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Strawberry Juice Room Escape Walkthrough

Strawberry Juice Room Escape

Strawberry Juice Room Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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A sakura game! Great way to start the weekend!


crowbar under sofa

And like every Sakura game, I can't find the blue key.

eraser behinder orange cupboard

Nevermind, I found it

yello key from puzzle - SD

yellow ball -light out

red key behind carpet

got cloth, use crowbar on middle lower drawer of carpet to get green ball

Where do you use the hammer?

got red ball from wall puzzle

blue from brown little carpet

       Anonymous  3/26/10, 6:38 AM  

Amanda, the arrow in the cupboard gives you a clue.

@cricketer - thanks!

And out, easy today

hi can't find where to use the crowbar

I almost missed this ...yea! Sakura!!!

hi im new here.....sharon from uk

@ Frenchy, try using the crowbar under the TV

don't understand again the code

use hammer in white cupboard get blue ball

that's it thanks kelly but is anyone can explain me how we can find the code


Put the balls in the tv (the order's in the book) after that a code appears on the screen, which doesn't look very challenging. Yet I haven't figured it out.

Where did you find a hint for the colour sequence ?

me too t tried 9543 but its not

the sequence in the book rygb

thx i have got it.....
but not yet the exit code lol, it´s normal for me :)

can't crack the code - normal for me :)))

arrghh for once that's was looking simply but not!!!

Hi @sharonc...Welcome!

Sorry, cap lock on.

       Anonymous  3/26/10, 6:52 AM  

Colour sequence is in the book on the floor, first scene.

Clue for the code:

Reverse the bottom 3 rows. You keep the order of the colours the same.

cece if you are here a hint please for the code!!

Got 4 numbers, dunno what to do with them

Hammer on white cupboard doesn't work for me...
Where to use the crowbar and hammer ? Please?

thanks @circketer try to make it

Come on game! I found all the 5 juices. I know it'll be a perfect end, all I need's the code.

Hammer above the arrow in white cupborad, crowbar on middle drawer below TV

Found it:


ahh just got it!
amazingly enough the place to input the code was the very last thing i found!

Yay I'm out! Thanks!

POP, got hammer still need the crowbar...

it still gives us banana juice??

wow thanks coz i try but can't make it i should be in my silly day

i found code by playing around with the numbers given, i think it was 5493 or 5439. duno why this is the code though...

       Anonymous  3/26/10, 7:01 AM  

Imagine flipping over the bottom 3 rows of each image and it gives you the numbers.

Hm, thanx @cricketer and @zazie, but why? Seems a bit random to me. Where's the hint?

Thanks @zazie!
On to the next one!

Used 0543 in different combo's got 5439.

Ah, think I've got it. The order of the colors on the lower row is reverse to the order in the first two rows, that might be the hint...

that's 9 not 0, duh, fat fingers.

       Anonymous  3/26/10, 7:11 AM  

The clue in the book has the order in the top 2 rows. Then the next 3 are reversed hinting at reversing the numbers somehow. You need to reverse the images to get 4 proper numbers. But don't change the order. Here's a pic to show the change.


And out! Not very difficult this time!

And once again Sakura has managed to provide the most unappealing of beverages possible, LOL.

what sort of water source do i need to be able to use the cloth. i'm going around in circles here.

apparently no water source it was just glitching.

At the end it says you drank strawberry juice, but in the game you still get the banana juice...

       Anonymous  3/26/10, 7:23 AM  

Truus, just played again to check. My juice was pink.

My game didn't highlight the cloth but worked anyway...The juice was a milky purple color...Yucky!!! Still a fun game as always!

@cricketer9999, but when you pick up a glass the text says you get Banana juice.
Mine was pink too though.

       Anonymous  3/26/10, 8:06 AM  

Oh I see Truus. I didn't notice the text.

i'm sad that i missed it live, but it was kind of nice to play at a leisurely pace. you can't lose with Sakura!

