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Onsen Spa Escape Walkthrough

Onsen Spa Escape

Onsen Spa Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game. In this game, you try to find the items and solve the puzzles to escape the spa. Good luck and have fun!

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How is this game already rated 5/5?

       Anonymous  3/5/10, 9:42 PM  

first for the first time and not loading :(

Yeah a live one

The objective is not to escape, you have a checklist to follow.

If we could read it, it would probably help

I have shampoo and a bowl

3 out of 4 things, tho it would be nice to know what i was looking for!
shampoo, spray cleaner, gloves, shower head, bowl

@ zoz
I have all four things, soap and a hose as well. Got a note from the champoo bottle.
No idea how i got it all though.

there's something in a pool, you can click on the pool at the bottom of the screen facing the entrance to the showers (get to the scene by clicking the left arrow on the opening screen). But i can't pick it up

when clicking on shampoo in inventory you get some paper. Where are the gloves?

hey zoz, are you still here?

hi ellie! lol, i know, i picked up some things without knowing it too

zoz...where did you find gloves and how did you get the shower head... why im i guessing this one is going to be hard to read ;))))

Use the spray cleaner in the shower, on the floor (open grid).

oupss sorry forgot to say hy every one ..so not used to being in a live one loll

look under the door mat for the gloves, then use them to pick up the shower head from the loooong line of showers (no privacy here!)

slow loading, my computer usually don't do this, but i'm using chrome this time.

hey @jadefox!

zoz its some kind of pot in the bath tub...now im soooo stuck

On main view click on the shower (right upper part) and there you can open the drain.

@sunfire, i think i was talking about a different bathtub. From the first scene (where the round tub is, where you got the bowl) click the left arrow

zoz ok tks ..and your wright..i wouldint take a shower in there lolll well maybe if its a group shower lol

marching marching marching. she is slow marching

There is some kind of black square by the floor in the long line of showers that is possible to zoom on as well, don't know why.

@Ellie, could you pick up the machine piece from the shower drain?
[hi, edgar!]

Used the spray cleaner in the black hole.

@Ellie, do you mean the place where the shower head is?

what are those black things on stairs??

@zoz, no i couldnt pick it up :(

Things on ghte checklist: shower head、tub for washing your face、shower cleaner、and soap.

wel i got the gloves but it wont let me take the shower head and the spray on the drain is not working for me ...ho boy here we go again..stuck stuck stuck

Sorry, I don't remember where the shower head was lol.
Use the middle arrow when in the sceen where you may look down at the pool with something in, get a long row of showers. Black spot to the left on the floor.

Thanks @Rin!
place shower head on the wall where there is one missing, at the entrance to the showers

The things on the stairs are caltrop...

Doris ..i dont know but i woulding walk on them ishhh

@Ellie, yes that's where the shower head was
can place it and take it away, but I don't know why

Sprayed balck drain and now sparkling....but not sure what is next

hey zoz, I asked if you were still here when I got here, but maybe you didn't see the msg. But I wanted you to know that I've tried and tried to leave you a msg on you profile blog or whatever, but I can't figure out how. But I'm very interested in what you do with the animals and would like to talk to you about it also. Tell me where to go there to leave you a msg or something. I couldn't figure it out. Ok, getting back to the game, this one is kinda strange, don't know if I can figure this one out at all.

Kez, when its sparkling you can take it with the gloves

zoz..i still cant find witch shower head you mean..cause i cant get any of them....is anybody able to take whats in the drain...sorry for my englich im french from quebec, canada ;)

@jadefox, if you go to my blog and click on my profile, there is an email link

Now I could pick up the cog from the floor in the shower, I think i had to use the spray several times first.

Use the gloves to get the machine piece from drain.

When you place the shower head it just comes back off even if you don't touch it so I think you need something to glue it with.

i thought maybe the cog was like a gasket for the shower head, but i can't make it work.
according to Rin's translation of the note, we still need soap

ho boy if Jadefox cant figure this one out ...i may as well give up ...even if im addicted to this game ..im realy not that good with out a lottttt of hints

don't you have soap? I have it but i think it was in my inventory from the beginning (I got a lot of things without doing anything but clicking on japanese text)

after collecting 4 items, your escape will start:)

OH!@zoz, ok, I see it now, just don't know HOW I missed that before, geez! Anyway, I'll email you then later. Great!

