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Apartment Puzzle Escape Walkthrough

Apartment Puzzle Escape

Apartment Puzzle Escape is another point and click type escape game developed by Gamershood. Your goal is to gather items and solve different puzzles to get out of the room. Good luck and have fun!

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new game!!

seems like stove is color code

I'm here!

found red key on top of fridge

Stove is colour code for blue key cupboard

slider puzzle is driving me insane

And a new game again

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 10:49 AM  

Green key between two chairs in front of window.

TV is clue for yellow key drawer

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 10:52 AM  

i'm going in

Hi all - just joining

So far: green, yellow and blue key
little hook from blue key drawer

well...still cant get slider....

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 10:54 AM  

Blue key between white box thing (lamp?) that has a six sided hole in it and the couch on the floor.

Yellow key on the right lower chair at the dining table.

The food looks kind of good - but I'm hungry.

plant siccors from sudoku, used to get a piece of wood (?)

use allen wrench under cofee table

little...thing..from blue puzzle used on compartment under couch..got wooden piece

I can't get the sudoku to work....

where are the keyholes?

red slider puzzle is a tough one this time

Hi wooden pieces go behind pink key drawer.

Keyholes are right of oven.

I'm out....

very difficult slider

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:03 AM  

stuck with slider puzzle

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:03 AM  

Number puzzle spoiler


Oh - this time the slider cost a lot of time to solve - but got it!

Used burner to get orange key

Oh - think little hook is an imbus key - used under table - now 3 pieces of wood

Still at the slider :(

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:07 AM  

can someone please post his finished slider. maybe i find my mistake by comparing

out - fun game

purpel key from word puzzle (green key drawer)

And out!

Yowzwers!!!!This spinning zigsaw is killing me!!!!!

FINALLY!! got the slider puzzle!!

I will finish this later, i have to leave.

GOOD LUCK everybody !

and out!!

Loading! Link just came up on my Facebook, and some of you are out already *sigh*!

just can't get this slider puzzle this time.

just missing what ever it gives me, orange key and one wooden piece

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:13 AM  

In the sudoku what do the symbols next to the numbers mean? i dont get it.

finally got the red puzzle...whew!

I wish someone could explain to me how to do the Sudoku puzzles. I can get everything else except that and I've never understood them unless you have numbers to start with, so how is it done with the numbers and equations?

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:19 AM  

to everyone who is stuck with the slider:
Once your picture looks "correct" start at the top left and turn every tile four times. this way you will surely find your mistke. mine was in the plants in the lower left corner.

@qzwxecrvtbg if there is a + then the numbers in that section add to the number. If there is a - then subtract, : means divide and X means multiply

and out, that was the hardest slider puzzle for me so far

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:22 AM  

The beast of a slider / spinny puzzle was very frustrating. I use chrome which has a zoom feature. I zoomed in about 3 times It "pixelated" the picture but I was able to see better how the squares fit to one another.

Then I got stuck on the Word puzzle - then remembered there is only one scene that has a word on it and that was it.

I don't recall being in a live game here. It was fun. Thanks to all who contribute here. :)

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:23 AM  

for example 2: means one number devided through the other equals 2

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:25 AM  

thanks jo-ann

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:25 AM  

8+ sum of those three squares must be 8
11+ sum of those four squares must be 11
4x three squares multiplied together to make 4
2: one square divided by the other to make 2
3: one square divided by the other to make 3

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:29 AM  

thanks melody...i kind of thought that but it wasnt coming together for me. its all clear now. the : confused me. thank you both. now its easy ha

Holy crap this picture slide is something else!!!

@qzwxecrvtbg: It's a kakuro and the blocks have to add up to the number in the corner. Your starting points are the single blocks, because they will be only one digit

another fun one - I actually find the sliders very relaxing! But someone should really test the game maker for colorblindness. The back right burner was not yellow!

The solid line envelops the # or group of #'s
The small # in a box is the solution and a sign next to it is how to get the solution
Example....4* and 3 spaces...what #'s from 1-4 can you use to make 4 by multiplying them?
You can do 1*1*4 if both 1's are not on same line...
Another example...2 in a single solid square is 2
The single squares are the first ones you fill in because there is no other possibility!
The final puzzle has to have 1,2,3,4...not duplicated, in each line , horizontal and vertical!

