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Gazzyboy College Room Escape Walkthrough

Gazzyboy College Room Escape

Gazzyboy College Room Escape is another new point and click type room escape game developed by Gazzyboy.You got trapped inside the college room.Your work is to find out the objects and use those objects to escape from the college room.Bring out your creative thinking in find the hidden objects and escape from the college room. Good luck and have fun!

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You are supposed to escape from the college room. Use your creative ideas in finding the objects in the room, make use of the same objects to escape from the college room.

bottle of water, duster, paper and stuck
4720 doesn`t work on exit door =)

same here; think we need some water to be filled into the bottle and then the duster to clean the board

can`t pick up handy thing from chair
placed paper at table

on the vent seems to be a pen, but we need to switch on the vent too

I thought it was a bug because I also cannot get those 2 items - seems we have to do something first

use compass in middle chair beforeblue wardrobe

       Anonymous  4/19/10, 3:57 AM  

where is the compass?

and out

where did you find a compass ilda

empty bottle in red bin ,,,,get marker

throw marker at fan for sd. open plug sockets for key

Out too ... emptying the bottle in the trash bin was the clue for me

put fan with marker. got sd. open panel, got key. open blue wardrob got compass

sorry, geometry box

in geometry box got compass

out that was an easy gazzy
after you emptied the bottle
thanks daz for hint

chalk on paper. duster on chalk dust. put on board,gives you code and out

This one was easy!
Somebody needs hints?

A 5 minute Gazzy Boy!

Who wodda ever thunk.LOL

Anyone notice the Water Can disappearing when zooming into Chair?

@Prid. Noticed that too, but at least we didn't get a fish from the waste bin on this game.
Now to figure out what the heck is a marker doing in a water bottle. Flavor? Color? :)

Long time since I've done walkthroughs for Gazzyboy games!


1. Click on the Water Bottle on Teacher's Desk, to zoom in. Click on the Water Bottle to open its cork. Take the WATER BOTTLE, and zoom out!

2. Click on the Red Trash Can, on Bottom-Right of Teacher's Desk [Top-Right corner of room], to zoom in. Click on Top of it, to zoom in even further! Take DUSTER, and zoom out. Pour the Water from the Bottle by using it on the Trash Can - Note the Marker falling out form the bottle! Click on the Trash Can once again on top of it, to zoom in. Take MARKER, and zoom out twice!

3. Click on Fan on the Ceiling, to zoom in. You see the Red Item on the Fan Blade that points to the Right-side. Well, use Marker on that item, to get a SCREWDRIVER - and zoom out!

4. Click on the Black Switch Panel [Middle-Right of Blackboard], to zoom in. Use Screwdriver on the Switch Panel, and take KEY! Also, take a PAPER from the Notepad and zoom out!

5. Move Back [Arrow at bottom of screen]! Use Key on the 3rd Cupboard Door from Left to Right, on its keyhole, to unlock it. Click on Schoolbag to move it, and click on the Bottom-part inside the Cupboard to get a GEOMETRY BOX!

6. Click, hold and Drag the Geometry Box on the screen, to get a zoomed in pop-up window. Open Geometry Box and take COMPASS! Click on the Chair in the Middle-line, to zoom in. Use Compass on its Bottom-part (Where you put your butt when you sit on a chair). Take KEY, and zoom out!

7. Use Key on the Left Door of Cupboard, to open it. Take CHALK BOX, and zoom out!

8. Move Back [Arrow at bottom of screen]! Click on Teacher's Desk to zoom in. Put Paper on middle of Desk, and then Chalk Box on the Right-side of it. Click, hold and Drag 8 Chalks from the Chalk Box, on to the Paper! Once done, use the Duster on the Paper, and zoom out!

9. Click on the Blackboard to zoom in. Use the Duster on the Light area of the Blackboard, and you'll get a code: 3729 - once done, zoom out!

10. Click on the Door on right-side, to zoom in. Click on its Lock to zoom in, and type: 3729 - simply zoom out, and then click on Door to open it. Click outside, to escape!

I actually enjoyed writing this Walkthrough. It's been a long time since I've done one of these walkthroughs, but that's just me! However, I hope this helps people whom are stuck :)


oh! I didn't see the white chalk on the white paper. I was trying the chalk everywhere and since it didn't disappear from the box, I didn't think I had done anything.

>.< That will teach me to lighten the computer screen because I had trouble seeing the dark objects on dark background.

- Zoom in the lecturer table and collect the water bottle. Zoom out.
- Zoom in the switch board and collect the paper bit from the bunch. Zoom out.
- Click the dust bin to zoom in, again click it to see the top view.
- Collect the duster inside and zoom out ones.
- Take the water bottle and pour the water in the dustbin.
- Go to the top view of the dustbin.
- Collect the marker inside. Zoom out twice.
- Click the ceiling fan to zoom in.
- Throw the marker on the fan to get the screw driver. Zoom out.
- Zoom in the switch board on the right side.
- Open the switch board with the screw driver and collect the key inside. Zoom out.
- Click down to face the opposite side of the board.
- Open the cupboard on the right side top with the key.
- Click the bag inside, to move and collect the geometry box.
- Click the geometry box to open and get the compass.
- Zoom the chair in the middle, tear the seat with the compass to get the key. Zoom out.
- Open the left top cupboard with the key and collect the chalk box inside. Zoom out.
- Click down and zoom in the lecturer table.
- Place the paper bit on the table and then the chalk box near.
- Take eight chalk pieces from the box and place it on the paper bit.
- Crush it with the duster. Zoom out.
- Zoom in the board.
- Place the duster on the board to get the code 3729. Note it. Zoom out and face the exit door on the right side.
- Zoom in the exit door and click the number 3729.
- Zoom out and click the door to open.
- You are out form the college room.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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