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Kumatan Part 6 Walkthrough

Kumatan Part 6

Kumatan Escape Part 6 is the sequel to Kumatan Japanese point and click type room escape game series. In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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afternoon all, just starting

have remote, coin, envelope with map - where to go now?

       Anonymous  8/16/10, 6:52 PM  

I can't get it to load

Hi Luin, keep trying it will be easy to catch up - I can't find a thing!

leaving the tv on after the message scrolls leaves a code number

was hoping the code corresponded to the picture frame - but still stuck

Hi ...loading...Oh, I have to click part 6 at the bottom...in now

It took all this time and reloading...but this time I'm in ...LOL

YAY, some help ;-)

Found a map in the kitchen...

nothing inside. remote, coin and envelope. I dont know what to do with them. just stuck

Used key on door to get to the NSEW doors, code from tv worked in there. Stuck now...

and also a code on TV, but still don't know where to use

I don't think I am going to be any help...Hi@Mystris!
What is that thing in the kitchen?

key Jess??? where? please

where is key, Jessalynn

On close up of tv there is something on the wall by the buttons. use that on the green thing on table to make key

Oh ty Jess - finally some progress

great @Jessalyn...Ha! A key maker?LOL

thankss Jess

After making the key the parts that got cut off were on the floor. I picked them up and put them together but don't know why. Have no idea what the tv in the E room is saying. Completely stuck now!

used coin in E. room and opened other room's door

Jess, use the coin on the buttons of TV then you will play a game. in fact I didn't understand anything of the game but I won :) opened the other room.

never found coin...where is it please?

Thanks @omer!! I took me a while to get that I was playing Rock Paper Scissors!!

can't remember its place. Maybe it is not a coin, it is a yellow circle. 1179 is written on it

       Anonymous  8/16/10, 7:35 PM  

How do you get it to work? that game?

Was it Rock Paper Scissors? :D cool. anyway, I won

Know how to play the next one???

stuck in W. room.

@nokra coin was on the shelf in the room with tub

@Luin you click the button on right then click the blank box to pick what you want then hit the button to get the opponent hand to stop. You wanna win 3.

I think we must write the nonconsecutive numbers from 1 to 8.

I think we need to be able to read Japanese =P

soon we ll be able to :)

Is it just you and me now @omer?? I think we may be helplessly stuck with this one!

       Anonymous  8/16/10, 8:00 PM  

well my brower just crashed.. there went the most fun game ever.. haha just kidding.. this series is a language barrier most of the time :(

yeah I think all has gone :) I'm trying to translate the Japanese text :) hold on I'm gonna solve :)

found nothing. I hate this language barrier.


found two grey items on the key maker room. I found one under the table which has key maker on . Couldn't remember the other's place. just clicked everywhere. But still stuck. I think I will give up :S

So we are still getting nowhere further?? This sux!

combined two parts.

I hope we will solve this this week :)

       Anonymous  8/16/10, 8:36 PM  

in room W, I think we have to input numbers 1-8and press the green button, but I don't know the order.

I'm guessing we need someone to help...

did you find the grey items?

       Anonymous  8/16/10, 8:38 PM  

I found the 2 grey pieces and combined them, but don't know where to use them.

@ImBecky thats what I was thinking but I CANNOT figure it out!!!

I found the grey items and put them together but have no idea why!

And why can we look under the table by the fridge? There wasn't anything under there was there??

       Anonymous  8/16/10, 8:43 PM  

Well, I definitely think we're supposed to use it somewhere or we wouldn't be able to combine them. Do you think we're supposed to do anything with either one of the pictures in room S?

       Anonymous  8/16/10, 8:44 PM  

There seems to be a lot of hot spots that we can't do anything with.

In the pic with the gold diamond shapes if you click them in a certain order you get ! and if you do it in a different order you get ?. Don't know if it means anything but...

I clicked many times on that pic but no result

       Anonymous  8/16/10, 8:49 PM  

I'm thinking we're sooo close to getting out of this room if only I knew the order of the numbers in that machine.

       Anonymous  8/16/10, 8:54 PM  

Well, I gotta go...good luck. I'll check back later. Hopefully, someone will have solved this game.

I lost at the rock/paper/scissors game...is there another coin anywhere? lol
You guys are still here! wow

LOL...or not...