I guess I'm gonna have to go to the comments here and get some help. I can't figure this one out. Except, I have gotten 3 things on the list out of the 4.

Sorry I'm not any help to anyone.

Hi Ellie and Edgar

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soap is on top of the roll of showers..but i cant remember exactly where ...sorry ..but follow the closses showers and you will find it ..hope that helps

Which hose? I didn't get one, I think.

Now all of the things in stairs are gone. We're free to go through them.

Thanks @Edgar! I wonder where the beginning of that hose went, it didn't look that long in my inventory.

Hi @Jadefox!

More showers downstairs. Get a drawing from there.

@Edgar, I still cant go down, need to turn the water on somehow first. How did you do that?

still can't find soap and i don't know about the hose!

Same with zoz lol... clicked everywhere.

I take that back! Only needed to remove the hose when in the view of the stairs. Now i can go down.

@doris, I'm really sorry but I don't remember how i got the hose.

well i give up ..cant find the shower head anywhere..maybe my brain is to tired ..its 1;15 am here in quebec..so good lucl all..maybe next time and zoz ..tks anyway xx

@Ellie. just clicked on the hose in stairs view.

Another black hole (?) at the end of showers, clean it too.

@ zoz, from the first scene go left and click the bath or whatever it is, zoom in and behind it

sorry, go RIGHT

Although you can skip completing the checklist and go on to the "escaping part"... but I want to find everything >A<

The hose you put on the shower instead of the loose shower head.
Go to the stairs and take the hose back again when you see the end of it.

One of the mirrors in showers is dirty, use soap there.

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THANK U @Doris!
now, about that hose...

I can't see the hose! DO I miss something?

Opened a new game and found the soap! On the back part when zoomed in on the black pool with something that looks like sand and two big "handles".

where is the spray. the soap is to the right in the opening scene. behind the grey bar.

Now I can make the girl do some gymnastics??
What kind of game is this?

i cant' remember where the spray was, but i think it may have been in the row of showers
@Edgar where did you get the hose!
r u having fun all by yourself downstairs? ;o)

lol @Edgar!

I'm trying to do the game again. Turns out that my game was buggy the first time, I had the soap, the hose and some other things from the beginning. When I opened a new game I have to find it all.

Well, Edgar, why do they keep removing your comments? geez

ok i got the shower head out of the square hole without the spray or cleaning it. i put it on the hose that was missing the head. but i can take it back off. so i think i need to clean it before it will stay on.

There's a wooden door downstairs to a sauna. I can see a key there, but can't take it.

Yes, where is the hose?

lol @zoz
I'm doing some gymnastics with Edgar in one game, trying to find the hose in another.

I think the spray was on the sofa, first scene

i have not foudn a hose that i can pick up. but the hose that is missing the head is to the right of the opening scene.

I want this d.. hose!

@Ellie, do you have the note from showers? The drawing?

click right 3 times to fidn the hose with no head on it.

well, while i wait for the hose, I can tell you that I saw a really good movie today - Shutter Island - now i'm afraid to go to sleep!

but bowl under drip near sauna

@Rin, in the first scene, click on door across room, that's all I did, then it showed up in my inventory.

ooops PUT bowl

Ok, Now i got the hosw again! Well, it feels kind of buggy..
I clicked on the text box at the bottom of the inventory, chose the left alternative later and got the hose!

@crromig, is that the hose they're talking about??? I can't take that one

@zoz, I've been wanting to see that movie, but if it's that scary, I won't be able to sleep either, I have to sleep alone and I get scared easy, lol.

thanx @jadefox! you have to go out the door and click around a bit and go back in and voila! Hose in inventory

@Ellie That's not really "finding" the hose, that is actually to skip the first part where you have to find everything to go onto the next.

ok i got the spray i cleaned both drains and got cog. i then opened the door again and i got the green hose. but the tacks are still on the stairs. i want to see the gymnayst girl. what now.

Well, I can't go down the stairs yet, this is getting kinda tedious!!!

Ellie, WHERE did you get the hose??

@zoz, yw

put the green hose on the broken shower hose and it cleans off the stairs.

Thanks zoz! I didn't think to try the door again.

