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Escape Habitacion 44 Walkthrough

Escape Habitacion 44

Escape Habitacion 44 is a new point and click type escape the room game created by Anim640 for 1001arcade.com. You are trapped in a room and you need to find objects and clues in order to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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Ahh got here first!!!!

lets try it

and so we meet again!!

hey! so far I have a hammer(used), wrench, two papers and some clues

so far only a coin

Lots of clues....

Hammer?? where?

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:15 AM  

Wow a live game. Going in.

Coin? I got a hammer and a scrap of paper.

note from wall but can't read it

coin on floor next to pc

where is hammer?

I think hammer was in one of the drawers (1st view)

oh no... too busy trying to give rabbit power potion. Catching up

hammer is in top drawer in first scene - use on cracked wall there

pop got it - click drawers twice

can't find a coin there. only a cube which I can't pick up

now my mouse clue is stuck on the screen and wont go away again

So what to do with spanner, coin and paper? And all the other clues!

coin on right side of pc

coin is on right side of computer table...not diggin this one

what is a spanner??? Do you meant the wrench?

code under paper taped to table translated 5627 but didnt work on box

if something is stuck on your screen, just zoom it again and close it

Hi all I do like it when I get a spanner and a hammer straight away!

@James you looked at PC? Thought that might be the order for those numbers but doesnt work.

I can drop coin into can next to lamp, but get it back unchanged..

ty miller - i ev. got it off again

stuck with 2 clues, wrench and coin

there's another code/symbol on top right corner of desk where hammer came from, a magnifier appears

@SwissMiss Try to click again the paper in the inventory and then click the x in the closeup.
Sorry for my english.

Where did you get other clue, swiss?

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:25 AM  

thanks for the coin hint. going to look for it.

looks like translation is 7526

coin in cup and then zoom on it for another clue. don't know if the clue was visible before...

Hello! Still live? Loading now!

aha...here you are! I was looking for all endings in the other game...didnt saw this new one...lol

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:28 AM  

Was hoping that coin date would work on safe. but nooooo.

got a note with spider on it ...scarry :D

Date doesnt work upside down either (looking at arrow on coin). Must be 3 other pieces of paper I reckon.

Hiya Alkmar!! :D

graham - one hint behind wall -use hammer, one under desk

what an odd looking game so far!

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:30 AM  

think you have to translate coin date to symbols on chart?

anyone speaks spanish? what does the headling of sheet left of pc say?

graham below table - not desk

what's with the pacman thing on the PC screen?

the spiders on the cube are not facing the same way as that on the note - upside down numbers or different order?

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:32 AM  

any one use spanner yet?

oh - didn't see that view under desk - thx SwissMiss!

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:33 AM  

@Miller, that won't work for me, have got 2nd bit of paper stuck and can't get rid of it by any means. Going to restart.

I thought spider clue comebined with sheet would open the safe, but no...(tried 7526 and 7256)

Oh late as usual

I haven't found a thing yet! And I don't know ANY Spanish :(

I cannot zoom into cup with or without the coin?

@MaryD: just make sure the 2nd paper is highlighted in upper right corner and zoom again and then click the red x

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:36 AM  

only view of under desk I get is one with cube and one with coin. Is there another one? trying to find 2nd paper.

3rd clue under table with lamp

Woo Hoo! a Hammer and a coin! Now where to use them!!

Was anyone able to take the spider clue? I couldn't grab it.

@Madde, you are never to late!! and very welcome!!

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:39 AM  

Thanks, @Miller - that worked for me a couple of times, but then the red x vanished completely!

the clue under table would be (according to sheet) 5627 and the spider clue would be 7526. maybe comebine them?

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:39 AM  

Crap paper clue stuck on screen. cant make it go away.

Hmmm 7265 again in different order!

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:40 AM  

Alice - under the little round table, not the pc desk.

Ok, I opened something, but what?! I put the coin in the cup and heard something open. And *shiver* I found the spider!

what is this with clue on cup?? have not got that

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:41 AM  

@Swiss Miss - zoom the coin, I think, after you have dropped it in the cup and taken it again. It cleans it up.

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:42 AM  

I KEEP hitting 'more games' instead of the down arrow :o((.

tried all combinations with 7,5,2,6 but no luck

@MaryD Think it actually a moneybox as I am fairly certain the number was on the coin before dropping.

My paper frooze at screen. Have to restart

@Swiss Miss, I put the coin into the cup, and heard something, but don't know what.

is this a click click click type game . because so far i clicked everywhere and havent found a hammer or any of what uve found

ty MaryD - is that all? 1989 or 1969?

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:44 AM  

You may be right, @Micahel. I'm baffled here LOL. I have paper No.II, paper No. III, coin and spanner. Where is that spider? Anyone used the spanner yet?

