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Gold Room Escape 3 Walkthrough

Gold Room Escape 3

Gold Room Escape 3 is the third episode of Gold Room Escape series point and click room escape game from MiniGamePortal. Search for six hidden objects(three golden objects and 3 diamonds, gems), solve riddles and get the golden key to escape the room! Good Luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Starting now...

have gold, diamonds and 2 codes - I think I need one more
opened the safe from the color puzzle

Hi, played this game, it's not bad and not too hard.

And out !!

Third paper is behind the right pic above cupboard

solved the code - got the key - but it disappeard and is not in the inventory

got the key but cannot go out as the last piece (2.)is missing? any1 seen it?


Gabriela the same happened to me, but when i replayed it worked fine.

out - glad to see they're adding another step with each new game

... why cant i use key?

You need all the gold and diamonds before you can leave.

where is the 2. piece pleaseeee

zzz...i got a glitch...i restarted and am finally out

It is in the wallsafe.

click the green diamond 4 times, the yellow 3 times and the blue 4 times.

can't find last piece (2) and don't know what to do with wallpuzzle

mva read my last post above.

Once again, it's trial and error with the final code. I wish they'd leave some hints in the game. Mind you, it's hardly rocket-science is it lol

and out... thanks @Zazie

@Zazie, thanks a lot, didnt know that wall diamonds were clickable !!! :)))

I'm with you, @rambler...I do not get the order...trial and error...and what are the buttons for?

Not my favorite game...but out!

Rambler - they left a hint for final code -
it is the roman figures IX... V... II... next to paintings

code spoiler


Out pretty fast and easily, but had to try the code with trial and error as well. And playing the game for the second time I had a closer look to the roman numerals in first scene.
IX...V..II... the order for the code maybe?

I forgot those numerals too when first time playing.
Well.. the second time playing I lost my key...

Good thinking :)


the numbers do not switch up individually they switch as they are found the spoiler is 99751925

Another one of these… I wonder where it will end. At least the games develop a bit.
Still not complicated enough to leave the codes for the end of the walkthrough, so you’ll get the answers straight out if you read it.

Click on the grey panel by the wall, to the left of the purple lamp. Get a green 4.
Click on the cartoon of milk below the TV, get some coins.
Click on the painting above the TV to see IX…V…II.
Move the left painting to see a green button. Press it.
Move the grid on the back of the couch to see a pink button. Press it.
Move the painting to the right of the TV to see a blue button. Press it.
The upper right painting moves and you get a note with 519.
Turn left.
Click on the blue car to the right of the door to get a yellow 3.
Click on the chair to get some jewels.
Click on the green cup on the desk to get a diamond.
Turn left.
Click on the small brown table with a cactus to get a diamond.
Click on the TV to get gold.
Move two bananas and an apple on the table to get a note with 25.
Click on all the grapes on the wall to get a blue 4.
Turn left.
Click on the ball on top of the cupboard to get a note with 997.
Use your colorful notes with numbers to open the wall safe with colored squares.
You have the number of times to click on each square in your inventory, and you have a small number on each note that tells the order to click them.
Green: 4 times, Yellow: 3 times, Blue: 4 times.
Get some coins from the safe.
Turn left.
Click on the safe in the lower left corner. Press C to reset the numbers.
This time the clue to the order of the numbers is: IX…V…II = 9…5…2.
Start with the number that starts with 9 = 997.
Continue with the number that starts with 5 = 519.
And last the number that starts with 2 = 25.
Code: 99751925. Get a key.
Turn left.
If you are lucky you get the bug that makes the key disappear and you’ll have to play it all again in order to escape.
Use the key on the door.

(Yes, @Full, I like Gongtats more as well!)

If you want the fun to last a bit longer you can click on the falling fruits in the end scene. Some of them will disappear which is as fun as it gets.

out with no help. Better than the last one in that there was more to find and my key didn't disappear.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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