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Old Shop Escape Walkthrough

Old Shop Escape

Rotuc Old Shop Escape is another point and click type escape game from Rotuc. This time you are stuck in the old shop, it’s time to balance the scales. Good luck and have fun!

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Hi @Mayberry

hello - just joining

hi annaby and swissmiss

it would sure help to know what these things we're picking up are

Hi all! I just started too. Found a grey rectangle on top right shelf, behind white buckets. In that view, click down to get to the drawers and solve a picture for numbers.
Need a 8 digit code.

Hi all

hey, just joining too.

solved drawer code, got a metal piece, found a smaller metal piece

there is a cute little mouse in those white buckets

Lol @annaby! It sure would help. Found another "thing" when zoomed in lower right corner, among brooms. And a yellow number 572kg, in barrel view.

going in as well....

so far got grey rectangle, some kind of handle and one more thing I have no idea what is.

solved letter code on drawers...hint on picture beside the big shelf

@mayberry, there are so many codes for drawers. Which one did you solve?

I solved the "lbs"- code (convert from kilos) and got a glass.

metal pieces are weights to go on balance in down view

@ellie, color code

Thanks @mayberry, I see the clue for that one now. Will do some clicks.

lol, there's a viking behind the counter

okay, and I solved letter code, so I guess we have them all then? :)

got 5 funny object (handle bottleopener and ???)

got the letter code. the weights go in the scale on bottom. Picture code is tough

found place for white rectangle - left view with potatoes and apple - then click left again - then click right side of the two brown "things" we need 3 rectanfles... sorry for my english

where is that kilo number?? cant see it with the barrels

you can place the grey rectangle on a shelf, looks like we need 2 more

I still didnt see a clue for the 8-digit code.

pop - found kg @ barrels...its on right floor very light

Hi Ellie

which weight did you convert into pounds?

@Sue, if you zoom on the barrels in the lower right corner, you'll see the number to the right on the floor (you need to zoom twice i think. It's 572 kg.

found another piece behind green boxes on the shelf (next to big blue cans)

there is a wait in the glasbottles left of potatoes but I cannot get it

@Truus, there is another thing too in that view, on top shelf above big blue cans.

someone solved the picture puzzle on the drawers?? I dont get it....

where is the hint for the color code?

@SwissMiss, did you see my answer about the kilogram (for sue) above?

Hi just joining,
I saw 572 kilo, but the converted number does nothing in the drawer.

@Submachine, look at the shelf above the drawers. All the circles.

I want to use my drill at the barrel, but it doesnt work.

yes saw the 572 - but european pounds (1144) does not work

@Zazie, what did you get when converting? It's 1261.

filled my mug

@zazie, use exact conversion to lbs, X 2.20462262

thx @ Ellie... still on that picture puzzle. Any1 a hint
@ Zazie...you just need the first 4 numbers before the colon if you convert 572 kg to lbs


there's another weight on the floor by the counter before you zoom in to put the tiles

How @annaby?

ah, thanks @ellie :)

POP! I filled it too, from the barrels where we can place the rectangles.

i have no tiles, where are they?

Yw @sue and @submachine!

gave my beer mug to the viking - he dropped something but can't pick it up

nvm, just found a light gray one

I got a hook?? from giving the glass to the viking.

yes I can pick it up - just took a while

@annaby, keep trying.

Thx everybody, i had got 1258.

I opened a bottle meanwhile :)

fill the glass with beer and give it to the viking he drops a hook

gave the full mug to the viking and got a hook

@Zazie, a bottle in the corner? What did you use to open it (where did you get it?)?

Opened more bottles and got another weight

Somewhere in the shelf i found a bottle opener, Can´t remember where exactly (first view).
Then used it on the bottles in the corner (left view) in the box.

HELP!! This puzzle makes me crazy...

thanks @Ellie, not sure if I have that one yet.
so far I have only 2 weights and 3 other things
(hook, drill and turning thingy??)

viking??? where - lol

I found another rectangle above the color hint for drawer (left side?).

Still didnt find the bottle.

There is a rabbit in the bucket lol.
Where is mug ?

*bottle opener

@Ellie, in the left view you see some boxes in the corner...zoom there.

