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MyEscapeGames Library Escape Walkthrough

MyEscapeGames Library Escape

MyEscapeGames Library Escape is another point and click room escape game from My Escape Games. Such a quiet day in the library today, don't you agree? Well let's make some noise and try to escape it! Search for clues, read the books that you believe will help you escape and pay attention to all the small little details that are hidden behind other books. This library escape game will test your attention skills but will gladly congratulate you once you figure out how to escape from it. Good luck and have fun!

Update: We contacted to game creators and they fixed the bug in the game.

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I am here but sure to be of NO help! LOL

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 11:02 AM  

i'll try my best..

ok have page with bicycle in the end and am stuck now

glasses don't do anything yet. Think we need to put books on the shelf above the desk. These are usually pretty easy...hmm

ooooh...put glasses on and book spines change where the gold books are

take bike books and put them back on other shelf

Got key and can't use it...

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 11:08 AM  

glasses allow you to see the bikes on the books with ?s. placed books, got key, doesnt work in door

Yeah, i was right there with you , @muse...how to use key?

hmmm key not working in door

joining now ... will try to catch up ...

It was all so easy until.....LOL

not sure because it makes the sound even without the key highlighted..stuck

Can't see any other keyholes...

i selected the glasses they are in a box to the right of the inventory but the books didnt change.

maybe it's a bug???

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 11:13 AM  

this is frustrating!

sweeti just roll over the books by the door

i have key, paper and bicycle book ... stuck

Is it me, or is it just that I don't know how to use things? I can click te glasses, but I do not see anything different.
All help on how to use things are welcome.
Found a ladder, by the way.


i am.. the ? dont change....

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 11:14 AM  

i wish we could read the paper, maybe a clue? other than password?

You just have the glasses highlighted and when you roll over the books by the door they change on the spines

When glasses are used I just scrolled on the books with a "?" and they changed...my glasses are now gone

I thought that too leb....I read it too fast.

It will soon be head smacking time...LOL

on the paper there is a poem, if i remember correctly its "raven"

WWhen you open the orange book again with the bike you can change scenes and it stays but I haven't found out if that helps

@cool. i restarted to try to help ... you cannot use the glasses until you have read the book with the bicycle clue ...

Somehow that does not work for me. Could it be because I turned on the light?
I will start again, see what happens.

Just have key, paper, and book w/ bicycle...nothing else here...

by E.A.Poe

in order to use glasses, you have to open book and see yellow bike first...

i got into the computer. found the ladder. the paper i found on the floor was for the password. i must need another for the glasses to work.

tab key works

i am stuck with key I can't use. Just restarted to see paper againg, nothing. Maybe we have to use it somewhere.

Isn't that Poe's portrait where we got the key?

sweeti try putting the ladder in front of the colored books, maybe it makes the others work.

yep up to having the key and stuck.

It highlights the lock...I honestly think it's a bug and they are laughing at us right now :(

Oh well....bye all :)

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 11:22 AM  

i restarted, same thing. cant change the scene in the book tho..

it seems like there is one more thing to "trip" before we can use the key

I'm with you all. Didn't know this was live. Where to use the key?

says "please keep the silence" turned off music but, to no avail.

I think it is a bug too...see y'all later!

The key really should open the door, it chimes, everything was straightforward and soooo easy , even I did it without help...LOL

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 11:27 AM  

like someone said, tab works. there is a spot under left lamp that you can click. but i got nothing.

I'm gone as well ... unless there is a mysterious color sequence for books on the bookshelf, I have no idea wat's left to do ...

I think that's the spot you click to plug it in? Tried putting the book back...nothing. Hope it's not a bug. I was doing well.

@MegiPoland Help?

Looking all over the place for the book I am supposed to read, but I can't find it anywhere.

cool it is the orange one at the top of the ladder once you place it at colored books

Oh well. Any more new ones?

