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Nekogokoro Escape Walkthrough

Nekogokoro Escape

Nekogokoro Escape is another point and click type room escape game by Yanokimi. In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by pointing and clicking your way out. Language barrier may be a problem. There are five endings in the game. Good luck and have fun!

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Yay! I hope others are playing this too.

Morning Acmer - hope it is not too much japanese

Hi Alcmer, SwissMiss. My game is loading now.

as I feared - lots of jap text
got a book, booty-box, doll and key and some puzzles
bit difficult without a translator

Opened the orange cupboard using a couple of hints and some math... Price of canned tuna fish is 75 with 40% discount. Figger the price without the discount and use it as the 3-digits code to get a glass of water.

got a charged mouse but don't know where to let it loose yet

Use the colors/letters of months in calendar to open the safe on wall to get the MOUSE ;)

good thinking Edgar - thanks
still not much to go on - do you speak japanese

Need to figure out the symbols code. I guess I'm almost out.

we need battery for doll

yes @SwissMiss, at least one battery is needed.

have you done the arrow code? if yes from what clue

Get stuck with the code box beside the newspaper rack...

Arrows I got from the phone, which I got powered up with the charged battery.

lol, and no Japanese @SwissMiss, sorry!

@Acmer - where did you find the battery???

Can't remember. I just did what the cat asked me to :)

Oh, the battery was in the phone! It was hard to turn it around at first.

AHHH the booty-box can be charged!

@SwissMiss, it's inside the green drawer under the calendar. Plug it on the outlet and you can put the doll on it. but still stuck there.

@edgar didn't realise this was a charger
have you had any use for the mouse yet??

I gave the mouse to the cat, I think.

Well, I don't know what phone are you talking about. Can you please give some more help? I got out without solving it all and got Ending D. Restarting.

No @SwissMiss. No use for mouse nor glass of water yet.

Can't find a battery ... where is it?

my cat doesn't want the mouse
the doll in the charges still needs a battery
arrows and symbols not solved
any help please

we still don't have it
the box with the boots can be plugged in but we still need the battery for the doll

After opening the curtain, go and click the cat. Wind the mouse, turn somewhere and back, give the mouse to the cat. Next it wants water.

Hi Swiss!

Did you solved the tuna code?
I am not very good in maths ...


Pour it in the drop-symboled cup on the floor and you can go and get the phone.

Hi there @ZA. Some others seem to have the battery. Guess we'll have to wait for them to be out to get us unstuck :(


PLEASE tell me HOW you've solved things ... I can't do anything with 'after opening the curtain'!

@ZA. Tuna with 40% discount is 75. Without discount is SPOILER125SPOILER.

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 12:25 AM  

Hey, goodmorning all. I didn´t refresh and now there´s a new game. Next time, could somebody just give me a call?

Hi Edgar!

Did you solve the tuna code?

Yes you did Edgar :-)

You get the mouse from the letters riddle. Check the calendar and the colors of the months and their first letters.

walked out the door without finishing and had to start agein - now the door code won't work!
shall try later again

Hi Full

When your line is working again .. I will ;-)

You need to look at the clues first to make the door code to work.

this is sooo cute! wish my cat just told me what she wants!!


Thanks but I have the mouse already ... I want to know how to open the curtain ...

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 12:29 AM  

open the shades for the cat, click on him then he tells u he wants mouse, then water, then fish, then cat litter, then toilet. now he wants music but i cant open that stupid box for the paper.

spoiler, tuna - 125

morning full - i though many times there should be some warning when a new game is out!!

Take the yellow mouse winder from the top part of the curtain first, then you can open it by clicking the string hanging from it.

HOW do you open the shades???
Gosh ... can someone tell me instead giving me riddles ...

Where to get the fish for the cat?

Finally got battery and cat food with me.
Still need a knife or scissors maybe.
Good morning @Full!


Thanks .. but I see no string hanging from it.

stuck trying to get the fish - a clue please?

@ZA, open the shades not zooming and clicking on lower part of them (on the cord)

From the zoomed-out view, click somewhere in the center under the curtain. Should be there.

You don't need neither knife or scissors
Just put the cat food into the bowl with fish symbol is okay

Do not remove the battery from the cell phone to see the arrows clue and to get cat food!

got the cat the water, finally have battery
what a demanding cat - worse than mine

aah - the power of the post - look at where the kitten was standing at the start


I am soooo blind you know ;-)
Gosh ... I need some coffee.
But thanks :-)

oh my bad, didnt get cat food but litter!
So, where's the fish for the cat then?

Hi Edgar! Thanks for the hint!

