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Wall Escape Walkthrough

Wall Escape

Wall Escape is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from 10colordots. In this game you are trapped in a maze and you try to escape there by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Anyone here? Going in!

OK I'm getting dizzy!!!

oh dear getting hopelessly lost

new one!

found a wheel, put it on a pipe
found a few chests
found color dots

       Anonymous  10/27/10, 8:03 PM  

Found rock (not used) and was able to open up the chest under the chains (just guessed the order of the chains) which gave me a yellow ball and a piece of paper with a clue which i have yet to use. It helps a lot if you draw a map of the navigation, or it'll drive you nuts!

found two bricks with writing on them... no idea what they say
found a door that was open but it led me back to the start

round and round I go

       Anonymous  10/27/10, 8:05 PM  

Put the wheel on the pipe then use the clue on the door (that opens) to turn it. Don't know what it does...

awful navigation!

I seem to have lucked out with the chains as well

       Anonymous  10/27/10, 8:07 PM  

Anyone speak Japanese...?

hmmm, turned wheel according to door clue, arrows went away...what did I do?

       Anonymous  10/27/10, 8:11 PM  

Same thing happened to me. Some writing on the bottom of the screen came up but I can't read it! Nothing seems to have changed.

when looking at about item, the yellow dot has a symbol on the back...doesn't help me at all though

       Anonymous  10/27/10, 8:14 PM  

Ok, you can use the rock to hold the door open.

found second paper and they attached together in inventory

       Anonymous  10/27/10, 8:16 PM  

Where is it?

nice find Lea thankyou! maybe I won't keep going in circles!

first paper from chest
second bottom left of water by bridge

Placed the wheel on the pipe and turned it right and left using the dots hint on the door. The hole under the "bridge" filled with water and was able to get the balloon with a key attached to it.

Used this key to open the chest on the west side and got the red ball.

@Edgar, haven't seen balloon with key but if you raise the bridge and look at the back there is somthing attached

pop and now balloon with key

and now red dot from chest

found blue lever

Good Jo-Ann, I noticed the balloon is visible only when going from east to west over the bridge.

attached blue lever but can't get the right combination to open chest

LOL, nice! where is it?

I think the marking on the bottom of the bridge was showing where to find the blue lever

       Anonymous  10/27/10, 8:25 PM  

Raise the bridge and you can see a small map on the back side of it.

I brute forced it, I think the green was in the middle and the yellow down. Then the read and blue are quick to go through the combinations.

I can't find the spot again, but it was at a T intersection and something twinkled in the grass

@Chris thanks! off to try it!

grrrr, can't find the yellow and green levers again

The levers are Blue Down, Red Up, Green Middle, and Yellow Down.

Got it, thanks Jo-Ann and Lea! That blue lever was pretty well hidden, lol!
@Chris, no need to brute force! The notes show how the levers should go.

       Anonymous  10/27/10, 8:32 PM  

Balls go in rainbow order, get key and out!

I wish the note was a map... now trying to find blue and red lever again

round and round I go

Third chest open and got the blue ball now.
Time to figure out the position of them on the panel... and if has to be solved by reading Japanese, then brute-forcing might be handy.

out finally... a bit dizzy but out

Oh well, got the key from placing the balls without a clue of how to do it. I just used the first thing it got in my mind... rainbow! (even with only 6 colors)

Out as well. Lol @Lea! Hm, I guess that was kind of obvious, wasn't it? :P

       Anonymous  10/27/10, 8:37 PM  

lol @Edgar maybe it's the game designers trying to make up for the horrible navigation...

A little translation of the bricks, which are the hints for the chains to pull:
The left one is first.
The right one is not at the end.

Help I can't find the clue to turn the red wheel can someone post it I keep getting lost :( darn maze has me

Hi @Clee, hope I'm not too late to help.
The hint is on the door where you took the wheel off and keep open with the stone, but you can only see it going from east to west.
It should be something like this:
← →

BTW, a good tip for everyone playing is to draw a map while moving. It makes it much easier.

