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The Deceit Chronicle Walkthrough

The Deceit Chronicle

The Deceit Chronicle is another brain teaser and challenging riddle game. "Riddlers have to find the answer for each level. Each level has different ways to solve. Everything in level is clues. No spaces, capital letters, and special character in your answer. When you think you know the password, Click on "Password" button then insert your password. If your answer is correct you will see "Level Complete" page. If not, You will see "Access Denied!". Remember the password of all level you solved. You will need to continue your game. On some level you need to use search engine, Click on "Tool Box" button, enter your keyword, choose your tools it will open on another window for you. Don't Cheat. Try to do your best... :)" Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Ellie]

Note: Please don't post exact answers, just post hints for levels!

Update: There are new levels.

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Glad to help @Truus! Now, I'm looking for sonatas, but I don't know who wrote them. The oven clue doesnt help me this far. It doesn't seem to be Mozart.

level 12....it is NOT die! D=O

Thank @Edgar, going through the calendar again. Must've missed one.

For level 15:
"Be the Oven" is an anagram for the sonatas composer you're looking for.

Have to leave for a while. See you later!

ahhhhhhhh....that's a lot of binary!

hmph...have the 4 letters on 13, but no answer

and 17!

@mk...it's an anagram

mkganda, the third one looks like an A but is an R.

Thanks @jon. Maybe I just have the wrong letters. :s

@mkganda, you should get an anagrammed answer for lvl 13. What are your letters?

I had to restart my computer. Thanks for the anagram on 15 @Edgar. Will try now.

@small An R? Oh thank you! That must be it. Such an easy level to be stuck on.

...onto 18

No idea on level 14.
I have the second part of it by adding the L, but that's it?

On 16 now after another 2 restarts on my computer. Beginning to hate this comp.

lol @Mkganda, I just made the same mistake as you did on level 13...

@small-tool, now you have to solve the second part. I posted lots of hints for that. You need something more?

I read about death notes, but where did that come from?
There's nothing in the source is there?

@s-t, there is the DN as level name, then if googling for example L old english font symbol, you see the death note L is written in that font.

@small-tool Death note is a manga series in which the main character is known by the letter "L". Ellie figured that out, I think. Would never have gotten it otherwise.

DN as level name!? My level name is III.

Got lvl 16 pretty easy, just enter it all into a converter such as

@small-tool, III is the name for the second part, but DN was the first, so DN III would be the third death note.

death note: 3

On 15 and struggling a bit. Are we only concerned with piano sonatas b/c in my "complete list" I'm not seeing the right ones, I don't think. :s

lvl 15....be the oven is an anagram of a composer....each sonata is in a key.....

@mkganda, I think I only used pianos, but I googled them one at the time like:
sonatas (the creators name) then the number.

Thanks for all the help but I think I quit.
Can't find the right answer, should be the one with change the world but isn't working.

@small-tool, you need to go back to the first part of lvl 14 to enter your answer.

@S-T...please don't quit, you have the answer...get the red letters from change the world.....anagram!

@jon Yes, that bit I got. It appears that no. 07 was not piano, but violin. That's what I was asking. Stuck at an easy one again, I suppose lol.

Are my letters correct if they can anagram to a kind of coffee without caffeine? LOL...may as well just put them on out there. Oh well, I'll erase it once someone tells me. :P


need to pop out for half-hour...keep working :)

One of my letters was indeed wrong. Moving on.

Ehm @mkanda, I don't know what kind of coffee you mean... the letters are not anagrammed, use them from left to right... spells a word starting in F.

@jon @Ellie Thank you!

@small-tool Don't quit! You do have it right. When you enter the answer it tells you to go back so...go back to the L! Enter it there and move on.

okay 17 loading. I can't believe I'm actually catching up! Have to leave in about 45 mins, though.

Anybody home?? Need a pointer for lvl 5.. Got the capital letters but not clear on what to do...

@Michael You should have 7 letters. What can you make with them?

18 now :)

Hmm only got 6 letters! Will go back and reread the note...

Okay, who's on 18? I'm a little perplexed.

Great @mkganda! I still havent found the alphabet in 18, but doing other things as well... like restarting my computer lol.

@Michael, you might have missed an I, that's what i did first.. there should be 2 I's.

