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Geek Girl Escape 2 - High School Mystery Walkthrough

Geek Girl Escape 2 - High School Mystery

Geek Girl Escape 2 - High School Mystery is another new point and click type adventure game from ArcadeCabin. In this game, you try to help Dweeb find her backpack and notebook inside the school. Good luck and have fun!

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Ok, let's check this out! :)

found something by the books but can't tell what it is

found note book

Hi Guys!!

       Anonymous  10/1/10, 10:54 PM  

hey guys i'm stuck on the shakespeare books at the library..

From left to right:
-The Tempest
-The Merry Wives...
-As You Like It
-12th Night
-Much Ado...
-Comedy of Errors

I found the backpack (escaped) without solving the cafeteria or the chem lab puzzles. Good luck all ...and goodnight now @world.

How did you get out of the classroom??

hairpin to unlock door

Still around, lol.

I never turned on the overhead projector in the math class, so you'd better make sure of doing it. Then the clue is easy to solve the lunch tray puzzle in the cafeteria.

Now I'm still stuck in the chem lab puzzle. The numbers/colors from the whiteboard in 'home room' don't make sense to me.

got a key from the piano

where do we use the key? going round and round and round.........

Finally solved the colors puzzle in the chem lab:


Got the clue for the card catalogue in the library, but the game is glitched. I could get the paper sheet from there just by clicking in all of the drawers, that's why I could escape without doing everything the first time I played.

where is the note book?


The key is used at the end of the game, in the office. But you can't go there without a signed note from the counselor.

This note is got in the 'guidance office' after solving the pens minigame, and having the sheet of paper from the library with you.

       Anonymous  10/1/10, 11:46 PM  

I can't figure out the piano...help please?

Okay finally moving forward - but dont understand the chem lab hint ;(

The notebook is inside the chair with lots of chewing gum on it. Find the matching 2 of them to open it.

piano: decade

       Anonymous  10/1/10, 11:49 PM  

Oh! Thank you! I was way over thinking it!

ty edgar

Did you get the notes paper (to play the piano) from solving the Shakespeare books? If not check on a previous comment from me for the order.
The hint from the girl in the bathroom helps ("ten years old")

NOW I'm really leaving. Hope you don't have much troubles escaping. Goodnight all.

and out

       Anonymous  10/2/10, 12:45 AM  

Where is the hairpin in the home room?

Can anyone tell me which two colour chewing gum matches....I cannot seem to find the pair and I am going cross-eyed

Hairpin in Mexico book

where is that key from the piano? played "decade""
several times

@Kez, the chewing gums are white/pinkish (looks a bit like a fluffy car heading right). One is in upper right corner and one at middle left side.
Click here for a screenshot of the chewing gums.

@purdey, you need to place the note sheet above the notes on the piano before you can play.

thanks ellie

Grr...the pens are obnoxious

Anybody still around? I don't get any new clues and wander around in circles.

I am stuck with chewing gums as well.

Hi friwi! I'm kind of wandering too. You still here? I'm in the locker room trying to find a film reel.

The chewing gums were the very light pink, 1 around the left middle and 1 around the top right corner area (?).
If you guys are going to stay around, I'll start over to help. I'm stuck looking for this film reel.

There is a locker with a tag, which is not from the girl. The reel is in there. Anyway, I got the signed paper and my backpack and left without solving all riddles. I never found the missing thing in chem lab for instance.

Hi! I started to play before, but went to Sakura.
@Zazie, I posted a screenshot of the chewinggums a few comments up.

I need to clean the mirror in the locker room, don't know how.

@friwi, where is that locker? In the locker room? I can't see it.

@Ellie HI! There is a lemon on the bench. Click to move it and get sponge for mirror.

I have seen it, thx Ellie....
There is a yellow sponge on the bench in the center.

I am looking for a pen without cap.

Aha! I found the small green erasor thing to clean the middor. It was on the bench with books, next to the lemon. I thought I tried all items :)

It is the first locker near to you.

Thanks @zazie!

The pen without cap is to the far right.

@Ellie In the locker room there is a locker with a heart drawn on it. Got reel. Thanks @friwi!

I had to clean the mirror before that locker opened.
Now, I'll watch some film.

