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Wallace's Workshop Walkthrough

Wallace's Workshop

Wallace and Gromit's World of Invention - Wallaces Workshop is another addicting and challenging physics based puzzle game from BBC. Get crash test Wallace from A to B by building contraptions from components and tools - test different combinations and get Wallace down the tube and into the next level. Good luck and have fun!

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Wow challenging! One level wanted a wheel but it didn't go where you would think it'd go and it took me ages to experiment to find the perfect spot. Also last level with rope... you don't need to use both ropes and you have to judge the height and distance to make the kick work. I enjoyed this game.

that IS fun! :) and it's logical too

help for level 16 please? i can't find a walkthrough anywhere :(

@Tasha: build a crank to the left (scroll if you need to) by adding a wheel to the Stirling engine and connecting the beam between the wheel and the sliding beam. Repair the conveyor belt by adding a wheel to the motor and two ropes to join the existing two. Wire up as you need to. The crank should then push short beams from the stack onto the conveyor belt.

The problem I had here was that the crank allows a short beam to drop from the hopper, but then gets stuck as it fouls the next beam in the stack. I can't make this work.

@Tasha and Mike W: The problem is to get enough mass onto the conveyor. The hopper magazine is broken due to the physics engine, so just dump the cable and the long beam without glue onto the conveyor belt. ;)

Can someone tell me how to release after 10 stages because in my only has ten stages until the other of not playing for them are blocked

how do ya do lv.5

       Anonymous  2/6/11, 8:40 AM  

HELP on lvl 12 plz

please help level 17!

help on lvl 10 plz I'm super stuck & youtube doesn't work 4 me

i need help with level 6

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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