I'm on 18....and cooking so I am distracted! Don't know the alphabet yet, or the relevance of +66

@Ellie lol on the coffee comment, btw. I meant decaf, but one of my letters was wrong. Doesn't matter though b/c I'm drinking tea now. :D

Lol @mkganda, I'm drinkin coffee, but never go for the decaf :D

@Ellie you are right!! Just found it.. One coffee has now flowed down my throat! But what word? Just dont see it so maybe another coffee....

There I was going to kill myself when the answer came to me Lol.

@michael, an anagram solver might help.
This one gave me the correct word:
This game makes you wanna kill yourself, right?

I've checked all alphas on PH and can't find it. And what's with it spreading out when you click on it?

Lol @Michael! Congrats!

No idea yet @mkganda... hoping to find the correct alphabet first and then it will all be very clear :)
A bit distracted here atm though.

@ellie tried an anagram query on google but kept getting french and latin!!!

LOL @Michael! I almost killed myself laughing! :P

the toolbox has links to the software the creator used...

Is it a font? hmm...

I do remember seing that language before, which makes me even a bit more sad about not remembering it!

avatar...Lord of Rings.....exploring many

Coffee must be kicking in!!! got lvl 6 easily...

Lvl7 too easy! Old riddle!!

@jon Clever! Could it be elvish?

Good ideas, but not elvish and not Na'vi. Hmm...

Hmmm lvl 8?? Prime numbers! Oh what joy..

Okay, folks, thanks for helping me catch up. I have to go, but I'll see you all later.

Good luck and please leave hints! :D

See you later @mkganda! This will go on for a while...

@jon, avatar? How did you get lord of the rings? Well, it doesnt help me this far, but thanks!

@Michael, I think I posted a good page for that level before, where you don't have to search a lot, just enter the numbers.

@Ellie did it the hard way but got there!! Thanks..

Isn't that alphabet on 18 Thai?

Oh, It seems to be Thai alphabet!!

Lol @small-tool, you beat me too it. Well, that explains why it was familiar... went there some times, but to my defense it was 14 years ago.

pfff, I struggeled as far as 16....
will call it a night now.
G'night all and good luck!

I thought it were these letters

but probably wrong because the translation I get is;

Dog fight ฒ ฒ i fall.

And no idea at all about the other alphabet.

@s-t I think it should be like this:
but I get Dog ฒ ฒ fall big fight lol.

Pi.... Grr am now at this site!!!

Has anybody found any relevance to the "+66"?

Lol @michael, we posted a better link in the previous comments.

@Michael, I used this site (doesn't contain all numbers, but you'll easily figure out the missing letter for the anagram...):

Dont have the patience. Someone want to give me the answer to lvl 10?

Thanks Jon but got that one.. No patience in looking for the particular numbers of Pi though!!

@Michael, not allowed to give out the answer here, in respect of the game maker... First letter is E... Does that help to make sense with what you have?
Click on my name and e-mail me if you want the answer (your blog doesn't show your e-mail).

@michael, use this site, and it wont take long... you need to for example see 10 digits starting at position... 336. Then you'll see the first digit there is 9. That is your number/letter from 336.


TY @ellie. Missed that link in all the comments.

Might even catch up with you all in a few months??

Did anybody find out what the other alphabet is?

No, @s-t, still trying to translate those letters. I'm getting nowhere though. Now, I used the first letters in the words from the character, like the first one is buffalo=b, but that gave me bopcwpo... no word.

@jon no worries but got it now after going to that other link.. Now trying to read the ... in lvl 11

Catching up? Not!! now lvl 12

Well... +66 is the country phone code to Thailand, so I guess we won't need that anymore.

The other language looks a bit like lao numbers.

Can anyone help me with level 5 please?

Well, the other characters on 18 looks even more like thai numbers lol. I guess thats what we should use.

lvl5: find the BIG letters and anagram...

Got to lvl 14!! Hoorah.

Thank you Jon for your help.

Getting somewhere on 18 finally!! Got 11 letters from the numbers that made a word, and got a clue when entering them... it said "final".

Didn't like this riddle in the first place (with those long loading times), don't know why I came back though, but now I really quit.
Thanks for all the help and good luck with this level and the next levels.
bye, bye.

Just solved level 16. Moving on...

Solved 17 pretty fast. On 18 now...

See you soon in another one, s-t!

Hmm.. Sitting here blankly staring at a very stylish "L" considering the DN... and the red plus sign...

@michael, there are many comments to help on that one. Did you see the post from jon before? Use that L in the url address.

I can't move on from 18 even if i have the word from the letters! I don't know what to do next!
Useful page:
Look at the numbers.

Html!! gotcha...

