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Modern Mystery Escape Walkthrough

Modern Mystery Escape

[REPLAY] Modern Mystery Escape is another point and click type adventure game. Escape the modern room with a secret door. Solve the puzzles and use the items in right places in order to leave the room as soon as possible. Good luck and have fun!

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Modern Mystery Walkthrough

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So nice, to open this page and find a brand new game.

Let's see...

7 out of 9 plates and a trofee...

7 plates and a trophy first time around the room.

red blue yellow blue red doesn't work?

Just starting...Hi!

And a USB

Where is the USB?

And ERROR doesnt work

Where please Cece?

USB after code of simbols

Sun path house opens right door for usb

yorbgr does not work

I don't get the symbols for the topleft door, please give a hint. Tried a lot of colors, no luck there yet.

Sun = round House=Triangle then square Path = rectangle

@Christina: look at drawing on table (from top to bottom)

ah, got the code. The roof blew of.

The rectangle is up and down unlike the pic

please give hints for "sun path house"? and "code of symbols"??

I thought the word code would be error....but not working

For me it was square then triangle, that had me stumped for a while. And don't remember wich path (vertical or horizontal) I used.

Hint: see paper in table for drawer with geometrical simbols

Have 7 puzzle pieces and a trophy called a "bowl" so far...

stuck with 8 plates and bowl. tried r,b,y,b,r (from picture) on desk code...not working.

On the right pic I see E-F, but doesn't really give a clue.

Thanks, I refreshed too late...
Any clues for color drawer?

Password to lower door isn't "ERROR"!

I also tried to use ERROR for color code - no luck

opened bttom right cupboard got all 9 tiles and a handle?

Got it ....E=F...go one letter further...

E-F is the clue, apply that to all the letters

@my_bum_smells: hint please?

Good find!

see previous post miller

Got fountain, filled bowl with water

got key

no idea where the valve goes, lol

use water from trophy to get key

use key for spatula

What to do with water???

Where did you put the valve?

put plates on door and then put valve in other room

got key...forgot about the tube...lol

fill bowl with water, get key with water... with spatula u get a pattern from behind the well

and the trowel, where?

After that the rest is easy. Only finding the place to use the trowel is a bit tricky. Out, will stay around for questions.

btw... hello 2gether :)

trowel from drawer

please give a hint for the rightcolor draw

put the pattern above the squares from the picture and get color code for drawer

ahh POP, got trowel now

And now a trowel?!

Use the well to change the colors on pic

and out. thanks everyone for helping

Where do you use the trowel?

@cristina...a hint for where to use trowel...please?

rblbr doen´t work

POP - got it!

Graham, where to use the trowel?

after solving the puzzle on the door put valve on fountain than fill trophy with water and put water in glass thing where the key is (on its left side

please? @graham????pop doesn't get it when others are asking the same question...LOL

trowel back wall in wet room, where the patern is a bit different right in the middle

TYVM Christina

Sorry nokra - didn't see others weer asking. I always help unlike some...used trowel behind fountain on the only different pattern

color code please

use it on the pattern on the wall behind the fountain

good job everyone and thx for help!

...and use it on the colour pattern to get the right colour order

TY @cristina!!!!!out

the hotspot for the tile at the back is a real pixel hunt, lol. Good game :)

I had that same problem with the hotspot - had clicked on it a bunch...other than that - great game!

@Christina -- TYVM -- I tried to pick up that piece and didn't try using the tools at hand!

So, we have a key that floats! wonder what it was made of?

For the colorblind, color is ORGYB

Puzzle pieces
- plant on left in 1st scene
- right hand chair arm
- plant next to desk
- desk top
- top of cupboard
- 4 in cupboard doors (2 are locked)

@nokra -- thanks for working out the E=F clue! I didn't see the "=" sign.


01. Zoom on plant left of sofa and take plate (1)
02. Zoom on shelf right of sofa and take plate (2) next to sofa
03. Go right twice, zoom on plant and take plate (3) from corner
04. Notice picture on the right of desk (E=F). Zoom on table, take plate (4) and notice symbols on drawing
05. Gp right, zoom on speaker, take plate (5) and bowl
06. Back out once and click the cupboard. On top left and bottom left drawer take two more plates (6 and 7)
07. Click top left drawer and remember shapes of drawing on table (top to bottom). Take plate (8) and usb flash
08. back out once and use usb on laptop. See letters "error" and combine it with hint from picture next to table. (thanks @my_bum_smells)
09. Go back to the cupboard and open lower right drawer with "error" and "E=F" hint (SPfOsIsLpEsR). Take plate (9) and valve
10. Back out, go to door with orange square and place plates on square.
11. Arrange the plates to form a fountain.
12. Back out once and go to the new room. Place valve on fountain and use bowl on water.
13. Go back and turn right twice. Zoom on middle shelf and use water to get key
14. Go right once and zoom on table. Open drawer with key and get trowel.
15. Go again to the fountain (zoomed) and use trowel on middle part of the back wall to get a foil
16. Back out and go right. Zoom on picture above table and use foil on the five little rectangles. Note colour code
17. Use these colours on drawer of table, get card
18. Use card on door left of desk and you are out.

Unless I'm mistaken, it looks like I'm leaving the room naked.LOL

is there somne still tryng to figure out because i cant figure color and word code

@popoffbrat, Orange blue yellow green red, was my colour code
fssps was word code, this one only worked for me after second try though

Thanks@PuzzledinCA for noticing that I broke a big stuck point...I think it is my first time...LOL

out with help. Thanks for the great help in the comments.

I am very dense today and have missed lots of things >_<

help ,orgyb dont work, and obygr dont work

also I put the cup of water over the keys and it dont work. Cup does not do anything what am I doing wrong. help please

I started over again and out.. The hints were a great help and also I didnt see the video , and that helped finally

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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