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Raika Escape Walkthrough

Raika Escape

Escape Game - Raika Games is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game. In this game, you try to find the cellphone to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Let's start!!!

have locked box and red cel phone from the couch...need screwdriver and key

SD from metal shelves and key from blue chair

Yeah! Finally, a new game! Hi everybody!

key under right armrest of chair.

Finally, found screwdriver on shelves, a bit tricky to find

the box is empty?

nothing in the locked box? what am i missin?

starting too
have a cellphone and key from blue chair,,cant find the box

       Anonymous  3/21/10, 8:39 AM  

Good morning/evening

box is to right of sofa

I cant find the SD on metal shelf

Box is at the right side of the couch...but mine is empty I think...

Screwdriver is on the middle shelf to the right.

I'm having trouble navigating... Have SD, key and cellphone. What's next?

Saima - middle shelf on right

thank you annaby and tristin,, i see it but cant seem to get to it..navigation is wierd

Ok got it, thanx Tristin

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Box does have secret compartment - if you can manage to turn it around, there's a screw on the side

Ah hah! Thanks annaby!

out - combine the 2 keys

on left side of the box, there's a screw!!!

Combine the two keys, and out!

has the other key, out!!!

not too hard

"it could have been more harder" - sounds like there's another ending? I don't know if I'll find it, because i find it really hard to manipulate things (like the box, and putting the keys together took me forever )

How do you combine the keys???

never mind got it

"I didn't find the cell phone but got out of the room, but it doesn't quite feel right."

"I've found the cell phone and got out of the room, but it doesn't quite feel right.
It could have been more harder."

...a third ending maybe?

and finally out,, if any1 got stuck on finding that box like i did, u need to click on the right arm rest of the couch.

@Edgar, I'm clicking everywhere and getting nowhere, lol. I'm determined to get at the black thing on the right armrest of the sofa, but I think i'm wasting my time

Same thought here @zoz.
Both keys and SD go back to their original places after being used.
Nothing else I've found and I think I never will, no matter how much I try to do in this glitchy game, so I'm leaving it now.

Ohh i am late :( Just starting....

And out ! This was easy :)

I cant combine the keys.

Saima i made the upper one big and added the second one....

Btw what was the cellphone for ?
Are there more than one ending ?

I couldn't find the third (best?) ending either (if there is one).

Easy game with hard navigation. By easy I mean the first two endings lol.

@zazie, there are at least two endings, leaving with and without the cellphone.

@Ellie lol, ok i prefer to leave with the cellphone :)

I am playing the second time and i could leave with the key now, but i am trying to look if i can do other things before...

The navigation in this room is driving me batty!!!
I challenge Zazie to do a walkthrough...with specific directions...please? So lost am I...lol

@debra, I waited and waited but I think that zazie got lost in the room. She might have found the third ending and left that way?? I finally decided to write the WT even if i hope and think that you got out long ago by now lol.

Turn left (facing a chair).
Click anywhere on the chair to zoom.
Click on the right armrest to zoom once more (where your pointer turns into a hand).
Take the key.
Zoom out twice.

Turn left (facing some shelves).
Click on the shelves to zoom.
Click on the far right side of the third shelf from top (yes, pointer becomes hand).
Take the screwdriver.
Zoom out.

Turn left.
Click on the couch to zoom.
Click on the left side of the couch.
Click on the front side of the left couch seat to lift the pillow and take the red cellphone.
Zoom out.
Click on the right side of the couch above the brown armrest (not on the purple ”turn around bar”).
Take the box.
Highlight the box, then click on the questionmark below the inventory to view it.
Use the key on the lock and it says ”the lock opened”.
Click on the left side of the box to turn it around (even clicking a bit outside the box works).
Use the screwdriver on the screw.
Click on the top part of the box to open it.
Click inside the box three times to see a key. Take it and put the box away.
Zoom out.

Turn left or right twice.
Click on the back wall to move in that direction.
Turn right.
Click twice on the grey square to the right of the door to zoom.
Open the top key from the inventory by using the questionmark.
Highlight the other key (takes a few clicks to manage but click on the right end of it) and combine them.
You have a new double key.
Use this key in the lock by the door.