@Ellie not going to be my day is it?? Have now read all sorts of things re death note and L..

@michael, so you are on the 2nd part now? The level named III?
Then to find the 3rd film for lvl 14, google for "death note L" and go to the wiki page. See the film with the same letter combinations as the X's (s-t told the title somewhere above). USe only the red letters and anagram, then go back to the L- and enter the answer there.

Got it finally!!

Just got lvl 15 now binary...

I still need help for 18! Don't know what to do when I see the word "final". Googling...

Well, level 18 seemed a bit farfetched to me, so I won't mind about spoiling.
There you have it:

Thank you @Edgar!! Finally moving on from that level 18. That was too farfetched for me to get.

@Ellie, I got the first part of 18, your "final" is the second part...
First part (thai script) translates to "dreamer".
Input that and see the first word you get, then add it to your word... ;)

Lvl 16 done onto to 17....

Now lvl 18....

Would never have got it!! On to 19...

Anyone managed to read the morse code?? Or understand the clue for numbers 1..16??

@Michael, I don't understand the morse yet. I thought the number in the source tells us the order to use the comments. I made a drawing where I switched place of them, but dont get good letters from morse.

Still working on it, Michael...

@Edgar...I agree, spoil the awful, head-banging levels!

Yeah bit weird.. Been trying to read morse in "columns" from note but not making sense yet...

16 columns on note... probably relate to page clue.

Ok, solved lvl 19 :)
First, change place with the columns, so that column number 1 is on 4th place, column 2 is on 9th place etc, then look at the red areas in the 4 rows (dots and dashes).
Get 1 letter from 1st row,
2 letters from 2nd row,
1 letter from 3rd row,
1 letter from 4th row.
The answer is a 5 letter word.

Ahhhh! I was close! Never thought of splitting one row! Thanks Ellie!

Level 19... an east one at last!! Onto 20.

Finally an easy level!! Look at for example purple hell for the dancing man for lvl 20.

Hahaha. sorry, meant easy 20 :P
..and onto 21!

Level 21:

Just reverse the alphabets

Got lvl 21 too, another not too hard one. I think the spoiler from Edgar is enough.

I got nothing but gibberish from 19... swapping the columns got me no dashes or dots worth talking about...

LOL lvl 22... soooo 80's!

Lvl 22 easy too. Useful clues in the source code.

My head is spinning!! Told you it is not my day.. Still not getting the morse.

Level 23.
From a Periodic Table, take the first letters from the "front" elements and the second letter from the "back" ones (not the whole names of elements but the 2-letters abbreviations)

Thanks for the help on 23 @Edgar! I didn't use the abbreviations, but the whole words for the elements, and that gave me nothing.

@jon and @michael, use the red areas after you switched columns, the first row has
dot dot dot dash
Are you sure you used column number 1 on 4th, column 2 on 9th place column 3 on 14th place and so on?
It's NOT column 1 on 6th, column 2 on 11th column 3 on 16th etc.

This is what I did to solve level 19 with the morse. Re-arranging the columns they should look like this.

Notice the top row is dash-dot-dash-dot.
Beware on 2nd row, it's 2 letters in it.

I'm sorry @jon, missed your post before.

Argh! I'm so sorry! I posted the wrong help.
It's DASH DOT DASH DOT on first row!!
That makes letter C.

@edgar TY the answer is about right I reckon.

Brute-forced level 19 after almost getting it.
Not happy, but will persevere. Thanks Ellie and Edgar.

YW jon.

Now for level 24:

Its was kind of nice to re-play a game I really liked when it was newly out :)

For lvl 24 I didn't play the game again since I never liked it very much but I googled
doodle god game together with different combinations I needed. However, it took me some time because there is one parenthesis too little. There should be an extra ) at the end. The last thing you do is to add the first earth.

So what 1984 song around that time of year? Lost in the past....

@Michael: Last Christmas, I gave you my...

Actually, just googling for Last Christmas song helps a lot.

Maybe a clue to length of answer??

Snigger was thinking ABBA and eurovision..

For level 25:

Get the 4 countries first and get 2-letter codes from them. Anagram your 8 letters... and onto level 25-second part??

Well, on 25B I can draw lines and get a W... not sure what to do. 33 didn't help (23-5+15).

Argh!! Completely clueless on 25-B.

Have to be away for a while. See you later!

Think I can get all the flags?? Not.

