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Amgine - A Whole New Riddle Walkthrough

Amgine - A Whole New Riddle

Amgine - A Whole New Riddle is another brain teaser online riddle game developed by Amgine. Change URL to give answer, include level number eg 1answer.htm. Spell out any maths symbols. "The" may or may not be used in the start of answers. Colours can be significant, so can file names, source code, titles etc. Some levels may relate to the previous level, others don't. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please don't post exact answers, just give hints for levels!

Update: New levels added.

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       Anonymous  1/23/11, 3:22 AM  

Morning Jonthewatch! :-)

       Anonymous  1/23/11, 3:25 AM  

And stuck already even before starting the game, lol

What and where do you fill-in or change the URL ?

Morning Full, change the URL, the answer is on the page, last word....

       Anonymous  1/23/11, 3:29 AM  

Ah ok Rambler, (Goodmorning to you too) so i changed the word "index" into "here" and it got me to level 1
do i have to keep on just changing the "something" before the ".HTM ??

Yep. Stuck on level 1, it's something to do with p***ies I think

       Anonymous  1/23/11, 3:31 AM  

LOL, i think i better come back and copy the answers other gamers might give. i´m already confused to see i have to combine a chiken with a deer

Oh, no no no! I'm not done with the previous Amgine, and I have a lot of other things to do! I'm not gonna do this now. Really not... just a little bit.
Got level 1. It's not a chicken, but a hen, and the second animal I got from using TinEye. It's a s***. Then, combine the first part of the first animal and last part of second animal.

Hi Ellie. I've tried that and many variants.

Is it a 3 letter word?

Yes, @Rambler, three letters. Make sure you write the number of the level before, like: 1answer.htm

D'ohhh, forgot the level number (blush), thanks Ellie :o)

       Anonymous  1/23/11, 3:57 AM  

Goodmorning Ellie, good you´re here as well!
I still didn´t find level one but i need to go now, i´m back in 2 hours.
Does anyone know of a good webpage where to search for English words to use with this game??

Yw @Rambler, I spent way too long time on lvl 1 in Amgine3 doing the same thing lol.

Hi @Full! I don't know a good "search for words page", but to find exactly the pictures in the game you can try TinEye.
To combine two words and try to make a new one I use the google translator, write both words in a row, then start deleting random letters from them to see what i get.

I thought level 2 would be christeen, but no?

I know the answer to the question in lvl 2 after googling it, but have no idea how to enter it in the url.

How are you doing on level 2, I've tried a few amalgamations of the two words, but nada as yet...

Hi @small-tool! It's a computer scientist joke: Dec25 = Oct31. How to enter that??

Thanks Ellie, I see. So, do we need a number converter?

Oooh, thanks for that Ellie. Trying a few things now...

It's probably very easy and will be a big "duh-moment", but I'm still stuck there. This shows I should go back to work-related things for a while. Will check in later to try again.

hmmm...not a sunday game for me ;-)

Anyone still trying lvl 2? ...

I was, but stopped after trying a lot of answers and went back to amgine3 to finish that one.

People still here? Just starting. Hope it's a fun one. :)

Oh, and hello!

Hi @Nini and @mgkanda! I temporarily stopped trying for lvl 2 after trying lots of answers without success. Hope you have better luck! I'm waiting for an eureka-moment.

Aww...everybody's left? I'm on 2 and get the hallowmas joke, but could we then

       Anonymous  1/23/11, 7:55 AM  

Hello Mkganda, the game is a lot of fun indeed, i´m searching for the answer for level one since 13.00 and it´s 17.00 right now so i´m really having a lóóóóóóóóóót of fun


I was thinking that since it specifically mentions "spelling out all mathematical equations" so I tried and nothing.

@Full lol...Been there. Answer = 3 letters/not an animal.

If that's too much, I'll gladly delete it.

Full for level one: answer = 3 letters (1st letter of 1st animal and last 2 of 2nd)

Lol @Full! It helps to have played (part of) Amgine 3. An example: if you have a picture of a cat and another one of a dog, the answer could be "cog".
Cat+dOG=COG (half of each word).
You know the first one is a hen, did you find the second animal?

