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Asha's Adventures Part 7 - The Rescue of Kitten Walkthrough

Asha's Adventures Part 7 - The Rescue of Kitten

Asha's Adventure Part 7: The Rescue of Kitten is the seventh episode of Asha’s Adventure, point and click adventure game series. Asha come to Moscow. The little kitten climbed into the barrel of the famous Tsar Cannon and afraid to come out. Help Asha to rescue little pet. Good luck and have fun!

Play Asha's Adventurea Part 7

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Found so far: 2 dolls, scissors (for plants) and microscope, hint by Mc D.

3 dolls (can see a 4th in gold monument far left and up) scissors (used) microscope, board on bench in fountain scene

Same here - and I think I need more hint on the food equations. Now looking for somewhere to use the clippers.

used board to get this doll and a bowl. left of foutain a camera

Ah - ok - what I got was a telescope - or a surveyers something - now have microscope too.

4 dolls, wood (used), microscope, camera, stativ, bowl and scissors (for plant)
Colour hint by fontaine

5 dolls

Dang - hit an ad and had to start over. Surveyors thing is in front of the Russian-looking building.

camera "foot" (don't know the name trépied in french) put it where microscope was, put camera and take photo

Made a photo where I found microscope

My photo is gone - put it near the white long house - and got nothing

Ah - it isn't gone - I put it in my microscope!!!!

i have to go; there is a locket box you ca ntake in mac do :)
Good luck all, and write a good walkthrough ;)

By Drisana - see you later!

Can't open the box - tried to do the math but failed :(

I didn't find any box - just the hint thing. And I think I did the math right because I can't grab the hint anymore.

But I think you need to find coins somewhere to buy the ice cream cone.


Think we need more brains on this one - I can't make head or tail of that clock tower puzzle.

Kathy: Box is in Mc D right side on the bench.

And I got the same in math like you - but box don't open

Thanks - sigh. 4 digits - so it doesn't go with that hint.

But you can use a comma!

Hello, i have now a cross on that thing with the signs...

Hi natasja!
How do you do that??


Star, head
sign with H and M
Sort of cross, dollarsign

In this order if you know what i mean

Stu, just trying some things ;-)

Thank you natasja!!!

Got it now too!

Your welcome, but i can't come any further there is now a hotspot on the floor next picture after church

sorry for my english....

I joined the photo and the microscope, I can see many numbers, but I don't know how to use them.

Me neither.....don't get it at all

I think it's identifying the buildings in Red Square - one is St Basils, one is GUM dept store...

Thanks Natasja! I hadn't even managed to identify all yet - let alone figure out where they were in relation to each other.

YW Kathy!
But what's with the bowl and what's with the hotspot? Can't do anything there...This one's difficult i think, hahaha

I agree with you, Kathy K, these are symbols of the buildings (cross for the church, star for the Kremlin,...) but I wouldn't have found this without Natasja.
Has someone opened the brown box or solve the clocks puzzle ?

komme mit uhrenpuzle nicht zurecht,finde keinen code dafür raus,dachte die schritte bis zur nächsten zeit wäre richtig aber stimmt nicht

Nope i'm busy with the clock puzzle but i haven't got a clue....

Ow, my game is gone....i have to start over :-(

kriege rechnung nicht raus fürs eis,was kostet denn die cola und der burger ? hmm blöde rechnung

where is the bowl please? I can't find :-(

I can't figure out the clock puzzle at all. Each bottom clock only takes one number and no matter how I add, subtract or whatever, I get more than one number.

Have to go now for a while - good luck all!

Bowl is below the doll in the fountain view


very left, behind the big gate.. there ist a fountain.. doll and bowl are there..

Cannot even find microscope or scissors. Help please?

mavale First you need the board.it's near the fountain. On the right side of the screen. Then you go to the left to the water. There you use the board to cross over

Marita see my post 1:59 AM. Spoiler for ice cream cone cost

@ christina

scissors are in the first scene.. in the grass.. use them on the tulips..

not grass, flowerbed..

danke Kathy,kann aber eis nicht nehmen und auch preisliste nun nicht mehr ankucken,und wire ist code für Uhrenpuzzle,habe ich bisher noch nicht raus,habe noch das foto,schere,schüssel und mikroskop

POP again.

building in first scene is History Museum (the HM pic on console) and straight behind is Lenin Mausoleum. St Basils cathedral is clear as well, but what are the other two and how are they located?

Star in clok might be clocktower? I need a clear map that's not in Russian. Dollar sign might be a bank.

