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Birds Egg 2

Bird Egg 2 is another very cute and funny point and click type adventure game created by Minoto. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. MINOTO, YAY!!!!!

  2. Hey Full, im in too...lets see ;)

  3. Hair Clippers. the rat was enjoying it because of the vibration. r.o.t.f.l.o.l.

  4. Out, but very, very strange.

  5. I agree with you Jerome, funny combinations and strange items this time..

    Hey MaryinDaGame!

  6. Minoto, where is Zoz...? Lol Swissmiss :-)

  7. I was happy to see this, but now I feel dumb because I'm stuck with the balloon, the gas and the uncle who had been lit on fire. I'm going to continue clicking everywhere. LOL

  8. Oh, nevermind, I'm an idiot. I forgot to 'about' before trying to combine things. *headslap*

  9. Minoto is getting seriously crazy - maybe he/they need treatment???

  10. Full - are you going to write the WT ? Have you got the "flowery" lingo of ZOZ??

  11. A flatulent filled balloon (Hey...pull my finger ),LOL.

  12. I'm stuck with the egg... :(

  13. Stregatta - give the baseball to the boy to play and then put the egg under the net on the ground

  14. No Swissmiss, i´m terrible in writing walkthroughs. By the time i finish it "Birds Egg 12" is already released, lol.

    I could make a video walkthrough though..

  15. @full - how do you do those??? the videos I mean

  16. Swiis miss, all you need is a program to record your screen activities, some time to record, edit and upload and than some patience before they get added, lol

  17. Oh thanks SwissMiss! Out! :D

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. yess...minoto!!!lunchtime starts..:))

  20. ?..out? that was it?

  21. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Minoto - 'the important hair of the uncle was preserved' ....ROFL I just adore these :o)

  22. Getting stranger for every week indeed! Maybe it has something to do with "using unknown high technology"?

    LOL @Full! I suggest you to start writing a WT for Bird Egg 12 now, to finish it at the same time as the game is out. If you make sure that it doesn't make any sense it will be perfect and fitting for any Minoto game :)

    Btw, I'm still trying to interpret: "The thing that will eat the way things are going cannot be done."

    @Zoz, I'm curious about what will come from you as always :)

  23. "Hair clippers-The mouse was enjoying it because of the vibration"
    lol that sounded so wrong

  24. Hello all glad to join! Minoto- my favorite.

  25. Lol Ellie :-)

  26. Sing a song of Minoto

    Its time to play minoto that lovely time is here,
    Oh look there sits the panda -he's hungry that is clear,
    Uncles wife is angry, hanging out the clothes,
    Feed the panda the potato and then hold your nose!

    The sheep is looking hot so shave of his coat,
    Fill the balloon with gas and release the flying boat,
    Uncles wife cleans the fleece- and a pile of dust you see,
    Give it to the rabbit and he’ll give you back a key!

    Open up the chest and what do you get back,
    A pretty little egg that has a funny crack,
    Put it on the ground and watch the monkey play ball,
    Out comes a baby birdie its the Egg end for all.


    1. Grab ball
    2. Grab belt, move right
    3. Click the plant, grab the sweet potato, move right
    4. Use belt on the guy standing in front of the house
    5. Grab the guy transformed into candle, move right
    6. Grab drill, move left 2 times
    7. Give drill on the cat sitting, use candle on the table, move left
    8. Use candle on dry leaves, use sweet potato on the burning leaves, move right two times
    9. Put roast sweet potato in the plate, grab the gas
    10. Grab the balloon, combine GAS + BALLOON = GAS W/ BALLOON(to do this, click balloon and click "?", then click the gas and click the balloon)
    11. Move right, put green balloon next to the three balloons, grab hair clippers, move left two times
    12. Use hair clipper on sheep, grab fleece, move right
    13. Use fleece on the paddling girl, grab dust, move right
    14. Give dust to the animal standing on the ladder, grab key
    15. Move left two times, clear bush, use key on lock, grab egg, move left
    16. Give ball to monkey, use egg under the basketball ring

  28. Now I'm concerned about how many fart balloons I've been given throughout my life. :/

  29. And the Z's have it!!!!Talent, that is...
    Loved the song-through, @Zennor!

  30. Hehe, birds EEG.

  31. Oh I can't wait to see zoz's reaction to rats who enjoy vibrating hair clippers, helium fart balloons, and uncles becoming candles

    woohoo! @Zennor excellent work!!!!!

    @Jared Rice don't worry. Only pandas fed sweet potatoes can make helium fart balloons. They are vary rare!

    @Full I await your walkthrough for bird egg 12. :)

  32. Oooh..I love Minoto games!!!! So sweet, and, um..pastel-ly :) And a whole bunch of new games to play as well. Guess I'll get started! :)

  33. Yay - MINOTO!!!!

    @Zennor - hilarious WT,,,feed panda potato and then hold your nose,,,

    You're so clever and funny - I'm proud to be a "Z"

  34. "By the power of candles, I am CANDLE MAN!"

  35. I'm sorry everyone because as usual I always write a WT after finishing the game but I'm too lazy to type.I promise I'll make one tomorrow!

  36. I took a short vacation to the ocean, and came home to find not only a new Minoto, but a great new Zennor song and a new WT by Psycho829!

    This game is so strange as to be beyond my Freudian Analytical skills. But the explanation at the end has put me in a Haiku mood...