Jadefox saved my life! Thx. Finally that hose.

still can't go downstairs.
@jadefox, it's a scary movie, but the end is what will really haunt you

I can see that key in the hole downstairs, but can't take it.

Jadefox, you have to connect the hose to the shower before you can go downstairs

I'm sorry but I couldn't read that on the notes :(
Well, that's how I got my hose and I don't know any other way.

@Edgar, just found that key as well in my other game. go back down to take it in a black spot by the showers (using gloves).

YAY crromig!!!

another black drain to sparkle, and a mirror to clean with soap

Did someone have a key???

thanks @Doris and yw
and now I'm gonna try what crromig said.

yeah, what's up with making these holes sparkle?

Opened a door downstairs and got pincers.

@ Edgar, which shampoo bottle had a key under it please??

@Kez, I just tried that and I can't get it to work for some reason.

Use pincers to get a white key from the sauna.

ok wow i got alot done. i used the last of the spray on the drain down stairs. i cleaned the mirror with the bar of soap. i got a map of the upstairs drain hint. i got a color code with numbers and a key that fell down the drain to the downstairs drain no gymnast girl though.

put bowl beside the door to catch the drops. and found some paper with numbers and colours

I have a yellow key. After cleaning the black drain downstairs, and finding a note with a hint, go back upstairs and lift a bottle (to the left of the black drain upstairs). Go down to get the key from the black drain.

Use the yellow key on a glass door downstairs, by showers and find pinchers... going to try to pick that thing up from the pool.

This is a confusing game! I have no idea where i am or what I'm doing lol.

Oh man, I'm trying everything and I can't get hose on shower. I guess I'll never make it downstairs!!!

Cool key in water and open new room, what to do with roof in dive room?

@Edgar. how did you open that door?

@Doris, what door?

I have two vials/beakers that I have filled with different colours and water and now have a droplet beside each

If I can't get it to work, I'm gonna have to get in bed, it's getting late here, after midnight and I've been going ALL day, so tired!!!

What to do with the key from the sauna room?

ahah, pressing the blue bottom on the bottom of about item on the beakers clears the droplet, obviously we have to mix a correct colour

got key with pincer in spa room. now i'm stuck after putting the shower head on hose upstairs permantly this time. now what i still have the bowl and shampoo to place. as well as cog and color code with silver key.

@Edgar, the door downstairs where you can get in

i just found a new scene (new to me anyway)
facing the sauna, click on the lower right and you go to a jacuzzi with something in it

not the bottoms is the button on the bottom, lol

That door is opened with the yellow key that you get from below the bottle by the black drain where you got the shower head.

Put the bowl down outside the sauna where the water drips from the ceiling.

ah, the color code is on the shelving downstairs, finally found it. jeez i'm slow!

Ok, guess I'm going to go for now and get some sleep. I'm so far behind now so I'll just come back tomorrow after I've had my beauty sleep, lol, and finish when I can get the walkthrough. Good night everyone, and happy gaming.

I'll email you tomorrow zoz!!!

@rin, cool the key in water and then use on last door, opens up a dive room

or it opens the room with the beakers and baths of different colours ??? not sure now which one it was

So very tired of clicking everywhere without knowing what I'm doing :(

ok, why can't i pick up the bottle by the sparkling hole upstairs?

Thank you Edgar and Ellie, missed that one

goodnight jadefox!

I could use my white key on a door downstairs after putting it in a pool of water.
Now see three colorbaths and have two beakers.

what are the pincers for?

I agree with you, @Edgar, i'm just clickety clicking away

did you find the note with the hint for that bottle?
Maybe you need to see it first. I'ts somwhere downstairs (among showers or so). I'm sorry, terrible memory in this game.

placed bowl foudn the marching girl again i don't know where to send her right yet. i couldn't get into the last door yet. what to do with the shampoo and cog.

nvm, got it

Dive room? It has pool chairs right? I can't open it with the silver key but if I highlight anything other than the key I can go in...

Did anyone use the paper from the shampoo???

ah, ok, i'll go look for the note with the bottle

hey i found out where to put the cog!

Where do I use white key??

Great @zoz!!

facing the sauna, click on the grey wall on the left. place the cog then click on it again. now what did i just do?

@ crromig the shampoo you open to get a note

Going to bed now, very sleepy here.
Good night all and good luck.
See you!

what is that thing in the fountain pool? a necklace?

