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Fancy Room Escape Walkthrough

Fancy Room Escape

123Bee Fancy Room Escape is another new point and click room escape game developed by 123bee. You are trapped inside this fancy room. Just use your mind and search for objects and clues to escape from here. Have a fun filled experience! Good luck and have fun!

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Fancy Room Escape Walkthrough

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HELL-O @ all!

Hi!! PC is slooooow today. Hope I don't need to reboot.

       Anonymous  9/23/10, 6:32 AM  


lol! The rat is funny when you try to steal his key. Got knife and rag(?)

Happy Thursday every one, oh boy a new 123Bee.

mgkanda: Hi!!! yes your PC is slow when you must restard by playing a flash game :-)

Hi -just joining

7 on desk with lamp on

am i too late?

so far i got a knife under the foot rest and a piece of paper from the vase, and number 7 from light on lamp

paper, flower, purpel key, cheese, bottle, knife,

haaaai, have knife, vase and paper so far

mayberrygunslingers : no no .. the game is 5 minutes old

I think ratty wants some food!

empty paper in Vase

Good morning escapers!! Is this one all buggy?? LOL

Can take vase with flowers. Poured it on my rag for #s.

swissmiuss: yes, cheese :-)

@iamimmortal cheese, key, and bottle?

where is the cheese and purple key? cant do much

got code from paper but doesn't work on drawer

how did you get the key and cheese @iammortal

yes ... cheese, bottle, key ... open fridge with purpel Key

Hello everyone. I've caught a live one for a change!

found the purple key

where did you get cheese and purple key

and a ball :-)

use knife on can

cut the can next door the phone with the knife, than open fridge

where's the purple key

got cheese to mouse, get key, open drawer, get ball and get code for second drawer, when i put the ball to vase of the righta view...

hmm...must be missing a view or something. Can't do much at all. What to cut? Have 7 on desk, 49 on rag (which doesn't work on 2 digit drawer), and my knife.

nvm...tried cutting that can for ages and now...of course it works! :s

Lots of locks in this house... paranoid much?

is it buggy??
my purple key does not open the fridge - it is on view with Starbucks on right, yes?

       Anonymous  9/23/10, 6:44 AM  

Empty paper in vase, lol Swissmiss

my purple key will not open anything

grr...buggy? My key won't work on fridge. Tried it in 3 different views.

the purple key must open the fridge! no other way

yes swissmiss

i've tried loads of times too swissmiss with the purple key and it won't open, stupid thing

restarting for purple key.

Found a purple key but it doesn't work in any lock.

my fridge won't open either

cant get p. key into fridge, how did you do that? zoomed view?

Purple key opens....?? I can't get it to open anything. :(

restarting to see if purple key is a bug

the frige have 2 kinds of views....

Dear 123bee, Bugs are sucky. Keys should always open things or it's just not fun and shouldn't be called a "game". Should call it a "tedious time suck". :)

Was that rude? :s

Hi Full - finished celebrating? counting more wrinkles? lol

restarted the game - my key does Nothing!
got 2 digit code from vase - doesn't work either

too buggy - giving it up, waiting for another one
good luck

restarting too

       Anonymous  9/23/10, 6:48 AM  

lol, 47 wrinkles.....

no mgkanda - not at all

it is better to produce one game less but checking more for bugs before putting it out - shame 123

I can't use purple key! hi all!

My key doesn't work in the fridge. 123 Bug!! LOL

still not working even after re-start :(

Restarting this buggy game... hope I can finish EVENTUALLY lol

my purple key won't open fridge

@iamimmortal Yes, tried zoomed out, zoomed in on fridge, and door view with fridge on the right. Not one will take my key. Restarted and it still doesn't work.

restarted, tried purple key in both views in both IE and FF, still can't open fridge.

@iamimmortal - did you have anything other than wet paper in inventory with purple key

my key worked in the fridge...

restarted and still the purple key doesn't work!!

still nothing. oh joy.

i'm giving up tring the fridge before i end up head butting the screen

Blimmin' key bug! If it doesn't work after restart I'm out of here!

@Full, Happy (some what) Belated Birthday.

LOL late in refreshimg...LOL

       Anonymous  9/23/10, 6:52 AM  

Guees the mouse is over-feeded already by now, restarted 3 times but the key doesn´t fit antwhere

@Sassenach what did you have in inventory when you used it?

@iamimmortal and sassenach - what browser are you using?

mayberrygunslingers puuu i will restart 4 a test

       Anonymous  9/23/10, 6:53 AM  

Thank you Knotaklu, lol

Lucky you Sassenach.. How'd you do it?

wish gamemakers would check games before putting them out

Well, it looks like 123Bee is back to being buggy again....
Gonna try another game, good luck all!

mayberrygunslingers : no only the key and the paper .... but: there 2 diffrent views to the fridge

I usually play these in chrome but happened to be on FF when the game came up.. I'll go try chrome now and see.

