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New Year - Rabbit House Escape Walkthrough

New Year - Rabbit House Escape

New Year - Rabbit House Escape is another point and click type room escape game. In this game, you try to find items and solve puzzles to escape the room. Language barrier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

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Having so much fun reading all the continuing comments in Minoto and the Happy New Year posts...
A New one???? Anyone to join?

methinks language barrier may be a big problem. But it looks like fun all the same!

I need help....OMG I have not a clue here...LOL

got glasses from Papa and lots of amusing noises from various things and a sign I can't read. Am I all alone?

Very true, @zoz...can you make anything of it?

hey @nokra, I didn't see you there!

Got a hair from the head of guy with sword...

well, there is a Hawk with formidable talons on the wall, but when you click on the red button it kind sounds like he has, erm, digestive problems.

LOL...I am easy to miss...LOL

stole an orange (?) from a crocodile (?). And we all thought Minoto was strange!

A farting eagle...giant eggplant and snail...a sleeping dragon...love this game!!!!

according to my katakana chart, the note with the profile of the hawk says "ta ka". That really helps, doesn't it?

I see the stars on the orange, ty for that,and curly hairs, clouds, but where are the carrots????

Hi Everyone! Happy New Year's Eve!

hallo @Leah! Help nokra and I so we don't hurt ourselves, lol!

don't forget the curlicues on the clock...

Ha ! just got a carrot from pushing the bunny nose after putting in 33? I think...anyway...got carrot! LOL

Carrot under rabbit pic. give him eyes (#'s under where you took glasses) click his nose. I think that's what I did because all of a sudden there was a carrot there!

Can't read the paper clue in the drawer...

got the code to the safe



Weird key from the safe!!!!!

ahha! got a key (Brute forced the code; carrot = 1)

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oops, I really should refresh before posting :o}

Color code...work to do now on that

@zoz: taka is Japanese for hawk

Sword from soldier on cabinet, but don't know what to do with it!

Very lost now...what is hawk code?
anyone done the color yet?

thanks for that translation, @Cyberjar88!

when you "about item" the hair, it looks like a "3", as do Papa Rabbit's eyes...

hey! the sword cuts the "taka" paper

77 Hawk code after cutting paper, purple thing stands up and gives gift!!

Yes!!!!@zoz...I tried that sword on everything...LOL...now what?

oooohhh @skyjourney, that's one scary purple thing! I kept trying "70" or "98", never dawned on me that it was "77". Thanks!

lol, even the gamemaker says "daaaaaaa!" when you click on the scary purple thing.

Well done @skyjourney!
I didn't even see numbers until you pointed it out!

I just can't get color code, with clock + S, and now a penny????

ok, stuck again. Yen and dollar signs on note, grey and red bow...

All inventory is full...all we need is for someone to crack the safe code....I'm sure it won't be me!

What IS "S" ?????

oops! Inventory not full yet! click around the crocodiles mouth and get something down by the heart and bunny, under the "about item" box

Finally got it after 100 clicks...what is it?

Phone code is found as one of the scribbles on the wall, that gives clue to color code

Thanx...took a few clicks to find that! I'm about colored and numbered out. tried everything I could think of!

How to see it @zinger? Are you reading the dialog box?

Language barrier a BIG problem...LOL

@ nokra,
yah, it's in the dialog box in between symbols

I've got to go eat some dinner! I'll be back later to see how you all worked everything out!

Only thing I can read in dialog box is 117

I think color clue is either 5 or 17, but what is S???

117 is phone code

117 gives 15:00, but don't know what it means.

I think 15:00 is red - blue on the clock

well, I give up...can't figure it out, and too tired to keep trying!

You combine the colors to get a color and then use a word you find in the room that is that color and add the letter s to the end.

well i had to take a break after seeing the standing eggplant in the bunny costume!! lol

i don't know where the phone is? lol

thanks Carol!!! Now I can start drinking!

I was trying to make a number out of the color.
phone is in top drawer

oh my tyvm zinger! the eggplant/bunny messed me up!! lol
thanks Carol in advance!

well ok, it all makes sense now that the bunny went to the moon in a bunny rocket!

LOL @larue....makes perfect sense!
And TY so much @carol...can start my celebration now!...OMG! Dick Clark IS still alive!!!LMAO!

@nokra, really? Dick Clark is still alive???? And I'll bet he looks about 24 years old, right?

hard game - but I'm out - thanks to all for help!!!!

Happy New Year

thanks guys for all your help it would of been a lot easier if I understood the language!!

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Out ! Thank you for the phone Hint, Zinger ;)
Ending music sounds like my ooold Amiga 502ST lol ^_-

Click the bowl of oranges on the snail’s back for the red paper(?)
Click the gray bunny outline on the wall to see it needs a code
Turn right
Zoom in on the left picture
Take the bunny’s glasses
Click the white box/red dot on the wall over the eggplant and see it needs a code
Turn right
Get the orange ball (dragon ball lol) from the dragon near his mouth
Click where the yellow hay curls up into the orange under his mouth to find a…ummm…cookie thing? that goes below the about item box in your inventory
Turn right
Click the gray safe on the wall -- it wants a pass code for star, curl, carrot, and cloud
Note the floor safe needs a code
Click the head of the statue on the tall cabinet -- you have lifted his helmet and you can now take his hair (poor bald man)
Open the top drawer and see the phone
Open the middle drawer and get the hawk paper (the kanji says “hawk”)
Click the paper in your inventory and then the about item button
Use the sword on the about item view of the paper to cut it
Go right
Zoom on the bunny safe and enter the code
Hit the nose
Back up and see a carrot
Go right
Zoom on the hawk safe and enter the code
Push the red button and see the eggplant monster grow
Click the eggplant part and get the envelope
Turn around to the wall safe
Enter the code and hit the red rectangle
Get the key
Use the key to open the bottom drawer
Get the newspaper
Open it in the about item view and click to see inside
See a hint for the floor safe code
@Zinger said he saw numbers in the dialog box when he clicked one of the scribbles on the wall
Enter that number into the phone in the top drawer and hit the red button
I could never find it myself, but the code is SPOILER117SPOILER
Use the hints you found to solve the floor safe
Open the safe and click the hand on the top shelf
You can give the hand the envelop with money you got from the eggplant
Back up and turn right
There is a ladder now!
Climb it and the rabbit rocket will go to the moon

Bunny safe
Hint: papa bunny’s eyes

Hawk safe
Cut hawk paper with the sword and see the numbers SPOILER77SPOILER

Wall safe
Four stars on the dragon ball, look at the hair from the soldier in the about item view to see if forms a 3, 1 carrot appeared, and there are 3 clouds in the mountain picture so SPOILER4312SPOILER

Floor safe
The phone says 15:00. The paper tells you to combine white and black to make gray etc. It also says something about clock +S= the code. Zoom in on the clock the colors for 15:00 (3:00) are red and blue. Combine them and you get purple. Turn to the dragon scene. The new in Happy New Year is purple. Add s to New and you get news. This is the code to the safe.

by the way, the dragon cookie/coin thing didn't seem to change the ending

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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