  37. Bird's EEG 2: A Tribute in Haiku

    (Note: I have to wonder why the Bird needed an ElectroEncephaloGram, but I cannot question the Wisdom of Minoto)

    Although not in traditional Haiku form (5-7-5), these closing comments are pure poetry, and inspired the Haiku that follows it:

    The bird is a moment that incubates from the egg.
    The thing seen for the first time.
    It is recognized that it is parents.
    The monkey thought.
    The monkey is surprised to get an unexpected present a little.

    A short monkey stands
    Basketball that splashes well
    There, beside dried leaves

    Transformation belt
    Unknown high technology
    Holds surprise in store

    Sweet potato vine
    Beauteous petals of green
    Pull the root to light

    Root: The thing that will
    Eat the way things are going
    Cannot be done. No.

    Uncle who transforms
    Important hair reproduced
    Soon there will be fire

    It is possible
    Due to electricity
    To use drill at ease

    This Uncle of fire!
    Luminous, the hair ignites
    Cupcake burns with light

    Fire engulfs dry leaves
    Smoke rises as flames perform
    Potato is grilled

    Panda will eat it
    Roasted potato so sweet
    His manners are poor!

    Purple clouds of gas
    Emanate from panda's butt
    This gas smells fragrant

    A green balloon comes
    To the surface in the sky
    I want to swell it

    Fill the orb with gas
    Purple Panda gas enters
    And it came to float

    The basket rises
    Kitten and electric cord
    Are carried aloft

    Hair clippers enjoyed
    Because of the vibration
    The Rat's pleasure soared!

    Sheep with woolen coat
    Shorn and left naked

    Mother with anger
    Beats the air while Panda sits
    Contemplating gas

    Give fleece to Mother
    She beats it mercilessly
    Lots of dust went out

    Bunny's big moment!
    Cascading dust leaves a key
    A usual key

    Rustling bushes move
    The box with lock is revealed
    The key is employed

    Egg that cracked entered
    The knack knack and beaten sound
    Heard among the egg

    A short monkey stands
    Basketball that splashes well
    Now the bird is born!

    Birds EEG 2
    Egg end only one method
    We praise Minoto!

  38. WE have missed you @zoz :(
    So good to see you back! :)
    Minoto is always a great weekly party for all of us... the people, the comments, the joy...
    And the walkthroughs of course!!!
    @hot_shot, I'm only waiting for yours now!

  39. wha... what the hell just happened?! I mean the bird could be a phenox but im pretty sure they dont come from eggs....


    Take belt and basketball.Give basketball to monkey.Go right,click on the plant and take the sweet potato.Go right,take balloon and give belt to the man.Oh my gosh!He turned into a giant marshmallow!How is that even possible?Take him and go right.Take drill and go left twice.Give drill to green cat and put the uncle on the table to make him light up(poor uncle!He turned into a giant marshmallow,now his last piece of hair is on fire!Poor bald marshmallow uncle!).Go left and use uncle to burn the dried leaves(he's already a bald marshmallow and he's still in crime of air pollution!?What is wrong with him!?But his hair is still there!Aw forget it!).Cook the sweet potato in the fire(oh that's okay!)and you will get roasted sweet potato.Go right twice and give roasted potato to the panda.Take the panda's fart(oh man!And the description says "Gas that smells fragrant"!?Oh forget it let's get back to the game!)and use it to inflate the balloon(you know how!Click the balloon,click ? and put the fragrant fart in.But that's still weird to me!).Go right and give balloon to cat.Take the electric shaver(why does he call it hair clippers?)and go left twice.Use electric shaver to shave the sheep and take the fleece.Go right and give fleece to the woman and take dust(*coughs*).Go right and give the dust to the rabbit.Take key and go left twice.Click on bush and use key to open the box.Take egg,go left and put the egg under the basketball hoop.

    The bird is a moment that incubates from the egg. The thing seen for the first time. It is recognized that it is parents. The monkey thought. The monkey is surprised to get an unexpected present a little.

    Egg end
    only one method


    IT'S MY 2 GRANDMAS' BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK!As you know,I hate typing too much so if you want to see more details,
    click here
    @Zennor,great songthrough
    @Psycho829,nice walkthrough
    @zoz,great haiku!That's my favorite kind of poem because it's short because it has 17 syllables only like this:
    5 syllables
    7 syllables
    5 syllables

  41. @hot_shot, Happy Happy Birthdays to your two Grandmas!!!
    @Full, your video walkthroughs are each worth a thousand words. And the New Age mysterious music is perfect for Minoto!
    @Edgar, I missed you too (but the ocean was really really nice ;o)

  42. @zoz welcome back. I am in AWE of the haiku walkthrough. You're just amazing

    @hot_shot great walkthrough. The Poor bald marshmallow uncle! line made me lol

    Happy belated birthday to your grandmothers. It sounds like they are doing well, and it is fantastic that you are able to see them because they live nearby. :D I hope the parties were fun.

  43. by the way, zoz, where'd you go to the ocean? I'm heading to the Outer Banks of North Carolina later this month. Can't wait!

  44. hey kkf! I went to White Stone Beach - it's at the mouth of the Rappahannock where it meets the Chesapeake Bay. A friend has a cottage right on the water and it's beeeeeee youuuu tee ful!

  45. The rat was enjoying it because of the vibration.Ehh..this is a little vulgar don't you think so?
    Hint;I blew up the ballon with the panda's...gas(he farted in...oh god)


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