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Morbid Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Morbid Chapter 2

Morbid - Chapter 2: The Cure is another new point and click type adventure game from Pastel Games. In the times of plaque, something hidden in the darkness... Good luck and have fun!

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loading...is it that i'm first or that the game is too easy for others to post ...

wow, thanks @Megi, I love Pastel games (but I think I'm going to have to come back to it when i have more time)
@Nhiladred, i think you were first!

yes, if there is a map, i know i'd better come back later.
Good luck @nhiladred, you're in for a good game!

it is good as always with pastel games but i'm kind of lost i guess i DO need a map..thnx zoz, too bad you're not here to help me :(

too bad i have noone to ask for help, for the ones that come please any idea about how to get the unicorn horn? i'll be back later good luck

Nhiladred, I agree, where are all the smart people ;-) I am stuck with an axe and a dog.

to get an unicorn horn you must use a drum near spider

here i come

hi Tribble :hug

give a coin to the man - he will give you a dog
coin is near big window in the church

found the big spider, but do you think i can find it again?

i found spiderweb but no spider

Where's the big window in the church? I found the pillar that says where the mandrake is (under the gallows with the crow) but it looks like I need to buy the dog first to find the mandrake. Not seeing any big windows tho. Unless it's behind the door at the top of the stairs which I can't get through because I don't have a key for it.

spider is in the far far location, click over the long bridge

got dog ty megi

@three - Spider is off to the right when you enter the swamp. Go to the end of the pier. Click to the left of the crabapple tree. Go down the path and you'll see the 3 pillars with the spider on top of it. You'll need to beat the drum a number of times before it's scared off and you can go to the next area.

when will you use first key go upstairs - there is a ladder

thanks Megi! I found the axe there but didn't notice the coin.

oops... House is on. Be back later!

ok chased spider now stuck no unicorn just a rhino i think

got horn ..now to the witch ...hehehe

I can't find the swamp again? Is it near the man who is fishing?

ya thnx megi i have the "unicorn" horn :)..now on to the witch

however there is no reason for you joy joy lol

How do i use the drum on the spider?

hmmmm...i need to kill vampire?

step back from the place where we can use dog, click middle right

just use drumstick on the drum a few times

oh.. i need a drumstick

or did plague get me? wahhhh

sad end this time, to be continued....

@John drumstick is on the wall in witch house

wheres the drumstick?

guess ya just die.....morbid i must say lol

thx megi i liked graphics just took time to figure where and which way to go but i liked it

I think, I can go to sleep now

Good night all!

still live???

out? @john

im still here but out if im any help ill stay another min

Yikes, that WAS morbid!!

mm megi i don't know if i made it "out"...i died with a vampire, then when i tried killing him with spiderweb i was safe but the whole town went on fire..was that the end??

idk what to do after the unicorn horn..

go back to witch get elixir
then to man in front of church
i didnt get web should i go back?

351 i assume that was the end? you too went on fire??

where is the witches house?? really need a map!

how do i get the elixir? do i need the mandrake first?

i dont remember using axe either?

yes john get that with dog where crow was navagiting was tough.
I dunno @Nhiladred

wheres the church? is it the monastery? i cant co in there!! please?

i tried my own map but ran out of paper lol

so the coin is in the church but how do i get in the church?

       Anonymous  10/11/10, 5:30 PM  

Have the drumstick, where's the drum?

ok i going again seemed axe did something on vampire but i didnt have web
maybe i can tell navigation better then

Drum is with a corpse on the left side of the path after a bridge and before a swamp.

back up til u see church on left then take that path

the guy standing in front of the church wont let me in

       Anonymous  10/11/10, 5:34 PM  

Thanks jackie, missed that view!

       Anonymous  10/11/10, 5:34 PM  

John - just click on open part of gate, next to the man in front of the church.


Ive gone as far for that path until getting the rhino's horn, and didn't see any "church"
Where is it???

i did it just me talk to hi

no prob Guen, and by the way, clicking on the open gate of the monastery takes me to the horrible face of the monk, but no way in! is it a glitch?

ok axe is for getting the spiderweb, sw is at the end of road in the view before going to buy the dog

the church is where you talk to the monk? that ask you about getting the ingredient

oh haha i have to talk to the guard before the witch or i cant continue the game..

nooo, the man won't say a stupid word. I hate this game already!

@jackie after talking to monk you should be able to get in...

jackie u have to to talk to the man before u go to the witch and he gives you a quest thing

       Anonymous  10/11/10, 5:42 PM  

Jackie - did you talk to the man who needs medicine? He's fishing by the river. Go as far as the broken bridge, there's a view on the right. He asks you to go to the monastery, so maybe you need to talk to him first.

so the game is glitched! thanks John i guess.
horrible monk fell down dead on me. i wont restart. thanks all. giving this game 1 star!!!

no Guen, i did talk to the fisherman and asked me for the elixir :(

How do I get the good end?! I used the web on the vampire and clicked on the door, but I still got the bad end and there's nowhere else to click! And when I load the game again, I don't have the web anymore so I have to start the whole thing over! ARGH!

so how do i kill the vampire? that diagram you start with tells you right?

me too TB but i noticed i could use axe on him too but still said i was TOO LATE

i used web first tho does that make a diff

the axe doesnt kill him the axe breaks..

ahhh if i use axe first it breaks

you need like a wooden stake or somthing

theres also that one hallway in the beginning that has nothing down it idk what that does

anyone see a cross or holy water along the way?

TB i guess that was it after using web o got "to be continued" message so...to wait on next chapter

I wanna kill that blooooodsucker ...LOL

well hi to all im new to this thx

so you cant kill him? :(

Well! That was a happy little game.It seems we are all lost, but since the game is 'to be continued' there most be a way out of here.

