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Dassyutu 35 - Escape Games Forbidden Items Walkthrough

Dassyutu 35 - Escape Games Forbidden Items

Dassyutu 35 - Escape Games Forbidden Items is another Japanese point and click type room escape game created by Osironosiro, who is also creator of Dassyutu series. In this game, you are trapped in a room and you need to escape it by finding and using items with solving puzzles. Language barrier may be a big problem. There are two possible endings. Good luck and have fun!

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i got what looks like a piece of a card key from the diamond. need scissors and SD. And someone to translate!

sweet! there's a multi tool in the window

hi zoz! can i join you?

       Anonymous  7/21/10, 7:23 AM  

i dont like language barriers... but i'll try

i also got a pen-knife with a code on it

now i have 4 pieces of the pass, still missing one i think.

       Anonymous  7/21/10, 7:27 AM  

i have a tube of something. multi tool and i think 3 or 4 pieces of the id card.

if you cut the apple, you get lines. . . lines like the one on the wall and the one on the multi-tool

use tool on apple for code relating to marks on wall. also, use on box, wine cork, screwed box, etc

I want more multi tools in escape games :)

the code gets you a piece of card with cat; Nyan?
i think the tube is glue for the card...,

       Anonymous  7/21/10, 7:29 AM  

lol i tried to cut his mohawk for another clue

one piece of card to go

if you try to give the guy in the mirror the multitool, there's a sound, but i don't know why

what does the TV screen say? 2 of something. . .

can;t find the last piece, maybe something with the tv

using the multi tool on guy gets "Nails were obtained using a knife 10"
I don't have any nails.

oh - there's apparently 2 methods to escape. >_< According to the TV, anyway.

is that a mirror and the guy is me? when I click it says what to wear soon. I think I need a shirt lol.

HA! No card! Use tool on door hinges!

@Trisana, is that all the tv says? i'm stuck now

       Anonymous  7/21/10, 7:35 AM  

what to do with the mirror?

Okay now for second end.

i still only have 3 card pieces - the s/d box, the tied shut box, and the diamond. Which did i miss?

@mgkanda, good escape!

@ trisana, the bottle maybe?

Ambulance has a piece..

@Trisana, take the code from the tool and enter it into the keypad on the wall

@zoz - well, the characters translate to "escape out method "2" (the last symbol is just designated what type of thing it's counting)"

So unless there's something hidden there? Yeah, that's all it says.

@zoz thanks! I went the easy way. Now I want that last piece of card lol.

language wasn't as big a problem as i expected

oh, i did get that. I forgot about the tube. Thanks for the wine bottle one, tho Marit.

The code was the one i missed - i miswrote it. >_<

@ Peke, i can't remember if i took it already, where on the ambulance?

       Anonymous  7/21/10, 7:41 AM  

out! no language barrier for me. YAY!

@Peke, how did you get a piece from the ambulance?

oh got it! under the sirene

That flashing light on top of ambulance can be opened. (Not sure if I used the tool)

out with the pass, nice quick game

thanks anyway Peke!

Made it out with door intact, The landlord will be happy.LOL

thanx @Peke! I did have to use the tool on it. now just one more piece...

marit - then where's the last piece? I have 5, missing the bottom middle part. . .

@ Trisana, i think it's in the wall

aha! Many thanks, Marit! :D

youre welcome!

that's some fast acting glue!

I am missing bottom right piece...was that with the apple clue? I didn't get it...I only used the tool on the line on wall with apple ...

What cat?...Help? TY

This comment has been removed by the author.

nokra - apple was just a distraction. And i'm almost done with a wt, give me another minute. (it's not a zoz-level wt, i'm not that funny. sorry)

TY @trisana...patiently waiting your W/T...I'm sure it is perfect!!!


Turn twice, so you’re facing the window. Click on said window. Pick up the most useful item you could hope for – a MULTITOOL!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yay, it’s a screwdriver, corkscrew, and knife, all in one!)
Hey, what’s with that line on it? Let’s click. . . HEY! A code! Cool! (Write it down, make sure you don’t flip the 6 and 9, like I did. >_<)

Hmm, that Wine bottle looks interesting. . . and we have a corkscrew. . . thirsty? Awwww, no liquid. :( The tube of glue is almost worth it, tho.

What’s under the TV? A box? Oh, with screws. Guess what? MULTITOOL! A keycard piece (1)

Now, what’s on TV. . . a bunch of Japanese, apparently. (escape methods 2, basically. Good to know) Apparently the keycard will be one. . . what’s the other? (Hint: you could have done it already. I’ll tell you in a bit)

Turning right. . . Zoom on the diamond, grab the discolored part. Another keycard piece (2).
Zoom on the ambulance, use your MULTITOOL to pull off the light on top, to get keycard piece (3).
Zoom on the green box, use the MULTITOOL to cut the string, get keycard piece (4)
Use MULTITOOL on the torn wallpaper for keycard piece (5)

Turn around, so you’re looking at the mirror/wall safe. Have you seen a number code? Yeah? Good. Well, what are you waiting for, enter it! :D SPOILERSPOILER5963SPOILERSPOILER

Well, looks like you have a complete card. Should we use the model glue and put it together. Now, let’s get OUT of here! :D Use your keycard, click on the door, and you’re out. Although, the door should open IN, based on where the hinges are. . .

But anyway, GONGTATS! :D

What’s that? You want to know what the other way to get out is? Well, look at the door. What just happens to be on the INSIDE of the door. . . and how are those usually attached. . . and what do you have in your MULTITOOL? Yeah, there you go. Use MULTITOOL on hinges.

again, not Zoz/minoto funny, but it'll get you out.

POP! Forgot to turn over the multitool!!!!

i'm glad you got out, nokra! :D

This was fast escape i just took the multitool used it on door and out. not very enjoyment.

@lisa...that was only one of 2 endings...the other requires you get all the pieces of card and
solve puzzles!
Check out @trisana's W/T!!!
A good game, and worth playing...

       Anonymous  7/22/10, 12:56 AM  

Thanks for the walkthrough, @Trisana - and I for one found it very entertaining as well as helpful! For the longest time I didn't realise that was a wall safe - I thought it was something to do with the door, and I would need all the card before I could use the code. Duh. I'm glad we have some helpers with MINDS on here LOL.

       Anonymous  7/22/10, 1:45 AM  

It was much better with the walkthrough. Seemed like I skipped the glue part and had to go back to open the wine. Thanks! Great job @Trisana

***notes I changed the fruit with tool and got a cat on the last piece of card.***

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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