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Escape from Empty Room 1 Walkthrough

Escape from Empty Room 1

Escape from Empty Room1 is another point and click room escape game created by Seenu79, who is also creator of Life Escape Series games. Solve puzzle and escape from empty room. Good luck and have fun!

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solution is by trial and error...let's see

       Anonymous  10/23/10, 5:42 AM  

Well trial and order, if Z equals G it looks you should add 7. Doing that the code gives me TIWDC, wich doesn´t work ( ofcourse not, lol)

got that too full

       Anonymous  10/23/10, 5:54 AM  

Can´t think straight, tried different combinations but to no avail

started to decode the quote but my brain still fuddled from the alice riddles

Way too hard for me. It's not hard to know that P might equal A (being a single letter), but for the rest... "short words and words using an apostrophe gives clues to locating vowels". Well, there are no apostrophes. And for the three letter words, vowels could still be in one or two positions, beginning, middle or end.
Maybe it would be easier in my own language, but not so sure of that either.

So... I cheated and used an online cryptogram solver. Easy out after that.

Then, I looked at the in-game WT, and I can't understand how just changing Z to G would make me see what word that is.

BIG congrats to those who solve this on their own!!

       Anonymous  10/23/10, 6:02 AM  

Well, i got the solution just because i cheated clicking at the walkthrough button, but to be honest the explanation given there sounds like chinese to me

       Anonymous  10/23/10, 6:03 AM  

Thanks Ellie, i feel relieved i´m not the only one who cheated, lol
How are you ??

What's the most common type of word ending in 'G'? Try using your reasoning.

Lol @Full, it feels good to me too, seing your way of solving this ;)
I've lots to do today and no time to be here, but besides from that I'm fine thanks. Hope you are too!

       Anonymous  10/23/10, 6:07 AM  

Hugs Ellie, see you soon :-9

@Hermano, the most common 8 letter word ending in G? I wouldn't have guessed "carrying".
Maybe your comment was just an example of how to think, but still... this was way over my head.

Hugs back @Full!!

Think participles.

Well for me the most common 8 letter word ending with G would be drinking.

       Anonymous  10/23/10, 6:13 AM  

Mh, i tried to be smart and to use "rot 13" to see if it had anything to do with it, but it gave me:

hoi gcy rok bigknis c gkpyhcjy vimjys vq zcbbqjym crcq sgcdd shkyis

looks even worse than "ubv tpl ebx ovtxavf p txclupwl ivzwlf id mpoodwlz pepd ftpqq fuxlvf"


       Anonymous  10/23/10, 6:14 AM  

lóóóóól Small-tool......

Well, I looked at the walkthrough too and I'm completely lost. No idea at all where the word begins comes from in step 3 !!???

       Anonymous  10/23/10, 6:21 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.

@Hermano, thanks for trying to make this clear. I had to translate "participles" since I don't know the meaning of it. In Swedish it gave me "undefined particip" which means nothing. Well, I'm happy to be out one way or another. I do understand the way to think when solving codes like this, but still, this one was too hard.

@s-t, didn't you see the word "begins" when looking at the letters IVGWLF...?

Lol @Full!

No Ellie I didn't and I still don't.
Why would the I be a B and the V an E etc.

@small-tool, there is no system in which new letters the letters in the cipher equals to. It's about thinking in "logic" ways, like when there is a single letter (in this case a P), it would most probable be an A since not many other letters make sense in that way (it needs to be a word).
About begins... I think the WT writer might have skipped a few steps and took a shortcut to the solution, that isn't possible to get yourself. I can't see either how we could ever guess it that way.

Thanks Ellie,
Now I see
P can be I or A
and then the word with two P's PEPD could be
and that quickly leads to AWAY (not much other options).
Etc. etc.
Well that could be fun I guess

Hi everybody
is this still live or are you just about out

Hi @SwissMiss! We are out the cheating way. Good luck to solve it the way you should!

Hi Ellie

just had a phone call - might start then now

Here are some tips: if "g" is the last letter of a word with more than just a few letters, that word is almost always going to be a gerund and therefore the last three letters will be "ing". So plug those three in wherever you find them. Also, since you now have used the "i", the "p" can only be "a" since there is no other one letter word left. Then it takes more guesswork, but if you do a lot of these types of puzzles, you will find that if the first word of the sentence is three letters, the word is very often "the", so that's a good one to test. Now you have "_egin_" which should be easy to figure out just by plugging in consonants for the first letter, etc.

WhooHooo! I solved it all by myself! Of course it helps to have English as your first (in my case only) language.

It was odd that the password to open the door wasn't really a word, though

The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones - so will I and try to solve this puzzle step by step ;)

       Anonymous  10/23/10, 9:36 AM  

Tip for head-scratchers:

Use a Notepad (digital or analogue), make two columns and list all scrambled words individually in the first column:


Next, add the same words in the second column. When you switch a letter, write the translated letter in lower case everywhere it appears in the second column. Keep cross-referencing and build the words logically as described above by TooCule.


(I guess it will loose all tabulators when I post this, but you'll get the point)

UBV the
EBX who
P a
PEPD away

       Anonymous  10/23/10, 9:43 AM  

By the way, here's a good and simple ROT (Caesar cipher) translator: ROT-n Translator

i got the text by myself :D :D :D i'm so happyhappyhappy i am out

Thanks @TooCule! I didn't know about the "-ing thing". I tried to use "the" as first word but without more clues it still took me nowhere. Good things to know for future games.

Congrats @zoz and @Sabine!

I was in this game for about 1 min, then gave up as soon as i read that riddle!!

The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones

its actually called a cryptoquote it is best to start with the smallest words example a single letter is usually " a or i" change all corresponding letters to that and then move on to the 3 letter words doing the same and so on

Did it myself...I liked it...I also like crossword puzzles and scrabble word games but don't get the newspaper anymore...LOL
I am certain I would never manage this in another language...so a big GONGTATS! to you who have English not as a first language...

that was so cool! I should word on these things more often

but is the answer a word? I've never heard of such a word...

       Anonymous  10/24/10, 12:54 AM  

I solved it on my own..

I'm surprised you guys don't LOVE cryptograms... I grew up doing them in the paper.. but I do love math and patterns.

You should give some cryptograms online a try. If you love room escapes you would probably enjoy them!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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