I think we have 3 codes:
7 - from lamp
49 - from paper.
and from tv maybe 51 hidden objects.
but no lucky

I have the green bottle,blue ball & wet paper

Stupid stupid stupid bugs!!!

yeah, tried key in both views, iamimmortal

im playing in FF

       Anonymous  9/23/10, 6:57 AM  

Who has a fridge with a lock on it in the first place?

@Dejavu Don't bother. I'm using chrome and it's a big nothing. At least give us better music.

Nope.. doens't work in chrome either.. Is this like a little tiny microscopic pixel you have to find???

Hi my purple key worked at the first try on fridge in zoomed view, now i am looking TV :)

       Anonymous  9/23/10, 6:58 AM  


clicked everywhere around fridge and have only one view (and the zoomed in view)

lol @ full, i would have ripped the door off the hinges by now


Use the ball on right side by the flowers!!!

       Anonymous  9/23/10, 7:00 AM  

Think the other view to the fridge is by clicking at the windows above it somewhere (?)

So I guess for those of us with a purple key bug this game is over huh???

have the 2 diggets code ...

OK! tried the key before trying to take the grey key from rat and tried after and still no luck.

Once again 123 doesn't fail to live up to my very low expectations.

See you all in the next game.

how did the restart test go, iamimmortal?


my bottle is OPPEENN!

have a corkscrew now

Well gongtats to all the fancy people with their fancy keys that work. I give up on this buggy buggy game.
Hope for a new one to play with you all later. Most everyone's here and only some of us can play :( So fun when we're all here.

Out at last.

What I did was click on the little red X at the top right hand side of the window. Found it really easily - not a pixel in sight and with no help from anyone. Yay!

hi LOL purple key is working.....

I restarted twice in FF and now a 2nd time in chrome and no Joy... 123Bee really needs to check these games before they post them.. What a dissapointment... But then, I kinda expected it..
Im gonna go play and old one I missed and I'll try back here when I'm done.. Good Luck!!!

@SuzieGirl64 Well done! I'm going to try again and get out your way! :D

opened bottle...got remote for tv

@dejavu yeah i tried a thousand times to fit my key, i'll give up

susane: u the ball to the 2 flowers where got your flower 4 the paper

lol@suzie - I made it out your way as well - who is going to write the walkthrough?

I mean the "bugthrough" ...

WT The Fancy Bug Room

get knife from under left ottoman
use knife on soda can for PURPLE key
try for 20 minutes to open fridge
curse the 123bee games and call them names
restart and do it all again!

Curse the bugginess and go in search of another game...THE END!

I can't get the 2 digit code to work on the drawer,no problem with fridge key though

kitty: Do you have a ball?

yes got ball and put it by the flower vase, no code from it though

My browswer crashed.... :(

The ball rolls behind the flower and the code you can see on the ball!

Firefox keeps crashing on me :-(

Can you? lol just go and find a magnifying glass then thanks iamimmortal

Kitty: :-) he he

Great bugthrough @nokra! I just went to the 123bee site and sent a rather bi**hy note. he he But, seriously, what's the point of a game if the bug is so bad that it's unplayable?

We are not amused.

Are we supposed to see anything else on tv then 51 ? Any codes or something?

The Fancy Schmancy Room Walkthrough (Abridged Version)

Click on mousehole. Try to nick his key and hear him yell at you (For Cheese?)

Click on Pouffe to front left of screen to move it and find the knife

Use knife on can on the table to get the notorious (and as useful as a chocolate teapot) Purple Key

Try to open the fridge with the purple key. Fail.
Try again in another view. Fail.
Try again in another view. Fail.
Try again on every pixel on the fridge. Fail.

Click Big Red X at the very top right hand corner of your screen.

Well Done! You made it out.

Aha a bottle opener and i thought the #'s on the cloth was the code for the drawer lol

Ahhhh now adobe's crashed on me I give up

LOL @suziegirl64....I was actually looking for the redX by the window/door from your earlier post and was wondering what I missed!LMAO

never mind out .

for final code think about 4 and 9 .not 49

don't forget to look in the trash can for the screwdriver - and convert the letter code to numbers using A=1, B=2, etc. - click on NW, SE, SW and NE corners of picture to reveal safe ...

... just kidding, I'm not even playing because I can't get past the 123BUG!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Ha ha!! @ nokra! Very funny! I thought that may happen to someone! I wonder if it happened to anyone else?!

I have 2 games open;
- The first where I could open the fridge but couldn't use the key from the rat to open the drawer.
- The second where I did exactly the same as in the first (same order, same items) but in this one I couldn't open the fridge.
Yeah I really love 123bee games.

attention all bugged out people:
I went directly to 123bee site and loaded - MY KEY NOW WORKS ON FRIDGE!!!