@Madde DON'T restart!! It did it to me too, just reselect it in the inventory and click the item's "X" to close it.

anyone know what it says on the mouses butt

People!! attention!! if the paper frozen: click again in your inventory at the paper..and than at the circle with paper..than there is the red X to remove the paper...

From 2 scraps of paper looks like coin is third step and mouse (0011100) is the second step. Mouse is probably computer?

@MaryD, the spider is in the view with the drawers, just at the top right under the "lip". And you've got everything that I've got and I'm now stumped.

pop found the hammer and something that appears to look like a wrench

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:47 AM  

Hmmm.. you can keep dropping the coin into the cup, sometimes it 'kerchings' and sometimes it doesn't. And sometimes it comes back with 1989 and sometimes 1969.

GL everyone! Be back in a few - just got to fetch the hubby from work.

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:48 AM  

No, I think I made that up about the dates changing! LOL

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:48 AM  

Thanks MaryD!

click the mouse and you get a little figure - but can't make sense of the pattern

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:49 AM  

Thank you (I think!) Rachel!

I think we are missing something somewhere

click what mouse? the one one the paper clue?

me no likey this game. ill pass

sorry just back from phonecall - I think wrench might be the American word for spanner

copy pc pattern it makes an "x"..?

@miller the one next to the PC.

No miller, the computer mouse.

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:52 AM  

The spider note numbers aren't on the chart. I'm getting nowhere...

The mousse from pc, miller..it gave a figure on the pcscreen

Intro translation:
After many months of receiving phone threats, they finally kidnap you.
Now you are locked, in a building's room and you have to find a way to escape.

Wall note headline translation:
Thousand ways to express the same

thanks. never saw that.

I have tried using the patter from the computer screen with the spider clue - still nothing.

spider symbols are the mayan

Hi i am late as well and now i had to start over, paper stuck in the middle of the screen...

clue under table is 7526 (from top left to bottom right)

clue from spider is 5626 (dito directions)

do we need more clues?

* sorry - that is 5627 in the speder clue

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 6:57 AM  

D'oh thank you, @James. Missed that line completely!

I'm totally stuck so I'll leave now and come back when all you clever people have solved it

The code is:

I opened the 4 digit code and got 3 paper!

Thx for the code, but how did you find it ?

So here a quick summary of what we've got so far:

1. A hammer, used and gone
2. A wrench or spanner
3. a note with a mouse and a roman II
4. A note with a cube (?) and a roman III
5. A hint beside drawer that says
7 5
2 6
6. A hint under table that says
5 6
2 7
7. A coin that goes into the can on the table and does what??
8. A hint on the computer that forms something like a X

Now i put the papers together to one sheet.

clue is the little cube next to PC:
From spider clue: top left and botom right;
from table clue bottom left and top right

How did you get that?

@Андрей How??
Now all my three papers are stuck at screen and it doesn´t help highlight and close again.

put papers together now

thanks for code!! @Андрей , but how did you figure that out/

@Андрей: how?

And when i zoom out a piece of paper is stuck again on screen. This is buggy !!!

Thanks @Horst@@@ that simple@@ rofll..why we didnt think about that .lololol

I also have full paper in inventory and one piece stuck to screen - very annoying

clever find @AH....

Well done for code - you can combine all three papers by magnifying each in turn on the same screen. can't read mouse bum, of whatever by what looks like a light bulb. so, spanner on a light?

Well ok, i quit thisone, i won´t start over a thrid time....

@zazie...to happends the same!! and cant highlight it anymore...buggyy!!

now I see. thanks horst. but now what?

I turned on the hanging lamp and then the coin in the can and now I have a key.


Open the light up from pc!!!!!

I give up on this too - too buggy

I've got 2 bits of paper stuck!

And the key goes on the door and out.

Yes with the stuck paper you cannot do things anymore, therefore i quit :( Maybe there is another game soon.

@small-tool: how??

@swissmiss same as you!! Dont open paper just click on them in inventory! Will start again cos cant use the old trick!

click on light over pc - I had a spanner and light now on

lol even with a complete note i am stuck. It seems we have to switch on the light on desk?

Just clicked the grey lamp in the pc view (maybe with wrench) And I think the order of the paper. So pc-mouse-lamp-coin.

Do lamp in PC scene...

how to open the light/hood?

My lamp shine for a while but now it´s black again and I have one of the paper pieces at screen but also have the whole paper...

Michael, you don't have to start over. The paper is just in the screen, but you can do all you want.

Now I get a key. I´m out

Finally! That worked

I give up!!

and out :))

@smalltool I couldnt click the mouse so I was screwed!

clicking; mouse then lamp then coin in can should work.

I don't see a lamp on the pc screen???

OUT - do the paper actions in sequence and this time coin in can gives a key!

