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Escape from a Deserted Ship Walkthrough

Escape from a Deserted Ship

Escape from the Deserted Ship is another point and click type room escape game developed by StoneAgeGames. You have awaken in the hold of a ship sailing the high seas, that the crew has abandoned.. To escape you must find where does the ship sail to and why have the crew abandoned it. Good luck and have fun!

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Hey guys. Anyone here?

I'd hate for you to be all alone on a deserted ship ...

Hi Mayberry and Cynthia.. loading

grabbing stuff and loading a boat ...

Have water, food, gun, bullets in boat. Used protractor, pendant, sextant and compass with charts to find an island. Still have an axe, but can't launch boat...

Aha - just needed a paddle. I'm out!

i'm right where u are, mike w.

still live? or was this too easy?

out as well

Just got here. Still live?

Live-ish, I'd say

My pendant disappeared. ??? I had all the stuff. Restarting.

well.. I put my compass and protractor together then clicked on the map and they disappeared. Have water, food, oar, gun, axe and sextant.. now stuck

ok.. missed a view. loaded the boat, now have axe, and map

cant figure out where to put the sextant. and they dont dissappear. they go on the escape boat when you click on it

Where's the boat view?

nvm, found it.

now I have coordinates and an axe.. trying to chop stuff up!

grr i clicked an ad -.-

where did you get the ax? and im assuming we should find a gun somewhere because i have gunpowder?

Hi. EnJoy, how did you get the map? I can't take it from the table. I loaded the boat but still have sextant and axe in inventory and nowhere to use them

Where does the sextant go?

@sil, I'm stuck there with ya.....

Use the Sextant on the sun, then use the paper you get on the chart in the cabin

okay my coordinates dissappeared and now i have nothing again... and im watching a show on how to cook awesome calorie burning muffins and im hungry.

nvm. Had to google what you use a sextant for, then got a clue.....

I point the sextant toward the sun.. then go back and then click the map.

i used the thing on the sun yeah. then i clicked the map, and then i clicked the wheel after getting the full coordinates and it disppeared and i got nothing.

thank you pointless clicking!! I found the ax! now where to use it..... *trots around boat*

Hi all, just joining. These games are usually are a madcap charge to the finish, off we go then :D

@ Captain.. same here, just left with an axe. I guess I am going to stay on this ship!

@Captain Syll - you should see an island in the background of the boat view. If you have everything loaded use the axe to launch the boat.

Out. Never will forget what a sextant is now.....

@ Captain.. I thought maybe we cut the ropes with the axe, but no luck so far

oh. -.- im out haha. i was missing the water and then i axed the rope and escaped.

ok.. cut the far right rope.. I am out

@Enjoy, chop at the rope holding up the right side of the boat.

The music's a bit dramatic!!

i never saw the island though >_> but oh well. ill just sail around for a few days :P

@ Captain.. are you still there?

Avast me hearties. I'm out.

Have axe and coordinates. Where do I use axe, and where is gunpowder. Other stuff is in the boat.

Clicked coords on steering wheel. Then cut rope and out.

The wheel with the coordinates was a bit of a stretch in my opinion...I thought I was escaping in the lifeboat??? and the rope...which one? very counter intuitive for me... these games usually make better sense! Anyway I got out with help...thanks players!

aww...I missed a SAG. I'll play it tomorrow and more likely than not benefit greatly from your comments. :)

In the view with the barrels and red cups, get the water barrel in the bottom right corner
In the same view, get the necklace and pendent from the left pole (under the first inventory space)
Turn right to the view with the tables – get the key from the near corner of the table
In the save view, get the basket of provisions on the right side of the back table
Go left and left to the view where you are looking up at the mast
Click the mast to go up
You are facing the door
Use the key to enter the room
You are facing the desk
Go right
You see paintings, and the left one is the same as the picture in the pendent. Use the necklace on it and get the sextant from behind the painting
Go left 2 times to the bed view – get the protractor from the bedside table
In the same view, get the compass (drawing tool) from the bench on the right edge of the screen
Go right and back up
Facing the door, go right
You can see the sun
Use the sextant on the sun to get your angle paper
Go left and inside
Combine the protractor and compass in your inventory
Click the desk and use the protractor and compass combination on the map
Now use the sun angle paper on the map as well and you will get the coordinates paper
Backup 2 times
Go left
Get the oar from behind the wheel
In the same view, get the ax from next to the wheel on the right side
Use the coordinates paper on the wheel
Go right 3 times to the messy view with the cannon
Get the gun from in front of the coiled rope behind the cannon
Click the rowboat on the left side of the front of the ship to move forward
At the rowboat, get the box of bullets at the bottom of the screen (left of the nearer rope)
Place the oar, basket, water, and bullets in the rowboat
You should only have the ax left in your inventory
Use the ax on the right rope that is horizontal to lower the boat and escape!

good game! Thanks for the WT @kitkatfox! :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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