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Uchigawa Escape Walkthrough

Uchigawa Escape

Uchigawa Escape Game is another point and click type room escape games. In this game, you try to escape by finding items and solving puzzles . Good luck and have fun!

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this has got to be easier than underworld army

another live one?

stuck on 4 number code

hmmm, have blue book with ladder hint...I'm no good at those

turn out lights and use ruler where arrow points

       Anonymous  10/15/10, 9:28 AM  

Wow, Im embarrassed to say im stuck.....have ruler? and gift. Can turn lights out and see colors on clock.....

i have ladder clue and pink box that needs 3 number code

@shellzbellz the colors are your three number code for the drawer

stuck too. Can't make any sense out of the book

@shell, use clock clue to open bottom drawer

@j, hints for the 4 number code???

@annaby, I'm playing underworld right now... fun game but I am now stuck with out a nuclear cell

       Anonymous  10/15/10, 9:30 AM  

Ok thanks! Now need 4 number code

@Jo-Ann - on the EE floor, you have to go up the ladder for the nuclear cell

trying to use clock colors and paper color code together for bottom drawer, but its not working, not sure what im doing wrong here.

joann, use the lid of the box in combo with blue box

look in the box lid

i mean blue book

I don't get it - how do you know the order of the clock numbers?

cut gift box for the number code

I just tried the order till it fix

for those who get frustrated with guessing codes
3 digit code is

there is a paper uder the bin that shows colour order,didnt see that

Thanks J... never noticed the box lid!

got code but it won't open...missing something simple as always

@annaby...ladder? Oh dear lol

The "ladder" is called Ghost Leg". You start from top and go down a line. As soon as you hit a horizontal line (left or right) you follow that one to the next vertical line. Go on to the bottom and you'll get the order of the three numbers.


Then, I counted letters for the colors: red=3, yellow =6 and green =5.
order: red, green, yellow (smallest to highest number).
So, red=1, green=2 and yellow=3

Use the order from the Ghost leg to put them like:
yellow, red, green

Last, use the numbers from the clock:
yellow=1, red=8 and green=5


hint on bottom of that pink box

stuck on the ladder code for the pink box...

I should refresh more often! Thanks @Ellie!

HAHAHA, I never noticed the colors under the bin :DD

I don't understand what to do w/ the lid after cutting...

put that lid on the book @just.joan

put it on the blue book

Out! Easy game.

has anyone opened the pink box?

@zoz, I'm sorry, but I used the ladder the wrong way before. I don't have the code for the pink box yet.

Ok, I put the lid on the book, got my 4 numbers and order, put them in the safe and nothing...

what am I missing?

use the clock code in combination with the clue under the box. Red was 8, so ove that to the left 5 times fo 3. same for yellow and green

for pink box, clue at bottom of pink box.

and whats that L5, R6, R1?

nvm, pop,out

that's "move"

oh ok, thanks

out at last too

@anyone... 4 digit code... I got 5149 but it doesn't open my safe.... help?

376 :) and OUT!

I finally got the key. This game was confusing for me with two 3-digit codes, and colores that could be used in several ways. I'll try to go back in and understand the game now lol. I got the first code the totally wrong way.

Jo-Ann - 5149 is right. Did you hit enter?

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@egle, thanks!
Now stuck on pink box...

@Ellie, your explanation of the ladder code showed me that it wasn't for pink box, lol. Then looking under the box solved the code, although I first tried 176 (if red is 8, then moving "left" or clockwise, would get you to 1). I just tried the "correct" code as an alternate. Still don't get the L and R, but I'm not going back to it.

was there any use for the second page in the book?

       Anonymous  10/15/10, 9:49 AM  

Cute game. Original title. :-)

@Zoz - the clock code was Red 8, Green 5, Yellow 1.
The box code said red left 5 times which gives you 3. Yellow (1) 6 to the right gives 7, Green (5) once right gives 6. 376

@zoz its like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

so 5 to Left from 8 is 3
6 to right from 1 is 7
and 1 to right from 5 is 6

@zoz, I didn't get what was left and right either. Had to try both.

@annaby, do you mean the ghost legs?
I'm still trying to understand how I should have gotten the first code, but I used the page for that.

@Egle, the problem was... is left clockwise or anticlockwise? Looking from inside the clock, or outside of it? Well, now i know lol.

@Ellie - no, I got the first 3 digit code by trial and error. Sstill working on understanding ghost legs puzzles, lol

yes - for the last code, you think of the numbers in a line and ignore their clock positions

@ellie i didnt think of it as clockwise or anticlockwise. I think of it as a row of numbers :D

@annaby, put the three colored paper on the Ghost Leg! You'll see the order below the "ladder", and solving it will give you the color order: yellow red green, which is 185.
Glad to know!!

Thinking like a row of numbers would have made it easier lol.
Using the same colors and numbers in different ways for different codes confused me. Which clue goes for what... and so on :)

Thanks @Ellie!

Click inside the trashbin to find a RULER.
Click under the trashbin to get a HINT NOTE with green, yellow and red dots.
Open the top drawer for a GIFT BOX.
Click the light button to see colored dots on the clock and a white arrow on the left wall.
Use the ruler to the left of the cabinet, where you saw the arrow, for a BLUE BOOK.
Open the first page in the map – a Ghost Leg puzzle.
Put the hint note with three colors on the puzzle.
Solve it to get the code for the lower drawer and get a CUTTER.
Solution below
Open the gift box with the magnifier in inventory.
Use the cutter on it to get a KEY.
Use the key in the left locker to see a safe that needs a 4-digit code.
Open the gift box again and click the lid to see shapes and “cut”.
Use the cutter on the lid.
Open the blue book and click to turn to the second page.
Put the cut lid on the black lines to see four numbers (and small numbers next to them telling the order).
The order would be: 5149.
Use this on the safe and press “E”.
The safe opens and you get a PINK BOX.
Click on top of it to see a place for 3 numbers.
Click on the lower part of the box to see a hint under it: L5 (red), R6 (yellow), R1 (green).
Use this hint to solve the code and get an EXIT KEY.
Solution below
Use the key on the door to escape.

Drawer code
To solve the Ghost Leg with the colored dots:
start from bottom of the legs, one at a time.
Follow the vertical line up, until you meet a horizontal line (going left or right).
Follow that horizontal line until you meet another vertical line, then continue upwards and so on.
You’ll end up with: green dot =3, yellow dot =1 and red dot =2
So the order is: yellow, red, green
To get the numbers for those colors, look at the clock (yellow:1, red:8, green:5).
Code: 185
Click here for a picture of the solution.

Pink box
Use the numbers from the clock as starting points for the colors.
Write the numbers like this: 123456789...
Then, use the hint to know how many steps to move to the Left or Right.
L5 (red): start at 8 since red on the clock is 8, move 5 steps left and you get: 3
R6 (yellow): start at 1 and move 6 steps to the right = 7
R1 (green): start at 5 and move 1 step to the right = 6
Code: 376

not the best escape game i played by a long way, but great walkthrough Ellie

I didn't put my color note on my ladder game. So that's why I thought the order was so difficult! LOL! Thanks, Ellie! I got through it pretty easily now. :D

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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