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 11:34 AM  

yes @megipoland help!

tried throwing the now thoroughly annoying bike book out the window. Nope! lol

stuck with the rest of you with a key that doesn't work. This game isn't designed well. There's no way to open an about item view. I had to restart when I accidentally closed the paper view without getting the password. Bad game :/

@kitkatfox I agree. Finally one where I didn't seem to need any help and it's buggy. Lame.

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 11:48 AM  

how long before they fix this bug. i wanna get outta here! it was such a nice game until this.

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 11:51 AM  

the door handle makes the same noise with anything selected or nothing at all. bug or missing something. im givin up til we know.

For everyone still wondering how to get out< I looked up the poem. First part of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven"

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door -
Only this, and nothing more.'

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore -
Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
`'Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door -
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; -
This it is, and nothing more,'

Well ... maybe it contains a clue, that I am overlooking. If not ... it's something to read while in the library.

Even the tab doesn't recognize the key and skips it! Definately a bug in my opinion.

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 12:02 PM  

i restarted, again, and clikced the painting with the key behind it until it was ooff the screen. bug to me

I'm pretty sure the poem was a hint towards the painting of Poe.

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 12:10 PM  

in the games description "and pay attention to all the small little details that are hidden behind other books" soooo what does that mean? we are missing something?

how do you get the book with the bike to change scenes?

is it still live? where are you all gone? last post at 21:10 without any results... have all given up together or is it only me, that i can't see the postings?
i'm so stuck in this game, like all others...

@Sabine I gave up on this game. I think it is buggy.

@Jennifer I don't understand where you are stuck. So I hope this covers your question. Place the ladder and take the orange book. Go to the light you plugged in, and place the book below it. See the bicycle hint in it. Go to the books with the ? symbols on the spines. Click the glasses in the inventory and then scroll over the ?s. They will change to shapes. Take the 3 with bicycles on them. Place these books in the empty spaces by the Poe picture and get the key.

@Sabine - we all left. General concensus was that there's a bug.

You don't. You can open the book and move to different views of the room with the open book still there.

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 12:39 PM  

i think he meant you can have the book open with the bike on your screen, and switch screens.

@jennifer...It isn't really changing scenes...we were just desperate to find a way out and @Muse noticed if you open the red book that has the picture of the bicycle in it, you can click the arrows and the book stays there while you change to different parts of the room...until you click the book...just an indication of one of the various bugs...IMO...I doesn't accomplish anything! CANNOT USE KEY!!!!!!

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 12:41 PM  

lol i like how we are still all here tho! i have to go to a meeting soon. opefully when i get back this problem will be solved

LOL...Hi everyone!

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 12:47 PM  

I can't see a ladder to place at the books? where is is supposed to be?

Luin, you need a password for the computer. You'll find that on the top right corner of the paper with the poem you picked up.

ok, i'm with you all... you're right, it would be better to wait and play another game :)

I peek back in between playing older games to see if any progress has been made. ;)

Hi nokra and everyone

I have restarted this thing 7 times, and I can't get past the key problem ...

I can't believe it isn't fixed yet. Somebody's laughing at us I just know it. :s

The description says pay attention to what's behind other books. The wall paper has a fleur de lis pattern? Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaching....XD

has to be a bug. Tab works so we see all hot spots. lame

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 1:55 PM  


I said that earlier about behind other books. and the hot spots - that might be a clue if its not a bug. immmmm soooo sadd i cant get out!!!

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 1:59 PM  

has ellie landed yet???!! haha

anyone playing?

i cant use the key and searched everywhere nothing works help?...


Sarah, no-one is able to use the key.
All are waiting for either a genius to show us how it's done, or the creator to fix the bug.

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 2:31 PM  

who is the guy in the other painting?

@lebananas looks like shakespeare to me

Is anyone still here? I noticed on the bike picture in the book it seems to have a circle and than 2 triangles and another circle for the bike, has anyone found anything to correspond to it? Perhaps it's a clue.