I reckon 'Morbid' is about right!

       Anonymous  10/11/10, 9:39 PM  

navigation nightmare :(

any endings?

       Anonymous  10/11/10, 11:43 PM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
       Anonymous  10/11/10, 11:44 PM  

Mh, out.. I like these Pastel games a lot and this one wasn´t too difficult

Well, I gave the monk the cure and then I died. Never saw a vampire. Does this mean I have to start all over again?

I tried once again, but there seems to be no ther way, than to find the ingredients for the monk. And when I do so, I get infected, although I don't have to stay in dormintory. I would need a hint how to proceed.

Great one and although 'We're all lost' I'm out.

friwi, after you go in the dormintory and have seen they're all dead, you go out again and see the vampire and then use the spider web on him. That's the end.

       Anonymous  10/12/10, 4:20 AM  

Only played the game now. Great one.. darn that vampire was hot! xD

friwi you died? :O I didnt know that was possible. Eek!

Here's a map with all the items you need (probably you have to zoom in);


Very good game !

Lol, nice game.

I got held up because I couldn't find the drum.

Okay, y'all. What happened to all the walkthroughs that used to be posted on here????

Morbid-Through (PART ONE OF TWO)

Introductory Notes
○ FIRST A WARNING: Do not talk to the witch before having talked to the monk in the monastery first or you won’t be able to complete the game.
○ To ‘use the items’ click on them in the inventory below, take them into the game screen and click with them on other objects/persons to make them.
○ Hotspots to find things/places to interact with and to move from one scene to another can be easily found by hovering the cursor along the game screen to see it changing from an arrow into a hand.
○ The game starts with two items in inventory, a couple of parchments, one showing a drawing and the other one with a map. Both of them are unnecessary in the game.

● There’s no use to go to the left doorway, since some strange mist won’t let you go any further (click on the bottom to come back if you went to have a look); instead, click on the cabinet on the right of the front wall and go through it.
● Click on the light at the end of the tunnel to move forward… and keep moving forward until you see the path dividing into 3, with a monastery on the left, an open field in the middle and a group ruined houses on the right.

● Start by going to the monastery on the left and, whether you try to enter or to click on the monk by the door, you’ll have to go through a conversation with the monk asking you to bring him a missing ingredient for the medicine against the plague. Accept the quest, zoom back and enter the monastery.
● Going inside and moving forward, you’ll eventually find a scene with pillars on both sides. Move to the right side first.
● Hover your cursor at the bottom of the pillar on the left to see in the drawings a hint for the MANDRAKE. Enter the chamber in front.
● Look inside the open coffin to find a key; return to the pillars scene and move now to the left.
● Use the key to open the door in front of you and go in.
● The doorway in the center is the way back. If you go through the one in the right you’ll get to the locked door of the dormitories (and you can look at a book in your way, but don’t really find a use of doing it). So, click on the top of the ladder in the left to go upstairs instead.
● Take the axe and take a look out on the windows in front.
● Find a coin in the bottom left of the sill.
● Leave the monastery, going all the way back until the scene with the 3-way paths.

● Click on the right of the screen to go to the group of houses.
● Click on a house on the left and talk to a man who wants to sell his dog; give the man your COIN and take the dog with you; zoom back.
● Click at the end of the street and find a strong spider web; take it using your AXE and go all the way back.

Morbid-Through (PART TWO OF TWO)

● Again having the monastery, the houses and the path scene, move forward.
● You can now choose 2 ways to move: to keep on walking the path straight ahead or following on the right one. Move forward for now.
● At the scene with the gallows, zoom on the corpse and use the DOG to dig out a mandrake; get it and zoom out.
● Go to the left, to see a broken bridge. Go to the left where a fishing rod can be spotted.
● Talk to the mad man, who will take you by boat to the other side of the river if you bring the cure of the plague to him. Accept the quest and click on the top right part of the bridge to return; go all the way back until the scene before the gallows.

● Take the right path now; move forward and cross a hanging bridge to find a man’s dead body (you should see his feet) by the left side of the pathway. Zoom in him and take the drum. Zoom out and keep moving forward.
● The next scene is a wooden passage over the swamp, and split into 2 different directions. Go to the left first.
● Enter the witch cabin and talk to her; she is the one to prepare the elixir that the monk needs to make the cure for the plague, but she needs 3 ingredients to make it. Get a list of items the witch requires (you already have the mandrake), take the drumstick hanging on the right by the door and use this door to leave; go back to the passage on the swamp.

● Take now the way on the right and keep moving forward until you see a couple of dark trees in the foreground (after a scene with another cabin) and take the crab apple from the right tree. Move to the left.
● 2 scenes afterwards, you’ll run into a giant spider standing on top of the middle one of 3 stone pillars; select the DRUMSTICK in your inventory and use it repeated times on the DRUM (also in inventory) to scare out the spider. Once the spider is gone, you can keep moving forward.
● It’s actually a dead rhino what you see here. Well, take the unicorn’s horn from its nose and go all the way back until the passage on the swamp and to the left to the witch cabin.
● Once back with the witch, give the 3 ingredients to her and get the elixir in exchange. Go all the way back again towards the monastery.

● Zoom on the monk by the monastery door and give him the ELIXIR. Take the dormitory’s key for you to rest and wait until he has the cure done.
● Enter the monastery and walk to the locked door of the dormitory; use the KEY to get in (See the directions in the ‘MONASTERY’ part of this WT if needed to get there).
● Once inside, zoom on the infected people laying on the right and know that all of them are dead; zoom back and leave the dormitory to find a VAMPIRE out side and waiting for you.
● Talk to the vampire and use the STRONG SPIDER WEB on him to “destroy the monster.” Nevertheless, it’s useless. You’re too late. There’s no cure …no Gongtats. Just doom.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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