Well, I tried the most obvious answer to the joke, but nothing there either. Hmm...

Are we on the same level 2?
Where does it mention "spelling out all mathematical equations"

@s-t it's in the rules of the game, the first page you get when you click "play this game".

On the opening page of the game in the rules, though it doesn't help much. :s

Ah, I see. Thanks Ellie.
But I don't think it's an equation. Maybe 'converions' or something like that with another word(s).

Yes, I was just thinking the punchline has =, so I tried the answer with "equals". Also he says "why do I" whereas the joke goes, "why do p*******ers..." so I tried that and nada. So stuck.

I tried math*******ans and similar words . nada

       Anonymous  1/23/11, 8:14 AM  

Thank you Ellie, i still haven´t found another name than "deer" for the animal at the right, but it´s ok because i think i would never ever get through level 2 anyways, this game is waaaaay too dificult for me.

Why is Halloween spelled as Hallowe'en ?

Full use TinEye.

s-t good point..

Oh got that hollowe'en is Hallowed Eve.

@mgkanda, I tried about the same things and @s-t I too wondered about the spelling. Didn't help me yet though.
Hugs back @Full! If you want to go on anyway and be stuck with us on lvl 2 try to google for TinEye, save the deer image on your computer and upload it there and you'll see the name of the animal. It starts with an S and is another word for "male deer".

@Nini Yes, I tried co******ons et al, but forgot to ad the level...trying them all again. grr :s

Tried to find possible second image...reaching

Checked nordinho and saw a post about "exact grammer" so...

lol mkganda I'm there too. Wating for someone to answer the last 3 posts there.

Hi all, I'v been stuck on level 2 for hours now too.
@Full, I used mijnwoordenboek.nl for level 1, just translate "hert" from Dutch to English and you'll find the word you're looking for.

level 2: spell it out?!?!

Hi @Truus! Nice to have you stuck here as well :)

lvl 2 isn't

anyone have any idea about the halloween and Christmas one?

Spell it out seems to be writing "equals" for =, but that's what i've been doing for the last couple of hours. Also tried to spell the dates with letters instead of digits. Trying again...

EnJoy there's where we are all stuck at

Hi all, I'm back and see that we're still stuck on level 2 lol

Hi EnJoy! I see you've been to both too lol. :)

so with "spell it out" I've tried,
Maybe spelling out 31 and 25?

I've tried the answer to the 'joke' all ways round, but I can't get anything to work. Grrrr

Where does 'spell it out' etc. comes from?

tried also spelling o**** and d****** in the answer and still nothing.
"exact grammer"
"spell it out"

s-t Nordinho

@small nordinho

@s-t, from Abraxxass on Nordinho..

mkganda tried all of those too. nada!!

Ah, I see. You guys are playing on another site too.

now this
"find the exact right way to enter it into the url"

@s-t, not playing, more like peeking lol

on the other sites, people have had no problem with this one???

I have tried combining the words. and the title of the movie.. no luck so far

@small Not really, just popping in b/c the author said he'd be popping in there.

Lol @mgkanda, isn't that helpful?

Arrghhh why can't they give a more substatial hint!?!?!

@EnJoy, forget about films, it's all to do with a geeky joke...

@Ellie Super! LOL!

Okay, so CLEARLY we need to spell out = as per the hint on nordinho. I'm pretty sure I've tried every variation including adding the word "because" to the beginning. :s

geeky joke... well then I am very lost!

Off to selfdefiant's !

Well, the conclusion this far: we all know the answer since hours ago, it's just a matter of writing it the exact right way. We've all tried all possible combinations we can think about and are still stuck. A great way to spend the sunday :)

@mkganda, I've been using 'because...' too. No luck though :o(


Ok.. just found this..


I looked at Nordinho too now. Isn't the hint to spell out =:
So equals colon or something like that?

Ooohh, a new SD game :o)

Try entering the # 1st as in #o**eq****#d** and don't forget to start with 2 for the level

New SD? Right when I get it? No fair! lol

hey got it, use numbers

Why do mathematicians always confuse Halloween and Christmas?
Because 31 Oct = 25 Dec.

