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Little Kitchen Puzzle Walkthrough

Little Kitchen Puzzle

Little Kitchen Puzzle Escape is another point and click type escape game developed by Gamershood. Your goal is to gather items and solve different puzzles to get out of the room. Good luck and have fun!

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A live on a Sunday! yayyy!

3 keys so far.

slider puzzle not so dificult this time.

Yeah, a live one! Feeling lucky - hello @Nini.

Hi premier.
Sudoku spoiler:


I'm in....

Hi nokra! Missing orange key and sloutuion to purple key.

I'm too late?

3 keys so far

No Anja. Welcome. Got orange key. Now for 2 last puzzles.

Got a spatula, can't use on floor.

Completely stuck with 3 keys (red, green, blue)...

Easy out...

red triangle, can oppener, yellow key

Used it. Got black key. Missing a red square from purple key lock.

Here I am 5:30 in the AM and the temperature is 32C with a top today of 42C. Why not a game cos I cant sleep!!

Where's the door. Got all things.

POP out!!

Happy Sunday!

orange key from can, spatula from orange key riddle

Any questions I'm here to help :)

Three keys and can't do anything with them. Spatula, can - can't pick anything up?

sunshine666 use ur keys on fridge scene. right side of screen click on it.
solve the puzzles to keys more keys and itens. spatula is used on loose tile flower potted flower scene;

OM.. lots of typo on my last comment lol! kept repeating stuff :P

Did anyone else have all the 1's already placed on their sudoku? That was strange.

Can't used spatula on floor tile - what I'm making wrong?

Hmm not getting the coloured number code? is it to do with the tile pattern?
Or is this heat getting to me....

Anja is not the floor tile. That tile u use for 4 dig code. The tile ur looking for is on flowers scene. (zoom in on plant next to window)

Nini xD -Keys not working, I have orange, blue and green keys. Am I missing something?

Michael yep. i.e: 3 black symbols highlighted, 4 yellows, ans so on.

sunshine did u see the locks scene? if so just drop ur keys there.

Thank you Nini!!!

Ahh stupid me. Was doing the reverse!!

Is that the six coloured keyholes next to the fridge? If so nothing happening.

sunshine restart then.

But sunshine after u driop the key on the right keyhole, u have to ckick it again for the puzzle to appear.

Thanks will give it a go.

Wasn't clicking on the key hole, I thought the keys would go into the lock. Will give the suduko a go.

And the black\white puzzle? Something to do with the spatulas hanging on the wall?
Sorry for my slowness but this will be the third day in a row over 40C.

Finally I found the puzzles... feeling really stupid... :-(

Michael zoom in on flowers. Sink scene. Look wall. (not the one next to window)

If u can't solve sudoku use my spoiler ;)

And btw Michael, where are u from? lol... (And I thought my country was hot)

Advice on yellow key please? Haven't had my coffe yet! Only tea!

flurp what's the yellow puzzle? can't remember :D

The one with the 5 letters, alternating red and beige.

Oh! For yellow lock ( look frying pan)..

OK out!! The spatula tile scene was a bit misleading as it looked exactly like a green heart on that plant!! Thought it was a clue for something....
Thanks Nini xD will now go back to melting.... See ya next game.

Oh brother!!! Thanks so much Nini! I love live help.

np guys! See u next time!

       Anonymous  1/30/11, 11:33 AM  

I don't get the yellow keyhole puzzle. Can someone give me a hint?

Help with last coloured number puzzle, cant see hint!

@Becca: What' in the frying pan?

@cartmansis go look at the floor tile next to the table... Will hang around if you need more help.
@Becca Look at the frypan.

@cartmansis: floor tile next to the table - number of each colour marked with pink.

Hi can some one please help me? cant get the last puzzle, the purple key

Thanks Michael - bit obscure wasn't it!

cartmansis sure was!
@bet describe puzzle..

And finally out - after a long time looking for progress (didn't find the puzzles first) quite fast forward, for myself in any case; not yet loaded my avatar: snail :-)

Thanks Premiere :)

it should be numbers- black, yellow, gray and red

@bet: floor tile next to the table - number of each colour marked with pink.

tried counting the tiles on the floor next to the table, but im not doing something right ;(

ok I will try counting again, thank you

@bet: Just count the tiles of each colour only bordered by a pink line.

got it thank you, ok one more help- now have 2 red triangles where do they go please- lol

nvm got- thank you for your help!! and out!!

I didn't feel I solved the sudoku puzzle (or whatever is called) myself with the extra help included in it.
I hope you stop doing that @rotuc team, gamershood (or whatever you're called).

I can't find purple key :(

Can't find spot to use spatula

POP! Nevermind. Out

about spatula: use it in flowers with blue vase near to the window on the left wall when zoom in

Sorry, just got back after driving the kids around. Can someone explain the yellow key puzzle. I feel so dense. I see the frying pan. I see the bacon and eggs, but I can't see how it's relating to the letters and the colors (other than the bacon.)

       Anonymous  1/30/11, 12:12 PM  

any clue on The one with the 5 letters, alternating red and beige

       Anonymous  1/30/11, 12:14 PM  

@flurp: forget the eggs, the colours are those of the bacon, so this is the also the word to write.

Thanks so much premiere. I think I redefine the concept of over thinking. Thank you.

       Anonymous  1/30/11, 12:23 PM  

@flurp: YW - also my problem, searching possible solutions too far...

Hint Through
For this game, you need to find 2 red triangles and a black key to get out.
Along the way, you need to find 6 colored keys.

There are 3 keys just lying around the room, and many clues you need to solve the puzzles.

The first puzzle is finding the colored lockers, in the stove(1st) scene. Click on the red cabinet, between the stove and the down arrow.

The last puzzle is finding the exit (first scene, down arrow).

Drag a key over the matching lock to unlock it, solve the puzzle and get a key or a tool.
All puzzles requiring room hints are fairly clued -- the colors and/or shapes correspond to a room scene.

red - in sink
green - on table (click top plate)
blue - next to microwave
yellow - from solving a puzzle
orange - from using a tool
purple - from using a tool

Puzzle hints/places to use tools:
- Fry pan on stove.
- Coffee maker.
- Open shelves above stove.
- Floor to left of table
- Pink flowers by sink (wall).
- Orange flower by sink.

Warning: on purple puzzle there are 4 numbers - the first is black on a black background so nearly invisible.

To the game-maker:
Black on charcoal or charcoal on black is a BAD combination. As are other subtle color differences. (If I brighten my screen enough to see the difference, everything else is blinding)

I also agree with Edgar on the hints in the number puzzle.

Other than these minor quibbles, another EXCELLENT game, thank you!

thanks for all the helpful hints guys ur amazing...

got everything done except I cant fiqure out the purple key Is that 1230. It doesnt work

nvm finally fiqured it out, got the second triangle and black key

i don't get the four numbers using the purple key. where is the clue. and what's the deal with the floor tile. this one was not as fun.

i figured out the 4 number color code. use the floor tile and count up the shapes that are outlined in pink.


Two eggs side by each and bacon parallel!

enjoyed this game. My biggest problem was seeing what was outlined on the floor shapes.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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