DOn't understand the beakers at all

found the 'bottle note' downstairs in the long shower, if anyone else needs to find it

goodnight @Edgar, sweet dreams

I haven't been able to find the mirror to clean with the soap. Does anyone remember where it is?

@ zoz, which grey wall is that??

Oh, the cog seems to have turned a spa on. And there is something inside that I can't take.

just four gaps now but still many unused items

Walking bath note;
but it's easy to guess.

After you place the bookmark water comes down and there is a new note, it's the hint for making the girl walk on the long shallow pool.

Forward = F Backwards = B so FFBFFFBFF

thx,@ zoz. put the paper from the shampoo there too.

the shampoo note is the list right? i got that earlier. what is hanging behind that door with the cog?

Thanks @Mystris!
A new note like that was just what I needed lol.

@Ellie, i think the mirror was in the long line of showers downstairs, on the left

Where do you place the cog, I cannot seem to find it??

@ crromig, you get the bookmark from the shampoo

Thanks @zoz, found the mirror!
The girl did her exercise. Hmm... I wonder what happened after that.

the mirror to clean is the first one on th eright downstairs in the gym shower room when you are looking at the glass door view. what purple bookmark thingy are we talking about? did you see on the other side of the grey wall there is a blue button that does nothing.

When you come downstairs, in the first view, there is a grey wall to the left, by the arrow. Click on that one (facing sauna and a pool).

@kez, when you first go downstairs and you're facing the sauna door, with the square pool to the left of it, click on the grey wall on the left of the screen

after pouring 4 color hot water, click the button again.

I now have the shower head, 2 beakers and a color note with numbers unused. 4 empty spaces in the inventory. Stuck and confused.

downstairs turn around so you come back the same way you entered and dirty mirror is first on the left (from memory)

please help with the colours!!

ok i finally go tthe shampoo to open and hung the purple bookmark. it went up and the little door closd. i got the girl marching done first. now what i have beakers and a color / number code. i am stuck.

Finally made it downstairs. After you get all the stuff and go out the glass door, the mean kid chains you in, but you get a hose. Connect the hose to the place without a shower head, and the hose goes down the stairs... Got a bunch of stuff downstairs, went outside(?)... I'm stuck with the completed list, the note-card, the gear, and the "silver" key...

@Ellie, you should be able to attach the shower head permanently now.

Thanks @Xenon!
But I can only find three colors of water.
And what button?

wahoo, new compartment to put colours on opposite of grey pillar

how do you get four colors of hot water? i guess you make a mix. where do you get the hot water and how do you mix the colors?

Thanks @Rin!
The shower head is there.
And i finally found that blue button. Now i just need to figure the colorthings out.

Which colors to get and where to pour them?

you need a thermometer. but I don't remember where it is.
There 3 buttons(cog,blue,green) on the wall downstairs.

i'm stuck on the colors now and it's 2 am
and I thought this was going to be just another find the hidden object game...

soo stuck with the colour thing!!!

ah, the green button is on the grey wall to the right of the area where the girl worked out,
thx Xenon

I poured red and green water. Now how to I make yellow and blue?

Thanks @xenon again!
I havent found the green button yet (and not the termometer, but could that be the thing in the pool upstairs?).

lol @zoz, I thought the same thing. And getting tired as well.

can't find any button! where please?

Thanks @zoz! Found the green button with your help.

Nevermind, I think we also need a yellow and blue beaker rather than colour of water.

there is somethign in the fountain pool in the first scene downstairs but i don't know how to get it out. it looks like a necklace.

ok, i have yet to do anything with the roof view where the lounge chairs are
also, have not been able to get the thing from the pool upstairs or the jacuzzi downstairs
and what is the bucket under the drip for?

have to leave, good luck everyone!

things i haven't used yet
the view of the roof in the room where the pincers were
the thing in the pool upstairs
the thing in the jacuzzi downstairs
the bowl catching the drips
the blue button

@Doris, the buttons are on the gray walls.
Blue, when turning left after first view downstairs (click on the gray wall to the right).
Green, when facing the area before you click to see the running girl (click on the grey wall to the right).

OMG refreshed the wrong page and had to start over.....nooooooo

I have to leave now, good luck everyone!!!

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