I had tried to open that phone unsuccessfully many times. To turn it around and get the battery, click the top left corner

Got fish! lol. It's in the trapdoor on the door view. Use the key to open it.

Where can I find the fish and the battery?

cannot see any arrow codes from the phone
any more clues please

how to get the music started? my doll has blue eyes, but not sure what to do with it!


Put the fish on the bowl and then the litter on the box.

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 12:41 AM  

Ay, work to do. Must play later, have fun all ;.)

whoah ... got phone ...

@ZA, Key=yellow thingie you used to charge the mouse toy.

@SwissMiss, to see the arrows clue you need to have the battery inside the phone and open it clicking on the lower right side of it (frontal view, not rear one where you put/remove battery).

Got the symbol box open but no idea what to do next :(

After eating and pooping the cat wants some music now!
BTW, the doll is on by placing the switch to the right (turn it around to place battery and turn it on).

@ Acmer - how did you work out the code?

How did you solve the symbol box Acmer?


What do you mean by trapdoor?

It looks like it should be something to do with the cat's demands, but I can't make anything work.

@edgar thanks - figured it out
now code-box left

@ZA, close the blind and check out where the cat was before giving it water.

Book + darkness does wonders. Better clue a bit later.

@ZA, by trapdoor I meant the one on the floor in the door view.


After clolsing the curtain again I see a trapdoor!

For the code you need the dolls eyes lit, the light turned off and use it on the blank pages.

Switch off the light, read the book's blank pages with the doll switched on, stuck with the music

*cLOLsing* hahaha

what to do with tuna fish?

OK, for shapes code. Turn off the lights, open the book, go to the blank pages and use the (turned on) doll on them.

Thank you Acmer!!

Good job Gnouche!
Still I don't know what to do with the tuna.

Got it, thanks Acmer. Now to open the tin.

what to do with the tuna - the cat already hat a big fish - it cannot be hungry anymore

Still don't know what to do with tuna fish. All of the spots in inventory are full and no idea how to give music to the cat. STUCK!

The cat wants music ... I am going to throw the tuna can at his head ... I hate cats!


I had to walk away, but now that I'm back I still can't find the fish! Cat wants food!

Edgar, you said fish/cat food was in trap door in door view. Do you mean the same wall cabinet that the phone was in? If so, I can't use the key (the wind-up thing used on the mouse) anywhere on it. Help?

I think we're all stuck in the same place now lol

@zili, it's on the floor where the cat was sitting.

I am going to leave with the tuna can in my hand ...

Close the blind, you'll be able to see it better.

I think it is a bug - they put a tuna can into the box instead of a walkman (lol)

When I open my phone, all I get is a black screen even though the battery is inside...?! What am I supposed to see?

@zilifool, trapdoor is on the floor! Close the window shades so you can see it better.

Thanks Rambler. I think I must have missed a step somewhere. There's no trap door. I get the hand cursor, indicating I can click on the floor, but clicking there does nothing.

I'm about to quit with that stupid tuna can, Frustrating, we're so close!!!

@ginger*, have you charged the battery and switched the phone on?

If someone leaves the game, would you mind to let us know what ending you get at this point of the game? Please?

I tried to put the battery back into the phone and see if it playes music - unfortunately it is not an iphone

Thanks Rambler (and Edgar)!! I needed to close the blinds! Now I see the trapdoor.

@Rambler...yeah, battery is charged alright, but can't find the on/off switch...where is it?

lol @SwissMiss, thought the same myself. I even tried some things on inventory to "play" on the fish bones... nada!


I have ending E

Got ending E

Ewwwww! Cat poop looks like strawberry-flavored soft ice cream! I'll never be able to eat soft-serve again! :-P

Good luck everybody!
Hope you'll figure it out.

@ginger*, it's on the left when the phone's open.

@ginger, once the phone is open just click somewhere on the keys. Can't remember where exactly.

The cat eats the canned tuna too, if you put it in first.

OK, saved my game and went out... got ending E!
I wonder how many there are!

what is ending E
I walked out the door at some point in the middle of the game
what did you do with tuna/music??

Thanx guys...got it now, turned out I hadn't charged the battery after all...Still looking for the fish though...

ginger, when phone is open, it's the bottom right button to see the arrows

Ending B with the fish.

Thanks @ZA & @Gnouche. Not really the time to explore for other endings but to sleep is more appropiated... and E ending suits fine for me :)
Bye all now... good luck and have fun!

So is everyone still stuck with the music? or did someone find it?

Still trying for a while.

Woa! Those blue eyes gave me the creeps...and catfood (after putting in the right symbols in the symbol box). And now stuck with a tuna fish...anyone care for it lol? And looking for the music too...