@Zazie, solve the "lbs"-code for the mug.

i cant find opener either,I have one tile, a hook, a hand drill, and another tool

Joined you at 31 comments thinking I might catch up but these codes take forever to work through! It's a fun game though...

I don't know if this will help anyone, but here is a screenshot of the picture:
Click here for a screenshot of the picture puzzle.

"tungsram" on one of the drawers to get another weight

ah, I have football practice in few minutes, so I guess I'll have to finish this one later. Good luck to you guys!

@ELLIE Look at you screenshot you see the bottle opener lol

Thanks @zazie, but that's the place for the bottle, right? I still can't find the opener. Looking some more...

Hi @zoz! Do you have an opener to lend?

bottle opener is from picture puzzle

Rofl @Zazie!!! Hahaha... I tried to take that thing before but couldn't, and left it :D Thanks!!

Opener is under pic puzzle in drawer, it is visible on your screenshot.

       Anonymous  8/24/10, 8:56 AM  

Tile found among the yarn (top left) in the drawer view.

How did you fill the mug ?
The drill doesn´t work on barrel.

Use drill on yellow dot on barrels to right (where 527 kg is), get wire, combine with hook from Viking, use that tool to get weight out of clear bottle.

Ahh i filled the mug on the left side

opened six bottle then smth dropped on floor... all bottles from the upper box.

still cant find the viking??

numbers on the painting are for bottles (left view), which bottles to open (1 number is refer to the line, 2 number the bottle).

did anyone get anything from opening the bottles?

       Anonymous  8/24/10, 8:59 AM  

Numbers for the 8 digit number code are found on the blackboard on the top left in the zoomed in view of the fruit and vegetable crates.

i have to go as well, thanks for help all, good luck!

pop - found that little guy lol

@Zazie, you need to fill it to the far left, in the brown barrels close to where you place the grey rectangles.

I opended some bottles for a weight (finally!!) but I cant get the one below the place for the tiles.

in the glassbottles left side below the "tile"place is a weight - has anyone got that out yet?

have only 1 grey tile - anyone with more?

and what about the numbers 12,24,31, etc.

I cannot use my drill on yellow spot.

thanks @Yvon - I was trying to make those letters work somehow. Need to open one more

@annaby, open 6 of the brown bottles in the corner for a weight. Pixelly.

Thanks @K.P.Norlin for the numbers!

has anyone used the golden dot on the barrel in the corner by the 572g? I can't use the drill, and I don't want to "cheat" and read everything.

@annaby, i have got a weight from the bottles.Opened 6 bottles.

hm, my drill wonnt work , well if the drill is the first item??

@SwissMiss, I have two tiles.
Both from first view, one from top shelf behind the round buckets, one behind the hints for the color code, zoom on drawers first.

THX Norlin for the numbers !!!

@zoz, no it seems like noone used the golden dot yet.

@Nathan - how did you use the drill - mine just doesn't work!

I still can't get that last bottle to open - the one in the 3rd row

found carrot in viking view

       Anonymous  8/24/10, 9:05 AM  

I'm too råddig (confused) now to make another walkthrough. But you have to combine the drill with the handle to make the drill function, and then use the rod-like thing you get when you've drilled and combine it with the hook. That hook is used to get the weight out of the bottle.

thx @Ellie! I'll just keep plodding along

Give carrot to rabbit in bucket get last tile.

I combined the two parts of the drill, (knob and drill) and then set the point of the drill on the yellow dot. I'll try it again to be sure.

THX @ K.P.Norlin thats it!!
Dont forget to open the bottle with the opener first

finally got the last bottle. used the other end of the can opener.

give carrot to the rabbit

       Anonymous  8/24/10, 9:07 AM  

@annaby: Keep trying with the bottle opener around bottle no. 1 in that row (row 3). Use the opener's mid-part, where the "opening function" begins, directly on top of the cork.

7 weights now. But i still don´t get this colour puzzle.

and out:-) thx for all the help

Thanks @K.P.Norlin! I finally managed to build the drill!

colour puzzle, look at knitting wool

@Zazie, look at the colored round things just above the drawers for the color code.

thanks for the drilling bit

missing one grey tile (got the one from the shelf and the rabbit one) any clues?