Press the red button and leave through the door!
For another ending, leave without taking the cellphone.
Go back in to try to find a third end.
Give up and hope that someone else will find it.

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debra when facing the wire rack click on right middle area close to the pink strip. it will zoom you in. was going to play again for more information of where things are but it wont load for me again :(

Thanks @ellie and @adivawoman...
I did get out but I don't know HOW I did it...hence the challenge LOL
Beautifully done! @ellie!!!
It now almost makes sense except the end...is there a sequel???

Sorry but i was away from keyboard.
I did not find a third ending, who said that there is one ?

Thx Ellie for the WT !!
It is great as always :)

yw @debra and @zazie!

No one is sure about the third ending... it is just that the end text imply there is more to it: "it could have been more harder".

But, as always we tend to see things as more complicated than they are, and it might be that we already escaped in all possible ways lol.

Maybe it will be harder in the next game.
Wasn´t there written at the end : to be continued ?

Link isn't working ;- (

You are right, the link does not work any more for me either.

It still doesn't work...

Reported that the link is broken, but they haven't fixed it yet :- (

Link still doesn't work...my life's a misery lol

I wanna playayayayayayay! ;->

Also reported the link is broken. How long does it take them to fix it?

Wayyyyy tooooo longgggg Debbie, hm?

Drat, got myself all comfy, with a glass of wine at my side, and the game doesn't work. And there are no other new ones yet.

The perfect occasion to practice frustration tolerance though lol...which I don't possess...want something right the moment I need it...aaaargh...

Its also a question of time, I have time NOW!!

Same here...but instead of waiting and checking back feverishly, I might as well go eat something and check back later...you hang in there Debbie...

Oh well, might as well call my Mum!! That will use up an hour or two.

did anyone have trouble opening the game. I just get a white screen. Tried it a few times, only a white screen. Is there a place to click on it

hello, if zoz is still here, i really need to speak to her, zoz, r u still here? i've tried to email u 3 times and it must not be making it to you.

I'm trying to play the game also, but all I'm getting is a white screen and it won't do anything.

Is there anyone here that knows how to get in touch with zoz. Her email isn't working for me and I REALLY need to talk to her.

@Jadefox, try to write a comment on her blog to reach her.

Hi Ellie, I went to her blog and you're gonna think I am crazy, but I don't know how to do that, LOL! Can you tell me? Please don't laugh at me, even though I'm laughing at myself, LOL!!!

Oh,@Ellie, thanks, I'm gonna go there and try to figure it out, surely I can. Thanks again for the info.

See you on the next game I can ever get on live, since this one down.

Reported three more times that the link is broken...just to be sure they'll fix it lol...But will they?! It's two and a half hours after I first reported it...tomdidomdidom...


@Jadefox, click on her avatar, go to the bottom of the page and choose one of the blogs.
Below every single post, you can click on "comments". Then it should be possible for you to write one as well.

Link still isn't working...reported it about five times, but no response, and no action taken. Give up now...blllleeeegggghhhh :-(

the game don`t opened for me!

Ummm....out? That was pretty easy...but what's this about "it could have been harder?" I found the phone and got out, wasn't that the point?

Thanks @Ellie. I came back to see if the game was working and I don't get it either why they haven't fixed it. Seems they've always fixed it or put up alternate links before, but this time it's like they don't even see our comments.
Oh Well!

Hey, I just tried again and it worked. I know it doesn't say anything about it at the top of this page before all the comments start, but someone must have fixed it. Gonna go see if I can find this cell phone, lol.

I found box, key(used on box), but nothing was in it. Also a screwdriver, and the cellphone but it won't do anything either.

What a strange game. I wouldn't have gotten out if I had not have read annaby's comment to combine the keys. Thanks Annaby! Which I know she's gone now, but anyway.

awkward navigation and manipulation of the objects. Out with help. Thanks for the comments and walkthrough!

       Anonymous  5/20/18, 1:34 AM  

caught this one from the random section

but couldn't play, as link is broken...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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