Okay, I started again and used the tuna to feed the cat instead of the fish, but now I'm stuck with the fish instead of the tuna lol

LOL Rambler! Thanks for doing it so we know.

We used the book and the doll with the eyes for the codebox, but it's not greyed out in the inventory. Maybe we still need them?

Gotta go, I walked out with the big fish and got ending B.

Tried the best I could to find some music...but didn't. Will take the tuna fish under my arm and leave...

Bye guys...thanx for your help ;-)

guess I have tunasalad for lunch
check later on you if anyone solved the music

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 1:36 AM  

Hey there. Stuck on music too. I put the tuna back on ice. Too heavy to drag it along LOL

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 1:37 AM  

Hey there. Stuck on music too. I put the tuna back on ice. Didn't want to drag that big fish around. :)

I wonder if you could play something with the fish bones.

Aside from the pillows, which you can move and we have no idea why, the photo on the corkboard is also clickable, but it doesn't seem to have a use (yet?) and I can't do anything with it.

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 2:00 AM  

Tried everything. Made the cat listen to background music and tried teaching the tuna to sing. LOL Have to go to work now. Good luck solving this mystery.

I think we need a clue here
how many endings
and a hint about the music please

the tuna is below where the phone is the phone is next to the door

where are the eyes??? help please

The music note on the cat means that you have done everything for the cat. The cat is happy.

In the endings,

The tuna is a dinner for the owner:D Don't give it to the cat.

The owner ask you for giving her phone back if you escape with her phone.

The owner complains something in the room often disappear:P

5endings in this game.

got ending E :P

Hello everybody, please help, I only see one arrow and some time numbers. What must I do ??

thanks Xenon - at least we got a present for our effort :)

KawaSuzi74 pls look through the comments - all the hints are there for you

have to return everything to its place
the phone to your site, with its battery
the doll in the battery charger
close windows
tuna in the fridge
and that is the final A

@Sisli, I came back to play and I returned the book too and got ending A :o)

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 5:51 AM  

Hi, can anyone tell me where the cat's eyes are. I think I've done everything but the final symbol code. Thanks

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 5:54 AM  

Never mind, POP! Didn't realise I had to put the battery back in the cat after using it in the phone

Quitting. No idea how to use phone, can't find anything else and have been stuck for nearly twenty minutes. I'll wait until someone posts a walkthrough and try it again.

@Jared to use the phone you have to charge it in the plugged in cat first , then put it in the phone and it works

This comment has been removed by the author.

I found some kind of memory card in the phone, but where is the battery ?!

Oh... the memory card was a battery... strange.

where is the book that you have to use the glowing doll eyes on?

       Anonymous  5/3/10, 11:33 AM  

If I remember correctly, it was on the left side of the couch.

I am getting very frustrated with this game... here is a video walkthrough if anyone needs or wants it.


Found all endings but A on my own. Thanks @Sisli for ending A! Thanks @Xenon for the explanation of the music note!

Nekogokoro Escape – WALKTHROUGH (Part One of Two )

From this point of the game you can leave the room clicking on the door and on “yes” having the Ending D

● Click on the cat and notice it wants some sunlight.
● Go right twice.

● Zoom in the window and take a yellow key stuck on top of the blinds; zoom out.
● Click in the end of the cord of blinds to open them so the cat can have its sunlight.
Click here for a screenshot of where to open the blinds.
● Go right twice.
● The cat expresses its gratitude with a heart; move anywhere and go back to the cat, click on it again and see that now it asks for a toy mouse.

● Go right.
● Zoom in the calendar on the table and go through the pages to see each month has a different color (except for the ones starting for with the same letter, e.g. January, June & July have the same color); zoom out.
● Zoom in the safe on wall and use the colors/letters from the calendar to enter the correct letters of the code… get a toy mouse; zoom out.
Solution Below
● Click on the “?” of the mouse in inventory to have a view of it. Take the yellow key and place it on the hole above the mouse to wind it. Close that view.
● Go left.
● Give the mouse to the cat and it’s happy once again.
● Move anywhere and go back to the cat. Click on it and see that now it wants some water.

From this point of the game you can leave the room having Ending C

● Go right.
● Click on the corkboard on the wall and see CLUE 1 for the cupboard.
● Go right.
● Zoom in the magazines rack right from the couch, click on the yellow visible part of an ad inside the newspaper and see CLUE 2 for cupboard.
● Zoom out and go right.
● Zoom in the cupboard and again in the code pad, upper left part of the orange door.
● Use both of the previous clues to enter the code, zoom out once and open it.
Solution Below
● Take the glass of water and zoom out.
● Zoom in the bowls right side of the scene and pour the water in the orange one; zoom out.
● The cat is there now (and happy again).
● Move anywhere and go back to the cat. Click on it and see that now it wants fish.