Still busy with the clock puzzle.....you can also put in a,b,c ore comma....

Place with clock puzzle is Spasskaya tower (sometimes called the Kremlin clock)

I think $ is probably GUM dept store.

Hi - trying to catch up
4,55 does not work for me on box

and cross,head, etc. - is it clockwise??

Yes it is swissMiss!

4.55 is for the note. Next to the ice scream

thanks - I thought it was for the box - but I cannot take Icecream - or note anymore

and star,head,H/M X $ does not work either???

star, head
cross, dollar

finde code immer noch nicht für uhrenpuzzle
do not find code yet for clock puzzles

From left to right

star, head
middle right: HM
Under: Sort of cross, Dollar

You can't take the icecream or note

I could use a hint for the brown box or the clock puzzle... sigh...

agree Pascale.....it's head breakin'

thanks - now it worked

have I caught up now?

unopened box, 4 dolls needed, scissors (used) microscope with funny numbers, bowl

and clock-puzzle?

Yes you did SwissMiss!

I thought just counting and adding the hours of the first clock minus second clock might be it, but that gives 8,0,2,-1 and the last one won't work. Sigh

clock puzzle
tried little hand - big hand
tried "time" - it takes letters too
tried big and - big hand but I get Minus-figures

what have you tried

christina - tired that as well but it gets into "minus"

hab kasten gefunden und dafür kein code,wie auch für uhrenrätsel,komsich,was sollen auch die zahlen im mikroskop denn?

i tried the same things actually, tried even the time on the clock itself....tried to count the stripes between the hands of the clocks but still don't get it...

Also tried things as 7:45 but still nothing

Ha, I think we all tried most possibilities. Going to search the internet on aricles about time and russia, might give something....

do we agree that we have to deduct the second "clock" from the first "clock" for the result?

I'm with you, Natasja, I tried also the time of the clock, big hands, small hands additions, substractions and so on...

pascale tried that as well

unfortunately I have to leave
good luck and write a WT please
those Asha games are always difficult

thanks for your help

Bye swissMiss!

What are we missing...there must be a clue somewhere...the same for the box. Weird...

Oke, translating from russian, anyone seen a horse?

Nope no horse seen....

Oke, for the clock. It's not decuction, but division.

The walkthrough site isn't getting any further with the clock than we are...

Hmm - I tried dividing... I'll try it again.

the hours between the arms, so first number is 5

That gave me 3 new views and a sword, now trying to find what word I need for the grey box (using the sword to dig that up)

Smart, Christina - and thanks! New view.

also ich versuche code rauszufinden,aber mit 6783 oder mit minus dann 4401,da haut nichts hin,kreige nicht ,scheint also nicht zu stimmen
ist einer weiter? hat einer nun den uhrencode oder code für box?

I think we need the name of the building where the camera is?

5312 for de clock

point of the map is on Red Square, lower left
seems we need to stick or shovel

use your sword sisli, in third view after clocks

ich habe code bei uhr eingeben aber da pasiert nichts,istd as der richtige code oder wo oder wie merke ich das es der richtige ist

I have code with uhr, however, give there pasiert nothing, istd as right code or where or how I notice the right one is

hmm nun ist eingang versperrt,frage mich welche zahlen wir da eingeben müssen

the building on the grey box is the Lemonosov University (LMSU, of MSU) but I cannot open that box yet.

Yeeh Christina, your'e the best!!! Thanks for the clock solution!!

@Marita, bitte benutz eine übersetsungsseite, man bemomt deine Fragen nicht mit in Deutsch und die Antworten sind schon lange da im English.

christina, OK, you hope can read this then
do not have code for box from do not load and code from bildbox, pay for lasertür is also absent, does not think it out sometimes to her since as me

@Marita we do not have those codes yet, just the one for the clocks. Take the number between the pointers from the upper clock, devided by the number between the hours from the lower clock, gives 5... (see @Sisli) but no code for boxes or laser yet.
@ Marita wir haben nicht diese Codes noch, nur das eine für die Uhren. Nehmen Sie die Zahl zwischen den Zeigern aus der oberen Uhr, durch die Zahl zwischen den Stunden von der unteren Uhr eingeteilt, gibt 5 ... (Siehe @ Sisli), aber keinen Code für Schachteln oder Laser an.

christina, with uhr I have already done
if I also did not imagine to her also largely further seit.habe on other seiten tried to cheat, unfortunately, however, none is there also tips for them box or laser drinne.
has one agreed then milch or thus for katze? schüssel always falls down from kugel

Grrrrrr My brown box is gone??