I hope it makes sense to you...It is really easy when you get the basic idea!

if anyone got the slider correct, can they post a pic please? LOL! I honestly cannot see which block is wrong!

@Rachel, try @jess' suggestion above at 11:19

TY @4red3s...I was missing the yellow key....

I remember someone posting how many times to turn each square for the slider. That was the ONLY way I could get that one. I wish someone could do that here. Anyone who's finished it, Pleeeaaasssseeeee?????

Thanx@Zoz! I'll give it a bash!

I'll give it a try @Rachel, but it may take a while!

oops, I meant @Zoe!

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:49 AM  

This one was a bit harder.
Bottom (4th) row you have 2 & 3 so need to place 1 & 4.
Could the 4 go in the last square? Can anything divide to make 3. No, so bottom row is 2 4 3 1
That gives 3rd row X 2 X 3.
2nd column needs 1 & 3. Can 3 go in the 4x square? Are there any numbers that can multiply with 3 to make 4. No, so now we have....
X 3 X X
X 1 X X
X 2 X 3
2 4 3 1
See if you can finish it from there remembering that the numbers 1 - 4 can only appear once in every row or column

Well Nokra, I'm gonna copy and save your directions and see if I can figure out the next one all by my lonesome. I doubt it'll happen but at least I can say I made the effort :) Thanks for the explanation!

OK, top row:
1 2 3 1 0 2 1 3
let me know if you get the pic before i'm done!

And thank you to Melody as well ;)

@Zoe I just ZOOMED my screen to 207% and it helped like a CHARM!!!

I tried Jess' comment - click each square 4 times, but that doesn't work if you have 2 squares in different places wrong. You would only have to have one square wrong for that to work....

@Rachel: I can't zoom...I'm using ie. What are you using?

Chrome. You can usually use IE. In the lower right hand corner there should be a button that says 100%

Just coming in and have gotten as far as yellow and purple keys...have three pieces of wood but don't know where to use them.
Really would appreciate help so as not to scroll through comments..thanks so much!!!

ok, rows 2 and 3 of slider:

0 0 3 3 1 3 2 1
3 1 1 2 3 0 3 2

Where and how do you get the Yellow and Purple keys?

Went back anyway looking for purple and Anja the green key is suduko

Lost with yellow and purple....must be a view we are missing

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 11:59 AM  

Here is the solution for the slider. I hope theres no typo.


zoz....thank you for doing this!!!

@Zoz - what browser do you use? Try the Zoom function! :D

Me too Muse

I have nothing for the couch...no knife...probably in drawer and of course we know the word code that is to come...IF I COULD GET THERE :)

Well Ihaus...let's ransack some rooms :)

@Zoe, did you find the zoom button?

Oh still have not used the sink either

@Jess, that's what I got, too. You're faster!

I am ransacking.. to no avail..lol

I'm looking for the orange key :(

Rachel: I use explorer. There's no percentage place. There's File/Edit/View/Favorites/Tools and Help. No zoom in any of those drop-downs.

Got it...yellow key at table right side on chair

Thanks Jess!!! And thanks zoz for trying! You guys are really incredible and always so much help in all the games!

Nothing in my inventory works on the sink.

Out :) yay

Nevermind, found it in the ice blocks. what was the use of the Alan Key after all that?

Nothing there

@Zoe, I just wish I could do a screen capture post.
Off to the (real) grocery store now!

Thanks Muse.. Don't know how I missed that.. Doh.

That was what was holding me up! Now I'm out!! For some reason I get obsessed with solving those sliders. This one was a killer! The last one was pretty bad, too. But that's the challenge of these games,I guess.

Rachel allen opens under the coffee table

Me neither ... thought I had been everywhere. You know what would be SO cool as an escape game? If the items actually moved and were ruffled by what we did to them lol. New generation maybe....interactive 3d

The allen key was used under the couch for a piece of wood.

lol.. That would be great. I am out now.. Thanks for the help.

@Zoe, do me a favour, in your browser window, click on View and Toolbars, and make sure your Status bar is ticked. The zoom button is on that status bar, at the bottom of your browser window. I PROMISE you it helps like a charm for this darn sliders! My hubby suggested it last week, and I should have remembered!

