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Gazzyboy Ghost House Escape Walkthrough

Gazzyboy Ghost House Escape

Gazzyboy Ghost House Escape is another point and click escape games from gazzyboy. In this game, you got locked inside the ghost house. The objective is to find the objects around. This will help you to escape from the ghost house.Bring out your creative thinking in finding the hidden objects and helping them to escape from the Ghost House. Good Luck And Have Fun!

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w00t -->

Hi All!

Stuck with:
wood, kerosine, death key, matchstick and matchstick box, knife also in inventory, used it once.

Gazzyboy Ghost House looks good

The audio is horrible.

found matchbox, book, match stick , axe, knife,
key and a dead cat I think

seems to be a dead kitten in the wooden bowl on the stand....!

im coming

Use Axe on the wood in second room.

I love gazzyboy games

Use knife on the dust inside fireplace to get another key

key in fireplace with knife

code in book but it will not work for me

neither key used:(

2 keys, (one in lamp and the other in fireplace). have code for cupboard, but neither key works in cupboard lock. assuming another key is to be found. also assuming kerosene prob in cupboard, am I on the right track @urban?

put wood under the dead cat

@atv and @nocmkey: You should go downstairs.

@dideedi: yes. How didyou put wood under cat?

where to use knife..got wood but cant burn it

key in clock used to open chest, got axe to use on black thing in other room, got wood

Got it. And out.

was hoping magic stick would bring little kitty back to life...but sadly no ;)

can see the cat bt cant take it...wood wont go under it

use the knife on the carpet

thanks @ Sisli for knife on carpet

out, easy, no? jejeje

how to put wood under cat??

@ella: zoom out view

Thanks @ Urban too:)

Urban were is the downstairs lol don't leave
help please

Ella are you gonna write a walkthrough?

ok thax..lol..

kitty lives to use another 8 lives!

aww simple n sweet

@atvcountry: you have to cut a hole in the carpet with the knife

Urban are you gonna write on I mean

dideedi thank you I thought this house was to small

wow once you find the downstairs everything fall into place and out thanks all for your help

It certainly is takinga while to load the page

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 10:34 AM  


I couldnt figure out what to do after basement..have matches, match stick, knife, book, key and code paper !!!!!!!!what next?

Delight first take code from the paper and open the big cabnet and get the kerosene put it on the wood you put under the tub were the cat is
then there is a spot next to the tub to place the match box then the match it will light the wood cat will jump out

thanks atvcountry ...had connection problem, just saw your message :)))))))

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 12:08 PM  

Where is the code paper?

Poor cat

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 12:58 PM  

Really nobody there who can help me find that code paper?

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 1:21 PM  

Ok, found the paper with code. You have to go to the basement by using a key and there you can find the paper in the box by using another key.
And using your magic stick on the ghost you can get one more key.

@small-tool, did you go down in the cellar?
Use knife on the carpet in the first room.
Use key (from lamp in room 2 i think) to open the trap door. Down there use a key (from fireplace i think) to open the red chest. There is your code paper. You need to put it together (drag into game screen).

Oh, good... you found it :)

Zoom on the clock, click on it to open and take key 1.
Zoom on the mirror and take the knife.
Zoom on the book shelf and take the book on top, and the match box.
Zoom in the fire place. Use the knife in the ash to get key 2.
Take the match from the top left side of the zoomed fire place.
Zoom on the blue chest.
Use key 2 to open it and get an axe.
Zoom in the bowl in the lower right corner to see a cat that doesn’t care about you.

Click on the door opening to the right to enter the next room.
Use the axe on the black wood on the carpet and take the pieces of wood.
Take the black wood with a skull by the right wall, it's a magic stick.
Click several times on the red chest to move it and zoom on the wall behind it.
Click on the switch.
Zoom on the lamp that is now turned on.
Click on the top part of the lamp and take the key 3.

Go back to the first room.
Use the knife on the carpet.
Use key 3 on the blue padlock to open the trap door under the carpet.

Click on the wood and click again to go down to the cellar.
Use the magic stick on the ghost in the left corner.
Take the skull key from the table.
Zoom on the red chest.
Use key 1 to open it and take 4 pieces of paper from inside.

Go back up and into the right room.
Drag the 4 pieces of paper into the game screen and put them together to see a code.
Zoom on the tall cupboard and insert the code from the paper.
Get a bottle of kerosene.

Go to the left room.
Put the pieces of wood under the bowl with the cat in the lower right corner.
Pour kerosene on the wood.
Put the matchbox by the wood.
Use the match on the match box.
The cat and a ghost disappears and you can now click on the door to the left.
Zoom on the code panel and inser the numbers you see when you drag the book from the inventory into the screen.
Press Enter and zoom out.
Use the skull key on the door to open it and escape.


       Anonymous  5/3/10, 2:16 PM  

I am now ending my part in the Gazzyboycott because they have gotten a lot better, they are making sense and are a lot easier with little or no "bugs".

Ellie thank you for a very helpful walkthrough. While they are easier I still need help now and then.

- Zoom in the big mirror frame on the wall. Click and collect the knife. Zoom out.
- Zoom in the wall clock, click the door to open. Click and collect the key inside. Zoom out.
- Zoom in the chimney top. Click and collect the match stick. Zoom out.
- Zoom in the book shelf. Click and collect the book from the top rack. Click and collect the match box from the second rack. Zoom out.
- Zoom in the center area of the chimney. Use the knife to collect the key inside. Zoom out.
- Zoom in the blue box. Open the box with the first key. Go to the top view of the box, click and collect the axe inside. Zoom out.
- Click and go to the next room.
- Click and collect the magic stick on the right side.
- Click the red box to move. Click and zoom in the switch board. Click the switch and zoom out.
- Zoom in the table lamp, click the top cover to fell and collect the key. Zoom out.
- Take the axe and cut the wood on the floor into pieces. Collect the wood.
- Get back to the hall.
- With the knife tear the carpet on the floor.
- Open the lock with the key, click the door to open and get downstairs.
- With the magic stick beat the ghost. Collect the main key on the stool.
- Zoom in the red box, open with the small key.
- Collect the paper bit inside. Zoom out and go the top.
- Join the paper bits, you will get the code number as 5381. Note it.
- Go to the room, zoom in the cupboard. Click the number 5381 to open the door.
- Collect the kerosene bottle inside.
- Come back to the hall.
- Take the wood pieces, place it below the mud pot near the room door.
- Pour kerosene on the wood, place the match box and match stick near to light the fire on the woods.
- A cat comes out and runs into the chimney and the ghost near the door follows the cat.
- Click the main door and zoom in the number panel.
- Take the book and note the number 4217. Enter in the number panel, and click enter.
- The code is accepted. Zoom out.
- Open the door with the main key, click the door to open.
- You have escaped from the ghost house.

I don't play Gazzyboy. When you go to their siter they often hijack your broswer!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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