Thanks @mgkanda too!

I can´t find the pen without cap in the guidance office.

@Zazie, a screenshot of the pens. The one to the most right is the one without cap.

Thx Ellie, i must be blind :)

Yay! Got beaker with liquid for chem lab I think. :D

Now i am missing something where he can write on....

Okay, stuck now on chem assignment. It has to do with the colored #s on the white board in home room but, those #s include purple and orange which means a lot of guessing?

I played DECADE several times on the piano, but it doesn't do anything (I have the music sheet from the library).

@Zazie, did you see the new screenshot, with all the pens marked? The white cap was in upper left part somewhere.

ooh got one. 9 red + 1 yellow and click test for orange. On to purple.

Yes Ellie but i need a paper where the guy can write on.

wait...maybe not lol.

I had some lunch (did I throw up??) and got the beaker too.
@Pascale, you need to place the sheet above the piano keys, then play it.

I will play the new game and come here back later...

@Pascale Did you put the paper from the library on the piano? I think it's picky about those little things.

@Zazie, I don't have that paper either. I left him there with the pen.

New game!? Will have a look at it.

Thank you, Ellie. I have a key but I don't know where to use it. And I'm stuck everywhere : I can't do anything in the chemistry room ("something is missing").

Me too. Left guidance guy with pen and no paper. What's the key to? I'm sick of chem lab.

@Pascale for the chem lab you need the glass beaker. You get it from lunch tray. Need film for projector to see how to do the lunch tray.

Thanks a lot, Mgkanda !

The film says : 5 4 2, but I can change 4 items on the tray ?!

My projector sheet won't go on the projector in the maths room...anybody know what i might be doing wrong??

@Pascale 542 is combo to locker in the hallway. Click the left blank pink area on your map it's on the left side. You'll get the math film for projector.

@Divinyl I can't remember if I placed the film on the projector or if I dragged it to the front of it. I know you have to press the button, though, once it's on there.

@Divinyl Oh! nvm. Just went back. You can zoom on the projector screen. Then drag it on there.

Thanks mgkanda...it won't go on there, no matter where I try to drag it to, zoomed in or zoomed out. I officially give up on this game!

ahh...one at a time on the colored fluids once you get here. I think I started with 6 or 7 green and added yellow up to 9. The cup in front shows the color you need and the #s on the white board are the totals to get that color. On purple now.

10 blue 3 red for purple

@Divinyl Sorry :(

6 red 4 yellow

You save me again mgkanda !

woohoo! Got my backpack with all puzzles solved!

@Pascale Yay! where are you now? I'll hang out to help if you need.

omg...I'm an idiot. I just saw Edgar's post at 11:43 for chem lab. Ha! I wasted a lot of time on that.

I can't even get the green mixture in the chem lab...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Time to get back to this game. Heading for chemistry now.

I missed it, too, mgkanda, so we are 2 idiots, but I feel much more idiot than you, lol !

It was either 6 green 3 yellow or 7 green and 2 yellow I think.

LOL! And I just tried to explain it again forgetting that the answer was right there! I'm making us a pot of coffee, Pascale. Apparently we need it. :)

I am struggling with the books in library...cannot match them correctly..

Hi again Ellie :)

lol @mgkanda and @Pascale! Now, I'm wondering if I need to find the missing files before I can do anything with the crossword hint. Well, looking around again.

@Zazie, Edgar wrote a spoiler for the books at 11:03PM

@Zazie Hello again! Check Edgar's comment at 11:03 for spoiler.

Hahaha, I used my "don't know what this is- thing" that was the files :)

@Ellie You mean the file drawer for the library? It's in the homeroom. You can zoom on the pile of books right of the bookshelf. It's on the floor on the left of them.

Yeah got it, thx Ellie and mgkanda, i did not see the hint.

Ellie, Mgkanda, let's share a pot of very strong coffee !
Now the sheet with the crosswords is on the wall of the library, and I'm desperately clicking the drawers in the order of the numbers, but as usual with me, nothing happens...
Maybe because one drawer is missing ?

LOL @Ellie! You had it all along

@Pascale Yes, you need the drawer. See my comment to Ellie.

