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Codeman First Escape Walkthrough

Codeman First Escape

Codeman's First Escape is a very easy and short point and click room escape game created and submitted by Codeman. This is his first escape game. In this game, you are locked in a room, and you have to escape the room by finding items, using them on right places, and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Codeman]

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anyone else playing?

Hi Sweeti, just starting. is it any good?

i found a screw driver and pushed a button...

hi bet

hmm not much I can do, found sd, and a green button behind red book which made picture fall down and a safe behind it...

why wont the sd work on door?

i noticed there is a crack in the one wall too.. i have no clue why the SD wont work.. nor what the password should be

lol tried typing bugs bunny on safe, nothing, also sun and clouds, nothing, any luck sweeti

none i tried all that ..fish.. help.. im stuck... let me out.. lol

be right back

got it!
we were both right!
no space for the pw!

have a hammer.. used got a key... stuck!


Hi back, oohhh really???!! let me try

yes it worked!!! yeah!!! ok, let me calm down- lol

aahh!! stuck again!!! thought that hitting the crack with hammer would work, but noooooooooooo

oh no I killed the fish

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yes out!!!! How about you sweeti, you still here?

hehe one more step and you are out!

im out..

Great playing with you :) see you soon- bye

Hi, hope I am in a live game, should be my first one since I came here, from another game site, long time ago by now :) I like the way you share your progress but recently, sadly, I been noticing that there are many "I'm out" or "I found it" or things like that without telling. That is bad news for people that start to play when nobody else is here. On the other side, I just love those who post walkthroughs. A great THANKS for them. All that said, ...which is the password?

A little too simple ??
3 items and im out

@silmarien the password is bugsbunny

so did anyone use the sd?

@TarantinoFan - you don't need the screwdriver for anything

Walkthrough -

NOTE: Some of these steps may not be necessary for you personally

Wake up
Go to bathroom
Get back in bed, but prop up with extra pillow
Put laptop on lap and turn it on
While waiting for computer to boot up, wish you had Windows 7 instead of XP
Pick a browser (I like Google Chrome)
From bookmark list, select Escape Games 24
Scroll down the list of new games
Note that Codeman's First Escape is described as "very easy"
Think to yourself "Maybe this is a game I can do without any help - for a change"
Select the game
Go to the bookcase
Click on the book on bottom shelf where cursor changes to a hand
Push the button
Go back to first screen and see the exposed safe
Enter password (bugsbunny)
Take the hammer and break the fishbowl
Use the key on the doorknob to escape the room
Write walkthrough for gamers who are as mentally challenged as I am
Realize that having the laptop on your bladder is making you want to go to the bathroom again
Post walkthrough so that you can move on with your life

Many thanks to those who do post hints, clues, and walkthroughs for real

Lol!! that was a great WT!! And good luck with your bladder :P

LOL! @TooCule...
At first glance I thought you were @TooCute...
which kinda describes your WT...

Very funny Walkthrough @TooCule!

Excellent WT @TooCule! Thank you! It made the game a lot more fun :D

ROFL, @TooCule!
LOL, @nokra... TooCule's WT's TooCute... at any glance ;)

Second Escape is on it's way...and it WON'T be easy :)

BTW...awesome walkthrough TooCule!!

OMG lol best walkthrough ever xDD

       Anonymous  9/7/10, 3:58 PM  

this game is well easy.

1. go to the bookselves. (you dont need the screwdriver)
2. click 3rd red book n press green button.
3. go to the door n click on the safe. the password is bugsbunny (no space) get the hammer.
4. go to the fish bowl n use hammer on the fish bowl 2 get the key.
5. go to the door. use the key on the door n your out.

good game but to short

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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