@Ellie i did it, but there are only 3 rows of wool.

How did you get a carrot? I can't seem to take one. Pixelly or am I looking at the wrong place?

Was the drill the brown thing that looked sorta like a pipe? I put it on the yellow dot and it disappeared :(

still need one weight, second one from the left....

thanks Ellie for the tiles

@ Zazie step back there are more rows. pen handy. LOL

@Zazie, there are two shelves with wool, use both: 6 rows.

and finally out - wow

the last weight is in the jars under where we put the tiles but I can't retrieve it now because my brown pipe/drill handle thingy disappeared and didn't give me wire :(

@Tarantine, you should get a small metal stick in the hole after using the drill there (the pipe thing should be combined with another drill part first).

you can get the carrot on viking view

@ swissmiss last tile in color code for the dots in drawer view left side of color code

Ahh ok thank, i will look....

I'm in the viking view and can't find a carrot to pick up

       Anonymous  8/24/10, 9:14 AM  


Colours: White (w), red (r), grey (g), black (b), orange (o), green (gr), blue (bl), brown (br).

w w r r
g g b b
g g g o o

w w w gr gr
g g bl bl
b b b br br

ellie - look at the viking-view - one carrot has different colour - you can take that

I cant get the carrot.

Thanks @SwissMiss!! I didn't go as far as to the viking!

POP - knew that would work!

@Tarantino - there is a metall bit where the hole is - take that (a bit pixely) compine it with hook
then use it on opened (!) bottle

Thanks @Truus too for the carrot!
Did you find that last weight now?
I'm finally out! Thanks!

need the last rectangle...

And out, thank you for the great help !!

thanks all for help - have to rush now

cu next game

and out - Thank you all!!

Where is the viking view???

@Truus, one from giving the carrot to the rabbit, one from top shelf in the first view (behind round buckets) one from behind wool (when zoomed on drawers).

one by rabbit after giving carrot
One in shelf in first view (hidden behind something)
One on wool rolls in the drawer view

@Pat, turn left from first view, zoom on the vegetables to the left and click below them. He's on the floor.

Lol Ellie i was too late :)

       Anonymous  8/24/10, 9:20 AM  

@Pat: The viking is behind the left counter.

@Pat - the viking is on the floor between the potatoes and the counter

lol @Zazie! Two helps is much better than none. I'll let you be first on the next one ;)

Thanks @Zazie and @Ellie, I missed the one behind the wool. Out now!!

Cool Truus :)

In the meantime i was looking for the alphabets lol

Yay! I'm out (OK, with help from comments :o) This was a fun game!

Ehm... did we ever use the numbers from the picture we solved?

Oh yes, the numbers were for the bottles we opened.

@Ellie, I was wondering about those numbers. I just brute forced the bottles.
There were a lot of screen shots to find in this game!

Finally out. I forgot I hadn't entered the 8 number code and spent the last half hour searching for the final weight!! Fun game though!

finally out with lots of help

lol @zoz, I brute forced the bottles too, but now I see that the numbers tells which bottles (rows and columns) to open.

Darn my last weight won't go on the scale I know I did everything ?? to long to play again , hope that was the last step I'll call it good to go!

This is ridiculous. I did too well on my own until the bottles to open. I knew which one I was supposed to open and I couldn't make it. Lost patience and went to the video-walkthrough provided in the game. Well, I've said it before... more than pixelly, it's ridiculously stupid. Look at how far from the bottle you have to place the bottle opener in order to open that second one in the 5th row:


This has spoiled my game and my mood to finish it. Done here...

       Anonymous  8/24/10, 1:18 PM  

I opened the bottles by trial and error, without using the puzzle numbers - was still wondering what they were for until my spirit crumbled and I finally looked here. Thanks for all the help - i would never have found that viking!

       Anonymous  8/24/10, 1:38 PM  

I saw it was Rotuc and didn't play.. they are hidden object games and I don't have patience for pixel hunts

from the blackboard with the fruitprices


Thanks for the help I got from many of the live players!
You need to find six weights and place them on the scale to escape. You find the scale if you use the down arrow. I numbered the weights according to how they are placed on the scale from left to right. The game is quite pixelly at some points. Keep clicking!