Strawberry Sakura Suggestions

If you've played many of these games, here are things you know (and if you haven't played many of these games, here are things you need to know):

-- the book on the floor will contain a hint for solving the door code
-- an eraser will usually be necessary to reveal the hint in the book
-- the first scene to the right is where you'll find the blue key, most often (but not always!) wedged beside a cushion in the couch
-- there will usually be another item to find in the couch/blue key scene (for example, a hammer, eraser, etc.)
-- always look under the couch. For that matter, always look under, beside, and behind every piece of furniture.
-- the couch/blue key scene also often has a clue or puzzle on the wall
-- the next scene to the right will have a cabinet with three colored locks - red, blue, and yellow. You must find the matching colored keys for the locks.
-- unlocking the cabinet doors will always give you a piece/glass of whatever food item is the theme for the week.
-- in order to get a "Perfect End", you must find five of the food items. In addition to the three found in the cabinets with colored locks, there is usually one visible in the color/cabinet scene, and another in the next (last) scene.
-- the red key is usually behind a piece of furniture, often in the last scene
-- the last scene also will have a puzzle box with a picture on it that must be solved before it can be opened.
-- the puzzle box always contains the yellow key
-- the television screen contains round slots to place the four colored balls in order.
-- once the balls are in place, four grids will show a clue for the four numbers of the door code.

those are the constants in every Sakura game. Here are some common variations:

-- the colored balls may be found
*hanging from a string (you'll need scissors)
*behind something that must be smashed (you'll need a hammer)
*behind a something that is screwed down (you'll need a screwdriver)
*in a wall safe (you'll need a clue to open it)

-- hints, such as the color order for the balls or the clue to open the wall safe, may be found
*painted or sketched on the under side of furniture
*on something that must be wiped clean
*beneath a tile on the floor or behind a piece of the wall
*on a blank canvas (after you find a paintbrush and a beaker of ink)

-- if you see a light switch next to the door, you will need to turn the lights out and go around the room to find at least one essential item or clue

i'm sure there are things i've forgotten, but these are the main features that show up every week. Knowing these will give you a head start, but the game will usually still be a challenge

Good luck and Have Fun!

where's the blue key????????

@sherri, it's in cabinet next to the couch.
Click the black line, close to the top

       Anonymous  3/26/10, 12:07 PM  

zoz nice hintthrough.

Woot! Did this one all by myself! proud

True, so True.

Excellent hints. Next, maybe an addendum on how to break codes?
(Rotate/switch/swap/negative/mirror etc)

Nah, just kidding about addy :)

Hm... this is kind of embarrasing lol. I can't get the red ball, and that's because I cant get the safe picture right. I read the comments about using the arrow in the shelf, but my arrow is covered in dirt and the cloth doesn't work. I guess I need to do something with it first, but what?? (haha, dipping it in strawberry juice doesn't work).

Great Suggestions @zoz!!
Now, I need a Dummie Through lol.


Just try to use the cloth. I couldn't select the cloth, but it still worked for me after clicking.

omg spent FOREVER!!!! trying to find a water source for the cloth because it wasn't highliting in my inventory, then finally when to look at the hints and saw that the cloth didn't need to be highlited in order to work!

Thanks @Peke!!! I swear I tried that hundreds of times, and now it worked immediately after reading your post.
Well, you all know how it is :D

Finally I can try to solve the code!

It was hard this time. I liked it! Needed a hint to turn three rows though, and that after trying everything including moving those rows in all other directions.

@Edgar, I hope that you saved some banana juice from last week... now you have the strawberries to add lol.

@Ellie, I think the authors were very considerate with me this time, and gave the banana and strawberry mixed together for all of us this time.
Wasn't the color of your strawberry juice... not strawberry-looking like? ;)

How to Solve Sakura Codes
Beg, Steal, or Cheat!

Nice approach :)

nice game. I had no trouble with the cloth working. Thanks for the visual cricketer9999!

@zoz my last constant step is almost always to get the code from the comments -- I rarely can solve them without help

wheres the cloth? i cant find it anywhere

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Cloth is in red locker... and red key is behind TV cabinet (zoom in left side of it).

And now cloth highlights when selected!
Good they fixed that!

       Anonymous  3/27/10, 7:45 PM  

"You drank strawberry juice! PERFECT END."

I don't like it, it doesn't seem perfect! I don't really want to drink strawberry juice. D:

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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