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Escape the Room No 9 - Spring Walkthrough

Escape the Room No 9 - Spring

Escape the Room No9 - Spring is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game by Suzunari. In this escape game you must search for items, solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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       Anonymous  3/21/11, 1:37 AM  

Link takes forever to load...

Lets look…

Have cloud card and snowman card, stuck

remote in vent behind plant, need screwdriver, numbers on bottom of right couch cushion. buttons on lamp but no idea what they do... forced the numbers on the 2 digit box to get 25 which is where I got the snowman card... not looking forward to it if I have to force the 4 digit ones, that's a lot of numbers lol

blue and pink squares behind books on shelf, not sure why though

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 1:51 AM  

What is this sofa number code for? Still missing 2 digit and 4 letter code

Press the lamp buttons as the hint from books on shelf for a 3 digit number code

wait, maybe numbers on book have to do with pressing the lamp buttons!

used the numbers on safe by door and got a small stool

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 1:52 AM  

Book clue for buttons on lamp (gives 3 digit code for safe)

pop, pink blue blue pink pink blue got code from lamp used on stand alone cabinet by door to get stool

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 1:55 AM  

Can move picture and flower, why?

sofa numbers - click the picture corners in door view

Have two pics (umbrella and face), a closed box with 4-number code and stuck with a box under the bear.

I think the weather channel on tv is a hint for the cloud card but don't understand japanese :S

The cloud cards goes on the chest from 4-digit code, need three more cards though

Need one more card from beaver box (I think it is there).

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 1:59 AM  

NEWS is probably the order for the picture, I'd guess. (north east west south). Rain sun cloud snow

I don't understand the hint for the picture. DO we click one corner 35 times and so on?

need one more card, have umbrella, cloud, and snowman.

anyone figured out 2-digit code yet?

Gem, no it's

1,2 6

4 3,5
seperate them and then hit in order

@gemesis23: oh, no! You need only 6 clicks. First is upper left corner and so on. :-)

2 digit is 25

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 2:02 AM  

@gemesis23 no, first click upper left, again, lower right, lower left, lower right and upper right.

click upper left twice then lower right then lower left .....

just need the take me box, sure that's where the last card will be

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 2:02 AM  

Why is the two digit code 25? And what is the four letter code?

Oh duh, I get it now. I was looking at is as a whole number instead of two separate numbers. LOL

gemesis, imagine the painting with numbered corners, like upper left corner is 1, upper right corner is 2 down left 3 and down right 4. Just press 1 first then 2 and so on.

I forced the 2 digit code so no idea why it is what it is.

Where is the clue for 2-digit number, I read your comment Randomuser and saw it was 25 but where is the hint?

the clue is on the box- red "lock" 2/5

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 2:07 AM  

@lina.niklasson84 I have no idea, I am asking me that as well

Stuck with box under bear. I noticed the handle doesn't move with random words, but when you put "take", the handle moves. I am assuming we need to do "take" then click handle, then another word and handle again.

@randomuser, you can read a red 2 and a red 5 on the little chest

not "bear" "home" or "lock"

my handle moves on all words

the red sign on the chest

not "free" either

aha, ok, didn't notice that and can't zoom in on it again but glad you did :)
Sooo... what could the 4 letters be... tried BEAR, TAKE, GRAB but nothing so far

can anybody zoom on the left cupboard under the tv ?

or "rays"

Hmm, mine only moves when I put "take".

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 2:12 AM  

Not "safe", "bear" nor "note"

Same here, only with "take"...

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 2:14 AM  

@ian9stalker wasn't that the place we put the color code in?

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 2:17 AM  


i looked at the TV again and the lady has a necklace with a heart in it, I put LOVE in the box and the handle moved, so I suppose it has something to do with TAKE and LOVE

yes, you're probably right

need code for beaver toy

mine also moves with "move" or "more"…

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 2:21 AM  

Handle only moves if the last letter is "E".

… or any other combination of four letters

Ok, put ROSE (from tv girls shirt) and the handle moved again, LOVE, TAKE and ROSE makes it move, any ideas?

Aha, ok... sorry if I confused you all :) Thought I was on the right track, LOL!

yes ! right again
shame on me

perhaps the handle moves when at least one letter is right
will try this with the others

When looking TV we see 6 color numbers. We used only 4 of them. Green 4 and lylac 1 havn't been used.

tried every letter for the first one and no one is working

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 2:28 AM  

@ian9stalker No, it doesn't (tried this already)


       Anonymous  3/21/11, 2:29 AM  

Still: why does the flower (in book view) move?

Hello - I have caught up with you and also stuck on 4-letter word

this is frustrating, language barrier; does anyone know what it says on the tv?

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 2:31 AM  

and out... why "KEME"???

@ceko, nicely done....but why keme?

thank you so much ceko! got the last card

I don`t know, i even not speek good english, just try last letters from TAKE ME

And out.

I name in «japanese logic» and cannot understand at all. :-)

I cant even get the logic of the cards - the order of the TV does not work


letters NEWS from the TV

somebody guessed earlier that the order was given by "NEWS" : North, East, West and South; then look at the Japan map

thanks Megi

and ian9..

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dropping a star for keme, but good game otherwise.

       Anonymous  3/21/11, 11:04 AM  

This was a really good game. 5 stars from me.

For the cards i just put them in the order seasons appear during the year. spring rainy, summer sunny, autumn cloudy, winter snowy ;)

This comment has been removed by the author.



- Click the right cushion of the couch and see the PICTUE CORNERS HINT.

- Zoom in on the books and click them all one by one and see the PINK and BLUE HINT. (what color is behind what book number).
- Click the plant and take the AUTUMN CARD.

- Zoom in on the teddy bear / beaver!? safe. No idea why but the code to open it is the last four letters of take me so it is KEME. Open it and take the SUN CARD.
- Zoom in on the safe on the right and see the hint to open it is already there, the handle is in the shape of 25. So put it in, open it and take the WINTER CARD.

- Zoom in on the picture and click the corners of the picture according to the hint. 12 was top left in the hint. Read it like step 1 and step 2. On the bottom right was 35 so that's step 3 and step 5 etc.
So this is the order to click (TL= top left, BR= bottom right etc.);
TL, TL, BR, BL, BR, TR and the pictures comes down. Take the SPRING CARD.

- Zoom in on the lamp on the table and see it has a pink and blue button. We found a pink and blue hint so click p-b-b-p-p-b and the lamp goes on and you see 507.

- Zoom in on the safe and put in that number and open it and take the STOOL.
- GO RIGHT (2x).

- Put the stool in front of the big window and pull the curtains down and see the COLORS HINT (cyan-yellow-light green).

- Zoom in on the left drawer, put in those colors, open the drawer and take the SCREWDRIVER.
- GO RIGHT (2x).

- Click the plant, zoom in on the little vent in the corner and use the screwdriver on it. Take the REMOTE.
- GO RIGHT (2x).

- Zoom in in the tv and use the remote on it and see the NUMBERS HINT and the CARDS ORDER HINT.
- Zoom in on the right drawer and use the numbers from the tv according to the colors (3520) and take the CARD BOX.
- About item the card box and put the cards in according to the hint (NEWS was on the tv and that is North, East, West and South. North on the map was spring, east was summer, west was autumn and south was winter and that's the order). Open the box and take the KEY.

- Use the key on the door and you're out.

boo! Excellent game up to the take me box. I had to cheat for the solution to that one.

japanese word for beaver is TANUKI. Is it related to put out TA from TAKE ME? No idea

working link


Another working link - http://suzunari223.web.fc2.com/game/index.html

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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