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Seasons with Thomas Walkthrough

Seasons with Thomas

Seasons with Thomas is not really a game, but very beautiful interactive exploration with amazing graphics created by Patrick Smith from Vectorpark. There isn't any goal in the game but you can try to explore beautiful scenes of four different seasons. Enjoy!

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       Anonymous  8/29/10, 10:39 AM  

cute but strange, very strange

I second Fulls comment.

I third Fulls comment.

Very strange indeed... and original??? LOL, idk!

..have you noticed at the last button with the snowing scene that you can shaking the snow off the trees with the stickman who is at the unicycle..but nothing more..only you can disturb the other ice skater..
but i agree with Full too..cute but strange..totally strange..
..and nothing to do?

@IsaBreeza, maybe you noticed, but there are many scenes to visit. You need to make the unicycle go to the right to enter the next one. Just put your mouse outside the right side of the screen - then use the mouse to move around and discover the other scenes. Still, not much to do.

with all scenes something follows your mouse except in the first and fourth scene..very strange..

...and still strange... and original??? Still don't know :P

@Isa, the unicycle follows the mouse everywhere, in all scenes... doesn't yours?

yeah Ellie..have noticed that :)

@Edgar: ?? only at the fifth scene it follows my mouse..at fourth scene are 3 unicycles but not any is following *lol*
the other scenes no have unicycles..

Did you all notice you can ride your cycle into the house so the snow on the roof melts.
And when you wake up all the other cyclists, they go left and if you follow them you can play with them in the pond.
And you can move the beehive without getting stung and you can break down the snowman and lots of other freaky things.

@Isa, by "other scenes" I mean in the one that you call the fifth one (that is the fifth button below, right?).
Now, from there (the unicycle on the frozen lake with ice-skaters, move your mouse out of the screen, trying the sticker to leave THIS scene by the footprints... and see by yourself what I mean!

Interesting and strange thing anyway... gets boring after a (short) while though.

Yes @small-tool, noticed those things. Did you see that you get different looks from each of the trees you go behind in the scene where you burn a log in the middle?
Now I'm looking at the 4th button - the egg. It keeps changing (but without my interaction). well, it feels like I'm done here soon lol.

Yep noticed that too Ellie.
And with the egg there is interaction but not on the changing.
Right now I'm cycling around the windmill while the wheelthing ploughs the land and I wonder when it will stop or if anything will change.
Anyway, still having fun with this non-game.

oh..that i haven´t noticed..have tried it before but i think not long enough out of the scene..hehehe.. ;)

*lol* when you move around the trees in the tree-scene you are changing the head of him..every tree another head..don´t sure if the fire has to be on, i had it on as i have niticed that..

oh..have to read the posts..Ellie has written that too ;)

Totally love it. :) and the "Egg" animation.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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