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 2:40 PM  

googling for fun: did you know shakespeare loved to bike? yep. gonna grab a beer. this could take a while.

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 2:53 PM  

another thing i find interesting paying "attention to little details" is that in the window view, it seems like there is an extra foot holding up the bookshelf/bench.

yeah but you can't click on it....can't seem to click on anything. The symbols on the books have to do with something and the page with The Raven on it had a star at the top, thought they might correspond but again can't click a bloody thing.

I tried playing it again, maybe using items in a different order but you can't really.

I don't see anyway of contacting the author either, went to several foreign pages and they are all stuck as well.

@cool..thanks....but i gave up...i looked everywhere and couldnt finish

Can move Poe's painting across the wall.

The bicycle book on the right bookshelf, when using tab highlights twice...again just pointing out things, they could be just bugs.

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 3:17 PM  


ive moved the painting slightly or across the wall several times in the times ive restarted seeing if the position makes any difference. it doesnt. think its a bug

I say we use a big thick book and break the window :D

Hi all...came back to check too and am reading some comments but we have to keep this in perspective. The author of these games keeps them pretty simple so I highly doubt that it has anything to do with heavy symbolism or codes.
What we need is a locksmith lol

lol Well I'll move on for now, come back when it's hopefully made more sense. BTW if anyone knows how to contact the author that would be great and tell them they need to post contact info on their site for reasons such as this.

Still nothing, eh?

I have sent a broken link explaining the situation so hopefully it will get to them.

sorry - I do not know English - by the traslatora
Did you notice that unless you take the key right away - you can completely remove the portrait from the wall right? and is on the wall just left a portrait?

Yes,@Kajamira...We have all done that, remove the portrait, and it appears to be just another bug/malfunction of the game. It seems that the game is not programmed to accept the key to open the door and actually finish the game! We wait!
Maybe tomorrow!
Other that that it was a somewhat easy game that probably would have had about 15 comments, including the walkthrough!...LOL

@nokra lol! Exactly! If even 15 comments! I was so happy to get through one without help and alas, the door bug. I think I've posted 15 comments alone! XD

@lebananas I see you did post that earlier. I guess I'm a little slow on the uptake lol. I was really hoping to find some sort of hidden thing and save the day! haha another time, I guess! :D

To follow up on Cool's remark at 20:56, the poem continues...

Deep into that darkness peering, long I sat there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no gamers ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only words there spoken were the words, "Unlock the door?"
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back these words, "What for?" -
Merely this, and nothing more.

Thus I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing
For the game whose arbitrary nature burned my bosom's core;
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining
On the cushion's velvet lining that the laptop gloated o'er,
Miserably, I sat pining with the laptop gloating o'er,
Solve this game? ah, nevermore!

And the *&^*! game, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid screen I face just mocking me to do some more;
And this game has all the seeming of a demon that is dreaming,
While with heavy heart and screaming nerves I struggle to implore
"Free my soul from out that shadow!", as I crumble to the floor
Play this game? Oh, NEVERMORE!

my sincere apologies to E. A. Poe fans everywhere

@zoz lmao!!! Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       Anonymous  8/2/10, 7:33 PM  

zoz love it!!!!


LOL @zoz, that was hilarious! thanks for the fun... even now :(

       Anonymous  8/3/10, 1:28 AM  

ROFL @zoz - that made it worth all the time I spend pondering and clicking!

       Anonymous  8/3/10, 4:07 AM  

nothing yet?! I can't believe it.

lol @zoz - wonderful!

       Anonymous  8/3/10, 4:39 AM  

lol oh my, how did i miss that?! @zoz its fantastic

       Anonymous  8/3/10, 7:52 AM  

well, ive googled more. other sites havent figured it out yet either.

Good morning all. I contacted our hero Yalcin and he said that he will get in touch with the game creator and get the bug fixed I don't think we're crazy after all.
Bring on the flood. I can just see us all trampling each other to get out of the library once it's fixed lol.