I can't find the blue lever, where is it?

uhh, found it, didn't realize that I could see the map on the bridge if I go to the other side of it through the opened door

       Anonymous  10/28/10, 7:42 AM  

Is there something I'm missing with the chains. I think I've clicked on them in every combination of three that I possibly can, and nothing is happening, not even any change in the appearance of the chains. I think it's all I have left to do.

And yes, DO draw a map. You'll get very unnecsesarily frustrated if you don't.

i am same as inkandpixelclub

The chains won't move until you have clicked on the 2 wall hints.

For the Blue Lever, Go right from the starting scene, turn around, and it should be in front shimmering in the grass

       Anonymous  10/28/10, 11:40 AM  

Walkthrough (for anyone still playing)

If you don't want to follow the walkthrough step by step, draw yourself a map of the maze. It keeps you from running in circles.

- You start facing south, looking at a locked door. Turn around.
- Click the right arrow. Then click the brick with a little black line on it on the left wall. Go back to the corridor view and go west (straight ahead).
- Another door that won't open. Take the wheel and turn around.
- Go west, north, and east. You should see a raised bridge and a button. Press the button and head east across the bridge.
- Go north to find a pipe. Put your wheel on the pipe.
- Turn around and go south. There's another brick with writing on it in roughly the middle row of the right wall. Click it, then continue to the east.
- Click the smallest rock to add it to your inventory.
- Turn around and head west. You'll find a door. It's the same door you got the wheel from, but it opens from this side. Use the rock as a doorstop.
- Click on the red dots on the edge of the door. They're arranged in a left, right, right, left, right pattern.
- Don't go through the door yet. Turn around, click the left arrow, and head north until you get back to the pipe.
- Click on the wheel and turn it in the pattern you saw on the door (LRRLR).
- Turn around and head east to the bridge. Click to the left of the bridge to get a balloon. Examine the balloon with "about item" and click the key.
- Go west just one screen, then turn around to face the bridge again. Click to the left of the bridge in this view and find half of a note. Then press to button so that the bridge is up again.
- Turn back around and head west. There's a treasure chest. Open it with your key and get the red dot.
- Turn around and go north. You'll see another treasure chest with three chains above it. Remember those bricks with the writing? They were hints about the order in which to pull these chains. If you don't click the bricks first, the chains won't do anything. The hints translate as "The left one is first" and "The right one is not at the end." (Thanks, Edgar!) So the order is SPOIleftrightmiddleLER. Get the yellow dot and the second half of the note.
- Turn around. Go south, east, east again, north, and west. This puts you on the other side of the bridge. Click to see a map.
- Turn around, go south, and then go west as far as you can. When you reach the wall, you'll see something shining in the grass. Click on it and claim your blue lever.
- Turn around, go east twice, north, and east again. You should see a treasure chest, a red lever, and a spot for another lever. Put your blue lever there.
- Now use the note to figure out the position of the levers. The other two levers are in a room to the south and east of you, so just turn around and turn left twice to get there and turn around and go right twice to get back. The note tells you that the green lever is above the blue one, red is above green, and yellow is in the same position as blue. SPOIblue and yellow=bottom, green=middle, red=topLER.
- Once all the levers are in the right positions, get the blue dot from under the red and blue levers.
- Turn around, go south, west, through the door, and then south again. Click on the color wheel and place the three dots in the slots between the colors that both contain that color. SPOIred left, yellow right, blue bottomLER.
- Take the key, turn around, and go left two times to the locked door.
- Use key on the door and exit. You're out!

why does EVERYONE say where is.....and then I found it....but never say where?????????
I can;t find the blue lever anywhere!!!!!

TY VM @inkandpixleclub!!!!!!
it helped me lots!!!
Great walkthrough!

Thank YOU!!! Edgar that was what I needed, I hadn't found the right door to prop open I finally made it hehe that was tough.. my map didn't help me by the way

       Anonymous  10/29/10, 7:46 AM  

wow that was really hard lol thank you inkandpixleclub!! :D it reallllyyyyy helped lol i couldnt have done this escape game without your walkthrough lol :D

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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