Spoiler for the machine with the numbers:
You need to insert the numbers 1-8 so that no numbers connected with lines are next to each other. For example 5 can't touch 4 or 6.

top row:3,5
middle row:7,1,8,2
bottom row:4,6

@nokra, there is another coin. I found one under a couch (in the same room as the keymaker?)

Thanks @ellie...gonna look now!

waawwww Thanx Ellie.

Jesus! How pitiful do you have to be to lose twice at that silly game! LMAO!!!!

Ok well I totally do not get the next puzzle... Just like I didn't get the one before it =)

lol @nokra! I only lost once, but there should be a third coin somewhere :)
I tried to make a stone all the time and tried to make the computer get scissors (found that easiest to see).

Yw @omer!

@Jessalynn, I think the idea is to not be the one that takes the last marker. You need to plan your moves carefully... but I'm not sure how lol. I know there is a trick how to always win (just forgot about it).

And I can't find another coin...maybe there will be a W/T when I play it again tomorrow....g'nite everyone !

Sorry, I'll leave now. This might take me a while and i need to go to bed.
@nokra, I restarted twice to try to loose two times to search for the coin, but I kept winning :( I even tried with my eyes closed, but won anyway.
I hope you find it later on, I really need some sleep now.

I'm leaving too. Good night everybody. game drove me mad. no translation, no item, no result even no names of the items. Maybe, I will try it 2morrow

Ah well, I couldnt leave lol. I played again @nokra and won :(

I also beat the new game. I think this might work for everyone (when you are the one to make the first move):
5 from C
The computer takes 1 from A
you take 3 from B
computer take 1 from B
you take 2 from A
computer takes one and you one and then you won.

I got a teddy bear that I turned around to get a clue how to click on the butterfly painting (follow the spiral... start on top move a few rounds (8 clicks on the nails) and then click in the middle.
I'm just missing the last part for the key to the safe behind it.

@nokra, if you come back and still have your game open, after loosing two times, zoom to the right of the playing machine. The third coin is on the floor in the corner.
I'm giving up on that last part of the key for now. Will come for it tomorrow :)

But don't loose the game three times... seems like it's game over then lol.

Back everyone - been away for 3 hours and the game is still live. I'm at the same spot at you Ellie

i guess i beat the last game? it opened that very last door off of N, and i found a teddy bear. now i have no clue what to do with it

       Anonymous  8/16/10, 11:15 PM  

@nokra.. OMG what a huge LOL you gave me.. thanks so much for that.. you had the tears just a streaming down my face. haha the machine did pull some trick rock paper scissors tricks tho

Use the key to remove the white part of the zipper from the back of the bear, then attach the grey piece that we got from the floor to the white piece that we got from the bear to make a key. Use this key in the North door and you are out.

Thanks @Karen!! I never got that part from the zipper... the only thing I had left lol.

I only found one coin and could get out.

Thanks Karen Trenouth for that last part of the key. That's all I missed.
By the way, not sure but I think you can only get that part when the zipper is down.

@ellie...my hero! Losing for me...LOL I did close the game cause it was after midnight and I needed my "beauty sleep"...lol
I am going back in and now I know where to find the third coin if I need it!!! Thanks !!!

Amazing!!! this time I won rock/paper/scissors ....the first time!!!YEA!

Okay...now I am really annoyed!
I got the bear, took the note I can't understand but got the zipper part and made the key from leftover key parts from the beginning.....
I see a door in the North room but where to use this new key????? There is no keyhole but I just keep clicking the door with key hilighted....and nothing! I truly AM pitiful!!1LOL

lol @nokra...
you need to zoom on the butterfly picture in the "key-making-room".
See the metal "buttons" one on each side of the frame. Use the clue in the paper and click them like that.
It starts at top, moves clockwise in a spiral, two rounds = 8 clicks.
After the last click (that is on the left side of the frame), click the center of the picture.

POP! I missed your comment about the butterfly picture,@ellie....I am better now...lol

Aw...thanks again, @ellie...I am going to the other game I didn't finish yesterday...since there are no new games yet today...See ya!

Yw @nokra! Congrats to the escape and good luck in the other game!!