● Go left.
● Close the window blinds by clicking on the cord.
● Go left twice.
● Zoom in the trapdoor on right part of the floor.
● Use the yellow key (same one you used to wind the mouse) on the door’s hole; click on the key/handle to open the door and take the fish.

Nekogokoro Escape – WALKTHROUGH (Part Two of Two )

Now, you can give this fish to the cat and he will eat it and feel happy, and you’ll get Ending E despite of whatever you do from now on, BUT, it’s not what you’re supposed to do since, thanks for Xenon’s help, we know that this fish is the owner’s meal… and you have to give canned tuna to the cat instead, so:

● Zoom in the wall safe, open it and take the cell phone.
● Go left.
● Click on the cupboard and open the lower yellowish door; take the cat doll.
● Zoom back and go left.
● Zoom in the left of coach and take the book.
● Zoom back and go left.
● Zoom in the green drawer of the table, open it and take the charger; zoom out.
● Zoom in the outlet on wall and plug the charger.
● Open the cell phone in [about item] and click on the left from it to turn it around; open the battery compartment and take the battery out.
● Now open the cat-doll in [about item] and click on any side of it to turn it around; open the battery compartment and put the battery inside. Close it and connect it to the charger plugged on wall outlet.
● Zoom back and in again… the battery is charged now; take the cat-doll back, zoom out and go left.
● Open the cat-doll in [about item] view and click on a side of it to turn it around; turn it on by clicking on the upper switch on its back… when you turn the doll back to normal, you’ll see a glowing coming out from its eyes.
● Zoom in the light switch right from the main door and turn lights off.
● Open the book in [about item] and click on the right side of it to go through the pages; you’ll find some blank pages there inside. Use the (turned-on) cat-doll on those blank pages and see 4 figures standing for the RACK CODE.
● Close the [about item] view, turn lights on and move left twice.
● Zoom in the newspapers rack and again in the code pad in the upper part of the box.
● Enter your code from the book and get the canned tuna.
Solution Below
● Zoom back and go right.
● Zoom in the bowls under the cat and place the tuna on the green bowl.
● Zoom out and kitty feels happy once again.
● Move anywhere and go back to the cat. Click on it to see that now it wants… uhm, to poop.

From this point of the game you can leave the room having Ending B

● Following the same procedures depicted before, remove the battery from the cat-doll and put it back again into the cell phone.
● Open the cell phone clicking on the lower right side of it and anywhere inside to see 4 clock times (3:00, 8:00, 5:00 and 11:00)… call them the ARROWS CODE.
● Close the phone view and move twice to the left.
● Zoom in the box on the floor; enter the arrow code, open the box and take the cat litter.
● Zoom back and move twice to the left.
● Zoom in the box under the cat and place the litter in it.
● Zoom out and cat gets happy yet again.
● Move anywhere and go back to the cat. Click on it and see that now doesn’t want anything from you… a musical note [♪] tells you that you’ve done everything for him.

It’s time to leave the room, but this is not your house… that’s not your cat either, so you have to return everything you have in your inventory and to leave owner and cat both pleased, so:

● Move left and return the book from where you picked it (left from couch).
● Move left and place the cat-doll on the charger plugged on the wall.
● Move left and return the fish into the freezer compartment on the floor and the cell phone in the safe on the wall.
● Click on the main door handle, choose “yes” for you to leave and get Ending A for a well job done… Congratulations!


Calendar Code

5&3 in blue stand for May and March
10 in green stands for October
9 in orange stands for September

Change the letters on the panel for M, O and S respectively to spell MOUSE.


Cupboard Code

The ad in the newspaper rack says canned tuna is 75 with 40% Off.
The clue on the corkboard says you need to figure out the price of canned tuna without discount.
A simple Rule of Three will do:

X = (75 x 100%) / 60% →60% = Percentage price of tuna after discount.
X = 125 → Cupboard Code


Rack Code

After using the cat-doll in the blank pages of the book (in the darkness) you see HEART, UMBRELLA (in the first blank pages), STAR & DOUGHNUT (in the next ones).
Enter those symbols from left to right in the rack box.


Arrows Code

You have to click on the arrows in the box to make them point to the times depicted in the cell phone, as in a regular clock.
So, to have 5 in the first dial, just click on it 5 times; to get 8 in the second dial, click on it 8 times… and so on.

Excellent walkthrough, Edgar! Thanks for taking the time to write it. I especially appreciate how you noted each of the endings and at which point to get them (saved me the hassle of doing it all over and over again). Well done!

poor fish had to be killed to make that food :(

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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