Ow it's still in my list, not looking good...sorry

Code above knight in new view - draw lines between the even numbers (each set of 4 columns makes a #)

How did you cross the fountain using the board? I can´t. I could just get the bowl , not the doll.

7842 to the code where lasers
divided into 4 columns, the even numbers, unite

I have no time to explain it better

Brilliant Kathy and Sisli!!

Please @Sisli, if you give a spoiler, don't do it so openly. Use something like:


hmm has used rubin with mikroskop and pay in 9041 got, but does not help for both box, all the same how around

robin into microscope gives code: 6041

You should be able to take both doll and bowl if you have the board over the water @roberto

@marita, so does my bowl, think we need to open grey and brown box first.
@ Marita, so wird meine Schüssel denke, wir müssen die grauen und braunen Kasten zuerst offnen.

Put ruby into the microscope

Thanks Christina, so my game is buggy, cause I can´t get the doll.

Thank you @Carola (and same as @Sisli, don't give spoilers, give hints please)

Can't you restart roberto? We haven't finished yet. I restarted and was back in seconds ;-)

He all, wondering if anyone of you has been able to pick up the icecream. I know what to do with (at least I think I know) it but just not how to pick it up.

I don't understand what "the hour beetween the arms" means. There are 2 lines of 4 clocks.

Sorry i have to go. I come back later, my eyes hurt, hahaha. Good luck to you all!!

ok! Restarting!

first clock top clock 8-3=5, bottom clock, difference is 1 (cannot remember times), 5/1=5. Does that answer it Pascale?

The number from the microscope opens grey box, there is a crown in it (university building was palace of CatherineII) and that goes on the cannonbullet for the saucer. Number is


crown and bowl go under the canon

I am back !
Code for brown box is on doll

Ahh then I know what i'm missing I need the grey box, but where's the digsite as I thought it was next to the university

I just want a lighter to shoot the cannon and throw this kitten to hell!

WTG drisana!!

please am out
wear box, puppe with him speak in images put, briefly away then again there, geld taken, bought and katze given
and ready I was

put doll near paintings

great finding! and out..

and out

I'm still missing 2 dolls, so if anyone could tell me where the last two are please?

grey box : dig on scene, up from first scene !

dolls : above knights and one in brown box

Thank you, Christina, I understand what you mean but I don't find this result.
The clocks show those numbers :

8-3=5 12-6=6 10-6=4 7-5=2

2-1=1 10-8=2 11-3=8 12-1=11

5/1=5 6/2=3 4/8=0,5 2/11=0,1818...

Thanks all, nice game. And a long one this time ;)

Grey box in front of mausoleum @MOnline.

And what about the brown box ???

8-3=5 12-6=6 10-6=4 7-5=2

2-1=1 10-8=2 11-3=4 12-1=1 (space between arrows, not the hours themselves)

5/1=5 6/2=3 4/8=1,5 2/1=2

pascale use space beetween needle. the third : 4 spaces / 4 spaces = 1

Pascal for brown box look closely at your dolls.

Can't help anymore, everybody seems to have left without telling were the last two dolls where. Shame.

christina i told you. Look above knights and the last is in brown box !

Drisina, I can see only one doll (I still have 4 to find), and there is not the slightest number on it.
And what is this grey box ? There is definitely a hotspot in front of Lenin's mausoleum, but there is no box.

With 1 doll missing, i saw numbers on it ?!
You have to dig this hotspot with sword, that is right of knights

Restarted(again), now I had one above the knights I could take. That showed me the numbers and the rest was super easy. My first game simply had no puppet above the knights so I thought you mistyped @Drisana, sorry.

@Christina and @Drisana, thanks a lot.

@pascale, dig with the sword to find the grey box.

Christina ;)
Everybody's out ??

- in yellow flowers
- in red and yellow tulpis
- near fontaine with clown
- near golden statues (wood used)
- on table in restaurant
- under cannon
- in museum near knights
thats so far I remember

Also in jewellery room and in brown box.

I have the grey box, but still no idea how to open it, or turn off the lasers. I can't open the brown box (I'm missing 2 dolls, so they have no numbers).

Can someone please explain how to get the code for the lasers, I would like to know how to "see" it

thanks all for help!! I'm out! :-)

kara i just took the code they gave here in comments, something related with lines between even numbers i think ? ;)

Pascale, for the grey box, numbers are from microscope. You have to desactivate lasers first to take doll.
(7842 if i remember well)

Kara that's it; "draw" lines between even numbers in each group of 4 columns.