LOL @Pascale, I do need that coffee!! Didn't have any today.
Yep @mgkanda, it was there since long ago lol. The inventory is a good place to start searching for items at some points.

Ahem... another "I didn't have any coffee yet"- question:
Should I be able to read the numbers on the crossword? It's stuck to the wall, not zoomable. I've been clicking the files, made them black in two ways, nothing happens.

Well... clicked again and got the paper. I know I shouldn't but I'll go on and save the coffee for later.

Found my backpack :)

@Ellie Congrats! How about @Pascale and @Zazie? Ellie and I are here waiting with your warm cups of coffee. :)

Where is beaker ?

Oh noooooooooooo ! This thing WAS the missing drawer !!!

I am slow today, lol...very asleep still.

Found the food in cafeteria, no idea what to do with this hint (10,6,4,8) and put the drawer back in library..
Now what ?

And I'm out. FINALLY !

And how to push the drawers ?

Now I'm back with coffee!
@Zazie, where did you get those numbers?
Did you do the maths on the white screen in the math class? You should get four numbers in different colors for the food.

@Zazie you need the hint from the projector in the math room to do the food right and then you get the beaker.

@Zazie, you need to get a crossword before you can push the drawers.
Use the math code on the food for a beaker, then head to chemistry.

Gongrats @Pascale!!!

@Pascale Congrats!

Ahhh ok, i only counted the different food lol...i did the maths already, now i am going back to cafeteria...

Got beaker Thank you !!

Waiting for you to get out as well @Zazie. Not much left!
At chemistry lab, only two different colors needed for each mixture.

Crossword and lab done, have paper now.

And out too, thanks you Ellie !!!
And also the others for help.

Love your avatar, btw, Zazie. Beautiful. Yours is just hilarious, Ellie! It makes me smile.

Yay! Congrats!

Thx mgkanda, i made my avatar by putting my eye in a sphere lol.

Congrats @Zazie too!! We did great in there lol. Confused, lack of coffee, running between games, but OUT!

Thanks @mgkanda :)

Thank you both :)
Waiting for a new game now, i wonder if ever the new gotmail is playable.

:) Ouch?

What mgkanda ?

@Zazie, it seems like the new Gotmail is for paying members only. Maybe it'll change in a while.

Hmm ..ok waiting. This would make my day lol...

@Zazie the ouch comment was referring to your putting your eye in a sphere. lol, still sipping at that coffee Pascale gave me.

Drag the items into the game screen to use them. Click on the background of the items in inventory to view them.
You’ll find symbols spread out during the game. You won’t need to collect them, but they can be used to get hints from the girl in the bathroom – five symbols per hint. I’ll leave them out of this WT since it’ll tell you what to do without those hints.

Zoom on the bench with the colored dots – chewing gums.
Find the two similar chewing gums and click them to open the bench and get a notebook.
Click here for a screenshot with the two chewing gums circled.
From now on, you can click on “notebook” below the game screen to read clues you have collected, and sometimes get hints of where to head next. At top of second page you’ll be able to click “more” to read more things. You’ll also be able to click the colored tags to the right after a while.
Zoom on the globe to see a clue: Mexico in red color.
Zoom on the whiteboard.
Click the pen to move it and read green 9, purple 13, orange 10.
Turn right twice more.
Zoom on the bookshelf.
Either: click, click, click on all books…. OR
Remember the clue: Mexico.
Open the book about Mexico (middle top row) and find a hair pin.
By the pile of the books on the floor, lower left corner, you can take a card catalogue drawer.
Turn right.
Zoom on the door handle.
Use the hair pin in the lock.
Zoom out and click the door handle to open.

Meet Biff, and get a MAP (shown when you click that word below the game screen).
Click one of the green lockers in the middle of the corridor to see a code lock.
If you read about “hallway” in the notebook you see the library is a good place to visit.
Click “map” to open and click “library” to get there.
To get back to the hallway, click the upper left (pink) room on the map.

Click the middle book shelf.
Drag the Shakespeare books from lower part of the screen to the correct yellow clue notes.
Solution below.
Get a note sheet.
Now, open the map and click “music room”.