I was wondering it those who advertise on the 123Bee site know that 90% of all their hits are from complaints.LOL

Other solution for the bugs;
I zoomed in on 200% and then I could find the pixel where the key works.

Ooh...thanks @mayberry! Going to give it a try!

you're right @mayberrygunslingers, it works for me too!!

LMAO @SuzieGirl64 !!



and now I am out the old fashioned way, using a key that I later obtained after my purple key finally worked on the fridge!!!

I can't figure out the last code, someone help me....

Almost out, had the code and then the browser crashed. Not gonna play for the third time.

CODE is all 5 numbers obtained in mumerical order

The Code is

"mumerical" is of course a 123Code for "numerical"

@small-tool - thanks for the zoom to 200% hint - it worked for me too :)

lol, of course! :P

Now my browser crashed too!!! :((
Giving up on this one..!!!!

okay, trying a combo of @mayberry and @s-t's tips.

woohoo! fridge open!!! Now I'm hungry! If that chicken looked better I'd stay to have a little snack.

Well, I finally did it and I'm out. Now that I could play the whole game, let's just say I'm underwhelmed. The games need to be way better than that to be worth working around the bugs. But, then again, maybe not b/c I did play it anyway. Oh well. *shrugs*

Where is exit code from? I was counting the r,b,y flowers and then what? 14579 did NOT work for me!
Drat! finally got the working game and cannot get out!LOL

Oh My Gawd!!!!I was watching the wrong freaking tv show!!!OUT!!!!!

LOL @nokra! Gongtats on your escape!

my internet shuts down when I'm watching the tv. i have to flip thru channels fast. then, of course, the code doesn't work. i give up

Hey all, just tried playing this, I got the purple key to work (in IE) :o)
But now I'm stuck with a bottle with a key in it that I can't find an opener for, and the rag with 4-9 on plus the numbers 7 and 58. All combinations are useless on the code boxes!!
Bloody 123 (evil little yeller feller)

Actually, with the recent changes, I'm not sure I like this site anymore.
Anyone else feel the same way?

Did you get the cheese from the fridge?

And about the new lay-out; It's ok now the avatars and all the buttons are back. Not really much differen is it? In fact it looks more clear to me now.

Hi s-t, yeah I got the cheese and the rat gave up the key.
I think I'm just a bit pissed off TBH. The game is rubbish and allied to the new changes I just fely I had to let off steam.
I can't see any avatars though!



Of course, you used the cheese or else you couldn't have seen the 58.
Well 58 works in the middle drawer and after that it should be easy.
Don't forget to change the tv-channels (and while doing that pray the browser won't crash).

Thanks s-t, but it DID crash Grrrr
Anyway, I'm having fun watching a re-run of 'Gladiator'. Single cover!

Did I make it in before a walk through??

Oh...my...goodness! Found a purple key and couldn't open anything with it or exchange it for the one the rat's holding, so I went to the comments for help. Thanks for saving me from a frustrating time waster. Love both walkthroughs! (Or is that walksthrough?) See you on the next one.

This comment has been removed by the author.

well, no walkthrough from me. DX

I did fine with the purple key, but the game crashed twice when I tried to watch the TV. Grrrr!

@rambler PLEASE don't leave :'( I like you a lot, and it wouldn't be the same around here without you.

Now that the avatars are back and entering the comments drops us back to the bottom, I don't mind the changes at all.


Adobe flash player crashed while watching TV> Once is enough. Bye!

The long code wasn't working for me either until I realized I hadn't turned the lamp on when I came back after restarting! So yeah make sure you turn the lamp ON before trying that code!

hi all

[1] get a knife under the foot rest [sofa].
[2] get a paper in flower vase beside the phone.
[3] use knife on cane & take the purple key.
[4] use purple key on fridge & take cheese,bottel.
[5] give the cheese to rat & take grey key.
[6] use grey key on drawer & get ball.
[7] get flower vase.pour his water on paper,get code.
[8] use ball on third vase in right screen.get drawer code.[58]
[9] put code in drawer,get bottel opner.
[10] open the bottel,get another key.open front drawer,get tv remote.
[11] turn on tv and get another no.51..
[12] turn on lamp and get no.7..
[13] in numerical order the code is [14579]get golden key.....use key on door and u r out....

see every number then put u r code,thats work.

123 bee games are so annoying.

And that anthropomorphic bee creeps me out.

BTW I see an ad for my world do not install there toolbar if you go. it will spam everyone in you address book with ads for fake Viagra. 100s of ads.

our world that is

How does this work to do these escape games together?

be on when ever everyone is on *shrugs* ?

I have never I just say whenever i wish.

       Anonymous  9/24/10, 11:49 PM  

Just bookmark Escapegames24.com, click it every time you open up your PC and after that keep refreshing as much as posible untill you see a bew game posted and join to play....


Thanks small tool for the hint to increase magnification to get key to work. I can now proceed in the game :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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