The humor lies in the fact that Halloween occurs on October 31 and Christmas occurs on December 25, thus equating "oct" in October and octal, and "dec" in December and decimal.

Thanks @mgkanda!! I was sure I tried that before but obvioulsly not (using the short words for the months). On lvl 3 now :)

Oh.. I finally got it!

Aargh still doesn't work for me do I write 31 or thirtyone?

Hi all, just starting :)

got 3! Onto 4

@st, its 31.

@small too1

use ##O--equals##d--

Nvm. I tried octal and decimal which would make more sense.
Anyway, thanks mgkanda.

I'll take a well deserved brake and come back in a while.

Stuck at 3. SSSG looks like there are 3 different versions and we choose. Might be confusing and I am sufficiently confused here, so I think I'll stick around.

On 3 there are 6 images I think, but how to get them.

Got 3? Help!

by Ellie! :D

Well, maybe I got the first part of 3. I got a big question mark and put the answer now I have a "wanted" poster

I have a lot of eggs on level 3.

6 images mkganda?
I only have 5!?

Ok I have 6 now.

thanks @mkganda!!!!!
funny to see how some people write mgkanda though. This game is messing up our writing skills

@small-tool. how do you get the images past the question mark. I have the wanted poster. and I try to input 3oh.htm??

I am lost I guess

Wait...had to take a phone call. I only have a ?, what to enter to get the next one?

Ask all the questions you can think of as an answer.

@mkganda. ask a question..

who? what? when? where? and ---

LOL @Truus! That's totally my fault! mkganda is the initials of my family with "and" in it and when I first joined, I typed it in wrong and changed it about a month ago.

Ahh...thanks small and EnJoy!!

On level 4 now.
Anagram the 6 letters you get on 3.

I only have q y and o

Level 4 has two extra pictures.

No Q and Y, the O is right.

how do you get past the wanted poster?

I've got 5 letters.

@EnJoy Pay close attn to image names, they are letters.

@EnJoy By asking all of the questions you mentioned earlier.

I see the image names. poster is O, but that is as far as I can get. How do you get to the next image?

got it.. duh. Thanks

lol, @Mkganda, no wonder I had to double check on your name. Didn't know you'd changed it. lol
Taking a dinner break now..

got a letter for each image, but only know of the five questions. :s

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@small Oh! Duh! Thank you!

Got the last ?, making a word. Feel free to delete. :D

Who's the girl on the third picture on level 4?
And what does 'it's not full.....STOP' from the source mean?

got it! On 4.

I got six letters, but it does not anagram into a six letter word

I will delete this

cloeud or cioeud ?? is this right?

First one EnJoy, I think the word is a game.

Huh...I'm not sure. Though, in the beginning of the game it was specified that colors might be significant, so maybe it's the purple hair that we're supposed to focus on.

@ small-tool.. used a different anagram solver and got it.

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What to do with 4? What's not full? We have half a rainbow.

well, I was able to get TO all the pictures.. I guess I am making progress ;)

are we focusing on the colors?

@EnJoy I don't know what to focus on. I thought maybe b/c of the 3rd picture having only that in common with the first 2. ???

Well, we have a question mark and a comma and the full stop from the source could be 'period' (the dot at then end of a sentence).
But no idea how to combine that with the third picture.

I have to go good luck you two.

We are having a "family" day, and I can't be on the computer all day.

Will check in later. Good Luck and leave lots of good "hints" :)

A comma or an apostrophe?

Bye EnJoy!

Bye EnJoy, have fun at the family day.

Weird, if you put in 4punc******n.htm you get the comma/apostrophe. Is it a mistake or a new level?

Okay, you were right. If you enter 4c***a you get
"You need one more to make a connection"
Now what?

Got an egg with comma.

Looks like we're on the same track. Need the connection.

are we looking for a punctuation mark?

I tried semicolon (one more could be a dot above the comma), but no.