Turn right twice.
Zoom on the couch to get a remote.
Turn right.
Highlight the remote and click on the TV.
Click on the blue button and wait…
After the text stops four numbers will slowly appear.
(you need to see them to be able to use them later on)
Take a carved piece of metal from the lower right corner of the TV. It’s grey like the background, and just outside the black frame.
Enter the left of the two rooms behind the TV.
Turn right.
Get a coin from the pink glass.
Turn right and move forward to the previous room.
Move forward once again to enter a new room.
Turn left and zoom on the green thing on the desk.
Pull the handle, select your piece of metal and use it on the saw blade.
Get a key.
Click down arrow.
Get an envelope.
Click on the floor to pick up the two pieces of metal that you cut the key from.
(one from under the envelope, and one almost two tiles left from that spot)
Go back to the TV room.
Turn right.
Use the key in the yellow lock to the left of the door.
Move forward and turn right.

Zoom on the panel to the left of the door.
Enter the numbers (from the TV) and press the blue button.
The door opens.
Press the right button on the machine to zoom.
Use the coin on the left button.
Time to play “Rock, paper, scissors”.
Win three times to open the W-door.
Help with the game below
If you lose you need to get another coin to try again.
Find the second coin under the couch in the “key-making-room”.
If you lose again, find the third coin when zoomed to the right of the game machine.
If you lose again – restart (game over).
Leave the room.

Another machine!
Press the right button.
“Read” the instructions.
You should place the numbers 1-8 within the circles.
5 is shown as an example and the red buttons close to it can not be 4 or 6 (numbers closest to 5).
Press the right button to play.
Enter the correct solution (number 5 can be anywhere).
Press the green button to unlock the N-door.
Solution told below
Leave the room.

Yet another machine!
Do as before, click the left button to zoom and the right button to play.
Press the green button in the lower right corner three times to start the real game.
You start the first round.
Enter a number to the left of one of the rows (telling how many bricks to remove from that row).
Press the blue button and then the red button (- the computer played).
Your turn again.
The goal is to not pick the last tile, but make the computer pick it.
You only need to win once.
Solution below.
The door behind you opens.
Enter and take the teddy bear.
Look at it with “about items”.
Click on the belly to turn it around.
Pull down the zipper and get a note.
Highlight your key in the inventory and use it on the white part of the zipper (when pulled down).
Get a key head.
Open one of the metal pieces from when you made the first key.
Combine it with the other metal piece and then with the key head to make a key.
Now, where to use it?

Go to the “key-making room”.
Zoom on the butterfly painting (I know it isn’t really a butterfly, but that work will do).
Note the metal “buttons” on each side of the frame.
Use the clue in the note from the teddy bear to click on them and remove the painting.
Solution below.
See a key hole.
Use your key.
Go back to the N-room, and into the part where you found the teddy bear.
Congratulations! You’re out!

Rock, paper, scissors
When the button is blue, click inside the right black square to place a hand.
Click on the hand again to choose “rock” (closed hand), “scissors” (two fingers) or “paper” (open hand).
Press the blue button to stop the computer hand from moving and see who won.
Rock beats scissors.
Scissors beats paper.
Paper beats rock.
Press the purple button to make it blue again and go on until you won three times.
It’s mostly about luck or really good timing.

1-8 game
Number 1 and 8 must be in the middle circles (they only have one other number each that they can not be close to).
After placing 8 and 1 you know that 7 and 2 must be at the edges.
So you have the middle row: 2817 (writing it like 7182 also works).
You need to place 3456 and you know that 3 must be in the 3rd column (not to touch 2) and 6 must be in the 2nd column (not to touch 7).
5 and 4 can be in either column, but can’t touch each other. Place them diagonally and then place 3 and 6 (6 next to 4 and 3 next to 5).

One possible solution:
Top row: 6, 4
Middle row: 2, 8, 1, 7
Bottom row: 5, 3

Last brick game
There are many ways, this is one:
Start to remove 5 from C4.
The computer takes 1 from A
You take 3 from B
The computer takes 1 from B
You take 2 from A
The computer takes 1 from B
And you just chose which one to remove…
Computer loses.

Butterfly picture
The note shows a spiral. Click like that.
It starts at top (12 o´clock), then goes clockwise two laps and ends in the middle.
Click up, right, down, left, up, right, down, left and then click on the butterfly.

I forgot to give credits @Karen Trenouth for help getting the head of the last key. Thanks!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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