@smalltool...if the paper is in the screen...( and you got all 3) you cant click the mousse anymore, or to drop coin in box . I did have the same..I was only able to turn the lamp on

ok, I got the light on, but what now? won't give me a key...

@ Graham, it is the hanginglamp up from pc

When you had the complete paper. Just click at pc mouse, then the lamp in ceiling in same room. After that go to the table and put cion in pot and you´ll get a key for door

graham, lamp is the grey one hanging down

@ miller, click mousse from pc...and than the coin in box on the table

Ah I see alkmar and Michael. I only had a little piece of paper in my screen, not the whole paper.

got it now. thanks! but I must say I didn't really like this game...

not cion..coin

Very strange game - I thought those were vents in all the rooms, not lamps.

I want to thanks AH and Horst for the code and clue..and thank you all for play together!! see you ;)

Yep @ small..once you get the whole paper ready..and there is still a piece of paper in screen..you cant get rit of it anymore..and you hade to start all over :))

hey...but I clicked first: lamp than mousse and than coin thing..but I see you all have clicked mousse first?

@alkmar and @smalltool I had one of the pieces stuck at screen and I was out without problem

@madde...that's great!! it seems we have all different probs with this game ;-)

Madde, the same for me, only a little piece of paper and that was no problem.

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 7:23 AM  

Sequence from PC: Upper Left, Lower Right, Lower Left, Upper Right
Cube with spider: Spiders Upper Left and Lower Rigth
Paper with Spider on it: Gives UL 7 and LR 6
Clue on table gives: LL 2 and UR 6
So it is 7 6 2 6

Can it be?

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 7:36 AM  

clicked on the lamp and then on the cup and got a key

       Anonymous  2/3/11, 7:37 AM  

and out now; strange game and buggy

Good grief! What a mission of a game! And BUGGY of NOTE! Had to restart when the darn paper stuck to me screen! At least I'm out now thanx to all the fantastic posts!!

how do we open the PC?

OK, Ive tried to solve w/o combining the paper pieces. Thats why it wasnt working. and now I cannot see the PC... great...

I had the lamp on but I turned around (without putting the coin in) and it went off -- and now I can't turn it on again. Not impressed by this one.

Not my favorite game. Thanks for the helpful comments so I could get out.

Click an item in your inventory. When one is selected, its image will appear in the circle at the upper right corner of the game screen. If you click on that image in the circle, it will open the about item view. To close the view, click the red X in the about item view. NOTE! There is a bug that sometimes keeps the about item view open even after you click the red X. You can often fix this by clicking on the same item and opening a new about item view of the object. It will usually give you a red X to click after a few tries

Oh no! You've been kidnapped and need to escape!
Zoom on the crooked wooden chest
Open the top left drawer and then click inside – get the spanner/wrench
Open the top right one and click inside for the hammer
While zoomed in on the chest, click just under the top right corner of the chest (a magnifying glass will appear when you can click)
Eek! A spider! And a clue
Back up
Hit the cracked wall with the hammer (you have the hammer selected when you see it in the circle at the upper right of the game screen) – get paper clue 1/3
Turn left
Note the box on the left side of the shelf needs a 4-digit code
Turn left
Click the floor just to the right of the computer desk leg
Get the coin
Click the cube to the left of the compute desk to see a hint
Turn left
Note you can put your coin in the can on the little table, but nothing happens yet
Click under the little table's top to zoom in
Get the paper clue 2/3 and see a hint
Turn right
Zoom on the box
Drag your cursor over the 0000 and use your keyboard to type in the new numbers
If you have it right, the game will back you up and the box will be open on the shelf
Click to get the paper piece 3/3 from the box
Click all 3 pieces in your inventory to piece them together (click the left piece and the middle. Then click the last piece and then the partial paper)
Click the paper in you inventory and then click its image in the circle at the upper right corner
This opens the about item view
See the hint about a light bulb, mouse, and coin.
Turn left
Use the wrench on the lamp (black lampshade) in this view
Now click the mouse of the computer
turn left
Put the coin in the can and get the key
Turn left
Use the key to escape!

Solution to the box code (thanks to @Андрей and @Horst K)
The spider paper has dots and lines: dots are 1s and lines are 5s. This means a dot and a line are 1+5=6. So the spider paper is:

The marks under the left side of the table are similar. The lines are 1s and the bent lines are 5s. So the
numbers for this clue would be:

The cube by the desk has a spider in the upper left and bottom right. The blank ones are for the table numbers. So take the top left and bottom right numbers from the spider clue and the upper right and bottom left numbers from the table.
Reading from left to right in the top and then bottom rows, the numbers are SPOILER7626SPOILER

I have a gripe. 3 times now while turning right it reloaded the page. I'm over it. :s

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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