I mean I know that they do that in some cases but I'm seeing something different. I may just be delusional or I need to learn how to make these, probably not the latter lol.

NP...See you soon :)

Oooooh yes, it was *facepalm* Brain frazzled from the slider puzzle LOL!

Rachel: I think I'll try Chrome for these!

Hopefully we'll catch one at the same time again, and we can remind each other LOL!

PS...You are probably already gone :( but HI ZOZ!!!!!!!!!!!

Things move so fast in these games :)

Rachel: I did what you suggested. Status bar is ticked now, but nothing happens. A grey bar appears at the bottom of my screen with nothing on it, and I still can't zoom. I have a pretty old version of ie, so that may be it.

Hi MUSE - yes these live games are faast and furious!!! People are such a big help, though. I could never do these games if I were on my own!

Gotta get some work done, but thanks everyone!!

@Zoe, it sounds like it, yes. The way to find out which version you have is to click Help > About Internet Explorer. They added the zoom function to IE 8 I think. Could have been later versions of IE 7 as well.

thx for the slider help, had really ad trouble with the 1 before also, alkmar an Full helped alot, rest was easy again.
too bad, the sliders are bad and not very amusing, and at the same time the riddles for the other keys are too easy,
still, nice games

       Anonymous  1/25/11, 12:26 PM  

out finally! thanks muse for the yellow key

only have two wooden pieces for purple key drawer. Where is third. One was under coffee table and one in another drawer. Also where to put dot code from wall behind table?? I am stuck!

@Evans, you need to find the orange key to get the last one

Dot code is with the orange key

Just came back....happy I can sometimes help (rare lol) See you all at the next one. Oh Look at the dots carefully :)

Don't count them

It's farking freeeeeezing in my house, can hardly type, even with the heat on lol. I almost wish I was in one of these rooms instead :(


Rachel: Well....there's my answer. I have IE version 6! (I can't help it - I'm at work. I have Vista at home. I probably can zoom with that. Thanks for your help!

Did you get that Evans...I need to go turn the heat up?

@evans - Hint: Do you like your cocoa hot?

OMG...Evans...heat has nothing to do with it LOL HAHHHAHHAH....Remember Zoz, my last misunderstanding? You were a genius with that but Evans here might never get out of this room :)

You're most welcome, Zoe! :D

It was when I thought she had sold off her baby or something??? I don't remember heat in this game being a factor but from track records I could be wrong

Evan...for Gawds sake! Am I wrong again Zoz lol

@Muse - oh but it does!!! Evans needs to use what he gets with the 4-digit code to make something hot. Then he gets the orange key!

I would never have got out of this room without Jess and zoz - lol !!

And Zoe...don't you get that VERY annoying bar about the add-ons that never goes away no matter what you do? Such a supposed easy fix you would think.
Why don't you use Mozilla?

....and Rachel trying to help me zoom!

Mmmmmm - come cocoa would be nice, with marshmallows ;)

I don't remember making tea or coffee but perhaps since I have put that in my mind???

I don't remember....oooooooooooooooooooh...ahahhaha..too simple for me, no offense Evan. These get easier and easier, almost routine.

@MUSE - absolutly hate that bar...and the add ons. I would think it could be fixed easily. I tried Mozilla once and something was wrong, but that was a while ago. I'll try it again and see how it works. Thanks!!

I would take a place where I can fry an egg on the pavement over hot cocoa on the stove any day...not to be rude....or longing...siiiiigh

So why are you where you are? Why are you doing that to yourself? :-)

Oh Zoz...really. You are FAR too worthy to deal with that crap lol.
Once you have downloaded mozilla firefox I can recommend some great add-ons; not too many, just those that serve our purpose :)

I really only truly rely on a couple. Web of trust is from programmers and the like who take this seriously. It tells you when websites are BAAAAAD before you go to them. :)

@MUSE, I can assure you, living in South Africa, you would tire of the constant, sticky, debilitating heat! It's AWFUL!