PS...for all the trauma we've been through (teehee) I think the author (if she's reading this) should add to the game so it isn't just popping in the key and we're out. :)

       Anonymous  8/3/10, 9:02 AM  

lol i agree. i just cant seem to let this game go!

oh, zoz. I <3 you! I should head to Richmond to meet you someday. That poem was fantastic, and I love the original so don't worry about stepping on the toes of Poe fans. You are just amazing.

@kkf, come on down anytime. I can't promise you won't be disappointed, but you're always welcome here!

Oh, zoz!! Marvelous, astonishing, phenomenal!!! I've read it over and over again, and just can't stop :D

       Anonymous  8/3/10, 9:32 AM  

im sad! does anyone live in minnesota?? or near me? i want some escape games friends!

@lebananas I'm sorry. But if you visit Virginia, let me know. :) ((hugs))

Virginia and Minnesota....wow I thought most everyone in these chats was from somewhere other than the states :-P

Zoz...while we are waiting do you have any original poems that you might share? I understand if they are under copy write. :)

Bumdedumdum... key doesn't work... fantastic. I did enjoy all the posts, scrolling through to see if I was just too idiotic to get it... lucky me. I am not. ;)

@MUSE, the only original poems I come up with are odes to my animals - hardly highbrow material. Here's an example, created for my late (and awesome) orange tabby cat, Ozzie:

Ozzie bear, Ozzie bear
You ain't got no underwear!
But you're oh so debonair
Aren't you, Mr. Ozzie bear?

I guess you're sorry you asked...

Rofl @zoz!! I'm not sorry MUSE asked :D

It just hit me, based on all the comments, that I may have gotten more credit than I'm due, so I want to set the record straight:
I hope you all know that I did not make up the "Poe parody poem" from nothing. I just took Poe's words and paraphrased to make it fit the Library Escape Game situation. I can turn a phrase now and then, but I'm no Edgar Allan Poe!

@zoz, I think we all know that you didn't make it up on your own, but that doesn't change the brilliancy of it. It is the perfect Escapers Poem!

And you are not far from being a Poe, based on the "Ode to Ozzie"...

HAHHA...I found the pet poem purely purrrfection. I beg to differ that you are not a Poe ette! Go to www.iwl.me . It is a site that analyzes your writing style and tells you who you resemble. POE ZOZ ???? I wonder. The answer has me as curious as escaping the library :)

is this game fixed yet?

NO.....I keep coming back and playing it just to see if maybe they aren't telling us but NO :(

On another note missy, I recall a certain walkthrough where you pegged me and my situation to a T ! I truly think that you need to assess your life and that you will find that you need to be writing novels.
Just an observation :)

We know from her blog, Zoz has an amazing wit, I loved what she did with the Raven. About meeting people on eg24, Feline and I met in the chatbox here, she lived in Brazil and I live in England, we now live together and are engaged :)

and out ......seems to be finally fixed

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm finally out of the library!!! Thanks for fixing it for us!

lol....was it worth the wait??

I thought at least we would have had a door open!!! That was funny!!!!!

The game in reality was crap.....but....look what it created!!!!
As I have often said...The comments are usually better than the games!!!
And @zoz, I agree with @muse and everyone else...you are truly talented...this is one for the archives!

BTW...if anyone is ever in Miami Beach.....LOL

OMG jon and Feline!!!!!! That's amaaaaazzzzzing!!!! I'm so happy for you both! Huggggggzzzzz!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Seems such a blah kind of ending, I thought I would be relieved or yay finally made it out after the build up of waiting for it to be fixed but.....nope Just thought well yeah the key works now. Too short and obvious for me but thanks to the author for fixing the bug. I truly enjoy your games butt his wasn't that challenging.

Finally beat it! I had tons of fun reading through all of your comments though haha

EVERYONE!!!!! the password is ESCAPE!!!!!!!!! No more restarting

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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