - ???? I think it just appears after having game open for some time. ????
#86 I read slow - Click open Instructions and wait 2 minutes.
#87 Renegade is cool - Click open Credits and wait 75 seconds.
#88 Can't Choose - Click open Links and wait 2 minutes.
#89 Donations Welcome - Click Links and hover over "Make A Donation".
#90 Its pretty - Click the bursts that appear when you receive an acheivement (I THINK).
#91 Arbitary number - Collect 10 Achievment.
#92 Bonus trophy - Collect 20 Achievments.
#93 Decorated - Collect 30 Achievements.
#94 Collector - Collect 40 Achievements.
#95 Half Collector - Collect 50 Achievements.
#96 Gotta catch them all - Collect 60 Achievments.
#97 Won by winning - Collect 70 Achievements.
#98 Medal for medals - Collect 80 Achievments.
#99 Award for awards - Collect 90 Achievements.
#100 ?????? - Collect all 100 Achievements.

Sorry for any errors, this game is really hard to make a walkthrough for.

excellent job justy! i know this games very hard to make a walkthrough for lol thats why i didnt even consider it. you did a great job though, and if theres 1 or 2 errors, so what, this is probably the only written walkthrough on the entire net for this game at this point in time :P

that said, i didnt find any errors. but what i DID find was the name of the final achievement (reloaded the game and watched as the awards all flew by again, it was the 2nd last one for me)

its called: "YOURE A WINNER"

Congratulations Justywusty87 !!!!
It´s a great, great job.
For me the last achievement is: A WINNER IS YOU!


oh thats probably what it was. if flashed by very fast all i remember seeing was "a winner"

so i stand corrected

and..."your award code is noelephant :)"

@Suicune: we did it!! Are you happy today?

yea my spirits were boosted back up after i dominated that design room game (cept the pliers lol). now i feel more like my old self again, which was really needed because i was stuck in a bad frame of mind before and not enjoying the games as much as usual.

I'm glad. Evil spirits, out!!!!

Thank you sooo much @Justy! What an enourmous effort to write this walkthrough!!

I still cant get number 32, 60 and 72. I dont have a scroll lock key, and FN+F12 doesn't work.

       Anonymous  2/3/10, 4:19 AM  

@Justy thanks for the walkthrough. not sure I would have done so well without it! I'm still a bit stuck on a few though....don't know if other mac users are having the same problem? can't get the ones which require right clicking or the scroll lock. someone mentioned earlier about bringing up an on screen keyboard, can someone tell me how to do that on a mac?


you can use the on screen keyboard for num and scroll locks.

on my computer (windows vista) go to start menu and then:

all programs > accessories > ease of access > on screen keyboard

but on different OS it might be different.

@Suicune, Thank you!! I have Vista as well, and it worked. Only took me a while to figure out what ease of access is called in Swedish lol.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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