Zoom on the right shelves.
Take tile #1 from the top shelf, behind the left round bucket.
Click for a screenshot of the tile.
Click on the drawers to zoom.
Left row: color code and 4-digit code.
Middle row: letter code and picture code.
Right row: 8-digit code.

You have seen the clue for the letter drawer.
Solve it to get weight #6.
Solution below
You have also seen the clue for the color code.
Solve it for weight #1.
Solution below
Solve the picture by making the tiles fit each other, and get abottle opener and some numbers.
Help below

Leave the other drawers for later.
But… stay in the drawer view, and get tile #2 from above the left white wool.
Click for a screenshot of the tile.
Zoom out and click in the lower right corner.
Zoom on the lower part of the brooms for weight #3.
Zoom on the barrels and read “572 kg” in yellow text on the floor to the right.
There is a small yellow hole in the middle barrel. Leave it until later.
Go back to the drawers and open the 4-digit drawer.
Solution below.
Get a mug.

Turn left.
Click on the left side of the potatoes to zoom.
Take weight #4 from the floor, by the front corner.
Zoom on the two brown containers on the shelf.
To the right is a place to put your tiles, but you need one more.
Fill your cup from the right container.
Zoom out.
Zoom on the vegetables/potatoes.
Zoom on the brown bottles in the corner.
Use your bottle opener to open six bottles and get weight #8.
The number hint from the picture drawer tells which bottles to open:
12,24,31,43,52,63 (the first numbers shows the row, and the second the column) but… you sometimes need to have the right part of the bottle opener over that bottle, and sometimes the left part. It’s pixelly. Keep trying and move the opener around.
Zoom out once.
Click below the empty box under the carrots to zoom on the floor.
See a Viking, and give him your filled cup.
Pick up the hook.
Take the top carrot in the Viking view.
Zoom out twice.
Zoom on the shelves.
Take a drill part from behind the third brown container (from right) on top shelf.
Picture of where to find it.
Zoom on the lower left blue can.
Find a second drill part.
Picture of where to find it.

Zoom out and turn right.
Click on the buckets hanging on the right wall.
There’s a rabbit. Give the carrot to the rabbit and get tile #3.
Zoom in the lower right corner and again on the barrels.
Combine the two drill parts in your inventory.
(drag the right part to the left part).
Use the drill on the yellow dot in the middle barrel.
Take the metal stick from below the hole you made.
Combine the metal stick and the hook in the inventory.
Zoom out.

Turn left, click left side of poatatoes and zoom on the glass bottles below the brown containers.
Use your bottle opener on the back left bottle.
Use your combined hook/metal stick on the weight inside to get it.
That’s weight #5.
Zoom on the brown containers and place your three tiles to the right.
Get weight #2.
For weight #7 you need to solve the 8-digit drawer.
You have seen the clue to it.
Solution below

Place all of your weights on the scale (down arrow) to escape.
Click here for a picture of how to place the weights.

Letter drawer
Read the answer on the poster above the drawers.

Color drawer
Look at the six rows of wool above the drawers (zoomed out once).
Use these colors.
white, white, red, red
grey, grey, dark grey, dark grey
grey, grey, grey, orange, orange
white, white, white, green, green
grey, grey, blue, blue
dark grey, dark grey, dark grey, brown, brown
For color blinds:
The amount of clicks on each circle:
Click for a picture of the solution.

Picture drawer
Amount of clicks on each tile (zoom out to reset):
Click here for a screenshot of the picture puzzle.

4-digit drawer
Use the weight written on the floor in the barrel view:
572 kg
Convert it to “lbs”
(1 kg = 2.205 lbs)
Code: 1261

8-digit drawer
Zoom on the vegetables and potatoes.
Read the prices on the blackboard.
Code: 25204016

       Anonymous  8/25/10, 7:28 AM  

@Luin - the last couple of Rotuc games have actually had puzzles - take a look at one of those lovely walkthroughs up there before you dismiss them!

In the end, I liked this game...But! why is that when so much time is spent making a game look nice, little time is spent on the items in Inv. I hate trying to click the exact pixel in order to grab the item.
That hook was the hardest one to grab.

@,grant(o\|/o) I agree, great graphics, rubbish interaction.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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