Pascale my post is not clear; First the lasers : 7842 from even numbers under. You take a doll and red diamond. Then use diamond on microscope with photos, you get code for grey box(9041 ?).
With this doll, you have code for brown box.

i have to go but i think that all you need is in previous comments ;) good luck !

This game is really too difficult, this is not fun.
Finally, I have the code from the microscope (6041) and it doesn't work anywhere.
Thank you to all people who helped me.

This comment has been removed by the author.

i cant find where to put dolls

one comment says next to paintings....where are they

Well i'm back and you guys made it! But i'm still wrestling with the brown box. I can read the numbers on the doll but i tried the code in many different ways but the box won't open.....

dool code is for grey box natasha

Huh....but i already opened the grey box and that was the code of the microscope or am i crazy now??

oh sry put brown box back in inventory then its open

i still dont know where to put dolls

No still won't open......

When i read back; you have to put the dolls near the paintings. Left of the fountain with the coloured wheel...

finally...was tough on me since i didnt know the the buildings. THX all i really needed the help

post at 5:19 tells brown box code is from doll

thx for hanging with me natasha ..are you out yet?

natasja code for brown box is on dolls when you miss only one take doll in your inventory and look closely

I see the code Drisana its:


But it won't work

Is it a color code or something?

Anybody?? Am I here alone?

i'm replaying to see what's wrong natasja

Thanks Drisana! I feel soo stupid now....

Code from doll is 5396 !!

Woei thanks Drisana!! I tried a lot but i guess this one i didn't, how stupid! Thank you sooooo much! Now i will manage and go out to!!

staying here just in case, tell me when you're out ;)

oke i will, now i have money

yeey i'm out!! i have rescued the kitty! Thanks Drisdana i couldn't do this without you!

congrats !! :) now rest in peace littlle game ;)

Well I am stumped - got as far as the money - but I cannot put it in crown/bowl

so how on earth do I get out of here???

With the money you buy the icecream (put it on the note next to it) and the icecream goes on the crown/bowl.

thanks Small-tool
forever there to help escape -lol-

I love these Asha games! This one was tough, but really cute and fun! Thanks!

out with a TON of help. Thanks for the great clues and code solving everyone!

Wow! These games are soooo hard. Thanks for all the great comments.. had to use them EVERY step of the way!

walkthrough part 1

In the first scene (purple, yellow, and red flowers), get the first doll from the top left yellow flowers
Get the pruners in the bottom right purple flowers (you see the green handles sticking up)
Note you can click on the sign and change the shapes
Move your mouse until you see the finger pointing up (between the 2 buildings in the background). Go up.
You are in the Red Square.
Go right 2 times and get the tripod from in front of the onion-domed cathedral
Go right to the clock tower
Click the door
Here is a puzzle for you to solve
Enter the numbers by clicking on the blank clocks and typing them in
Solution Below
Back up and go forward (if you didn’t get the answer right, you will still see the clock puzzle). You are in a new scene!
Go right and you can see the kitty stuck in the cannon (poor kitty!)
Get the second doll from by the right wheel
Go left and forward
You are in a museum
Get the third doll from on top of the left display cabinet
Get the sword from the right of the right display cabinet
Click the gray square on the sign over the right knight’s display cabinet
Solve the puzzle and enter the solution
Solution below
Go into the museum
Get the fourth doll from the left side of the screen
Get the ruby from the crown in the bottom right
Back up 2 times and go left (you are outside the clock tower again)
Go right (scene with the red building on the right and the green steeple on the left)
Go up you are back in the first scene
Enter the solution into the sign
Solution below
A red X will appear on the sign
Go forward into the Red Square again, and there is a new hotspot on the ground to the right of Lenin’s Tomb
Use the sword there
Get the gray box
Click it to see a close up view of it
Go forward to the first scene again
Go left
There are 2 places you can go up in this scene. One is under the McDonalds sign (into the restaurant). The other is down the street
Go into McDonalds
Note the tempting ice cream on the table nearest you. Yum! But you can’t take it since you are broke
Click the sign on the table next to it
It is a menu that tells you the prices. But you have to solve the math to get them. Yikes!
Enter the amount into the menu (click left of the comma by the ice cream cone and type the numbers in)
Of you do it right, you can’t click the menu anymore
Thanks to Kathy K for the answer since this math was challenging for me SPOILER4,55SPOILER
Get the fifth doll from the table in the back left
Get the brown box from the red bench seat to the right of the back right table (against the right edge of the screen)
Go back so you are outside the restaurant