Ok, went to have a look here again and saw your post @Michael. Which flags do you have? Use a HEX/RGB converter, for example http://easycalculation.com/color-coder.php
Then, google for "flag and the colors you find for each flag and look at pictures to find the countries.

For the colours on level 25 I used this site:

Stuck at second part too, but going to bed now... Good luck all, see you tomorrow!

Ah, last minute help, for the flags I used this site:

BTW... the long sequences of numbers among the flags translates to letters, like:
31512015611813 is
3,15,1,20,15,6,11,8,13 or...
coat of arm

The other two number sequences translates to EMBLEM and CCTLD = country code top level domain (the way to solve the level).

OK then... quitting momentarily on 25-B.
Have a nice rest @jon!

Getting the second country was the trickiest!! But did it... Now what do we have?

@edgar...nice to play with you :)

still on level 25

@sphinx arent we all!! Im starting to think those numbers might have to be laid on a map of say USA or Canada? Only because of the flags in part A of lvl 25
But dont understand the numbers....

Hmmm you type the first password again and get booted back to start of lvl 25?? Thought might have to replace last letter of password with "O" but no go....

Just another thought... Hope it not some sort of star map....

Hi all. back again and trying to catch up, but not getting lvl 13.
Got 4 letters but no go? No anagram and no chronicle order..
Help please

Ok got lvl 13. didnt´t saw that obvious anagram of the 4 letters..

In the source on 25 is 'dante' so on 25-b it probably has to do with the 9 circles of hell and because of the picture it's probably about the 5th one (anger), but with -5 +15 (-e +o so angor) I don't get an anagram that is the right answer.

Because of the previous answer it's probably not hell but heaven but then the 5th circle is mars or faith and that doesn't work either.

Nvm. on 26 now. The -5 +15 is only an extra hint, you don't use it.

Good morning! Just a quick gripe, I don't want to deal with 24 at all, but I will. What's the first combo?

Can't find 26. Different sites give different names for the fears and all the combinations with the first letters I tried doesn't give an anagram that works as an answer.

mkganda, there isn't a real 'first' combo. You have to do all the combinations according to the ( and ).

@small-tool I guess I realized that, but am a bit confused. It seems I should need earth + (swamp + egg)? :s

You have to write it down very carefully with all the ( and (( and (((.
But anyway in the end you get b...t

lol...I got it. Was actually kind of fun once I submitted to going and playing the game. Thanks.

25 is flashing too fast! I'll get it though.

Finally on 27.

Sorry but i don´t get lvl 19, the morse thing. After rearranging the columns i have the same pattern as the posted image.
Are black the dots and red the dashes? And where to cut the row to get 2 characters?

Horst K.
The text is red so it's only about the red ones, those are the dots 'and' the dashes.

@Horst K. Reds are dots/dashes and 2nd row is 2 letters.

2nd row .-. .-

Hope that helps. :)

I officially HATE 25. I need to get past it so I can have fun again. I'm not even in a bad mood, but the flashing is a headache.

Have to go now.
'Maybe' (still hate this game) back later.

I could post the countries, don't know if that's allowed?

Thanks for the hint! will try that later, but it seems clearer now..
See you later!

Thanks small. I think I have 1 3 and 4


Could you tell me if those are right and give me a hint on #2?

Yep that's right;
and two is Sl.....a

@small-tool thank you! I have them all then. :D
Come back later!

K, on 26 finally. :)

anyone around that can help on 26? I think I got them all (home is questionable). Not getting the right letters though?

don´t get lvl 20. any hints?

anyone here? 1:40pm, 18th Feb (UK)

@Horst K. Go to purple hell! :)


Scroll down to "codes and ciphers" and click on "dancing man code". It has an easy translator, then anagram. :)

yes jon, i am, but no help for you. still searching for a hint on lvl 20.

Hi @jon! I'm here and struggling on 26.

THX mkganda! Never heard about a "dancing man " code.

You're very welcome. Keep that site in your bookmarks, it's a very handy riddle helper. :)

Now hurry up and figure out 26 for me! :P

@jon you still here?

lvl 20 was a dancing man cipher.....

trying to get 25...apparently there was a clue in source, but it has been removed....

For 26 there are more than one possibility for some. I thought I'd try strictly wiki since it's in the toolbox, but some of them aren't there. :s

Jon the clue is still there;

5th circle is anger...but not the answer...

@jon the clue in the source was a name. D***e
The answer to the first part was one of his works. If you go to the wiki you'll get the meaning of 25b.
What you want is what #5 is.

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