But I too have to go back to work and know that I am holding you up because you spoke of your work earlier.
I will hope to see you soon and say goodbye for now.xoox

Oh NO my dear....or sir lol...I watch House Hunters International religiously. One of my FAVORITE places is there. I beg to differ. I have no qualms with humidity...I get along with humidity, I have thick hair :)

@MUSE - that would be VERY helpful!

You should come to NC - the weather does get hot for a few months in the summer, but the rest of the year it is beautiful. Anywhere from 50 deg. F to 80 deg. F for about 9 months of the year!

Besides...in the valley of California it can reach 108 degrees, albeit dry heat.
Surely there are centuries of remedies to combat it...and I've seen the beautiful people and they seem fine to me.

REALLY ZOZ? I believed the climate was much harsher there....like cold most of the time....WHell :)

Bye...me too. Seriously have to get to work (although it's a slow day today)

No...nothing like the northeast!!! It got a little colder this year than most other years, but that's relative..

Me - I'm a WINTER BABY! I LOVE WINTER! Anyway, it's waaaay past bed time here (11:04pm), so G'Night! See you all tomorrow :) PS: I is a Lady ;)

Better than freezin my Tts off here in Northern VA for GAWWWWWWWWWWWWDS sake...and mine (repent) hahh

Goodnight gals....see you at the next one :)!!!!!!!!!!!!

GO TO BED RACHEL...Don't stay up reading...I know you do lol...most of us who play these games probably do. It was nice talking to you both. Rachel you don't come around much because of the time difference but hope to see you again.
Sweet dreams.....................................................................................................................................

Where o where is the purple key?

what's wrong with this guy? It's the 2nd time that I can't make the slider puzzle!
It seems everything is correct, but nothing happens...

just read through the comments I missed, but it seems MUSE kept right on talking to me. @MUSE, I think you meant Zoe all those times you said zoz, lol! All the same, thanks for the compliments, even if Zoe is the one who earned them!

out with no help, but that "slider" was killer. First one I had to zoom my screen for. sheesh!

So instead of just making us go crazy, gamemakers now want us to go blind, too!

@Muse you are in VA, same place Zoz and I live. :)

Step 1 Gather the loose keys
Click the fridge against the left edge of the screen – get the red key
Turn right
Click the nearest right dining room chair – get the yellow key
Click the white speaker thing that is left of the blue couch – get the blue key
Turn right
Click between the 2 chairs under the window – get the green key
Turn around to the kitchen (go either left or right)

Step 2 Use the keys you found
Zoom on the 3 drawers with yellow knobs on the bottom cabinets
Use keys and solve the puzzles (solutions below)
From red drawer, get the torch
From the green drawer, get the grass shears
From the blue drawer, get the Allen wrench
From the yellow drawer, get the purple key
Note the purple key drawer needs 3 things

Step 3 Use the tools
Turn right
Zoom on the table
Use the torch in the cocoa to melt the marshmellows or punch to melt ice or whatever that stuff is– get the orange key
Turn right
Zoom under the coffee table and use the Allen wrench – get the wood piece 1/3
Turn right
Zoom on the plant and use the shears for wood piece 2/3
Turn right

Step 4 Get the black key
turn right
Use the orange key and get the wood piece 3/3
Place the wood pieces in the purple drawer for the black key

Step 5 Escape!
Turn left
Zoom on the door and use the key on the door to leave!

Red Drawer
Open the red drawer and fix the picture by rotating the pieces as needed. If needed, back out and zoom in again to reset the puzzle. Then click as follows (provided by Jess since I am much too lazy to count)

Green drawer
For directions on solving KenKens, try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KenKen. Or enter the solution provided by melody54 (again, I'm too lazy to resolve it on my own)

Blue drawer
Click the stove top and see the colors range from small to large

Yellow drawer
Turn to the door view. Zoom in on the TV on the stand. Read the name SPOILERSAMSUNGSPOILER

Orange drawer
In the dining table view, click the tile under the window. Look carefully to see 4 numbers SPOILER9741SPOILER

I was just here reading that, and cracking up...@Muse is Tooo Cute!
Also , A rather lengthly conversation with @Evans...and he was nowhere to be found!

Really! The comments here are the icing on the cake!

Nice! Thanks for another great game! :)

Nice, these are getting pretty easy, shake them up some! :-)

hav 1 red blu green + yelow key

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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