Walkthrough Part 2

Go forward down the street
Get the sixth doll from the fountain
Also get the board on the rightmost bench
Go left
Get the camera from the left bottom corner of the screen
Go right and down
Go left to the tulips
Get the seventh doll from the flowers left of center
Use (drag) the pruners on the flowers right of center (there is a hotspot)
Get the microscope
Go left and then up
You can see gold statues here. You can also see a bowl and doll in the bottom left part across the water, but you can reach them
Drag your board to the water (near the left edge of the screen)
Get the bowl and eighth doll
Go down and right
In the scene with the tulips, place the tripod in the center
Add the camera and click it to take a photo
Drag the picture to your microscope in your inventory
If you click it, you will see a bunch of numbers, but which ones do you need?
Add the ruby to the microscope (drag ruby to it in the inventory)
Now click the microscope and you will see 4 numbers highlighted
Enter these into the gray box (since it had the picture of this building on it)
Back out of this view
In your inventory, the box should be open
Get the crown
Click and hold your mouse button on the dolls so you see a bigger version of them
Enter the code into the brown box
Back out of the view and take the ninth doll
Go right and up the street to the fountain
Go left
Add the dolls to the artwork on the curb (hotspot is in front of the white-framed painting)
Go right and then come back
Your dolls were worth money!
Go right and down
Enter McDonalds
Place the cash on the sign you finished
Take the ice cream cone
Go down and left to the first scene
Go up, left, up, and right to the cannon
Place the crown on the cannonball
Add the bowl
Now add the ice cream
Go left and then back and get the kitty!


Warning! here be spoilers!!

Solving the Clocks
Thanks, Christina!
The lines between each clock column means the top clock divided by the bottom clock equals the blank clock. So for the first column, the top clock has 5 hours between the right arrow and the second arrow going clockwise. The lower clock in that column, has one hour between the hands. So 5 divided by 1. The second column has 6 divided by 2. The third is 4 divided by 4. And the 4th column is 2 divided by 1. So the solution is SPOILER5312SPOILER

Solving the Knight’s Puzzle
Thanks, Kathy K and Sisli!
The hint in the bottom right corner of ll tells you to divide the rows into 4 columns (since you have 4 answers to enter). If you follow the even numbers in each column, you will see numbers. Click HERE to see what I mean if you are still stuck.

Solving the sign in the first scene
Natasja solved this (thank you, thank you!) After beating the game with her help, I went back and figured out the buildings.

You need to identify the buildings in the scenes when you go up from the sign, as well as where they are located. (This is a great source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Square.)
On the first scene when you go up, you are facing the State Historical Museum with Lenin’s Tomb to the left. Turn left and see the Spasskaya tower with the red star on top. Go left and see St. Basil’s cathedral (the one with the onion domes). Left once more takes you to the GUM dept store (the large white building). So on the sign: the HM (for the Historical Museum is the rightmost spot. Going counterclockwise, Lenin’s tomb is next (head). Left of that is the tower (star). Below that, is cathedral (cross). And down right of that is the store ($).

Great one again kitkatfox.
By the way I thought the II in the bottom right corner in the Knights Puzzle was a hint to use the even numbers.

And here's the math for the icecream price;

A = Icecream
B = Hamburger
C= Can

A = ?
B = 5,2 + C - 0,9
C = (9,1 - B) x 2
2,6 = B - C - A + 2,85

1) C=(9,1-B)x2 ==> C=18,2-2B

2) B= 5,2+C-0,9 ==> B=4,3+C

Now put that B equation in the C equation

3) C=18,2-2B ==> C=18,2-2x(4,3+C) ==> C=18,2-8,6-2C ==> C=9,6-2C ==> 3C=9,6 ==> C=3,2

Now put C= 3,2 in the first B equation

4) B=5,2+C-0,9 ==> B=5,2+3,2-0,9 ==> B=8,4-0,9 ==> B=7,5

Now put the B and the C in the last equation

5) 2,6=B-C-A+2,85 ==> 2,6=7,5-3,2-A+2,85 ==> 2,6=7,15-A ==> A=7,15-2,6 ==> A=4,55

This comment has been removed by the author.

this was a very hard game ,tks , without your help i could never have ended ......

       Anonymous  12/6/10, 8:36 PM  

Excellent Walkthrough @KitKatFox! I was desperated to find my last doll, and thanks to you, I found it! More than 2 hours, no record there! :)

Great walkthrough KKF

@small-tool perhaps the lines had double meaning then? Or maybe I just understood them wrong, which could be.

Thanks for the explanation of the math. You rock!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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