Turn right and see a clue paper on the wall.
Turn right again.
Zoom on the piano keys.
Place the note sheet above the keys.
Play the sequence, using the hint from the wall.
Get a key.
Solution below.
Read the notebook for music room and it tells you to head to the gym.

Click the back doors to enter the locker room.
- Put the two socks together (drag one of them to the other).
- Drag three pieces of pizza to the pizza box.
- Find the green sponge on a bench and clean the mirror.
- Drag the mop from right side of the room to the spill on the floor.
Click here for a screenshot of the things to do.
When all this is done, click to open the locker with a pink heart (right side of the mirror).
Get a film reel.
Where is the projector? Go to auditorium.

Turn left.
Drag your film reel to the front part of the projector.
Press the red button to turn it on.
Go back to the other screen.
Zoom and click on the light switch.
See the film – showing three numbers: 542
Where do you need a 3-digit code?

Click upper left room on the map to get here.
Zoom on one of the middle lockers to see the padlock.
Enter the numbers: 542 and zoom out.
Get an overhead projector sheet from the door of the open locker.

Zoom on the overhead projector.
Click in the white area to zoom again.
Drag your overhead projector sheet to place it.
Zoom out once and click the red button to turn it on.
Zoom out again.
Click to pull down the white wall screen.
Read four equations in different colors.
The notebook tells you (in math room) that you’re hungry.
Head to the cafeteria.

Zoom on the food plate.
Click in the different areas to get the right amount of food.
When correct – get a chemistry flask.
Solution below.
Where can we use this flask?

Zoom on the colored test tubes.
Drag your chemistry flask to the left of them.
Click the different colors in the test tubes to add them to the flask and make the same color as in the sample in front.
Do this three times. For each time you only need to mix two different colors.
Click “test” when you want to try your mixtures.
Get a crossword.
Solution below
The notebook tells you to check out the library, so you better do that.

Zoom on the cabinet to the far left.
Insert your card catalogue drawer in the empty space.
Put your crossword at the wall to the right.
Click the drawers shown in black on the crossword.
Click here for a screenshot of the pressed drawers.
Get a paper.

Click on the pens on the floor.
Find the 8 pens the text asks for.
Click here for a screenshot of where to find the pencils.
Get a pencil.
Give the paper and pen to the man and get an excuse note.

Give the excuse note to the lady.
While she’s away, click on the desk to look behind it.
Zoom on the key hole.
Use your key and – find your backpack!

Shakespeare books
The Tempest – tumult
Merry wives of Windsor – smiling Dianas
As you like it – whatever
Twelvth night – epiphany eve
Much ado about nothing – a tempest in a teapot
The comedy of errors – funny mistakes

Play the piano
The word to play is: DECADE
It only works if you put the note sheet above the piano keys first.
Don’t play too fast.

Food plate
Solve the equations in math class.
Blue: 2+2= 4
Red: 3x3= 9
Yellow: 36-29= 7
Green: 16/8= 2
The plate has the same colors (blue, green, red, yellow) under the different food.
Click the food to make it the same amount as in the solutions of the equations.

Chemistry colors
As a hint you have the numbers from your home room.
They show the total amounts of clicks needed.
Add yellow x 3 and green x 6
Add red x 3 and blue x 10
Add red x 6 and yellow x 4

@Divinyl, if you ever come back here... did you try to zoom twice on the projector? One time to see the red button, and then on the white screen of it. There you should be able to place the overhead sheet.

OMG! This game came more alive after [my] last night!! I wish I could have stayed to write the WT. I thought of doing it but I felt I couldn't since the glitch in the library drawers gave me a shortcut, but I HAD TO KNOW how to solve the lunch tray and the chem lab puzzles! LOL ...and by the time I figured it out and knew how the escaping was supposed to be, it was way late (2am) for anything else but to hit the sack.
But no WT from me (anytime) would have bested the one here now. Great job @Ellie :)

@Edgar, I don't agree, but thanks :D!

Cool WT Ellie....you are strong for this...

Thanks @Zazie!

Thx for the pens screenshot;couldnt find all the pens without your screenshot.

Yw @Shuchun! :)

       Anonymous  11/27/10, 4:51 PM  

That Is One Ugly Geek O_O

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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