Thought that too. Also thought of "one more to make a connection" and thought of a hyphen or a dash to connect words, but nothing. What then with the hair?

thought of the ...
aka "full stop" as "ellipsis"

*or not as lol

lol mkganda, thought of that too, but that's usually with three dots (source has 5). Also thought about morse, but that;s just 5.

right. okay. I'm so ridiculous that I forgot whether I need to be entering 4 or 5 as the level lol.

dinner break, bbl.

okay. Enjoy your meal! :D

Hi. Is anyone still playing?

Hi brynelise! Yes, I am here stuck on 4...forever

Busy Sunday here, lol. In level 3 and trying...

Hi Edgar :)
the blue ? one? I don't even know where I am lol.

comma splice?

I've been trying to search other forums for help on level for, but nobody else seems to be stuck there

hi edgar got all the images in 3 not sure what to do with them though

So here's my idea and it might be WAAAY wrong... The blue question mark could mean it's a blue level, which earlier meant word combining.

I tried combining comma and hair to make chair, but no. What do you guys think?

Hi mkganda and bigtank (and the whole gang, lol)
Just one question; got 5 letters/eggs in level 3. How many of them are there to get?

@brynelise I know! Seems nordinho just flew through that one. I get an egg with c**ma that tells me "You need one more to make a connection" and you can also use punct******, but I don't think that's a new level b/c the source says the image is 4b like the second image. So confused.

you need 6 eggs for 3 then anagram

@Edgar you need 6. There are 6 questions, the 5 w's and how.

@brynelise okay! That makes sense with the egg page, right? Let's go with it for now. :)

OK ty :)

I just realized there are 2 different blue colors of question marks, so I think I'm wrong

What about the source clue?
"!It's not full.....STOP"

I'm back, good to see we have more people aboard now. Hi all.
For level 4 I tried to find another extra picture because of the 'you need one more' but can't find it (tried all letters of the alphabet).

Level 4 now. Thanks for the assistance.

@s-t smart!

Good, Edgar! Get us out of this one!

Nothing to find either on the web page of the girl picture.
Also tried all the punctuation marks I could think of (but not being English I don't know if I missed some).
Running out of ideas.

I'm trying the same stuff as you s-t! What could we possibly be missing?!

I know, small. Same problem. I wanted it to be comma splice so badly, but it didn't work.

Trying to think of all things that make a connection, ie comma, hyphen, semi-colon, dash, etc...
Also, why can I get a page with punctuation? I get the green comma, but on the ? background. Mean anything?

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comma hairs... a hair of comma... nope, no luck.

Now trying "Tinea Capitis" and similar, lol.

LOL Edgar! I tried a bunch of words that start with comma. commando comma splice I even tried comanche! Desperately off track at this point. Do the colors matter at all?

Now I'm going to be scratching my head for two reasons. Fear of head fungus (thank you @Edgar) and sheer and utter confusion. :s

I just checked back at nordinho and this was posted:

google what you see first pic, name punctuation mark, color of pic 3. I'm not that good in giving hints but i hope you understand it. Otherwise someone else must do it.

I'm here too and stuck with the comma hair stop. Lol @your name mkganda! I was so sure it was mgkanda I didn't notice you changed it (and that was a month ago!?). I'm paying great attention to details and will be of a great help in this level...

For level 4
google together what you got on two pics

Hint from nordinho:

google what you see first pic, name punctuation mark, color of pic 3

I guess it's purple, am I guessing wrong?

omg i got number 4 onto 5

@bigtank ???

With tineye the picture was called backpurple but not getting anywhere with googling with comma.

used the hint from norhidno. the mark and the colour, but used both pictures

Okay, again with the "both". I have 4a, b, and c. So just the green comma and purple?

I'd wish someone said what do I see...

I'm googling a lot for "comma and purple" which takes me nowhere.

@Edgar lol, right? Me too. The first pic I see is a blue ?.

google: q******* m***, c****, p*****

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@mkganda sry did not see a purple one just the comma. got 5 onto 6 but the bath is nearly run. will be back

Finally on 5. It's bugs.

thank you brynelise!!!

and I'm stuck on 5

is that "question mark, comma purple"? OK, will try...

sry not 6 just an egg for 5 . got a bit giddy there

mkganda, you're right and you even posted the answer.

That did it. Level 5 now.

It's insects what we were looking for in level 4.

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